The way people see me
How they judge who I am
I know they think I’m perfect
Because I never complain
That’s my daily issue
Keep that smile in my face
Wear a mask they can’t see
Let’s pretend I’m okay
I better don’t higher my voice
Oh no! They would be scare
And you don’t want that
You’re perfect... do you understand?
If I’m talking, they don’t listen
If they’re talking, well... answer them
Because you need to be stronger
Not for you, only for them
Their wants, their needs, their care.
Don’t exist, but keep living
Smile, walk, talk... pretend.
I can do it. I know I can.
So, I’ll keep on moving
Trying to fit inside their head
But knowing that I’m imperfect
It’s my real treasure yet.
For when I try to say a comment and people prefer to look at their phone. Just perfect.