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 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Empty pockets
Gather dust
And children’s toys
And other stuff

I reach inside
And never know
What will come  up
And what will grow

Turned inside out
The pockets reveal
A history
The things we steal

Many things that gather
And find their way
Inside my pocket
It’s all okay

One day I think
I’ll write a book
Of pocket stories
Will take a look

A Herstory
A gathering docket
Of all the stuff
Inside my pocket
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Do you ever wonder
Who you are
Or where
You have come from
Do you sometimes feel
Like an alien
I do
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Half of me is gone
It just walked out the door
And I know
Deep within my heart
I know
That it will come back
Until then
Am only
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Running running
So hard to keep  up
With life
Ever going
Always doing
This way and that
Filling in gaps
Busy schedule
Have to go
Have to do
Have to
And smell
The roses
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Writing poetry
Can be so much fun
Words on a page
Expressing unknown
Deep within us
Many times
I don’t even know
Where the words are coming from
Like, they just are
Set deep within me
Rising to the surface
To share
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
I always thought
That life was real
And now I realize
That we’re all just playing a game
Of Hide and Seek

When will I learn
To just play the game
And not get involved
In the outcome?
Or, am I supposed to feel
And connect, and become a part of
The evolution
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
Sometimes words come easily to me
And sometimes not
Sometimes I forget to take the time
And others, not

Poetry, as an expression of life
Makes pictures out of words
And takes our minds soaring
To new heights
Of understanding
So today
I put pen to paper
And fingers to keyboards
I will write
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
What is it
That I find
Inside of myself
As I search
For the
Meaning of life
What emptiness
Evades me
And creates the illusion
Of true happiness
I know
That somewhere
Deep inside of myself
That there exists
A true joy
An authentic
I just have to find it
Amongst all the other
 Jan 2022 Anna-Marie Rose
You know we’re not the only ones
Who have a need today
There are some who go days hungry
And have no place to stay
There are some who wander across the land
Looking for food and space
There are some who don’t know where to live
Who look for aid and Grace
There are some who don’t know what to do
To make the hurt go away
There are some who reach out with empty hands
Who have never had a chance to pray
So those of you who know their place
Who’s bellies are full and  hearts embrace
Reach out to those who know not what
Reach out and help from heart and gut
Remember that in this Earth of ours
One shouldn’t be alone or left to starve
Reach out and help reach out with heart
Reach out and give right from the start
And know that you were never alone
In giving you have now reached out and grown
Listening to music
like oxygen through the veins
To the depth of the mind
Puts a smile on the face
Or tears in the eyes
Sometimes both.
Makes you move, makes you swing.
Makes you silent, makes you think.
All kinds of feelings
Connects all kinds of people
All over the world
It makes life worth living.

The importance of music in life
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