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3.2k · Jun 2018
Emily Jun 2018
All the thoughts are still there
Every memory
Every emotion
Every feeling

The doctors watered it down
The pills melted like the ice in my tea

And I'm left here
Feeling lifeless and dull
Uncomfortably numb
263 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
I set my boundaries
I built my walls

But you showed up with cannons

And I crumbled into the rock and sand
Where you took my body
Where you shattered any hope
I had left
203 · Jun 2018
One Day
Emily Jun 2018
I hope one day I can trust you
That I can break down these walls

I hope one day I can truly share my love
And accept the love I've refused to recieve

I hope one day I will believe
That I am not a burden to you

That I'm not a burden to anyone

One day
191 · Jun 2018
To The Ones I Left Behind
Emily Jun 2018
Thank you for getting me here
For guiding me when I was lost
For looking out for me
For being there for me

Thank you for your endless support

I'm sorry I pushed you away
Or let you drift away

I'm sorry I left you

But I promise you
That you are not forgotten
Or taken for granted
To the friends who were nothing but kind to me and in the end I ruined it
179 · Jun 2018
Emily Jun 2018
You thought you had me
You ******* had me
All of a sudden I saw the end

But I screamed


The real me
The person you attacked
And smothered
And engulfed
The person you swallowed whole

You'd been ******* the life out of me
To the point where I thought you had become me

But you are not me

And now I know you
And I will fight you
And I will destroy you

Because I am a ******* warrior
And I am not throwing my sword down now
160 · Jun 2018
Emily Jun 2018
I don't know how you can walk by me
Every single day
Say hello and offer food from the fridge

And act like you did nothing wrong

How you feel no guilt
And deny that you did anything wrong

I know I was a mess
I wasn't the best person to take care of
But you were a monster

Stop pretending as if you weren't

— The End —