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Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
We are spirits, simply floating through time
Searching for a purpose;
A beat and a rhyme
For these are our only sources of agony
Yet through destructive imagination, we have created more problems for us to endure
Why must we do this?
Minds so great, creating things so dark
Making life more difficult for all, not just us
Selfish intentions, greedy ambitions, and unfathomable destruction
This is the dream we have turned into reality
Paradise lost, for we are no longer looking
Perhaps one day we will gracefully pass through time once again
For now we must first find our footing
Never give up;
Never stop looking
Kyle Janisch May 2016
As I fly high in the sky
Above the clouds
I see them swell with emotion;
And the sky begins to cry
Covering the ground in joy
The people below begin to look up
As they see the tears above
Leaking onto their minds
They slowly come out of hiding;
And they too begin to cry
Now providing the earth below with the joy;
That had been bestowed upon them
They soon begin to join me in the sky
As we continue our quest
To spread our joy across universe
Kyle Janisch Mar 2016
I hate this sadness inside me
I wish that it would go
But I realize that if it no longer resides inside me
I will no longer feel whole
It’s sadness that makes me, me
I hate that this is true
I don’t want it
But I need it
For me to be me
How long must I endure such punishment?
I just wish to be free
Kyle Janisch May 2018
We're adventurous beings
Willing to explore anything
Except ourselves
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
As the flowers bloom
My mind, once filled with doom and gloom
Begins to expand
It too begins to bloom
My eyes finally open;
And see the world as it was meant to be seen
I see people whose heart, once filled with love
Descend into darkness
For they no longer bleed love
Instead bleed hate and greed
It’s truly unsavory
It leaves a raw taste on my tongue
When will the world once again learn love?
It only takes one person to change the world
Will that person be you?
Kyle Janisch Oct 2017
The eagerness to write is slowly fading
Ideas dry up as the days pass
My hands,once tools for the manifestation of imagination, have began to forget their purpose.
As the title of creator slowly moves further from my reach;
A deep depression overcomes me
The realization that all that I stand for is becoming a myth
The will to live has eluded me
Unable to find a purpose in this world, nor can I see one being possible
As the grass grows and the sun shines, I begin to fade from memory
Sinking slowly into turmoil and despair, I envy all able to float
I hope one day soon I am able to rise above
Kyle Janisch Dec 2017
Loud voices bleed through the walls;
And echo through the house
The sound of doors slamming rumble like thunder
Blankets pulled up to my chin as I cower in the dark
My brother does the same in his bed next to mine
The stairs creek as they're stomped upon
The front door slams;
And the house becomes silent
I can faintly hear the sound of my mother weeping
This has become a family tradition;
And hopefully will become a faint memory
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
Goodbye world
This is where we part ways
I remember when we first met
When I was still just a child
Blind to the truth
Blind to your ways
But I learned fast
That good things don’t always last
No matter how much you want them to
You’ve knocked me down
And picked me up
You’ve made want to stop breathing
You’ve made me want to see you in a new perspective
But that would be useless
Seeing how you never change no matter how you look at it
I’ve finally had enough
I’m filled with your hollow promises
And I’m ready to move on
This world was good while it lasted
But good things never last
And it would appear that neither do I
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Sugar, spice, and everything nice
These were the ingredients to create the perfect little girls
But then a few extra ingredients were introduced
Sexism, self-hatred, and abuse
These were used to control these little girls
****, *****, good for nothing
Useless really
We are now creating a new reality
For these little girls
No longer so little
Stand not on the left or right
But were placed in the middle;
Of a war
To destroy who they are
Now grown women
Full of self-hatred
Need to be set free
A new mentality must introduced
In order to save all of humanity
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Cruising through life
Enjoying the view
Oh how I would love to view it with you
But you’re not here and that’s okay
Looks like I’m by myself today
Started skipping down the bunny trail
Hands held high, free as can be
No longer holding on to the rails of life
Doing whatever makes them happy
Life is too short to feel ******
Headphones in, head nodding to the beat
Grass creeps between my toes
Shoes no longer imprison my feet
The warmth of the sun keeps my soul at peace
Today isn’t quite what I expected
But I’m glad I got to experience it
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
In the dawn of a new age
When we’re supposed to evolve
All of our manners
Have got up and gone
All of our respect, love, and kindness for one another
Has left our bodies
They seek out new shelter
We as humans have come a long way
But for some odd reason
Our love for one another
Has begun to decay
Why is this?
I do not know
But unless we relearn love
We will forever be stuck in time
Unable to grow
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
When we have all gone, to the silence of eternity...
To first be forgotten, and lost in, the records of the earth
Could I still miss you, then, in the time and space after life
When no one is searching anymore, and where we are nowhere to be found

We didn't spend our life together
and I will miss you forever

The choice was mine, To long for a time, that will never come
Though we leave the world apart, I, still went peacefully, quietly,
with you, still, firmly... in my heart.

I will wait forever. I wait...
Kyle Janisch May 2016
Moving slow through the corridor
Saw some guy with a random *****
Excuse me I mean human being
Unknown to my seeing
Continuing my way to an unknown location
Mind wide open, eyes forged in gold
I see the truth
It lies all around me
How did I end up in this party?
How did I arrive?
Did I fly in on a Pegasus?
Perhaps on a griffin, flying through the skies
These people, I do not know them
I sense their pain, being drowned in drugs and alcohol
But this technique shall not show results
A waste of time
They waste their lives
Once having dreams and goals
Now only caring about the next unholy event to show up too
Never amounting to anything, remaining stuck
In this purgatory we remain
I was once a person with aspirations
But now I lie in here with the other rejects
Suffering is my only destination
Kyle Janisch Feb 2020
The smell of coffee breathes life into the new day;
The aroma is a constant reminder that today is the day to start;

You prefer tea over coffee and the scent of a warm cup does the same for you;
As coffee does to me

Our morning routines may differ, yet they make us closer;
And allow us to begin fresh from different perspectives

You are the cream to my coffee;
And I am the honey to your tea
Kyle Janisch May 2018
Where would I be;
Without the pain and agony
Carefully shaping me
Into everything I could be
Perhaps now is the time
To shape shift;
Into something that's not me
Grow into light
That can grow new thoughts
A happier being is what I'll become
Leaving a hollow shell;
Of self-loathing and hate;
Kyle Janisch Aug 2017
Small embers burn ever so slightly on the edges of my heart
Hopefully someone will blow very gently upon them;
Possibly starting a never ending fire in my heart
This takes a special person;
Someone who does not give up easily
One who would want to do such a task;
And to maintain the growing fire;
Making sure it never goes out
I believe this person to be my soulmate;
The guardian of my flame
Never to leave my side;
And I will never leave theirs
I too will make sure their inner flame never goes out;
Becoming their guardian in the process
We will always be together;
Burning ever so bright;
For all of eternity
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
What happens when we’re gone?
When we cease to exist
Move on through life’s end
And reach eternal bliss
I believe there’s light
Shining through the dark
Filled with smiling faces and glowing hearts
Where there are only friends, never foes
Where bright minds shimmer
And warm hearts melt
Where trust is king and none possess doubt
Happiness is a way of life and no longer a dream
Where men and women are equal
There are no kings or queens
Skin is just our outermost appearance
The true good lies inside
No longer must we cower
No longer must we hide
But what are we hiding from?
What could it be?
Could it be we were all meant to get along?
Could it mean were supposed to be free?
Is this the truth?
Is this our destiny?
We’ll never know if we don’t try
To help one another, to live, and survive
There is no God
There is no Devil
Only you and I
Can achieve the next level
But we must do it together, never alone
For that is when we are weakest
When we are most exposed
So help your fellow human
In their quest for peace
For we all struggle with daily life
And could use a hand to help us up so that we may survive
So what happens when we’re gone?
That question may be answered
But only if we stick together
Through thick and thin
Through thin and thick
Help you fellow human with their quest
Enough with the petty *******
Kyle Janisch May 2018
Mothers Day is in the past
Fathers Day in the near future
Although a future with my father;
Was never something I could celebrate
Left early so I couldn't relate;
To your ****** qualities
But little did you know;
It was you who I turned out to be...
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
Hello darling
Do you remember me?
The boy you left standing in the rain
While you went off and started your life
Remember me now?
The boy you left with his thoughts
While you spread your wings and soared into the light
Remember me yet?
The boy you left with feet swinging in the wind, heart filled with regret
Now you remember and it’s too late, for now you see that I have left
Farewell my darling, I hope your heart does not weep for me yet
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
E. Pluribus Unum
“Out of many. One”
But if we are one in many
How come Uncle Sam is the only one with a gun?
Held to our heads, making us obey
Telling us lies
Telling us it’s going to be ok
As long as we listen to everything he has to say
“Come to America where everyone can stay”
“See the Statue of Liberty?”
“She says that it is okay”
“Unless you’re black, women, or gay”
“If you aren’t white or male there will be special rules for you to obey”
This is the secret code all Americans are forced to obey
We must stop living it
Stop enforcing it
We will not obey
E. Pluribus Unum
“Out of many. One”
We no longer listen to Uncle Sam
And we’re coming for his gun
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
Enter my mind
Tell me what you see
Does it enlighten you or frighten you?
For this is the question to be
I allow you to enter freely
To roam about
Please don’t bring your depression
For that is hard to get out
Do not bring negativity
In any shape or form
For I must ask you
To leave that at the door
This is my sanctuary
My place of peace
I would not enter your home
With intention of defeat
Abide by my rules;
And you may enter as you please
Forsake my soul;
And it will be yours that I eat
Kyle Janisch Nov 2021
Words fail to fall from my fingertips

As I sit here, feebly trying to write something

The idea is there, yet my imagination eludes me

Trying to press words onto digital paper

Seems like an impossible feat

But I try anyway

With hopes that something creative will come from it

But in the end, I feel all that I am doing is

Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
We are the kids your parents warned you about
The ones society says to avoid
We want what’s best for us;
We don’t care what’s best for you
Step out of our way
When we’re passing through
Get in our way and no good will come to you
We are the future and the past
The ones who will either live forever
Or burn out like a star
Forever roaming the afterlife tormenting those who doubted us
So remember this when you see our faces
We are the ones who will be here tomorrow
The ones you need to watch out for
We are the hooligans
And we are proud
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
Hello reader, it is I
The writer
I want you to see my world and how I see it
What it has done to me
I want you to know
How my father left me when I six;
Or perhaps I was seven…
Nonetheless he’s gone, never coming back
I want you to see how when he left;
My mother put down her free will;
The little that was left;
And picked up a crucifix, hoping a false prophet will provide answers
I want you to see how this pain inside me grew;
Turning into depression, a nasty beast it is
I want you to see the sharp metal I dragged across my arm
How it tore up my flesh and shook me to the core
I want you to see my thoughts
No matter how dark they are
How suicide gripped my psyche;
And how I wished to make it reality
How I wished to float;
No longer longing for gravity
I want you to see how I recovered from such nasty thoughts;
And how it was no small task
How I received no false courage from a bottle or a flask
How I learned to tame my demons
How I keep them at bay
How I use writing as a source of release
How I learned ******* myself without actually dying;
And how I rebuild myself every single day
Wishing to be better
I think I finally am
For I am no longer a child, but not yet quite a man
I am nothing special, or perhaps I am
This matters not to me you see
All I’m grateful for;
Is that I now realize;
That I am me
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
I am no one and will forever be no one
I am but a figment of your imagination
Traversing through life unscathed;
And unharmed
You see me and you hear me;
But you do not acknowledge my presence
Ideas worthy of admiration
Yet you do not care
I change for the better
Unrecognized talent best describes it
Forever I will be a nobody
This is my fate
Please will someone acknowledge me?
Before it is too late
Kyle Janisch Oct 2016
Translucent skin, take a look within
Does it make you smile?
Does it make you grin?
Can you sense my pain?
Agony and defeat
Virtual reality has nothing on me
My life isn’t real
Or perhaps it is
Never to be sure
This could be the end
Guess I’ll never know
Traversing through the void
My quest for higher consciousness begins
Kyle Janisch Aug 2016
I hate you, I hate me, and I hate us
I hate the way you make me feel
I hate the sun
I hate moon and the stars
The rings of Saturn, even Mars
I hate the Milky Way;
And every other galaxy
I hate how we say we’re ok, even when we aren’t
I hate the street and the cars that fill it
The people that drive them;
And the air and how it gets filled with smoke
I hate stoners and the word ****
I hate bass heads, metal heads, and those alike
I hate music and how it makes my insides ignite
I hate my feelings
I wish they would leave
Then I wouldn’t have to make a poem of the things I hate
I hate all things
I hate the way I write
I hate the day;
And I hate the night
I hate how this poem makes me feel;
It fills me up with fright
This is the end of the things I hate
I wish you all a goodnight
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Why do humans divide themselves? Why do we work so hard to come together, then within an instant divide ourselves into groups? Straight, gay, bi, republican, democrat, black, white, it doesn’t make sense to me. Why not accept each others differences? Why not learn to love the things that make us different? Why must you be put into a category? We’re living things, not inanimate objects who serve no purpose other than rotting away in a box that we ourselves created. We were meant to flourish, reach for the skies, not judge one another, and wither away and die. We’re all unique and bring different traits to the table, that’s what makes us special. The way we laugh, the way we smile, even the way show interest in one another, those are the things we should focus on, the ways we show emotion, the new ways we find to help one another, those are the things we must bring into the light, not cast them into darkness. We focus too much on ways to divide us, when we should focus on things that bring us together. We are humans and we can move towards a future of acceptance. We must be the change we wish to see.
Kyle Janisch Dec 2022
I am not boring

          I promise there is more to me

                                                                       On the inside
Kyle Janisch Apr 2016
I just want to know you
I just want to be friends
I want you to acknowledge my existence
Know that I matter
Feel the way about me that I feel about you
Notice me
You’re so cool;
And I’m so me
Won’t you open your eyes and see
That I’m someone cooler than me
It’s okay
I understand
I wouldn’t want to hold my hand either
I just want to tell something that my change your perspective
I love you
And I will always
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Are you a portal?
I wonder what is inside
Dare I open thee?
And take a peek at what resides;
Inside of me
Or perhaps somewhere else
A glimpse of what I truly am
Push and poke;
To open up
My bellybutton holds secrets
Tales untold
But dare I touch thee
To open up
I think not
These secrets must remain;
Always locked up
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I am on top of the world oh so high
Living without a care or tear in my eye
I am a happy, carefree soul
Who wants nothing more than just to end it all
I stand here now atop of a stool
Noose tied around my neck, Ready to fall
The end is coming, I hold it in my hands
The thought of my death excites me beyond belief
I'm ready to throw away this horrendous life filled with nothing but grief
Here it comes, here I go
My body once filled with warmth has suddenly gone cold
I am now free from my prison
The taste of death bittersweet
My body now hangs from the branch with nothing but earth below my feet
I did it, I won, and I finally prevailed
Or perhaps I made a mistake and instead I had failed
It appears that I had made a decision much too hasty
For this blood in my mouth is no longer tasty
I regret death and now yearn for life
I mistakenly chose darkness when I really wished for light
Now I have nothing left to do but document my mistake
With hopes that it is read so no other soul suffers the same fate
So long world for we are no longer one
My old journey has end and a new one has begun
Kyle Janisch Aug 2018
Present yourself before me;
And I'll take your hand;
As we;
Traverse the back of our;
Lost within our thoughts;
And fears
We can overcome anything;
As long as we maintain;
Within ourselves
Kyle Janisch Feb 2017
As we ascend
Free from our mortal bounds
We rise into the grand open space above
We soar;
Floating away into our imagination
No longer our we forced to be where we do not belong
We are finally us
Now able to be ourselves;
Transformation can begin
Let us be better;
Let us be wild;
Let us ****** into the great blue above
Our minds transcend
Eyes now seeing those which used to be invisible
I was invisible;
And now I can see me
An open minded, open hearted being
My path is unclear;
That is ok
I am me;
This is who I am supposed to be
Kyle Janisch Dec 2016
Let me dream
Let my mind be with the stars
Let me be the outlet for your pain
Let me be what keeps you sane
Let me lick the blood from your lips;
And the rythm in your hips
Let me be you;
Because I could never be me
Let me be your moon and your stars;
The thing that keeps you afar;
From the dark within
Let me be your sin
Let me be your saviour
Please, just let me be;
Everything I couldn't be
Kyle Janisch Jun 2017
With warm hands and soft feet;
You approach with a gentle presence
I can feel the warmth of your heart,radiating from inside you
It is calm and inviting
You smell of wildflowers;
I am intrigued
Tips of your dress blow gently in the breeze;
Exposing soft and smooth flesh
You are of humble nature;
And I know you mean no harm
Free as the air around you
Who are you dear wild child?
For I do indeed wish to know you
Kyle Janisch Jun 2016
Here I come
There I go
Traversing through the universe
As a solemn soul
Don’t know where I am going;
And I have no need for directions
I seek no destination
Among the stars is where I belong
Out in the blackness
It calms my being
No longer have eyes;
For I use my mind to guide the way
Here I am, traversing among the stars
For this is my purpose
This is where I belong
Kyle Janisch Feb 2017
Words lost in a current of thoughts
Never will I be able to express my true feelings;
To you or to the world
For they have been washed away
Like tender kisses upon your cheek;
They are wiped away by an uncaring hand
smeared across the face they once were perched upon
Now just a memory;
Of what was, or could have been
Something quite wonderful
In an ocean of words;
I carefully fish for the ones that best describe my love;
But alas, I cannot find them
For they evade me
I lack the proper bait to coerce such thoughts
But I will try and try;
Until the day approaches;
The day in which I finally catch my thoughts;
And are able to share them with you
Please be patient;
Wait with me;
Do not become lost in the current as well
Remain with me, until you can see
The words I shall soon capture;
And place before thee
Trust I know what I know;
And shall soon speak
My love for you is forever
It will never be lost in the stream
Remain with me forever;
And you too shall see
For the words now upon me
Will always explain everything
Kyle Janisch Jan 2016
As I leave this world;
And enter another
I must first crossover the river of death
The River Styx they call it
A ferryman stands idly by;
Waiting for new souls, lost souls
To guide across
I approach this guide, with hopes that he will guide me across
Into new light
Or maybe he will guide me somewhere else
A place that’s only purpose is to provide fright
Onwards we go
And as I look down into the cold river
I see lost souls, their purpose only to find their way
But alas they are trapped
In a realm in between ours
Not quite at peace, but not in agony either
Maybe they will find what they seek one day
And as the ferryman helps me cross over these souls
I can only hope that I do not end up in their same predicament
As I grow closer to my destination
I can see the light
And soon we will cross over into the grand unknown
Maybe I will finally know peace
Maybe I will finally have a home
The Ferryman had other plans though
For he tipped over the boat, leaving me in the icy cold grip of the river
Now I am forever lost, among the other lost souls
My journey is now over
The river is now my home
I succumb to the darkness
My only purpose now is to forever roam
It’s funny how I once pitied the souls;
Lost to this river
Now I am one, gone without a sliver;
Of hope, my body, now cold and forgotten
I forever serve my punishment
Simply because my heart was rotten
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Girls be out here saying things like
“I need a man that will treat me right”
“Buy me nice things and tear it up all night”
But then pick these scrub *** homies
Who only know two words
“Bruh and *******”
I get it it’s hard to find someone who love you for you
But never sell yourself short
Always stay true
To yourself and everyone you encounter
Make sure you put yourself first, before anyone else
Let your true self out, don’t keep yourself perched on a shelf
Remember to pick a guy who will love you for you and no one else
But also make sure you will love him for him and no one else
It takes two to tango
So make sure you’re ready to dance
Kyle Janisch May 2018
As you can see
You took everything
That was;
And Turned into something entirely;
A creation of your own
Forged from the fires of your hate
I am now something;
In which everyone can no longer relate to;
Thank you
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
Flying up above
Looking down below
All I can see is a war torn world
A man made product
A group of beings who make up excuses for inhumane conduct
Lies conjured specifically to make others suffer
Those who differ from another
“Be the same or don’t be”
That’s the motto we live by
Or at least that’s how it seems
Hearts once pure now blackened with greed
Hearts belonging to those in charge
Oh how they spew lies
Democracy and freedom for all
Perhaps the biggest lie of all
Kyle Janisch Aug 2023
Mister man behind the wall

Can you hear me call?

Can you hear me at all?

‘Cause I can hear you

Trying to scratch your way out

Why don’t you come out?

And be with me

On the other side
Kyle Janisch Dec 2015
Why must I cry the same liquid that falls from the sky?
Perhaps it is because I am holier than thou who resides in the clouds
Maybe it's because were made from the same materials?
Maybe because we're the same individuals?
Am I God?
Or is God me?
I believe God is a man made creativity
Formed in our mind, to cope with the pain
Of life after death, a sky without rain
We are God and God is us
We must worship thyself
To worship anything else is insane
Kyle Janisch Nov 2015
I was six years old when you left me alone
“You’re the man of the house, the king of the home”
“You’re responsible now for your mother and brother”
“I will break your heart so that you may never love another”
“Goodbye son, farewell to you all”
“For I am a coward who runs from it all”
I knew you once as an honorable man
Now I can’t stand to look at you
I no longer call you dad
Kyle Janisch Apr 2022
Life paints poetry upon our flesh through scars we earned;
From the battles we survived

Each one, significant

Each one a reminder of how we thought we were weak;
And useless

Now they serve as proof of our strength;

Wear them valiantly and with pride

Show them to the world

Let them see how you survived
Kyle Janisch Feb 2016
If you don’t learn to love yourself, then who else is going to love you? No one will love you the way you deserve to be loved, no matter how much they claim too. You are truly alone in this world, no one to look out for you but yourself. No one will stand by your side until you both turn to ash. Learning to love yourself is the most important thing you can do, do not wait for someone else to love you, for in the end there is only you.
Kyle Janisch Nov 2016
Slit wrists leaking deep crimson
Thoughts of suicide;
It’s only a matter of time
Until I do it
With no thoughts of regret
The only thing I look forward too
Has it happened yet?
I mean have I already died;
And just don’t remember
Body already cold;
Not even December
Mind is scattered;
Can’t trace the thought
Of being alive
Or perhaps I’ve been deprived
Of life everlasting
I can’t remember the last thing;
I did when I was alive
Perhaps I have lied;
And the outcome is
I had never died;
Because the truth is;
I was never alive
Kyle Janisch Jun 2022
You sit there, staring;
Judging every ounce of my being

Chipping away at every flaw in my character;
And every mistake I have made

I see you whisper to yourself;
Under heavy silent breaths

Words of chaos and destruction

I am unbothered;
For I know you no longer know who I am

I'm not entirely sure I know who I am;
But I do know that the being sitting before me

Is no longer me
Kyle Janisch Sep 2016
Carved out words, placed upon flesh
Sleepless nights curse me;
Yet there is no need for rest
My mind is heavy
For this is my burden
I feel there is no place for me;
In the world I was born in
Dark thoughts trouble my mind
Third eye wide open;
Yet I still remain blind
Upon flesh I place thee
Murals of regret
Hoping that one day
I will finally get rest
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