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Aug 29 · 43
Flowing Flying
Carson Aug 29
In space is my mind,
across gravity I climb,
imperfections starting to climb,
Sleep hunting my mind
hungry to share and reach ceiling
inside of me,
I stand chanting
as I avoid the crying
Flowing Flying !
Apr 2021 · 135
Carson Apr 2021
What is a Flower without Sunlight
What is a flower without rain
The will to stand remains embedded,
Time is required,
2 Ascend steps of wellness again,
You are an Existing Ally,
1st A Friend from Quito, Quito,
Sight n Heart Of Inspirational Energy,
That Has That Staining Aura Of Life Which constantly Flows,
Directly to ones head,
Infused in2 Positive Displayed Action,
Descended From High,
Heavenly Sanctioned!
for my
Onspot words 4 you,
Are levels of Trust n Truths,
Shared From My Chest,
Requires Nada Thank Yous from your Gratitude Crest,
Knowing You are glowing n Blossoming with patches of light n Green,
Ensuring Your Auras continue 2 light up,
Others ****** Screens!
as you are also,
a For A Muse Of Morning Beauty,
Potent as D Mist which descends n Ascends from the Heavens to Mountains n Skies Above,
Are Knotted
Waves of Energy
Bonded By Unison Levels Of Love,
Such Inspirational Doors Blast Open,
Giving Praise 2 Highest Highs,
For Morning Lights Tokens!
Lights bursts through clouds,
Cats say Meows,
Moos come from Cows,
Are examples of existing life,
From Natures Agents always at play,
Infused By Your Smile,
Actions Of You,
Which Uplifts Hearts n Minds,
Are Liquid Multivitamins
Which You Agent of Highest Highs Constantly Sprays,
Upon Every Opening Day!
You are a flower
Budded with Energy
That will touches
Will touch hearts instantly !
Minus erosion or sign of Wilting,
Touching Hearts,
Ensuring They are Rising n Flowing Like Rivers n Streams!
Carson Apr 2021
Slanderous tongues wont halt my steps,
Wont halt my stampede of forwardness,
As wisdoms guidance have n will ensure this,
Descended from Highest Highs,
While those who are doubters,
Will be bandwagonists,
Facades they are,
Always known by what flows from their lips,
Especially During Moments wear n tear,
Solid Amounts of Kalinago, Bantu, Zulu, Taino Courage,
Will stamp out fear,
Against Critics,
I will persevere !
Apr 2021 · 126
$ Hungry Eyes $ Hungry Mind
Carson Apr 2021
Offering what I can or maybe able 2 Give,
To satisfy tastes of innocent lips,
Such thoughts spring from D heart,
Only being rejected,
Wounds This Messenger,
Offerer Cart,
When Eardrums receives n perceives,
Demands minus Alternative requests,
Are True Colors,
That Unifiably Lie,
Always Reside along the seashore tides,
$ Hungry Eyes,
$Hungry Minds,
Allowing Holy Father 2 decide,
What flows from Sweat Of My Brow,
Not letting demands rule over what can be,
Images placed behind me instantly,
Unless Heaven says yes,
With a heart of simplistic offerings,
Being Offered @ each Juncture of time,
$Hungry Eyes!
$Hungry Minds!
Apr 2021 · 109
Reveal Allies Of Position
Carson Apr 2021
Rogues Of Modern Caesar,
Spreading Lies,
Discomforting D I momentarily ,
Whilst I glide,
Continue tilling the hours of duty,
Blinded are they,
Mischief is plenty,
Oh Highest High,
Relieve Present Disposition,
Reveal Allies Of Position,
Who Upon sight,
Will be your relaxer of mind,
Invisible Auras,
That strengthens the conscious n subconscious mind,
Holding onto sentences of unfair ventilation,
Sanctioned By You,
With Instant Liquified Precision,
Armoured Vessels
Heavenly Sanctioned,
Whenever Tides Are Rough n High,
Rogue Modern Caesar,
Seeks To Bleed me Out Dry,
Descend with needle point precision,
Allies Of Position!
Carson Apr 2021
Since D dawn of Colonial days n nights,
Released in day,
Multiplied by Night,
Surviving Deaths,
Always with eye reach,
Abide D Local Eagle,
Decade Young,
Guardians Of Charlotte Street!
Are Now Unisex Knights,
Awake by Day,
Asleep by Night,
Taking 2 Skies,
Local China Town,
Surviving 1990,
Quiet n Makes many Sound,
Is Natures arguably most blended in agent,
Symbol of Peace,
Always within reach,
Abides D Ever Loyal n Faithful,
Guardians Of Charlotte Street!
Apr 2021 · 360
D Ability 2
Carson Apr 2021
Higher reasons known,
Thats Unknown 2 my eyes,
Just a little spreader,
Enhancer Of Joys,
To incite n implant memory staining smiles,
When Mind Absorbs,
Harnesses Descended Visible Clues,
Highest Highs,
Muchas Gracias,
Be D Vessel of Calm during storms,
Eagle style rescuer,
Whenever hearts are torn,
In times of sadness or gloom,
Highest Highs,
Via Towering Volumes Of Gratitude,
Muchas Gracias,
4 D Ability 2,
A listening Ear,
Shield Of Courage,
Which melts out fear,
In an instant
Or During Moments when called to turn skies from being grey to blue,
Highest Highs,
Muchas Gracias,
4 D Ability 2,
Utter sighs to Invisible  
Agents of Highs
Hear n Recognize,
Messages In my eyes,
Some drop in my lap clues,
Highest Highs,
Muchas Gracias,
4 D Ability 2!
Apr 2021 · 133
Carson Apr 2021
A presence of your beauty shades,
Reinforces the positive existing rays,
That are present beyond my eyes,
Another Priceless segment,
Aura of you,
That clams raging tides
incites relaxing smiles,
Yes Reflections of energies mind needs each day,
I hope never fades
Is Effects of A presence of your beauty Shades!
Apr 2021 · 117
Wishin You Highs
Carson Apr 2021
Despite Not Visible In My Eyes,
Like Rain that falls from D skies,
Wishin You Highs,
That will heal any pains,
I send Ray's
That Unknotts twines that bind you,
Releasing you in every way,
Whispering shields of Persistence
Into Your presence,
Descending from
Wishin U Highs!
Via our Bonds that Binds Us through time,
Via Nano second of thoughts,
When we sleep
When we rise,
A shoulder when tears engulf your eyes,
A Hand 2 Guide Steps in daily strides,
Listening ears of availability,
Through Storms,
Packed with Innumerable Blys,
With Action,
From Higher Highs!
Wishin U Highs!
Apr 2021 · 99
Ray's & Beams
Carson Apr 2021
Upon sight of life,
Each morn I rise,
In taking my strides through different stations,
As I encounter obstacles far or close to my side,
I am reminded of
Your Beauty that's still so serene,
Jolts of your,
Ray's & Beams,
Slicing tight joints,
When I dont have d voice,
2 Say hello n share a smile,
Just that sight of your swagger uplifting aura,
Lasts n Imprints ,
In my heart for miles,
So Naturally Energizing,
Patching me up when I am hurting or
When I bleed,
Remembering we are a team,
It's your Ray's & Beams,
Ensures Thoughts Are Clean,
Is Vessel descended from above,
Thanks for sharing tips,
Making Me Believe,
In the Unity of Rainbow Streams,
Via Your Positively Toxic,
Ray's & Beams!
Apr 2021 · 187
Fragrance Of You
Carson Apr 2021
Visibility of you is a welcomed distraction,
Instantly pulling thoughts of this worlds stresses n complications,
Is a mystical contemplation,
Of which relaxes my mind,
Generates loads of smiles,
Warms this heart inside,
Is like Manner from heaven
Enriching Dew,
Rays of Light thats always refreshing n new,
From Highest highs
That descends
Via your vessel clues
Ever uplifting
Gravity Defying
Bridge Merging
Scent Of You!
Carson Apr 2021
My peace is disturbed instantly,
Storms n plasters of rage infiltrate my mind n body,
Becoming blind at times I cant see,
Rage, sorrow is seen on me,
As d battle goes on internally beyond your eyes,
Something amiss may catch you,
With wonders of why,
Send sighs highs,
Do what you can,
Accept me in present state,
Best ways you can,
Till soothings sootheness descends
Apr 2021 · 112
When Weights Weigh I
Carson Apr 2021
When weights
Weigh I
Send sighs piercing D skies,
Absorb positive aura from allies,
Remember rescued times,
I survived,
Your descended blys,
Dont sleep properly at nights,
Muscles grow tight,
Chest pains become instant with an outward smile,
As I walk along rough roads n
Navigate through the known n unknown tides,
Harnessing Bits of Faith in the higher I,
When weights weigh I!
Carson Apr 2021
A dream conceptualized,
Awaken by Multiple instrument,
Which will uplift hearts n minds,
Lies distances away from finger touch,
A reality of youth,
Heart n Soul adores n loves so much,
Lies in Cant Have cauldrons,
Is A lyrical child begging 4 freedom,
4 D opportunity to create n implant permanent staining smiles,
Into a child or teens hearts n minds,
Alas without loads of green at my disposal,
Lies the unavailability of A Greens chest cauldrom,
Lyrical Child begging 4 freedom,
To Express lyrical tunes,
Carry voices 2 high altitudes,
Splitting D skies,
Unified in praise 2 Higher Highs,
Till Loads of Greens fill a chest cauldron,
Just A Lyrical Child begging 4 freedom!
Apr 2021 · 83
Awaken N Soothe
Carson Apr 2021
When issues arise,
No Solutions in sights,
Open my eyes,
2 always Visualize,
Your truths amidst illusions of lies
In your planes of Staining Truths,
My interior n exterior core,
Strengthening me,
Like Never before,
In steps I walk of this world so cruel,
Send forth thy tools within Me
Carson Apr 2021
Calling me n there all @ once,
Strength of 1,
Not of many,
Orders of Insistence void of sympathy,
Without understanding n memory of days,
When You were 1 of us,
Aint No Superman,
Aint No Dr Octopus!
As forgetfullnes replaces,
Levels of earned visible trusts,
Multitasking hours of past,
Thankfully Body didnt bust,
Toiling hard as perspiration melts into dust,
In days where more is given from us
Exploitation rules,
Despite rightful fuss,
Aint no Superman,
Aint no Doctor Octopus!
Apr 2021 · 90
avoiding d puff
Carson Apr 2021
Avoidin D Puff
Carson OTP Alexander
Throat parched n dry,
As Realities still visual in my mind,
When challenges are tuff,
Facades appear rough,
As actions of aide,
Are never Genuine,
For ulterior motives lurk behind acceptance of
Facade Yeses @ Most Points of Time,
When D going gets ruff,
I allow the positive forces within 2 make me stand tough,
As Sighs pierce D skies,
Instantly descends n covers my eyes n actions of heart n mind,
As I am man,
Woman Always Strong n Tough,
Via Highest Highs,
Avoiding D Puff,
With Giving ofbD heart despite unfair actions,
When D Third Party,
Deems perception right,
In their own illusion,
As Delays n Cancellations may occur,
A light thus unseen,
Serene n Clean,
Floods realities,
Beyond what eyes can see,
With Patience,
It will become,
A reality,
Inhabiting various situations,
Also Lessons n Solution Aides,
To plaster wounds n Solve lifes thorny confusions,
With Divine Interventions,
As I am
A Man,
A Woman,
Strong n Tough!
When Road Is Rough,
Via  Aide
Highest Highs,
Avoiding D Puff!
Jul 2020 · 96
Carson Jul 2020
Carson O T P Alexander
fighting the urge of procrastination,
surrounded by swirls of illusions,
During this guava season,
where leaves are so few,
as a little enables me to walk across visible planks,
I face the fears,
seeing little results,
I say Thanks,
4 little breaths I receive,
I breath little sighs of relief,
I give praise instantly,
Still mind wonders into the unknown mysteries,
I get the strength to walk across planks,
with the little energy left in my visual tank,
I say thanks!
4 opening of relief,
I can breathe a bit though blind,
Your spirit allows me 2 see n not grief,
Aides me 2 believe,
Solutions will arrive 2 rescue me,
As I flee into the storehouse of relief,
Expecting miracles to occur instantly,
i maintain a positive stance,
while I walk across many a plank,
I say thanks!
Jul 2020 · 107
2Days Realizations
Carson Jul 2020
Came face to face with situations,
Admissions of weaknesses, truths, choices, strengthens , weaknesses,
All compassed Into 1,
As the hunger grows slowly to sometimes fast paced,
Till Its appetite is being fulfilled when purpose is in action or almost done,
To heal n adhere to Inner & Exterior Satisfactions,
Became 2Days Realisation!
That mind demands more concentration to type letters into sentences or phrases or lines of spoken words or prose,
Could it just be an excuse for blame for not lighting and extinguishing flames,
Releasing the pains &
Allowing healing rays to descend on me again,
while experiencing blazing Hot Suns from Foes?
Here resumes the question,
Is this a  quest for Internal & external Satisfaction,
Becomes 2Days Realization!
As I or We are being Persuaded Into Action,
Step by Step through unseen and ongoing difficult situations,
Be it through Logic or through Heavenly guided persuasions,
Where energy descends to melt, reduce & eradicate,
Mischief's Enslavement's & Modern & Mysterious Powerful Illusions,
Via Simple Consistent Persuasive Actions,
Is It Slowly & Timely Becoming 2Days Realizations!
Jul 2020 · 100
Carson Jul 2020
Carson OTP Alexander
Awaken with breath,
I give instant praise to High,
4giveness again for skeleltons role in my life,
as the journey continues towards the perfection,
wrapping myself against the illusions,
I hear the call of my ancestors,
Learn their tongue natural spoken words,
does power exist in that a reason to be learned?
Or Is it a sense of pride,
Now I kick against the sticking drive with a smile,
Continue the sharing strides,
Resumption of the knowledge intake,
Via volumes of readings for my own n others peace of mind sake,
As I rise pledges to high,
giving away every minute of my time,
to heavens use,
praying I am replenished as usual in all avenues of truths!
Jul 2020 · 369
Sahara Dust Ally & Foe
Carson Jul 2020
Sahara Dust
Ally & Foe
Carson OTP Alexander
Potassium, Calcium, Iron,
Nitrogen, Phosphorus
Are food for Phytoplanktons n Amazon Trees,
Still loads of it is a Blanket that makes me sneeze ,
Hurt you n me medically,
Via its nourishments n Blows,
Is D Sahara Dust
Ally & Foe,
Transported By Easternly Trade Winds,
Depositing tons
On The Atlantic Ocean n various land falls,
Decreasing Strength of Hurricanes,
Unknown to us all?
Authenticated By Various Scientists,
A food source chain & Mental Bliss,
Similar in Color to Clouds Of Rain,
Viewed from my Naked eye,
Upon The coastal turrain,
Natures Happiness & Pain,
Via Its Nourishments & Blows,
The Sahara Dust
Ally & Foe!
Jul 2020 · 100
Carson Jul 2020
Nada Picong Corrections
Carson OTP Alexander
Insults, Jokes meant @ getting change
Doesnt always work in this age again,
What our foreparents did
& Achieved with us 2 believe
Now lies a memento in distant memories,
As in todays diverse situations,
Negative verbal selections
Are Illusions,
2 enhance Positive Visualizations
Encourage Best Best selections
Now Dawns D Age
Nada 2 Picong Corrections!
Jul 2020 · 92
Carson Jul 2020
Blocking Influential Power Of Yes
Carson OTP Alexander
Modern Caesar does their best,
2 Fill their chest,
@ Expense of plebs Most of the times,
Via disguised deceit, bribes n smiles,
With Strength from Heavens Eyes
Constant chats of sighs upon the chest,
Blocking Influential Power Of Yes!
Where Factors of Home n Other Spheres,
Rule Choices Of Instinct, Borders Of Natural Care,
With Aide from Heaven
Mentally resting on My chest!
Blocking Influential Power Of Yes!
Modern Caesar 4gets,
Days n Hours of given bests,
Sacrifices unspoken,
Trials of snakes hissing with wounds encountered with little received rest,
For main Objective Is Filling Of Daily Treasure Chest,
With Choice Factors
Guidance from Heaven
Angels From North East South & West
During This Life Quest!
Blocking Influential Power Of Yes!
Jul 2020 · 99
Carson Jul 2020
Each Rise
Inhaling Bits of Vibez
Carson OTP Alexander
With thorns, snakes encouterins,
Always in my visible or blind eyes,
With guidance from High,
Upon Each Rise
Inhaling Bits of Vibez,
With Hope Belief n Faith
That Miracles, Logical Solutions will descend from D skies,
Modern Angels Aura of Inspiration
Will Melt Illusions n Halt D plans n marches
Of Snakes
Make available antidotes in Nicks of Time
Upon Each Rise Inhaling Bits of Vibez
Belief that Clues will flood D Mind,
Answers or soothing vines
Will wrap my heart n mind,
When disbelief rides,
Its doubting horse this time,
Upon Each Rise Inhaling Bits of Vibez!
Jul 2020 · 73
Carson Jul 2020
Return Of Silent Highs
Carson OTP Alexander
20 + yrs ago,
Rage mixed with innocence once flowed in2 Modern Caesars Generator Of Leaves,
Under D Amour of Holy Brother,
Still was Blinded by Psychological Levels Of Deceit,
After pledges which failed 2 materialise,
Comes D Return Of Silent Highs,
Via Obligatory sentences,
Oks n Yes 2 Be Constantly Chanted,
Still when Genuine Roars Of Expression 4 Justice Rise,
Downpouring of Rain n Boulders,
Will break D Chains of Psychological Modern Slavery,
From Modern Caesar,
Each Day n Night,
Direct Obligations Of Smiles,
Will Materialize,
Then Dawns D Return Of Silent Highs!
Jul 2020 · 61
Carson Jul 2020
From Almighty Father of High 2 Adam, Joseph
Discipline, Corrections, Guidance has guided my feet honestly,
As I give praise For Ounces of wisdom Instilled Upon Me,
Are Your Shades of Energy,
When Imperfections surrounded Me,
D Prodigal son or daughter,
Was I 2 thee,
As I once thought acceptance was not a guarantee,
Still You made this thought of negative,
2 flee,
In all rights, wrongs,
Cycles of Triumphs & Adversity,
Ounces of wisdom,
You have n continue To Instill Inside of Me
Everytime I Breathe
Open my Eyes Negatives Flee,
As You are&
Will continue 2 Be
My Shade of Energy!
Jul 2020 · 71
Carson Jul 2020
Tears Or Joys Of D Beach
Carson OTP Alexander
Did you miss me walk on your terrain,
Will you welcome me singlely or in crowds again each night n day?
Did you miss the company of what I did bring?
The Quiteness is  overshadowed by my constant vocal or technological rings,
Is it gd that I am now legally allowed 2 return to sing swim walk n preach?
Will Tears or Joys Sounds By D Beach?
Will clear sea continue 2 exist from a long holiday,
Will pollution continue to stay away?
Will other mammals continue to play?
Will the rebuilding continue,
Each night n day,
Is it gd that I am now legally allowed to return to sing swim walk n preach?
Will There Be Tears or Joy Sounds By D Beach?
Jul 2020 · 85
Carson Jul 2020
23 + & Ongoing
Carson O T P Alexander
During Weather of Niceness,
Downpouring from Grey or White Skies,
Lies Gods Purpose Laden Duos,
Who lead Simple Nitted Lives,
Where Twin Images are always seen,
Where Positive Levels are Continuously Flowing,
23 + & Ongoing,
Keep it soaring,
Scaling 2 new highs,
Implanting smiles n memories,
In Numerous Lives,
With Wisdom From High,
Derails Tides of Mischief,
In All manner of Disguise,
Is Another Light,
Which keeps Hearts Soaring,
23 + & Ongoing,
Keep It Flowing!
Jul 2020 · 67
Carson Jul 2020
23 & Ongoing!
Carson OTP Alexander
Guidance from Gods mind,
Fills D lives of Us,
Each night n day,
Refreshing my energy bars,
Whenever weak n pale,
Alongside Your Touch Is another Touch of Sustaining Light That helps keep my heart  soaring!
23 & Ongoing!
Beyond D Eye of The World outside,
Exists n sprouts Forth Instant Smiles,
With Wisdom from High derails tides of mischief,
In all manner of disguise,
Helps Keep My Heart Soaring,
23 & Ongoing!
Jul 2020 · 68
Carson Jul 2020
23 & Ongoing!
Carson OTP Alexander
Guidance from Gods mind,
Fills D lives of Us,
Each night n day,
Refreshing my energy bars,
Whenever weak n pale,
Alongside Your Touch Is another Touch of Sustaining Light That helps keep my heart  soaring!
23 & Ongoing!
Beyond D Eye of The World outside,
Exists n sprouts Forth Instant Smiles,
With Wisdom from High derails tides of mischief,
In all manner of disguise,
Helps Keep My Heart Soaring,
23 & Ongoing!
Jul 2020 · 62
Carson Jul 2020
Using Your Aura
Carson OTP Alexander
Descended from D Heavens,
Evokes a Natural Smile,
Is A type of Vibez,
That lasts for days n miles,
Is a Natural Authentic Flavor,
Delivering n Reviving Me,
Each Minute 2 Hour,
Is Your Aura!
Sweet not Sour,
Full of Mental n Physical color,
A Heavenly Sent Power,
Multivitamin Replenisher
Which Showers n
Revives Me,
Each Minute 2 Hour,
Is Your Aura!
Jul 2020 · 66
returning of me
Carson Jul 2020
Returning Of Me
Carson OTP Alexander
Joy n Glee
Aint going 2 Flee,
As Elevation is allowing gravity
2 bend its knee
N let me be
Heralds D Returning
OF Me!
I no longer flee,
On Land or Sea,
4 Heaven Is Allowed 2 Fortify n Enhance The Mental n Outer Sections of Visibilty,
In Small paces I am being Set free,
Heralds D Returning Of Me!
Jul 2020 · 66
Carson Jul 2020
Aura Resilent Climbs
Carson OTP Alexander
Remember D Vibez You disperse,
Relaxes Hearts
Who have less cents in their wallets or purse
As You are A light,
Heavens vessel sign
Which energizes hearts n minds
Through every journey of time,
With Your Aura Resilient Climbs,
Is a Visible Example of Caution,
How 2 Be Stable
Faithful n Remain Focused
During Sunny or Rainy Times,
As You are Modern Angel of Heavenly signs,
With your
Aura Resilent Climbs!
Jul 2020 · 51
Carson Jul 2020
Carson O T P Alexander
Sleep is hunting me today,
with responsibilties of sharing riding my head to enact,
Football updates a relaxation that has kept me on slight normalcy track,
Yet still I cracked away from my girls n princesses eyes,
I am now fighting against not sharing thoughts from my mind,
Being 2 long overdue,
as I embrace the clues,
Utilize whats fresh n new!
Apr 2020 · 94
Courage In Action
Carson Apr 2020
Carson O T P Alexander

D perception of blood rang in my ears,
That I always ran away from scares,
Stayed with me for decades till 2now 2day,
I have awakened with the strength of enacting ,
Courage in Action,
In all deep spheres,
alongside sighs piercing skies upon sight or feeling when its near,
For extra zips to inhabit the mental to physical lines,
To contradict the invisible and visible cant do it lies,
Tapping into energies thats Heavenly sanctioned,
I have awakened with the strength of enacting ,
Courage in Action!
Via sending consistent sighs piercing the skies,
alongside HOLY CHANTS whenever trembling,
In moments of decision,
When My own visibility is temporarily at a loss,
when the outlook is logically a realistic loss,
saddled with loads of pain bearing costs,
listening to voices of stabilizing n calming contractions,
Tapping into energies thats Heavenly sanctioned,
I have awakened with the strength of enacting ,
Courage in Action!
Apr 2020 · 109
Hourly Chantings!
Carson Apr 2020
Carson OTP Alexander
Joyce Roslyn Alexander,
Heavens Vessel
Keeper Owl of Wisdom Inductor Instructor
Rescuer when droughts n thorns n snakes are at my side,
1st started Habits of Sending Sighs Soaring High,
Now with solutions far from my grasp @ times,
For mental physical spiritual bindings,
Instantly Comes Hourly Chantings,
Of words n Holy lines,
Alongside confessions n intercessory sighs,
Potent energy waves sent hurling through D skies,
Whether Solidly standing or Crawling,
Instantly Comes Hourly Chantings!
Apr 2020 · 95
Regular Limin With You
Carson Apr 2020
Carson OTP Alexander
In Seasons of Droughts n Rains,
Anger or Sorrows,
Emptiness loomings of today n tomorrows,
Regardless Of D timing,
With Displays of genuine truths,
Comes Regular Limins With You,
For D Circle of life to wobble around my heart n chest,
2 gain pillar like proppings,
Positive Aura Laden Offerings,
Receipts of Elevation Style Implantings,
Regardleas of social standings,
Whether skies are Grey or Blue,
Via Displays of genuine truths,
Comes D Dawn of Regular limins
Apr 2020 · 95
More Space 4 Sighs
Carson Apr 2020
Carson O T P Alexander

When crosses n rough paths inhabit my path towards a goal,
Despite pleas of logical thinking of reasoning,
Coming from my heart n soul,
2 avoid frustration n anger flames settling in my mind,
Throughout the hours of day n night,
From Here on end I embrace whispers of invisible lights,
Making room for a soothing delights,
When there is no sight for solution blys,
Making More space 4 descending sighs!
Repetitions in many formats,
Like the ancients wise,
Leaving us Holy Chants that cushion both body n mind,
Descending are patience twines in bits,
From the skies,
Till Heavenly Angles in League with Modern Allies,
Bring relief of calming Tides,
When there is no sight for solution Blys,
With bits of power left inside,
Making More space 4 descending sighs!
Apr 2020 · 85
Breath Of Praise
Carson Apr 2020
Carson OTP Alexander
Eyes wide open with lungs pumping,
Heart racing,
Each night or day,
I let loose Breath of Praise,
When sandfly encircling,
Mosquitos hunting,
Birds tweeting,
Sent of sea with its artistic formations on its surface undisturbed @ times late @ night n early morning,
As the sounds of duck or geese crackling,
Leaves swaying,
Dog Barking,
***** signalling the time,
Inserts an effortless smile,
I let loose A Breath of Praise!
Carson Apr 2020
Carson O T P Alexander

Obedience is the key alongside humility,
As willingness will grow and blossom into colors of the Rainbow,
Which will slowly be unearthed from inside in small amounts,
Which No one can always hide,
When the opposite has begun pouring,
My Body hits or reverts  to normed methods of nagging,
Still When nothing seems to be happening,
My Consistency levels require exploding,
Alongside imploring sighs dispatched to beyond the skies,
Also connecting to networking buzzes to known n unknown allies.
I Also adhere to this present calling,
While in the face of pull hair struggling,
In the name Right n Righteous Living.
Keeping  the spark lighting,
Despite Disobedience Receiving
Still Sharing!
Experience, Knowledge gained,
Tales of weakness and moments when I was brave,
Any form of simple or long eyesight,
Hours of my wrongs,
Testimonies of rescues from blindness of days n nights,
Culture and Tradition implanting,
Despite the drought presence of negative responding,
In the name Right n Righteous Living.
Keeping  the spark lighting,
Despite Disobedience Receiving
Still Sharing!
Apr 2020 · 88
4givng U 4giving Me
Carson Apr 2020
Carson O T P Alexander
wrongs have been hurled in my face,
Pains I feel and memories,
I cant erase,
As Its phase of pace,
that has a bitter sweet taste,
Within the Reality of Truth,
As Peace dwells in the midst of brightness or gloom,
Free am I as I inhale vast amounts of possible positivity,
alongside fresh air of land n sea
4givng You 4giving Me!
Apr 2020 · 87
On D Move Again
Carson Apr 2020
Carson O T P Alexander
The unseen threw me,
Into the sea of worry,
I fell into that water,
I allowed to lapse methods of relaxation,
As I was soaking in possible realities n the illusions,
Suddenly awakened with a no choice blend,
On D move again,
Facing head on with Allies n numerous possibilities,
Forever has been my past and present song,
When my back was against it all,
Miracles descend from Cardinal points Via Higher Sky,
Ensuring I stand tall,
With revigorations/ revitalization's  of different vibrations,
Via Knowledge & Presence of Allies,
Who Abides in Earth & Beyond D Skies,
In a Calla loo *** Blend,
I am On D Move Again!
Dec 2019 · 115
Carson Dec 2019
Carson OTP Alexander
Here 2night,
With the fan breeze,
Your smiles n other positive auras touch me,
Knowing those times,
It weren't easy,
Hard became known as Sweet,
Hard Work,
Sweat had no retreat,
As those moments fly across my mind,
Never ever saying much,
A Look,
A gaze,
A rare hug,
Hot tea n juice mug,
As You pierce the skies,
To relax my mind,
Helping Extra Sighs 2 reach D Skies,
Without Tears in my eyes,
Nov 2019 · 317
Carson Nov 2019
Flashes of you,
Fill my sights,
Temporarily taking away powers of gravity,
As D Air Freezes,
Before you fall,
During Day n Night,
By Invisible angels,
Sending possible injuries to flee,
For Ms Majesty,
With Visual Clues,
Are Lines of Truth!
D Orginal Natural Beauty,
With D Guards of Protection
Enhancing D Enhancer,
With breath taking Visual Fashions,
Just has me sticking on you like glue,
Are Lines of Truth!
Nov 2019 · 103
Carson Nov 2019
Once knowledge of your presence is here,
A smile infused of questions,
Draws me near,
Is a Bulk of fresh air,
I inhale inside,
As you generate good vibez,
To make me fly,
Are my invisible wings,
Loosens my voice  n enables me 2 sing tunes without the digestion of honey,
Except only Auras of Your natural beauty,
By ounces to Tons,
I call it Heart Pumps!

— The End —