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I have no strength
to wage war upon you
white flag
It’s me
I surrender
What if I were just gone
In the snap of a finger
Vanished like vapor or mist

Would it truly matter
Have I had any impact at all
Or am I like a feather blowing in the wind with no place
Here one moment
Gone the next

What if I were just gone

Would it truly matter
Would anything change
Or would my time here have truly been of no consequence

What if I were just gone
I cannot love myself
after loving you
is a hug
I don’t want
to give
Tonight when you close your eyes
Let’s meet under the old oak tree by the lake.
I’ll wait for you.

Shell ✨🐚
Here is where I lie
Palms up
Bed crucifying
Heavy is it

I feel the weight
Of the atmosphere

I feel my chest struggle
Rises and falls

They said I was destined
To be as such

Crucified in my bed

Fingernail clippings
Crown of crumbs

First world cross
Metal box spring

Born to die

Wasting my
Morality away
and let’s pretend
that it’s all been
worth while.
The children are all
gone now
just me and you
to haunt these halls
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