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324 · Mar 2018
thedailybarfi Mar 2018
Serendipity in you
Oh ! my sweetheart

I don’t know what I am to u ...

I wish to know much I mean to u.

But I always am hesitating to...

I am always addicted to u

I want to escape from u

I am trying but I am failing in that too

The only thing which resides in my HEART now is U

I don’t want to accept but I have to

That I cant separate from u

Oh! Beloved, lover and dream of everyone

I am jus ordinary to be loved

I am nothing but a piece of BEAUTY

Searching for ur soul

Will u accept my presence? or u will reward me disappointment

I don’t know the consequences.... but I JUS want u

I am afraid to be pushed out

Don’t push me out ..



Do u want me too

Do u like me like i do

I am waiting for these answers foretime

And i will wait a thousand years

Only jus to hear that U LIKE ME TOO ..!!

Oh !! my adorable ,

Thou lookest only upon SOUL , not BEAUTY

My words fly up .. like UR BEAUTIFUL soul

LIFE without u ... is meaningless like me without U !!


— The End —