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Chancellor Aug 2017
Can you feel
as the pop rocks
crackle in your gums
Keeping the straws
of sweet bitter sugar
Because thoes
buy your fun
I can feel
the rush of sugar
as it drips down my throat
How the rush takes me away
To the night we both had wrote
The first words
in a new chapter
It started with a kiss
lips to lips
The first time I saw
The light inside my chest
But now it's lost
Inside of the abyss
That is my head
How I miss that bliss
The blissful sight
of your smile restting
inside the night
Oh how the pain goes away when I taste you.
Chancellor Aug 2017
If you saw me
you would cry
How I have changed
over time
To watch you
as you cry
I will hold you
for the rest of time.
I know I can't change
the ways you see
But please please
Please just let me be
You are free
just as me
In due time I have been
Learning all new things
Such as
how I should just
let you be
Chancellor Aug 2017
You will seek me
and I will not show
Where I go to play
We won't let you pass the front door.
You couldn't fix us
so you left.
I was the only one left
picking up the pieces
in the end
after everything was broken.
Chancellor Jul 2017
Please tell me in your mind
That I'll be here untill the end of time
One more year and I'm sure you'll be mine
That is If you keep me there inside your mind
I know you have left for my reaction
I had left for the same
You and i were broken..
But in time we will remain
Together forever
Please understand me
I was broken..
I will remake this stage
For us to be happy again
If you are interested
That is
I'll be a better me you'll see
Please please please
Just Let me speak
After you give your speech
I know you read these.
I'm not mad. That's not in my nature.
I'll be loving your existence every second
Chancellor Feb 2017
wake up and do the things you said youd never do
smoke ciggeret to the filter
it's the life you choose
picking pedals off of roses
do I love you too
I don't know what you want
but I'm here all alone
waiting for this blissful substance to kick in
now this life that leads to death won't ever make sense
so we should get drunk and dance
stay up until the sun rises in the morning
you are numb to everything you did the night before
you left my house the pictures were laying on the floor
torn out of the book we both held so close
Chancellor Feb 2017
I'll be back
when i am myself
give me time
I wont let you down
keep your eyes
up on the clouds
this world aside
I won't let you down
I'll be back
when you are your self
I'll give you time
don't let me down
keep your eyes
up on the clouds
this world aside
don't let me down
Keep me in your heart.
Chancellor Nov 2016
Don't forgive me
I deserve to be banashed
My words, devilish
Along with my actions
At first you saw creation
Now all you see is damage  
The pain I created
I never could imagine
How you faced it all
How you even managed
So please please please
when you think of me
don't give in
not even for one second
Because in the end
I'll always be damaged
Forget about me
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