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157 · Oct 2020
Can't let go
Dontre poet254 Oct 2020
Some solicitude can not be penned,too much for words to clench,an affliction heavier than poetry,i can't carry so I store it away,shield it in asafe space deep down.
maybe that's why am so whirlwind to drop to my knees,lung filled with pleads for the sky because it hurts to stand with weights I can't I have learned to remember everthing with my words,pen and paper the only connection I have with life.....
125 · Oct 2020
Dontre poet254 Oct 2020
Am back again
Full of emotions and bitter tears
Tears of pain that are draining my vital force
Truth is I learnt along time ago to remain calm in chaos
So the fighting doesn't bother me,
But am scared
Yes am still scared of the outcome,
When things knocks off
Everything becomes so concrete
And further times hunt me down.
The battles in my skull,
My demons vying with my  heart
All this 'what ifs' are drenching my heart
And for the first time in my life
Am facing a bandit i dont know how to tussle..
100 · Oct 2020
Gay Life
Dontre poet254 Oct 2020
Gay life is about accepting who we are
Is about holding on to the reckons that someday life will be much easier in a  world where we could say we are in love without discrimination
A world where we could move freely without inspect
A world without homophobic being
A world were we are not simulated to blend in
A world where we are not denied equal rights based on religion
They say being gay is a choice BT if it was for me to decide then, I could have said I just want to be optimistic and courtesy
Being gay is about being proud of who we are no matter what(accepting oneself)
**** is where I belong
95 · Oct 2020
Dontre poet254 Oct 2020
My name is Lucy but the great unwashed knows me well by the name Dontre,
don't ask where that dub  came from coz I'm pretty sure I don't even know the story behind it (laughs).
If we've ever crossed path by know you know I'm different,at odds from what the community perceives a girl should look like.......people from my community would label me as a stud  (honestly speaking I don't do well with labels ) but from the contemporary world they would call me a walking demon,devil an outcast atleast those are the few I can remember.
You are probably wondering why they would call me such vicious names so let me expound.
In senior year back in highschool I deduced something about myself......Me and my agemates  we were all raised to believe that a girl should one day walk down the aisle to meet their 'John' and get married to him but see it was divergent  for me,fact  is I wanted to become espoused to  'Samantha' not 'John.'
I knew I liked girls but ofcourse no one would accept me for who I am (the world is full of homophobic humans)so I kept it to myself hid it in that safe place deep down until I was worn out of living a lie.
An year ago you would ask me how it felt to live in the closet and I would tell you good coz it's no one's business to savvy my concealed  existence  but ask me now how it feels been out and I will tell you that I made my private life people's duty coz I don't care anymore what they think of me,,,  I am me
93 · Nov 2020
Break through
Dontre poet254 Nov 2020
At some point the best thing to do is do nothing
Hoping things will fall back to place
Life weigh us down and we feel we are drained to apoint where we feel we need a
A break from the suffering
A break from the sleepless nights
A break from all the insecurities
FROM all the broken promises
FROM all the struggles of life
A break from all the pain and agony
The heart is bleeding
Maybe just maybe DEATH is the break!!

— The End —