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Dikshya Mar 2022
This guy was looking at me
With his mouth wide opened
He’s never seen girl’s legs before naked I guess
Not in a real life
What a lucky man he is today
Dikshya Dec 2022
I have no home
Or nowhere I belong
What I owe is nothing
Big men in the big chairs try to cheat me
But they won’t break me
Yes, I might cry
But won’t break apart
I won’t give up
I fed up with your lies
I fed up with your ***** games
I fed up with your cold eyes
Yes you might see me through
But you won’t break through
I have no weak spots
Bc I’m here all naked
I’m in front of you
I’ll show you all me weaknesses myself
No need to ask for it
I’m not asking for help
I’m not helpless
I’m like a stray dog
Nobody owes me
And I don’t owe anyone
I’m the biggest enemy of myself
You won’t take the first place
Don’t try to become my best mate either
That place is taken by me
Dikshya Mar 2022
My coffee is ordered
Just two minutes - I’m home
Welcoming the new day
My bed is jealous
I was cheating on it last night
Sleeping somewhere else
Sleeping at your place
In your big arms
You told me that I’m so tiny
That can fit in half of your hand
Or something like that you said
I like when you’re saying something like that
I like feeling like I’m your little doll
You can buy me clothes, buy me dresses
All the colors you want
Do what you want with me
I will follow any anywhere
If you treat me right
I might even become one day
Your lovely wife
I’ve given you my yes the other day
When you asked me
Will I marry you
And I didn’t even hesitate
Not for a second
For the first time
I finally knew what I want
Was I expecting it?
Not at that time
But yes
I’m saying yes to you
And to everything
What is about you
And now I’m passin your hometown
The city you haven’t been to
Quite for a while
You don’t even remember
Was it 4 years or 5
For you it doesn’t matter
I like when you’re saying this word
Because of your accent
So funny that now
I’m not even paying attention
To it
And it’s not important
As what language we speak
Where we both are
Where we’re from
Not important it all
I’m often forgetting
It’s so meditating
When you’re going by train
All these noises and rocking
Making me feel like me again
Dikshya Aug 2023
Chewing on meet without any remorse
Devour everything what crawls
While scrolling feed
Shorten your attention spin
Care about the looks
Who cares about pollution
When these new pair of jeans
Made in Cambodia
Looks so a great on you
Who thinks about Cambodian kids
When you see these 9.99
Everything is fine
In your narrow world
In your narrow mind
We got heated up
Even more then predicted
But how unpredictable
Are you in your new style
Have you seen the met gala looks
Oh my those are just divine
Humans are such hypocrites
We pet those who are immoral to eat
Stop trucks heading to a dog eating festival in China
But serving pigs on our tables
People you have really lost it
Your morality’s sick
Something went wrong long ago
But let’s forget about it
While sipping coffee
Through the plastic straw
Dikshya Aug 2023
I couldn’t sleep last night
Had too much on my mind
All the things that I’ve done
And all which wanted to do
But just didn’t dare to

I want to live life
Feel alive and be wild
I want to feel sun on my cheeks
Wind on my neck
Be all over the place

Be over people
Loyalty to the self
Not other selves
Put myself first
Not otherwise

I’m thirsty for life
While I’m not even thirty
Still kinda young
Still kinda pretty
Well… maybe

I’m no one to judge
So don’t judge me either
Or it might take a while
I’ve got too many nuances
Was born sophisticated

Not lucky in romance
I guess
Not good with money
So with career
Never had one

Something never started
What has no ending
Just melting in the middle
Between decisions
Never taken

Unpopular imposter
Living mannequin
Fake pretty girl
Superficial happiness
In affordable price
Dikshya Aug 2023
Lemme be a lil old school with this ink on the paper
Can I live in the moment alright and not care about later
Lemme be free as a child, dancing awkward
Lemme make all kind of mistakes,
Even impossible ones
I do feel like imposter
Wherever I go
Whatever I do
Maybe that’s what I am
There’s no escaping
Well **** that
I got burnt thousand times
So that no more scares me
Here I am high and dry
As pretty much always
Perhaps you should fall really down
To build up your wings and fly
All my ex roommates
Are getting married
Are making children
While I’m growing the list of my exes
I cannot relate to their problems
I’m probably too much of a problem myself
So that’s why all of my boyfriends eventually
Got rid of me
Or I got rid of them
Final applause to the old maid
You made it through again
Survival of the heartbreak
Make it plural
So that’s my silly poem
And no morality in it
It’s just a little part of story
About me
Dikshya Dec 2020
I don’t remember
Was I ever happy
Tell me about it
I wanna know
What does it like
To wake up with no fear?
How does it feel
To fall asleep without anxiety on?
Sing me a song
About how life is easy
When all is good
And you’re okay
Show me this dream
I want get closer
I want to touch it
Please don’t go
How are you so calm
When I’m all trembling?
How you’re so sure
While I’m in doubts?
And getting nervous tick
From the fake smiling
But smile of yours is true
Something I wrote almost one year ago. Feels so weird to read my old stuff..
Dikshya Mar 2021
Emotional replacement
Got out of control
Lost in proportion
My intuition and my hesitation
Are playing with me
I’m not passing this test
Can’t give it a rest
And I’m protesting
And hoping for best
It’s my manifest
I’m on a quest
And questioning
All that I’ve learned
I feel like I’m locked
Between past and the future
But trying to put myself first

And I would give it a try
If I knew this is mine
But getting hopeless and cry
I’m alone all the time
With wrong people around
Who are messing with me
Oh I wish I was free
Let me make it all clear
I’m unhappy with being like this
From outside I’m adult
But deeply inside
I’m like abandoned child
Who doesn’t know what is right
I guess that would be a better lyrics for a song then a poem itself. But I don’t play any musical instrument anymore. Oh well... So let it just be here.
Dikshya Mar 2022
What makes you happy?
A cup of coffee in the morning
New printed book
A kiss of sunlight in the noon
A kiss of loved one on your cheek
His grin and look of his black eyes
What makes you happy?
Live in a moment
Forget your past
Don’t let the consequences last
No more
Go further
Go explore
Go learn about the life
One day you’ll truly be
A happy human being
Dikshya Sep 2021
Who am I?
Am I this?
Or am I that?
Or am I nothing at all?
Dikshya Dec 2020
I had this thought which I have found a little scary
What if these things which you were saying
You said but didn’t mean at all
Who am I to you after all?
A friend? A person you hanged out with for a month?
Or just a gal you had acquaintance with?
Avoiding girly analyze
Of what you think and say to me
Of what you wanted me to hear
Or what you feeling
What are you feeling deeply?
Our relationship is going through time testing
And are we passing such exam?
Some time ago you even made a joke that we could marry
Each other
Oh my god  
I even didn’t know how to react on such request
But honestly I’d probably consider proposition
Not from romantic side and all
But just because it’d give the possibility to stay with you a little
And do the things together
The things we dreamed about
You know we short in options
In current situation
When boarders closed
And lockdowns everywhere
I wish to share with you my moods
Right at the moment
And now it’s hard to do
We’re having 14 hours difference
My sunrise - your sunset
It’s gonna be two years already
That’s why I’m asking you
If you’re ready
Not let your joke come true
I may not ask you for such thing
But do you wanna have with me
Some part of our future?
Dikshya Mar 2022
The pigeons ******* on the tree
I’m watching them from balcony
There’s no room for intimacy
In a wild nature
So many witnesses of love making
It is no subject for the shame
And what the humans calling lust
For them is only their wild nature
Dikshya Apr 2021
I was fifteen
Sitting on a windowsill
Smoking a cigarette

Ten years later
I’m no longer sitting there
No longer smoking
And no longer dreaming
Dikshya Aug 2023
Keeping your name
On the tip of the tongue
Like a mantra
Trying to tame my anxious mind
Help me to sleep
Was it my karma
To meet you?
Or just a simple mistake
Would I dare to jump into
If I knew what’s on stake
I’m loosing my mind
Perhaps my first shrink was right
With that diagnosis
I’m so certainly uncertain
About no **** at all
I wouldn’t bet on me
That’s not someone
You’d like to rely on
Stay away
For gods sake
That girl got issues
Push me away
Push me harder
Make it more painful
Seems like I made some mistakes
Just to make myself suffer
So I’ll have something
To punish myself for
How adorable
You really are a ******
It’s kinda cute
When you’re in early twenties
But you’ve outgrown the cute age, right?
No one likes you
No one cares
And every single one thinks you’re stupid
You look ridiculous
Am I not nice to myself after all ?
Dikshya Dec 2020
Too excited to sleep
Scribbling words instead
Putting them together
In the finest order
Shoulder to shoulder
Staying them all
So unique and so equal
My words
Existing independently without me
Before and after
I’m borrowing them while I can
But words continue to live
Dikshya Aug 2021
You’re leaving bruses on my skin
Cracks on my heart
Tears on my cheeks
And then you’re leaving me
Dikshya Aug 2021
You’re thinking I’m crazy
Yeah, I’m definitely mad
And definitely in love with you
My baby
I’m in love with life
In love with myself
And my body too
Like I fully accept it
Thinking about nothing
But you
Having childish hopes
Spinning in my head
Don’t **** the romance
Let it grow
In something bigger
I wish we could
Be together
For real
Not only
In my head

— The End —