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Jan 2019 · 184
Night Born
Gagandeep Jain Jan 2019
The madness is rising
and the noose tightening,
death stinking in air
everything cold and unfair.

In this heap of corpses,
warrior lay broken
just the same as any craven.
Only one left, was a man...
Lies, tis was only a boy
who should have been playing with toys
but the war has taken toll
everyone played there role.

Armies of thousands descended on plain
to ****, pillage, destroy and raid
but there were no gain
That day sun didn't shine, there was only shade

From this eternal night,
when nothing was right.
A boy conquered deadly ring
Stepping upon every warrior, Knight and King
He is natural calamity grown
Night born, Night born
Night born.....
Jan 2019 · 406
BeFORe I stumble
Gagandeep Jain Jan 2019
Don't let me go
Just make me stay
Take me with you
To the world's edge
or somewhere new
Take me away
From this doom
Oh girl
Oh love
Make me stay with you
Coz i can feel it in my bones
In heart and in soul
The weariness creeping
The darkness rising
So close
On this edge of ledge
I can see it
O can feel it
My stumble into darkness
For I may be today's hero
But who knows about tomorrow
Just make me stay
Oh girl
Oh love
Don't let me go
Nov 2018 · 187
Gagandeep Jain Nov 2018
A knife resting on my wrist
All it needed to make my blood flow  was a little twist
I was so close for the big step
And then you called
My phone made a ring
And the knife faltered
I smiled
For the first time you called
From our textchat to finally a voice message
But you told me you hate me
You wanted me to die
You finally said me good bye
And cut off the phone with a slam
A dark night got even darker
And then I got the irony
For me to die all you had to do was not to make the call
I tried again and again
But never found the same strength
Could never keep the knife on my wrist
Life is really a great irony
All you had to do was not call
Sep 2018 · 236
September The 10th
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
I wish I could tell you
That it's a nightmare
And it will pass
But alas it is not
It's your life
I wish I could tell you
That everything will be okay
But it will not be
All I can do
Is to be here for you
Good or bad
Happiness or sadness
All I can do is promise
To walk these with you
to be there if you need help
But in the end it's your battle
You have to fight

It may seem like you are alone
This i can tell you
You are not
Even if it seems everybody is miles away and busy
Believe me when I tell you
We all are there for you
Talk to us
Let your worrys and problems be heard
Self doubts and anxiety destroyed
Let us help you through this difficult time
Sep 2018 · 207
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
Finally everything was totally fine
Felt like I was flying on cloud nine
There is a smile on my face
and happiness deep inside me
A feeling long forgotten
sprung suddenly in my soul
As if I was playing a bigger role
Everything seems much clearer
For small things seemingly become more important
Little Joys becoming rather prominent
Problems were getting solved
Hardships giving courage
Unachievable mountains became simple hurdles to cross
Giving me more courage
Sep 2018 · 188
Is It Luck
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
Deep insecurity lie
Making a capable person incapable
He can't even speak the truth he knows
Can't act on the opportunities given
Certain chances come and go by
Leaving only regret behind them
That insecurity eating him from inside
Hollowing him with each passing day
Every victory seems a fluke
Every test evokes fear of failure
When the talent become synonym with the luck
Failure become a feared destiny
And victory an unattainable dream
He dies every day deep inside himself
He is afraid every moment of exposing his so called truth
that any next moment his so called luck would run out and he will fail
And people think he just lies
He don't tell the truth
He hides his capability
How can he tell them what they say capability seems just luck to him
Lying deep inside him
They saw it all and they smiled
at one more man destroyed
Sep 2018 · 219
Your Fight
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
When your God abandons you
and the savior doesn't come
The battle is ahead
and you are all alone
You need to become your own hero
To fight for not the right or wrong
nor for good or bad
Just for yourself
Fight like their absence doesn't make a difference
Like you are a god unto yourself
and today no one matters
Cause you believe in yourself

Even when you see them on the opposite side of battle
Brandish your sword and
Sharpen your axe
Let the arrows fly
Cause today you are gonna **** even them gods
Today it's you against universe
and nobody on your side
You may be a hero or the villian of this story
But it doesn't matter
What matter is you believe in yourselves
And you fight
Fight like crazy
And with that
your swings wil cut heads clean
Do not take rest
Do not have regret
Even if the gods are on opposite side
This time let the man win
This time it's not for family or justice or truth
This swing of sword is just for you
Let them know it's just you
It's just you
Aug 2018 · 192
A Monster's Regret
Gagandeep Jain Aug 2018
A feeling of rage bubbled deep inside me
A volcano ready to explode
I did not even feel it coming out on surface
Throwing my vitriol on your face
It was so spontaneous
It was bubbling and accumulating for so long
Maybe it was all the stress of the mounds of responsibilities piling on
The feeling of time slipping through my fingers as if sand
The need to run constantly talking it's toll
Mistakes of past catching up to my present
Every moment a constant hard work to keep up with others
Now it seems as if the sleep has abondened me
For my sin against you
My own mind and body against me for the scathing attack
I am awake as the stars reach the clear sky and then go down
Pondering on my foolishness
Words of apology stuck to my tongue
Like a half forgotten language
Just there and yet not there
Aug 2018 · 249
Glimpse of Void
Gagandeep Jain Aug 2018
I felt so alone
As if there was bubble between me and the other
So close and yet so far away
Like a whole different world
It's so hard to keep on going
Like somebody is pulling down day by day
Any day could be last
But would it not be better
To let it go
To make the pain stop
To be at Peace
It hurts to be forgotten
Like being discarded
Not being whole
A hole in your chest that ***** away all your happiness
Like an opening to a void
And every day the idea of not pretending seems better
To tell everyone that I am broken
That everything is not ok
That if you listened I am actually screaming for help
But would they care
after all they already forgot once
Or do they even want to hear
A small effort by me to raise awareness against depression, this is my effort and I might be wrong in the portrayal but I hope it helps even if little
Aug 2018 · 323
I am sorry
Gagandeep Jain Aug 2018
Oh girl
Today I saw you
Looked like a dream come true
Princess out of a fairy tale
So beautiful so elegant
But I am sorry
That that's all I could see
That I could not see the scars
You were hiding
The pain in which you were drowning
The loneliness and suffering in your eyes
I am sorry that they were beyond me
Maybe I could have helped you
But I am sorry
That all I heard was what others were saying
The pics they were showing
And I too looked for a second the other way
Maybe I could have heard
Your silenced scream for help
Or seen the things from your view
Maybe I could have seen you fading and
drifting away from us
Maybe I could have helped
I am sorry that
all I could see was that you were beautiful
Aug 2018 · 144
Slice of heaven
Gagandeep Jain Aug 2018
In the calm night
The rushing of the river
air breezing through trees
musicals flowing in the atmosphere
Everything seems pure and untouched
A slice of heaven
Just for us
Dancing along my friends
This darkness has a life of it's own
A pleasant feeling in the bones
Giving a warm welcome to all
This slice of heaven
May 2018 · 183
Life on Road
Gagandeep Jain May 2018
Wind in my face
Music in my ear
Finally out of the long race
And enjoying the life for a moment
Is this called living?
Was I really just surviving?
I neither know nor care
All I want is this to keep going on
For my hair's to keep flying
For the roads to keep moving
This sudden freedom
Like a cage opened
being alone but not lonely
You keeping yourself company
All the burdens being lifted
Expectations forgotten
Feels like a new lease on life
Or just a new way to live
Everything a little bit more bright
More lively

— The End —