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I live inside myself
my own little world
I read my own books
and poetry
and listen to my own music
sure, I absorb others material
as much as I can
but I am only a lurker
looking over the Earth
from my dark little island
gazing over seas
both digital and real
wondering how the others do it
Are they just good at pretending?
Are they really not as insincere
as they all appear?
These feelings, or lack thereof
are thrown up like smoke signals
from the fire inside me
hoping another
might see or hear
with eyes, ears, heart, soul and mind
that are almost mine
to rescue me
from this strange illusion
of my own creation
 Sep 2013 Deserie Indigo
Hi sweetie
you're reading this right now
because you can't help it
reading a poem with few words but million meanings
you feel completely lost, and you pretend all the time
but remember someday you're going to get out of that place
you're to start over
go to college,
live in an apartment,
stay sober all night
watch the stars in the park
you'd be reading books all day
You're going to be in a big city where small people talk
you're going to meet new people
possibly fall in love
there you'd find real people,
with big dreams
so now make the most of it
it's okay to feel a little depressed,
a little sad,
a little curious,
a little mad,
a little jealous,
a little worried,
because one day you're going to feel infinite happiness
and no one will take that away from you.
I awoke before the sun did rise,
my muddled mind and blurry eyes,
found beauty in those inky skies,

Subtle streaks of gray and black,
a love letter that's been stained and smeared,
slowly with the rising sun,
light and color did appear,

Brilliant orange, glowing gold,
it spoke of fall and coming cold,
a brilliant effort made by the sun,
beauty with a fading warmth,
whispering that summer's done,

Watercolor waves, horizon shore,
swimming in those cresting clouds,
each sunrise unlike the one before,
on mornings like this, the Silence  is Loud.
Shatter the myth of life,
Laugh insanely for there
Is no soul except what
You have placed deep
Down your thoughts.

Shatter the cosmologies
Of western world, for
Your world in itself is the
Constellation of your
Reality, and the wilderness of

Your weird universe.
In memory of Friedrich Nietzsche, the first postmodern man.
Quezon City, Philippines
Septermber 14, 2013
 Sep 2013 Deserie Indigo
Over the past few years, the need for happiness,
was high, but my feelings were low,
I guess you could say I am numb,
but I have a strong appearance,
so the sadness never shows.

The happier I was at times,
the more misfortune I'd receive,
as an unwelcome gift.

My heart has been torn, broken,
emotionally scarred and bruised,
but I have never given in to the pain,
because of the strength I supposedly possess,
a reason I let go without thought,
despite knowing of the later,
consequence of me doing so,
eventually I knew that trouble,
trouble was to come & I'd be undone,
I would have to battle myself again,
knowing I could be easily broken,
while trying to patch up my old wounds,
and heal my own personal scars.

A few years ago, I had no faith,
I had no hope, I had no strength,
I was lost, delusional at my worst,
trying to keep myself together,
in this battle of life or death.

I have my own share of regrets,
my secrets, my stories to tell,
but the thought of telling people,
made my eyes swell up,
ready to cry tears,
I was willing to stop,
stop my own heart,
to keep my pain,
a secret in tact.

Self-love, what is that?
I have never known it.
I have only ever covered myself,
in the disguise which is my smile,
whether anyone ever knew,
I guess I'll never know.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Deserie Indigo
There is an overwhelming sadness washing over me,

I don't know how to surface,
            Or rid myself of this darkness.

A constant ebb and flow of numbness,
              Rolling, up and down my paralysed body.

I'm so sorry, I have wandered here again.

               Drag me out,
                                      Teach me how to breathe.
I'm so sorry, as I do not know what this is.
 Sep 2013 Deserie Indigo
As I listen to whispers trapped in my tears
I'm haunted by regret
A shadow that's followed me all of my years
Making sure I never forget

Time has recorded the mistakes I've made
And stores them in the past
Long and winding, the path that I've laid
I didn't expect it to last

Twisted and broken as days pass me by
Time will never relent
Uncertain, disheartened, as tomorrow draws nigh
I fear it's too late to repent

I see the world with a reprobate mind
Confused in all that I see
Today is so clear but my future is blind
Whatever will be, will be

Forever I'm tied to the path that I chose
Be it Heaven or be it hell
Will tomorrow bring judgement? nobody knows
It's still too early to tell
Between the lines of love and hate are thin in the world we live in. Everyday people sit and watch a piece of thier love slowly turn to hate and anger. Always wondering when their going to be set free from the prison that themselves built around their heart and soul.

Showing little emotion or feelings of love to the world. While the darkiness inside them closes in and the fires of hate burn even more. Leaving them to cry out to God for release from their own version of hell that they are trapped in with no way out.

Carrying all the burdens and secrets that can never be revealed to the world outside of them. Sparing everyone close to them the heartache and pain that if they ever knew the whole truth about the love they shared isn't real but just a lie.

Leaving them to wonder how after all these years of giving love and life.  They have nothing to show for it. Only having themselves to blame becuase the keeper of all their darkest secrets is now giving light and setting their selves free from the bonds that was once placed opon them. Finally getting pardoned for their sins and the part they played in keeping the secrets and lies .
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