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RBHM Jan 2018
There was someone who opened people,
Unraveled them to show the inner ugliness that they hide with their skin acting like masks;

Sometimes someone will show up that makes you shed your skin,
Opens you up to the harsh world;

The thing is without our masks,
We are turtles without shells,
And turtles without shells never survive,
They're hunted and feasted on;

After he makes you leave your skin,
He prey's on you,
As if you're not humans;

As if your a fish gasping for air,
Just waiting to be plucked off and eaten;

I asked someone to unravel me,
Thought it would make my body lighter,
I was wrong;

I asked him to unravel me,
So he did.
  Dec 2017 RBHM
Solitary Sac
Take me back
To the time
When toys were made
Out of plastic

Not people.
I have been played with..I am being played with.. Is there any escape?
RBHM Dec 2017
There was this boy,
With blue eyes and olive skin,
His body was rigid,
But his heart was not;

There was this girl,
With night-lock black hair and dark bruised lips,
Her face showed emotions,
But she felt nothing;

The boy had nothing to lose anymore,
All he loved was gone,
All he had left was one emotion,
It went by the name Pain;

The girl didn't know what it feels like to lose something you loved,
She never had anything worth caring for in the first place,
She was enslaved by one thing,
It bought her by the name Depression;

They both had nothing to gain or lose,
They decided, separately, to end it all on the top of a cliff,
The ******* the left side, a view of the NYC skyline,
The boy on the right side, a view of the vast graveyard;

They jumped equally, never seeing each other in the process,
Bodies hit the water simultaneously,
The boy in his black tuxedo,
The girl in her white dress;

The waves took the girl deep, deep below,
The salt-infested water rushed in and flooded the boy's lung,
Both felt pain,
So they tried to escape,
Thought there would be an easier way to do this;

The boy swam left,
And the girl swam right,
They collided with one another in the middle,
Grasping at each other;

The water settled around them as they did so,
They became life supporters without meaning to,
And as the sun dipped at its horizon,
And the stars stole the night sky;

They lay there,
Drifting on to their future,
Finding a reason to live in each other.
RBHM Dec 2017
Pain radiates through my body,
like blood scrapes through vessels;
Air spills out of my bare lungs,
like soft water rushing down a river;
It’s love shatters my heart,
like glass broken by a wielded, naked metal;
It grits at my body,
Like gasoline bruised by a burning flame.

              Lick at the soft temple buried in my bare heart,
                              Blaze with astonishing fire;
                    Soften at the scrape of a single whisper,
                                    Morph into dust;
         Quiver at my single touch, breath, look, voice, emotion;
             Be mine to hold stripped of shame, hesitancy, lust;
                              Be mine to hold as yourself.

                                                               ­                            I burn with desire,
                                                         ­                       To feel flesh among skin;
                                                           ­        I urge for the need to evaporate,
                                                      ­                               To be inhaled by him;
                                                            ­     The pain that throbs in my heart,
                                                Like a vessel split loose by a burning need;
                                                           ­                     To feel flesh among skin,
                                                           ­                          To be inhaled by him.
A short collection of poems.
RBHM Dec 2017
My loving mother loves me to pieces,
She tells herself that every minute, she tells me that every day,
But my loving mother lies,
She lies without meaning to;
She doesn't love me,
She loves the idea of me;

The idea of having a daughter of her own,
A smart one, who every grown up calls pretty and sweet;
But they lie too;
I'm not sweet anymore, I've long since turned sour,
And I'm most definitely not pretty, I'm average at the very best.

So I wonder, oh loving mother,
Why do you convince yourself that you love me?
Is it because I'm all you have left?
But you don't have me, my loving mother.
I gave myself away to depression long ago.

How would you know that anyways, loving mother?
Every time I show that side of me,
You get disappointed and a look of disgust crawls its way onto your face.

So I hide it,
Cry it away,
Instead I look as though I'm happy,
For you, loving mother.

I worry instead,
Like someone who has OCD,
Dwell over little things until the panic and pain hit like a shockwave and sends me flying;
You hate that too, loving mother,
Say that I'm acting, that I can and have to stop, that I'm faking it,
Oh how I wish I was, loving mother.

You also have the tendency of showing me off, loving mother,
Why is that?
I'm no prize to be won, no medal,
So why call me your daughter out in public when you could just avoid it?

I feel bad for you, loving mother,
So I show effort,
Try to look like less of a drab,
Try to sound less crabby,
Make it seem as though I'm happy.

But sometimes I break,
The bullying tends to make me do that,
And when that happens,
I could see the anger rise on your face.
I'm sorry for that, dear mother.

I'm sorry for that and many more:
For not saying I Love You back,
For not showing more emotion,
For being something that you have to fake-love,
For not doing better in life,
For making so many enemies when you have none,
For having to be a fraud around you,
For being me.

My loving mother loves me to pieces,
She tells herself that every minute, she tells me that every day,
But my loving mother lies,
She lies without meaning to;
She doesn't love me,
She loves the idea of me.
RBHM Dec 2017
She started this simple,
Expressing what she truly felt,
That's what got her here in the first place;
But then she got no more likes,
Not as many comments as she wanted.

And so she diverted her ways,
Copied other people to end up at the top,
"But what's the use," she asks herself.
"If reaching the top meant not knowing who you are anymore?"

She went back to normal,
Showing her true self;
All of the friends and followers she got turned on her,
Said she was changing for the worst;

They didn't understand,
None of them ever understood;
So she tried again,
Copying, being fake;
It worked.

People started calling her beautiful when they were really talking to the makeup once more,
Asking her to dates when they were really using her to be part of "The Populars."

She lived with it,
All throughout high school,
Plastering fake smiles practiced on the mirror the day before,
Wearing clothes she would've liked to burn.

She finally got a chance,
When she started her college,
To be free with who she really was.

She cut off her hair and threw out her clothes,
Got her band posters back and glued them to the dorm room walls,
Started focusing on school.

She graduated four years later,
Top of her class,
With no friends,
No life outside of her studies.

To her, it was worth it;
She felt proud with who she was,
She felt true to herself.
RBHM Dec 2017
They say the magnificent poems are ones pained with emotion,
My emotions have been ****** out of me;
But does that make me a bad poet?
Or does it make me a hopeless person,
Whose wounds have been shut too tightly for anything to make its way in or out?

Wouldn’t writing down thoughts still be a form of expression,
Wouldn’t this be called a good poem just because of the lack of intensity in it?

— The End —