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Dennis Willis Nov 2018
Relieved and reminded
todays end

limited series
dug in or no


This line right here
will save me
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
I read the science on you
why "you do the things you do"
it made all the sense saying
you get a kick out of being cruel
this skin gets in its licks sticks
***** of pain and confusion
in your plans for *******
this channel surfing these pizza
commercials and c-minus movies
this squirming is unbecoming
and I know you know the tv
is too loud the lean is too proud
on you
on you
as if you were real
in some sense close
personal friends
with me
something i wish could be
you might be in your robes
inking knives to be used
as smiles or dollar signs
or horns on a clown car
just before we all get out
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
Everything always
falls thru
with you

'mi unfair
or unreasonable

considering the odds
from new angles

and realizing
with a cold clarity
it's unnecessary


And the soul's
So what

I answer
I dunno
Lines form at the rear

Hands up
pick me

I'm the one
about this

Cheeks to be turned
Beds attended
Growling fed

Time is uncertain
In the tale
It tells of you

I am listening
sometimes flipped
feeling certain

what was thought

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Dec 2020
This voice is looser
than something
I spoke with afore

This neck is canted
toward like dousing
for alliteration

Reaching inside and out
the flesh as if they wave
themselves as one lick

Of one day really a moment
like a cathedral at sunrise
the moment the glass
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Digging for fearlessness
in tears
an' temptation

Finding I don't care
lies and gloating
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
I read another poet on here
who seems to think like I do

Extensive brain damage
Is more common
Then one might think

I have the Bliss
Of the dog
With his head out the car window

And the firehose of smells
Up his happy nose

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
I have a movie to make
Stars are beautiful young women
You seem surprised
I have a farce to make
Stars are beautiful young women
Don't be surprised
I have a
thing to see
Capitalization of body parts
I have an attitude to portray
Without pants
I have you
Poetic wants
Nothing has something
Held dear
What are you
I am an answer
To what's next

I am a space
bar of expansion

Press press press
I am pushed
Inside you
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
Masterfully managed
to be alone again
doing what I'm good at

I'll just keep myself busy
same old indulgences
to keep me company

these deflating things
in my head and chest
**** hurricane
Dennis Willis Jan 2021
The exigencies of solace
touch can be a        

skin can be a

this rigid muscle
in my back
needs talked down

i am fallen
and rolling

out of need
to just see
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
a sandwich of things
i would devour
with the right wine
with or without wine

what am i eating
that blinks
my own eyes
that i pull close

and concentrate
counting swirls
making whirls
which I voice

its time i say
its timing i say
while we converse
in a room that never
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
It's just a click or two to exit
once you've been done in
when in the jaws do you
cast your blood in hope

thin asks in as a paint
over hungers and needs
prevalent enough now
to be expected fabrications

of foursomes of get togethers hot
and not approved or understood
in that sense in that stupid overlay
you represent upon your very odor

smell that what is that i know that
smell that's that's that's mom
that's home that's dad and mom
workin' and bein' and ruttin' here
Dennis Willis Aug 2020
I can't unravel that
I shan't un-travel that
your lips your eyes
closed closed closed
are these now knowin'
your ever anger isn't
overcome is set aside
awaiting my act

a souring day breaks
like water
bears malice
from time past
conserved for now's
temerity to be new
that's grasped down

lest escapes happen
of now
without ideological
grip of dead eyes
for beauty
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
How waiting
until the last moment
focuses you

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis May 2019
So some savant thing
should be said
to close this evening
this weekend
this chapter
of this


is what comes to mind
and I laugh maniacally
at my own

The dogs eyeball me
and slink off to bed
decide to get a drink first

and I alight along
this cool molecule night
resting its terrors
in the darkened corner

I look at my fists
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
The product of a moment
open eyes
I have
so many more
to open
Dennis Willis Mar 2022
Abstergasm again
you know how
that feels
No pretending
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
I've my socks half off
the way you hate

And i know
it's too late

I've just encountered
a ufo

female ohmy

that's a thing
i decided

i just can't say
your name

nothing fits your
angles and lines

except ****
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
I can write
more poems
than you
can read
so there
I believe
that means
I win
Dennis Willis Nov 2019
The fork finds its place
In the rack
To be cleaned
Dennis Willis Jun 2020
Arriving now  
upon the back-lit tarmac
broken sticks
and wire

remnants talking
settling down moments

into alliteration
just sound slipping

the moors of meaning
cavorting 'cause
an' circumstance 'nta
something akin to flavor

even more things
to swallow
to fallow
to follow down
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
At the hospital listening
45 minutes non stop
95 year old

I watch her eyes
as she talks
Will this guard against
My unraveling

These stories made me
She thinks they'll keep her
Says when I get home
She doesn't know yet

I know and smile
wonder how I'd
drag my unknowing feet
away on instinct

from oblivion
with recitation
of my stories
yeah this is me

I dare you to fade this
Dennis Willis Mar 2022
Driving this inebriated body around
thinking about how that sounds
in your  head in your bounds

Do you leap up at
What do you leap up at
Is leaping up still a thing in you

Turn, do you have a turn
will you take a turn at this
ode to the things in the way

yay, they are us, we are one
holding on for dear life
that opposition you see

me falling away grasping at you
while you ask why do I run
and I am here *** falling away
Dennis Willis May 2019
I am smitten
by you
an what you like

you *******

dissonant *****
of noise
and running time

crashing against
I am shore

I r emember
the Jersey

you've no idea
what wave
you surf

what distance
twe  en solids

these boundaries
we hate are necessarily
for now until

your nerves rattle
the planet
and we falls
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
Love and life are transient
by fasteners of fear

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
I'm successful
I have my **** together
I'm not alone
You'll read this far

What are your favorite
lies to tell?
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
It's tough to radiate energy
when your local medium buckles

there you are in your petri dish
suitably decorated or not

and you are glowing
and extending

when what you are in
wrinkles up


Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Fear affords a shallow life
of hesitant connection
and wearying wariness

Delusions in all
of our great minds
blind us

to these quiet moments
of great beauty
reading poetry

Whilst whipping
across time on a galaxy's
flung out arm
Dennis Willis Dec 2020
Dear Verse
I have to thank you for today
especially for today

no need to go into detail
or name names
there are names

and you know now
without naming
the feelings I am
Dennis Willis Dec 2023
Viewed through a shallow liquid
Your beauty is blurred
Or is something else
Blurred into Beauty

Is the shallow liquid
Tears or tea or tequila
And the viewer
Hidden in a nest

Of deeper imaginings
That is to say shallow
you smile and elbow on
As if this aligned with

Feeling that feeling that way
Feeling this way
Pinballing your way here

Riccocheting off raw nows
to some any other numb now
where opinions leap filling
spaces with instant foam

At the mouth of who r u
again really still why
Aren't you quite weary
The soldiering on

I don't wish to be in
Your regiment or mine
This discovery Sublime
Capitals not mine
Dennis Willis Nov 2019
I get a sensuousness
from certain molecules
taken in
another week
is ink
and skin
skin is the thing
that is in
do you have
oh the need
for skin is great
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
I have scribbled an array of variables
tho the number of dimensions
is indeterminate
so the address
of that feeling
doesn't compute
keys stick hesitate
as this is close
one more just one more
so i return to the start

from the array i resolve
you know its true this listening we do
arteries of thought hardening in camps

i narrate from cell to cell a tale somehow
somehow never anything at all wound around

i just have these minutes and i'm being here
at once rectifying and stultifying just fying really

a parade we are waving to a smaller time
when fewer things said fewer things to us
Dennis Willis May 2020
You make yourself
impossible to love

you find yourself
impossible to love

this gets in the way
as i love you impossibly

impossibly lovely
impossibly ricocheting

careening calamitously
stop and be silent you say

incessantly again serving
this cloud coalescing
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
I have things to say
about women

First off
I want
to scream

Second off
I understand

Third off
<a war in my head over
the proposed lines
for this stanza continues -
being unable to agree upon
using the phrase "I deserve"
it just doesn't feel right
or I am too afraid 2 b honest>

Fourth off
I'm getting clearer
On what I want
though a bit outlandish
I know other people have it
Why can't i?

fifth off
has a ring to it
maybe I'm
pifth off

At how poorly we do teaching ourselves
to have great lives

It's ok where
you're at
I just want to meet someone
where I'm at

Fifth off
heart hurts
no mas no mas
teed up by lucy

I draw a new
my way
pencil myself in

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Oct 2020
I lost the fight
not a fight
the fight

it's been replaced

with the "oh ****
you too?" approach

If no we might be back
to fighting

so say yaa me too please
and i'll smile
and we'll vibe
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
stand out today
in a 3 verse
2022 prosaic
find your heart
in a moving poem
on its way hoem
really ikr bloem
and comb it back
soem I'm sought
cuz I'm nought
and wish I was
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
I know that I'm operating
uh we must flea
eh, free just me
in effect of lee
and am off the rails
that's not where they go
I just can't see that's me
nice off the rails softly
chumbling everything up
but listen sorry don't why
circulating between sips
behind the curtain quips
looky at that me and you
guffaw, you...<Rorschach test>
did you see your you there
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
the listen
at the end
of the aisle
is on sale
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
I am finding
my my
finding my
I am
My I am finding
Way way my way
Am I finding
My way

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
So I'm seeking the good stuff
skip swipe skip swipe
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
Fishing around inside
for a poem tonight
looking for some something
that hotly wants it's write

It is dimmer as if
my inner basement light
and galloping goblins
after that two day fight

Are just plain ol' tuckered
Muscles cramped 'n tight
Does hitting a brick wall
Mean the end is in site

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
The ones
we've given up on
the one
that've give up on
equals all
of my tearing
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
Careening way up sides against the edges
that's how I fly
trying to through soup
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
tunneling through
balloon space
and I fit
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
Gitting in
to my skin
I had a thought
about you
while you
were reading this

I thought
How could
You know

Realized you
must also
have a secret

of early morning
life rewriting

of last night
and tomorrow

from their
inhuman arrangement

Spy vs spy

in leaping

with satisfyingly

Crave sense here
these unnumbered

as a grayly rouged

Wry wrenchings

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
the sentencing
of these words
to these lines
seems unfair
at first and
we look away
and in loss
some more
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
The fix all
wonder drug
and greatest
mental poison
of all time
which constantly
turns them
upside down
Not yours
of course
Dennis Willis May 2024
i have a flagship
full of your thoughts
sailing to

less ness

which constitutes
***** ***** *****

I have sound
left-ing and righting

as if you're a whim
aura slim
sim sim sim

i always make you up
to argue with you
about me

I always wake you up
I have to convince you
to believe

you exist
when's so obvious
you don't

what are the feelings
of the made up

perhaps you can tell
us who made you
what what
Dennis Willis Jun 2024
How was that sandwich
was it everything
you hoped
How was that <your adjustment>
was it everything
you hoped
How was that <what was that>
was it <complete as pictured>
How was that
was it
are you
of course
you are everything
think about it

between your ears
everything imaginable

must you wail
in this eloquence

read out 'tween sips
an' considered

naught, agreed
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
Dressing from the dryer
Forcing the drum around
so needed socks tumble out
left rolled up and a bit damp
I pull them on

Plating from the dishwasher
if I plate at all

Paying from the shutoff notice
glad they texted that
or it'd be dark dark

Showing up from memory
and not
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
I cant write
there aren't any words here
I can't inhale enuf
I'm about to twitch
Calm comes on cool air
Gathering cricket calls
embedded in the dough of tonight
pressed thru my window screen

threads of night air extend and withdraw
a lure to my skin a sink to my heat

Breathing into bags of verse
Is it this end of the continuum
or the other I want
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