Me living against, no that's not right
me living with time
carving, no too violent
shaping, no overused
surfing, no
imprinting, yuck sound
infusing, nope
not a teabag
Conforming ha no
me living with time
like my awkward friend
prone to weird ideas
and accidents
and sudden disappearances
this disregard for time we share
with a hollow eighth note
in a sodden march
dolls have abandoned girls
to means unforeseen
to their hood
baking them useless
by becoming deaf
I've not seen the like
this heave of my *** to well
she called me a saint and cried
I thanked her
Off the rails in oddly curious territory
I pocket stolen time
Sneaking messages past u 2 u
though I don't always know the sender
this is uneasy like your weird friend's
favorite food is all that's left 2 eat
and u go for it cringing
Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis