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Dennis Willis Jul 2021
This lantern I've been given
doesn't light up for ****
maybe next time it
sputters alight
that glimpse
will make all things clear

I think I will be whole
when it shines a circle
not these angular draws
where I seem to be shadow
with light in my eyes
thru water prisms

The panic part of light
just out of reach
hands full round
what I cannot see
sometimes a keyboard
retching dark chars

Cagey stuff
recirculating itself
as if I am a theatre
and absurd lights
that lead to the stage
in case of fire
Dennis Willis Mar 2019
This lead, green, unusual, in color
connects to
what swims below

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
This list
to the side
this un
named sharing
Cross cross

Adding 2 it
as I'm of it

and the mic
should be on

wavering is
an illusion

over portion
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
This listening this listening to
not at all happy with...

I am not deaf I am not hearing
what I am hearing

this wave this wave is coming back
its not the wave its the shore

listening to the sea its the shore
listening to the tongues of waves

its the moment the wave recedes
leapt upon by gleaming light

dissolving by receding this light fades
into sand into glass into

this is not sound this is not an act of sound
i am reverberating from beauty

i am littering space between with this
guessing about you

this apprehension of you this anticipation
of your hunger and whether it exceeds the lies you were born into

this listening to the lies making up the heart
of our us oh how fear ***** us in

unbelieve  your skin and snot and drool
as impediments to beauty

I am running your intent to ground
where sound grinds down

did i stutter did i drift did I miss
where you live and cry in small check

this crumb this dry crumb that is my heart
would listen really it would if only you

if only you were my beloved if only you
listening meant satisfaction

this sound coming from this sound
cries twice for the cool night without sound

i am not able to able to carry this carry this
self boarding self recrimination self sailing

feet of rope encircle our necking our passion
aching against all this listening this bath of alive

this hearing of angst and animosity and rutting anger
wishing to be fully pressured

and heard I am listening as you detonate
your threat to cause tears

i don't know what you are saying
I am pulled to corners by forces

then cool night air moves through
and i feel heard
Dennis Willis Sep 2018
a category

of it's own

from a *****

Past back then

When men

Dennis Willis Apr 2019
This morning with poetry
is saving me

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
This morning
I cried
reading my own

Not really
Well yes
Just well

Over her

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
This week
in court
Sure it does
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
This bit of time
I occupy
a running edge
a spill spreading
onto dry
the change

i am running
maybe surfing
tumbling against
the rasp
there is always a rasp

depends on which way
you run
doesn't it
agin it
or wit it

in your bubble spreading
we should surf
this day
this now

This bit
this nth note
of a star
in a galaxy
a little one
in the sea
of galaxies

and i want to rumble
rhyme louder
stanzas of screaming
and singing
oh the singing
look out
ahma a gonna
sing at ya

a miniseries
on scribblers

and i ring
in the ringing
on now
on glass
gorilla glass

this under glass
spelling out
in radiance
a new radiant


Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis May 2021
This one
you won't like
This one
isn't even

I sip from the wine
I sip from the water
and then the wine
what does that
tell you

Seconds and I
raise my hand

as if I am part
of something now

whilst typing
in this quiet room

is there sand
where you are

is there danger
there to you

I pull up on my comfort

doing my very best
carrier wave listening

i am ignorant
and innocent

of your muscular
knowing scalds

and that part
of you waiting
to read ahh

I left a sandwich
out for you
Dennis Willis Oct 2018
Through white

pressed into dark

Concentrated timeless


Onto nothing

hot skin
She writes

She writhes
She rises

Her time

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
For those on this site in the general vicinity of, area of towards the end of the spectrum that is or one of the genders that have the aspect of femininity and transmute their experience into art.
Dennis Willis Apr 2019
This pattern
good enuf
for a
true believer

that pattern
a true anti
gazelle to hang

find yourself
a walking copper
cookie cutter
fearful of dough

whose waves dissonate
with star shapes
and my tin

squeezes us faster
a de-shellacking
to simpler shapes

not sure if
in time

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
It marinates in it's own would be vibe
bounces off things it has collected
on its constitutional walk
across its living page
written in literal light
salt-ily stored in silica angst
another glowing miracle
aetherically transported
naked as the nano 'twas born
appearing on random pages
of hopeful wisps all wishing
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
and has a rash and
monta somebodies revenge

Got a shot
in the ***
to set me right

And I'm not right yet
and reeling

to a Margarita
seems sensible

Doesn't it?
or two now
that we're goin'

it alone here
sadly at
an empty bar

is a funny

want want want
brought me here
an' I don' wanna

be here
no more

not made

in some gravy

of expectations
and anxieties
and leftouts

this is a

from a past
I've lost
showing up

who knew
the dream
would come true

when it
no longer
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
This **** is ecstatic
And of course by ****
I mean life

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
Or is poured
It's a late smile
an 11:59 PM smile
or it was
when I started

Smiling while
(well lets
leave that out)


I strain for new
or is it novelty

uninteresting land

I am from novelty
isn't this frsh


Ok ya got me
I'm havin'
ya on

white bread

makes one
and there's
a refill


Rub your face
is it numb?

so much is

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
This thought
flung your way
flinging poo
wanting applause
aping for it
and I'm okay
with my
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
Big letters then small letters
Big letters then small
Keep this rule clear
And I follow down
this system
to this end
Oh how it explains
everything oh how
I am seen underneath
the smoothness
and roundness
Looking up through
these assemblages
seeing you there
Breathing skylines
unraveling cities
you hope
are packages opening
I have this for yoU
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
Is too much
can you turn it down

just a little

I know life jus' runs
at this pace

but, quiet, now, please
so I can breathe
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
This white box
is the most
powerful thing
I reel now
in it's sway
Dennis Willis May 2019
The fluidity of being
my new darling

We choose beings
to be

Don't get stuck
as one you

or as version
one of you

that leads to thinking
that is you

which leads to fear
not you

choose this you
and that you

depends on what you
they need you to be

a baby needs one you
a mate an other you

The you I need
is this you thank you
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
I thought about you
all night
I pictured you
on and off

Taking it
as a good idea
we should
finally make time

I've penned this
opening volley
hoping you
feel a rush

And now I wait
for your
Dennis Willis May 2019
Let's take alone apart
and remake it
without me
Dennis Willis May 2021
I keep thinking about you
I believe I love you
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
All of these
No nuances
Just slights
of hand
Major league
no hits
Air stepping
Scenes often
Gunning again
shocks and after
falter and flail
today's distance
has been run
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
I get thrown away
by people

One of my best skills

The coarseness of time
abrades the soft tissue
barely holding me

I am wrung like a belle
In L.A.
milked beauty
under summer smog

Take me and my
the greater of your
slip in no splash
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
I am open to some web
some web of energy
and being
that scares me
I think it will
swamp me
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
Yada yada
Blah blah
Oh dat hurts

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis May 2020
We are all lying to you
this isn't ink

these aren't rhymes
or (you know) reason

parenthetical poetry
antithetical blow at me

any line taken deep
i grab the pole

what bites this
syllable raw

embarrassed sound
ducks from frilly

meaning expands
to fill the space

i afford fear
and tighten
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
I am in danger
the  danger of
the danger of
clambering out
of this thing
seeing this thing
that isn't grand
that is a chain
I would clamber
I would climb
I would rest here
Really I would
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
There is something bubbling
Up in the universe
Pushing me hard
Out of the light
To find
To find more
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
Nothing you run into
is as deep as me
and I can only
be stumbled upon

in ignorance
you fall upon me
like a devil
on an innocent

feast if you can
on this crumble
on this crack
in a wall of next

this is the hunger
propping you up
to see
to see that that me

fully scratched
open and bleeding
giving up
my life to you

Dennis Willis Apr 2019
that reaches all through
some, to me, mysterious mechanism
of slain hope

of lying
snot raging


of sense

spars e letters

horror at


at heads down

romance dies

some fool

and this pity is not
to that fool

instead to you
who needs the fool

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
You're a rockstar
rising up blah
blah-blah blah
Hyphenated blah

I am aware
Of a sore
That's hurts
stings even

this ingrown hair
outstrips your
carefully outfitted
kit of desperation

I am aware
of this descending
crescendo of no
I am not that

anymore rises
to strike truly
this sentiment
of lemonade and *****

testifies to the merit
of these blackened pixels
restaurant engineering
I come back for

And you're here
timeless tan lines
burned so deeply
I cannot see

Today wins
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
This fashion
of telling
instead of
waving my hands
and yelling

and it comes
to me
that this is so
all about you
the limit of what
you can rue

and what was lost
that is all and nothing
at all and once you know
falling in arms out
will you land this
time laughing
Dennis Willis Jun 2022
I could catch
covid or I could
catch monkeypox
or  I could catch
a bullet when
times are good
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Sneering at the eyeballs of time
with Hard Lemonade
Pierce this belch time
you little *****
Headlines today
You've been reversed
in quantum and
in human age
Thought you were
all that did ya
Dennis Willis Sep 2023
Why is time
and refining
What part
of this
this bigger
not visible to me
i'm part of
is the fruit
and what
is the husk
and what
is the detritus
of time's work
if not this
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
I keep resisting the idea
that I'm cornflakes
Oh I know
all the thinking
that disproves this
ludicrous notion
but crunchy in milk
is sooo sultry
and satisfying
Dennis Willis Nov 2020
This is the feeling this balance
between inebriation and insentience
nice and fleetingly lucid in bent ways
I damage a <things list themselves here deploringly>

Must I feel all these nuances of inked settling ends
mends meant  rends rent sends unsent vein spent
when's the reasoning coming to rescue this humming
I imagine <all of these rescue scenarios imploringly>

Rescue me and  I'll rescue you I'll rescue you if I see
rending some ending some sending some aheming
awkward or awake and scrambling across away
I resonate with the scramble amongst the consonance

it gets crunchy here when it all lands thud thud thud
fallen comrades past careful passed help me past
I learned a valuable lesson and the blameless
perhaps you getting away is this envelope of tire
Dennis Willis Aug 2023
Every line wavers
shadow shuttering
the shade envelope
on off on off on off
something signaled
and forgotten and
pumped out heaps
of it and grounding
and searing magma
tunneling undersea
crusting into more
or less cooly nothing
still faintly hoping
Dennis Willis Apr 2022
You would not say
late things
to an early bird
the idea is absurd

this might be empty
of well you know
but look no

don't look
at me
whilst i whittle
away to almost far enuf
Dennis Willis Apr 2021
I remember
being loved hard
I'm crying alone

watching lovers
for each other

hungrily touch
I sear empty, want
such fire and desperation
Dennis Willis Dec 2024
I've had
with everything
and came back
to write about
the taste
of all of it
sweet then
then a little
like it
and then

i'd make
a joke
you'd laugh

lands hard
on everything

shake off
that feeling
some dizzying
into my

make up
my mind
lack of
at all

i should
to my
paper thin
in obeisance
for a hook

i know
to catch
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
Legs of iron rode men of nonsense
and bullets flew by squealing
and swearing 'bout the target's
low value
Of re-entry and skidding to a halt
i'm certain
i will be thrown out here
for some purpose
Dennis Willis Dec 2018
Fuzzy little humans fitting themselves
into the machine they built
that they no longer want.

Scruffy sticky motherfukers thought
it would be oh so cool to be
a machine

always on time and productive

Now we realize we prefer to be
scruffy sticky little motherfukers

The transition point
of fight for

entangling Lives
messy lives

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
No redemption none
no one redeemed nothing
pulled back to here or here
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Distance is unobtainable
if I keep you engaging
realizing yer wrong
in my imagination

That is the one
I'd be close to
Am close to
must end
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
I am running
into realization

of meat walking
in high style

calories of alcohol

guilts singing
in paint jobs

I am singing
into realization

this song
this song of

fraying threads
abandoned tomorrow

carefree days
are piling up

waiting for our

to fade

Copyright@2019  Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Mar 2019
I am exhausted
with your

The chattering muons
rain upon my

this crushing

of everything
to fill

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
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