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Dennis Willis Aug 2024
I've the sleepiness I've sought
sinking in
dulling me out
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
My head rests upon the wall
behind my work table
as I lean back

This is an empty glass
upon my work table
as I engage
what is

This is a
realization in ta tingle

Tonight throbs in its vein
I am cool air washing

Rocking in my chair

feeling the keys
exalting the scrunch

of my shoulders
as night plays through
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
I'd like to blah blah
I have so much
blah blah to offer
I believe

Blah blah
and want you
to believe
all the blah
so we can
believe blah blah blah

Can't you taste
the synchronization
over anachronism
all the dusty deities
thirsty so thirsty
have you been drunk
by them
Dennis Willis Jul 2023
was it something
i lived
too quietly
or too loudly
that led
to this
particular streak

time marred
I am rough
to the day
sawn into
shards as if
it was mine
to do with

i've scattered
boards about
for walking again
randomly though
as thought knew
I would listen
and overthink
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
I'm just trying to feel better about myself here
by earning your good opinion
I'm just reluctant to put on pants
count syllables or rewrite much
past now's solidification
of this imaginary ink

I like meaning's own rhythms
and now's own sweetness

for some form brings freedom
not me

this white pretend page
and this limited alphabet
and these meager words
are already too big of constraints
for the vibe
'at wants out of me now

some great wave of life
crests leaving an arrangement
of sand and pebbles
descriptions, not even photographs
maybe a spare sense
of something beautiful
slipping past

There goes, here comes, this'n' here
and another one are never done
so on with the fun
wave to the particles will ya
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
If I were gentler
these are the
things I would
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
What *** are you after
drop into raucous sound
and then emerge in silence
this universe is intended
for mature audiences
this universe is intended
is a false statement
wrapped in something
that isn't ever true
this intent slips within
the lies that comfort us
of understanding and
certainty while we roll
under the wave of now
i need to move forward
i get to breathe here
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
scalloped moments
like following curves
on skin to our begin

again at losing our minds
we press in
for escape out
into not us
no longer
worried I

only something
wagging a sine wave
into a grinning day
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
I have no meaning
and I just wanted
to say thank you
for that
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
sawa gawa
tino sabi
its what you maybe
kimo say be
No not apricot
these wordss
if you're Endicott
that guy that guy
was knew once
for us ford us
im not insectual
wawa while
some guitar
Dennis Willis Sep 2018
I need
Better poetry

So I asked
The doctor

He said
Bend over

He said

I think I see

The source
Of your problem

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
I have a formula
Where I set the universe to zero
You may have something similar

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
This wisp
of my intent

This lean
of alcohol

This nail

I can't hear

of you

I want to scream
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Adhere to this idea
above all else
Any idea
and nature laughs
and then cries
out belonging
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
We are a walking ocean
carrying tides
and crowded shores
what does an ocean
Dennis Willis Oct 2019
I'm letting the sun come in
it's baggage is so warm
leather, not smooth, sensual
caught in transfixed beaming
in this layer of radiation
beaming at the caresses
of a star in a 'verse
touch me warmly deeply
this spine this spy'n' on time
assonance of red sweater'd girls
sweltering gravity and arrows
this direction of scratch
chasing itch satisfying need
the swell the buoyancy and tilt
of a warm sea under a warm sun
i rise with the swelling of you
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
in betweens

Man's made

Oh the natural ones

Ear meets head
head meets neck

Graze those seams
breath afire

So hard to find
it takes teeth

to forget the looking

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
Hooomans are fascinating
they cannot tell the difference
between their imaginations
and their immediate surroundings
This presents opportunities
to tilt at things you don't understand

the pretense of your own scent
lilac and sumac

old scents
lent forward

I scramble back from this precipice
sent from the accidental bureau

cold sweet mix of ice and sugar and

of guessing around the corner
with tequila

not about that
not about this

spinning of feeling
into sound


blasted off molecules
regroup in a neighborhood bar

as if they lost a softball game
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
sitting comfortable in this darkness
this cricket backgrounded quietness
this ear scratching cheek rubbing
this i'm in no hurry to go to bed
there it is there is the cool air
i was promised i always wanted
i exalt in quiet ways over this fresh
i respect inside my skin this taste
coming here to be tasted aloud
what moment what thought isn't
an ****** whatever that is
coursing us forward imaginary
companions fluffing our need
and this ink sticking you in time
is skinning oaken barrels of being

today is decanted among much fanfare
samples doled out in small glasses
sniffed and quaffed i think in style
enriched by not missing

it is misdirection we invent
to defy the coarseness of seconds
when we should be exalting
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
This day rolled and breaded
in dried loneliness
with a pinch of salt
on a rim

Filled with screens and chats
these thin reachings
and easy feelings
living whim
Dennis Willis Mar 2019
Self awareness
is a dangerous thing my friend
I'm glad to see
you've avoided it

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
old actors singing my song satisfyingly
and i'm still uncomfortable that's  possible
that i'm so easy to capture

notes make sense for a thousand years
cast in tears identical
and rich as cake

playing at playing at deadly play
the lines clear on their faces
not to be seen as borrowing

this is as deep as i'm willing
to excavate at this late nerve
vibrates my what am i blathering at here

perception of everything
bumbling forward everywhere
non sensicly
Dennis Willis Jun 2019
Just tried to read
All the verse

Too much

4 me


Cheer the ****
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
So much of my stuff
is prayers to beauty
even if it is shallow
ignorant beauty

I am on my knees
to that power
grovelling again
for your touch
Dennis Willis Sep 2020
Settled in words
caramelized by night
stroll ones skull
looking about

at this ******* and that
strewn about in here
oh the pictures
and intentions
and crop circles
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
All of these conversations in my head over and over the things I should have said the things I'm going to say in conversations. That Never happen because no one will ever sit still for the long explanation of how right I am

I should write a TV series or a movie with all these conversations all these satisfying shutdowns. Instead get comfortable with frayed threads floating in my life never resolved sometimes the people just die

So it's not about keeping all the threads neat tying up all the loose ends as satisfying as i think that would be. It's about being alive in The weave of Time and love and open to the nearest smile.

Knowing everything is fraying and growing around us. Both are good. You have a certain amount of time. You have you. You can't get more time or a different you. So love what you have of both. If you want to have a great life, do so passionately.

Find the place where it isn't awkward to be you. Learn how to be comfortably you in any setting.

I'm thinking to my fingertips, thinking to my toenails. I am hungry to know. I'm in no hurry to go.
Dennis Willis Oct 2020
The a ngst is begging
the vibe is right
the night is quiet
and beauty has spoken
to me and laughed
such a sound
i'm waiting
for pictures
she promised

light accumulates this night
Dennis Willis Dec 2024
are you the darkness
sliding down
or am i

fallen in
on us

which of us
our various
crusts with
our curious

and which
of us
just must
cave in
to closed eyes

bare the fear
until it
is dust

and we
warm dusk
Dennis Willis Jun 2023
These crawling things
these thoughts
engraved in nerve
throbbing wanting
to be bigger
to run me

oh you all want
to run me
don't you
this way this way
this way
whisperers all

help me copy myself
help me grow myself
in your head please
i want to live
forever so carry me
forever i won't take up
more than your life
and any others you
introduce me to

i am a lesson wanting
to be learned
and the lesson
is don't learn me
don't grow me
so strong
in your head
and miss all
Dennis Willis Jun 2022
This arcing line
we know
this line
as it rises away
crests its charge
and begins to fall
then lands
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
I slave over these verses
{no he don't}
I flop my fish of a soul out
for amusement
{oh yeah he do}
Do you know where
the way is
Zorro is a tree trimmer
{this is evidence}
Can you
{what is the ask}
{what is the ask}
Can you
{this is perdition}
scrunch your feelings
{rubbing my beard}
into these ****** things
{draining a glass}
a moment drives by laughing
{was that supposed to be here}
press the up switch
{too random get back ***** cat}
inner i wish
tasty squirrel
{i write for you}
{she doesn't read}
she shops
{thank you universe}
you are laughing out loud
Dennis Willis Sep 2018
I believe my muse
Is of A different race
And ****** orientation

That has nothing to do with
My intent
To do violence

That reason is
I've read
Other poets

On this site
and I like them
way better

I'm going to offer
their muse

If I could
just get mine
to go

So I'm ok
with whatever
a muse is

A muse
Am open
to odious

If the lines
Make you go



Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jul 2019
If you get what you think about
and you think about
what you don't want
what do you get?

I think about
being an elbow
or maybe Gargantua
in a tax audit

Don't gape at the gap
of shortfalls
that festoon
all things

Can't chew
with that space
the baseball
made storied

Accept each swallow
on its journey
to becoming you
and not you
Dennis Willis Jul 2020
I've retracted this line
so many times
I felt I had to say
something to those of you
waiting in my imagination
for my next work
and who need
an explanation as to
my delay

i wish ink still stained
pages with this scouring
and pressing down
sound of blades on parchment
sailing words course through
this cellulose sea
quiet alone now

letters spill on as if
polymeric chains snag
heartstrings past embarrassment
follow one another out into some light
twinging yet owned
sparks of snappy life
shorting forward
and at something
so you see
Dennis Willis Sep 2021
Inside the shell of the shotgun
pellets of metal, universes
wanting dissolute time

riven by wannabee galaxies
still unsure ambitious atoms
chanting with their ionic chums

fields just a thrum crusting
crystal lattices maybe suns
now's solidification on the run
Dennis Willis Nov 2018
He shot him!
When did he shoot him?

He shot him
All the time

He's still
Shooting him

He was
Shooting him

And he will be
Shooting him

Shoot shoot shooting him
Is fun

He's thinking
About it

Somehow hears Peter Gabriel
singing it

you shot me down

takes the mic

Is your head
like this?

doing the twist?

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jul 2022
I'd like to capitalize
some words
I just don't know
which ones

then I'd like
to punctuate
some sentences
'at might appear

finally I'd like
some readers
to try swallow
all my angst
Dennis Willis Jan 2024
One poet
just wants
to know
the reader

One poet
just wants
to write
the poem

One poet
is a
sheer  ha
lu cin eh
Dennis Willis Jan 2022
The crispness
of your thigh

as you stand
just waiting

foot up
on one step

that shape
subtly more

than any
other grip
Dennis Willis Oct 2021
If I talk to the heat
above my head
it is of mayhem
and sage and rosemary
and the breathing in
of a chestful

Take yourself
in your arms
for a moment
don't admit
to a caress

Slink into some
darkness calm
delicious warming
envelopes and
you are still
Dennis Willis Jul 2021
!Si I'm blind

on Friday

Oh God
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

and the sauce
Gearshifting madly

burning ember
of a number
swung by her
a higher number

Over a bad translation
Laughing shifting
Drinking beer
Wearing the normal here
Almost nothing

And who seems
To, actually
be here
A Peruvian
Dennis Willis Mar 2019
Something hard
this way



I am time
coming fir u

Count the seconds

Each a piece

Eat a peach

Grit counts
and the state

of open


the mythological cover
cover story

darlinged by u

rumbles at u

as they are want
to do

their only tone
your simple dimension

fumbling pleas

I know
U know me

Through layers
with dragon fire

Ghost of
******* and poets

I inhale a drink
of angst
your honor

Glassy eyed wisdom
magic of mess


draw it in

hold my beer

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
Here, in this silence,
of no one around
I address absence

Turn up the tv
have a drink
flip thru channels again

check on the dogs
change where I'm sitting
scroll thru the news

if you were here
would it be
any different

I've been alone
and alone
with others

Which desperation
wishing you were gone
wishing you were here

smashes me more
I don't know
sitting in smithereens
Dennis Willis Jun 2021
Things I will do with you
Can I get you a drink
Are you hungry
If I make you attractive
there may be some off's
to be had (and then this collapse)

I want you to be into something
something delicious
that leans your head back
and involuntarily you deeply breathe
this coalescing of all thrills
like you've got it all right

I'm not selling your story
nothing has to happen
to send things careening
life is just saying things
whilst skin and nerves
watch our [inaudible] spasm
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
this morning
that singing
is about the sound
out there
not in here

Not just
out there

Right there
out there

Put it there


Make there
the entry

its surroundings
when comfortable

as if I
pitch my
ear there

Listening further away
creates harmony

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
I was singing
with no fear

Yes I was alone

Thus this
is progress
and i am happy

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
Not certain
About the order
may be the wine
comes first

It is the singing
that brings this smile
this impossible
not to smile

I listen to Susan Boyle
sing Wild Horses
Find lyrics
Find Stones recording

Split screen
Stones singing
Cast to speaker

Myself silly
in wonder
at the words

What they meant
at sixteen
and what they mean

<now-That fukin' thing again>

and this joy
Wild Wild Horses
Couldn't drag me away
from now

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
Dennis Willis Jan 2019
I need to sink

sinking into


I need to drain

I nuh nuh
need to draw in

i need
to be less

of a target
i need to be less

less than is coming
tomorrow to


and you read your life
from guesses upon guesess
upon nothing we understand

is it time
for lunch

stop me
if you've


this sound
na na nah nah

hearing it

when you

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis
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