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Dell Anne Raye Sep 2018
Speak not of forever,
Rarely be that one’s endeavor.
Speak not of prince charming,
Be neither prince, nor charming.

Speak of Bittersweet battle,
Of scarred hearts, torn and tattered.
Speak of walls built, born of battle.
Of touch, aching need, they did shatter.

Speak not of fleeting lust,
Of fiery frozen lustful touch.
Speak not of souls fearful to trust,
Of tender, wistful dreams turned to rust.

Speak of brave, hopeful enduring love,
A kind gifted from heaven above.
Speak of what transcends lust.
Of woken souls learning to trust.

Be this written upon sand and stone,
Be this a blushed, gritty story to show.
Be this sewn between two hearts,
Be this a story of love, blood and bone.

© 2018 Dell Anne Raye
All Rights Reserved
Dell Anne Raye Sep 2018
Golden leaves falling,

branches heavy leaning from the trees.

Howling winds calling,

whispering upon the breeze..
      " For you i am calling" .

groans of foliage upon the earths floor.

Her soul weeps ever more.

Still i can hear the winds howling

    " For you i am calling"

Chill of fall never felt so cold,

upon my skin as this moment.

  Fear rising upon my soul.

For i hear the wind as she calls.
I hear the sound of her soul weeping,

her blood thin, life slowly seeping.
  Still I hear her winds......

  “ For you I am calling”
Dell Anne Raye Sep 2018
I saw you today
I saw you today,
Frolicking while you played.
Youthful vigor restored.
Curiously, little kitten explored.

I saw you today,
though there could be no way.
For I held you, as from this life you passed from pain.
Felt heaven's tearful gain.

I saw you today,
Just as I did many other days.
Catching fading summer sun,
Purring upon favorite perch, as you have always done.

I saw you today,
Remnant of a memory, one that I replay.
Though with all my heart I begged you to stay.
You spoke softly, saying I love you as you drifted away.

I saw you today,
mournful tears falling, not kept at bay.
Moments of borrowed time.
Selfless, enduring love, rare to find.

I saw you today,
Every which way,
locked in memories played
moments, joyous memories we'd made.

I saw you today.
just like I hope to everyday.

© 2018 Dell Anne Raye
All Rights Reserved
Dedicated to my Cat Cowboy who passed away at 15 on july 7 of this year
Dell Anne Raye Sep 2018
Sorrows Rhyme
Beyond this place,
beyond this smiling face.
There lay hidden dreams,
nightmares laced with dreadful things.
Silently hidden behind a mask,
one that seeks more important tasks.

Painted upon this facade of serene.
Of theses hateful dreadful things.
These antiquities of broken love,
Forgotten by those who cared,
Locked away, these tears of the just.

Scenes play, dance to their own time.
Repeating painful, sorrowful rhyme.
Deeds committed, never being a punished crime.
So they replay, these things not healed by time.

Here we pretend, imagine, even bend,
Will’s of worlds, societies forgotten to attend.
Where hero’s falter as they fail.
Here in this place, where inhumanity prevails.

Be this our lasting song,
To remember those who’ve gone.
Battered, bloodied, broken bonds.
Shattered words of a love gone wrong.

© 2018 Dell Anne Raye
All Rights Reserved
Dell Anne Raye Sep 2018
Bask in the summer sun,
For when this day is done
We've grown under it's rays.
Changed in so many ways.

As summer turns to fall,
We remember the silence of it all.
Deafening the sound,
of love unbound.

— The End —