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 Aug 2019 Dedpoet47
sandra wyllie
People like to play with fire
but don’t want to get burned

People like to talk
but don’t want to listen

People usually say
the opposite of what they mean

People like to leave their opinion
but don’t want yours

People are a strange sort
 Aug 2019 Dedpoet47
 Aug 2019 Dedpoet47
You are
The mind
I am
The heart
I dream of love
The day to be
Happily in love,

True Love.....

My heart feeling your love....
Touching my heart,
Slowly take my hands

And kiss me softly.....

My true love,

As I smile,
My heart beats faster,

Because of you.....

I've suddenly fallen in love....
True Love
 Aug 2019 Dedpoet47
 Aug 2019 Dedpoet47
They told me
They were sorry
For my loss

But you’re
Not lost
You’re gone

No matter
Where I

To city’s
To towns
To countries

I will
Find you

— The End —