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Bard Jan 2021
No one likes red lights
Just out to see the sights
Tonight head to my place
The night and I in a race
After the stars we chase

After all the bars and dregs emptying in my glass
Hop and a skip too far straying ahead of my class
Because we all know, all we are is our past
And if that's the case it's trash and I won't last
But I rub shoulders with class and the money gets passed

Want fast cars, realty, and futures for my life
Gonna go far maybe crash an burn it all tonight
Got some cash its going fast gonna work it out
Spent it on trash, stocks an property never clout
No ice on the dash or rocks on hand, don't flout

Say I'm in it for me and friends but I don't have any of them
Either in the new family or don't got a slice in my time
Legal crime, law says its legal but it sure ain't moral
Guess the moral is don't be born poor or you pay the fine
Well I paid mine and now life is allowed to unfurl

I'm running through red lights gonna see the sights
Tonight I might not make it to my place
Got to win this cruel rat race cause the stars are giving chase
Its sponsored by the state but maybe its all just fate
And of late I've learned to hate the game but most of all hate the players

Cause they trample over prayers and cull the meek
Wolves taking samples of the flavors of the sheep
If your body aches and you work late till the bones creak
Than your the flavor of the week used up till you peak
Your sweat it reeks and draws out the beast

Thrown out in your decline as they recline
Protest your death an receive the fine
Try to survive and you do the time
Don't dare cross the line, moneys the bottom line
Some call it survival others they call it, crime

Money its on my mind
Calls come in and its on the line
I think about money all the time
I make it so I can dine
But others take it to drink wine

Been called a villain but I'd say machiavellian
Learned lessons from the enemy no more feelings
I'll keep living digits from the beast, seven seven seven
Close to falling, but thats the business of heaven
To **** without a weapon during a bull session

Money under my skin, It's killed the has-been
It the only way to win, not skill, not brains
I was saved just had to pay and rob the till
Ink stains over scars and pain none of the rich are sane
Moving Novocaine illegal till its pharmaceutical bills

Should've stopped at red lights
Can't unsee the sights
Don't even know my place
Or who's in this race
But I know it's stars we chase

All the hero's are dead or lost their head
Corpses layed to waste to grow our bread
We all got played bought what they would move
Traded my life and all I know is I'm still alive
To truth its tied when its said a villain survives
Bard Jan 2021
Fifths on the curb filth on my breath
Threats between lock-jawed teeth
Crime pays never follow laws, thief
Weak are prey in the belly of the beast

Cut with a sickle human life is wheat
Thoughts are fickle so you best leave
As wealth trickles my lungs heave
So I'll **** for a nickel long past naive

The living don't sleep at night
Thats a ending in our sight
If alls silent if alls quiet
It's violence It's a riot

Apparitions of our misery like a sister to me
Superstition is hidden history and trickery
Suspicions hysteria lead to be-witchery
Submission to superior forces and misery

Look over your shoulder sleep with one eye open
Never be bolder thats a quick order to a open coffin
Break camcorders, records fill folders in folsom
Blood is water never trust your brothers an cousins
Bard Jan 2021
They brought me to my knees, so
Fought with all of my friends
Now I don't got any of them

But I'd rather be alone
So I hung up my phone
I do my best on my own

I'm doing the best I can
On my own I still stand
And I've got a plan

When the stars touchdown
Let's see how much I've grown
Because I've always known

I do the best when I'm on my own
It's okay who needed them anyway
Nothing to say I will walk on my own
Bard Jan 2021
I got bags under my eyes
Awake but I'm tired
Stop calling me wise
All I am is expired
I've stopped chasing highs
I only do what is required

Is this whats called an honest life
To live bereft of passion within reason
I've stopped carrying a knife
Live within the bounds of demons
I've reached my own half-life
As struggle lessens sins deepen

Sink into skin pocks an permanent marks
No more broken locks and empty pockets
Just work and later nights
To be broke with empty sockets
No jokes no more laughs
What a joke living for profits
Bard Jan 2021
Live your life don't look up to mine
Life on a knife edge, life of a slime
And yet you said its gold when its grime
Parts of my soul sold while you drank wine
Need to fold before confusing glamour an pain

I'm not your role model not a person to follow
Enjoy your parents who coddle with silver bottles
Be thankful you never huddled alone left below
Its hurtful that you wanted to go into the only things I know
My path is lonely with woe my strength is just built from blows

Those traits you seek created by fates I wouldn't wish on snakes
My wits were gained by survival of being out in alleys late
Strength from the desperate struggle of being born a mistake
Will of rusted iron from a life on my lonesome with it all at stake
Will you throw away happiness and family to be a copy and a fake
Bard Jan 2021
We talked the other day you said you wanted to die
Even if its what you want I'd rather you be okay
Just going day by day
Sleeping, spending, nothing to say
Bingeing, barely breathing, letting threads fray
I ask hows it going you say you feel empty
Its relatabley the same I wish what I wished for me
I wished someone would save me
Never prayed but twice I was on my knees
Once to ask for anything set my life free
Once to ask the same for every friend of me
No reply, now just hope you don't become an amputee
Not like me, living without a guarantee
Stay surrounded by people that want you happy
A new year to go towards your own family
And one day relax as a retiree
Even if its a grim reality
And a ****** country
There's more in life to see
Bard Dec 2020
Darkness all around me set aside my light for belonging
Welcome to the abyss it resides beside your right and its growing
Lazarus in the flesh I don't fully exist so I cant fight whats coming
Hundreds green lush don't really fill the abyss just grows longing
Goes long but falls short silly people flip bricks and know deaths knocking
Can you hear it he's knocking, can you hear it the guns cocking
It all depends on whether you are of data or of the lost in earths strata
Born of dirt and its your stigmata be de-serviced or reborn as auto-mata
No room for poor flesh as you are to god, worthless
But pious gears thresh it from body a priceless business
My confessions are existences as worthless lesions
Life for passions, persistent refusal of life's lessons
Its wanton days spent profitless and yet the prophet begs the question
"Will you condemn yourself to society's prison"
"Come my son and drink of my poison"
"Or you shall drown in freedoms ocean"
If the choice is society or freedom than I am foreign
If they would let me I would be free of the chains
But angels blessed me with feathers followed by fetters
First they taught me with educators then put me neath betters
So I type out my many letters till the bars of the cuckoo birds cage rusts
Watch cracks and dig at dreams till it all busts at the seams
Unfortunately it seems I will die before freedom will sing
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