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 Jan 2014 David Saunders
The sunset glistens through the trees,
The forest floor is covered with pine needles and leaves,
The trees in the breezes creak and moan;
I love coming here alone.

Everlasting ferns at my feet,
A pile of rocky boulders make a beautiful seat,
When I come here I think of days of long ago;
And about creeks that bubble and flow.

Written about a month or so ago. This place is my favourite place to sit and think at! It's so beautiful!
 Jan 2014 David Saunders
The sun is shining through the trees
Tiny rain-washed bluebells
Are growing at my feet
Birds are calling to each other
Moss is growing on the ground
And lichen on the trunks of trees
Dappled sunshine lights my path
Ferns are showing off their green lace
And dewdrops are sparkling on the grass
While the sky couldn't be a bluer sapphire hue
A path of cherry blossoms in bloom
Tower overhead
Their sweet fragrance dancing on the breeze
A circle of mushrooms
Is where the Fairies dance each night
That is where I dance too
Today is such a lovely day
Spent in my enchanted Woodland

Just some random inspiration!!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy it!!! (: ~~~~~~~~~~<3
A Galax of blossom
the woodland garden,
Solomons seal and Euphorbia too.
a melt down of lavender blue.
A walkway abode of enchantment.
With branches like arms,
like fingers holding on to leaves
eventually letting go.
With roots like veins,
like life lines tracing back
to hundreds of years ago.

As the seasons change
we change.
They are forever frozen,
reaching, stretching
towards the skies above.

They are told they
can touch the stars,
just out of reach.

Armies of them are placed
together -- frozen in the battle
to achieve their goal.

Wars are fought, lives lost
seasons past, years fly
they stand there - forever frozen.

Some are as ancient as the
stars themselves,
others are born into the world
with this impossible task.

They are imprisoned
by the earth
but still reach for the stars:
A tree, split with an battle-ax, sticks.
Voice of a shrike.
A gaggle of glamour girls,
Debutantes of Times gone by.

With talk of Aruba,
White Sands and clear blue waters,
Spoken to inspire jealousy to all those around.

And of organization,
Motherhood and label makers,
Construction of pigeon holes for every part of life.

And the Latino Girl at work,
Whispers of the lasciviousness of a life unknown,
In the silliness of two glasses of white wine each.

I smoke a barrier between them and me.

In an effusive hurried rush they leave,
In search of sustenance of the soul,
In search of Sisterhood.

I sit in a Dewar’s drought.

She walks by and grazes her fingertips across my back,
A touch of familiarity,
A touch that I long for.

Gently, I speak,
Within this microcosm,
You stand as Aphrodite.

Smiling, she goes about her work.

I return the appreciation,
The warmth of bad bourbon,
Exuding from my pores.

Cause I sit in a Dewar’s drought.

They sit down in the virility of youth,
Testosterone tilted hats,
Speaking the language of Poser Street,
In the melody of white noise.

Showcasing the uniforms of a self-created culture.

I turn and tune them out.
Some people wear their hearts on their shirt sleeve
I wear coffee on mine
Fallen from un-cautious lips
Like careless words
Hot and steaming
Spilled down the front of my chest
But the same
A temporary stain
That proper washing will remove
It's not infatuation
I'm just fascinated
when your face graces
my imagination
so i like it.
And I keep doing it.
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