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  Apr 16 Dani Just Dani
Mike Adam
I always choose the losing side

They wear the prettiest silk
Woven clothes
And die

In droves
As I sit
In the middle
Of a blunt

I lean back on
The chair
As the birds
Fly by,

The sun filters
Through the
Leafs of an

“What is it
That you guys
Say again?”

Everyone erupts
And we laugh.

a corona gets
Passed from hand
to hand
And I watch

This salvadorian
Make a perfect
Puerto Rican

That for a second
Got me at the edge
Of my seat
Holding on

Onto the arms rest,
Sobered up my high
And made me feel
Like I was sitting

Back home
At the edge of
The bottom

Of my friends
I laugh and
Take a swig

Off the cold
Bottle and wonder
Why it tastes
So bitter sweet.
The clouds look
Just right today

In between yellow
Green branches

And parking lot
Light posts

The people coming
Out of the garden center

Hop on one leg
And feel the breeze

Upon their hair while
Gently caressing their face

I look at the sky again,
From the windows

Of my small hatchback
With my feet out,

The sun upon my skin,
And a lit cigarette

On my left hand, while
I write this on my right

And I think and think
And think and think,

While reading “time is
A mother” by vuong

I don’t have much time,
I have to clock in again.
  Apr 11 Dani Just Dani
Stu Harley
Not tangled vines, nor cages built of gold,
Love gives you space, a story to unfold.
A gentle breeze that whispers, "You are free,"
To chase your dreams, beneath a boundless sky.

Trust's open arms, a safe and steady hold,
Where wings unfurl, a tale yet to be told.
Roots that bind, yet let the branches climb,
A love that thrives, in its own gentle time.

So breathe it in, the air, so fresh and bright,
Love's gift of freedom is taking flight.
The universe
Will speak to you,
In between silence
And forgotten words,
In the movement of
The branches of a
Full crowned tree,
In rushing water
And the color
Of the sky,
It will answer
With rays of sunshine
That mark your skin,
Love the Forrest,
And the mountains,
And the ants,
And the spiders,
All the creepy crawlies,
And animals,
Smell the flowers that
Bloom this spring,
Feel the rash,
The bite,
The sting,
They all deserve
To be happy.

We all do.
I walk by the street,
Evading the lines
On the sidewalk,
I noticed a guy
Working on his car,
The same way I’ve noticed
Him for the past 3 days,
I jump over four leafs
Clovers and open
The doors to the
Corner store,
I grab my usual,
A watermelon
Then I walk up
To the counter
And ask for a
Pack of camels 99,
A look of glee
Reflecting on
The glass that
Protects the
I walk back outside,
The sun beaming
Bright yellow
Through rain
Clouds that are starting
To dissipate,
The same guy,
Now sleeping in his car,
I wonder,
Where will it
All take us?
  Apr 9 Dani Just Dani
coming home is an inhale
with certainty
coming home is a familiar twist
crying in my mother's bed
making coffee too strong
my favorite mug is all of them
coming home is feeling
how much I've changed
and knowing how much I once understood
coming home is an exhale of gratitude
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