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Damaré M Aug 2013
I'm holding you hostage in this trifling state because I am dead broke without you 
I'm not asking for much 
I'm talking on the phone with your father to get a better understanding on how to contain you 
I shouldn't need tape 
Nor do I need a threatening weapon 
I will keep my voice low 
And only thing that I will insist on is that you stay put and
Don't move 
Do you need any water, or do you want anything to eat?
Grilled chicken breast, cabbage, macaroni and cheese, and a slice of corn bread; then wash it down with some simply lemonade? 
And after that you can sip a little red wine if you want to 
...I mean it's up to you
Your father told me that you love peach cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert 
But the ice cream have to be on the side; not touching the cobbler 
Because the ice cream will melt too fast he said
He say if I really want to keep you in place I must have that recipe down packed 
I been practicing and gathering all of the top of the line ingredients for my blueprint 
I've been thinking of this master plan for awhile and it took me this long to adultnap you 
How does it feel to be my adultnappee? 
Am I acting according to how they do it in the movies? 
I know when CCN get ahold of this letter it will make history 
...well you know like all of the other stories that make it nation-wide dies in about a week or so 
And our story will allow a loophole;
a loophole for more serious issues which regards to most of the nation become kept from our attentions 
That's just how it go 
It will make history just by the fact of me doing something that's so far against the law; however, I will receive no punishment 
It also will make history when the world see our relationship after the encounter 
They'll see awkwardness 
Like "how can they be together and he kept her in that predicament for so **** long"?
Yeah they'll slander you, but they don't know what condition you were held in 
I'm staking all that I have on this transaction here 
I'm risking all of my freedom 
I don't mind being locked up if you are the catch 
22years is nothing 
We can renew every time we get a new, old feeling 
Tell your father if he doesn't give me everything than someone's gonna die;.... and it isn't gonna be you....... 
I just hope that the both of you care about me enough to let me steal everything away of you (not from you) 
I need everything or else....
And I don't need you to try to escape just play it safe 
Give me the combination to the safe 
And I will ventilate the space 
Close it behind me 
Oh that reminds me 
If this doesn't go how I expected it to 
Sorry I never meant to harm you with love 
Tell my family that I love them all
Especially tell my mother I said thanks for raising me well 
She said love doesn't cost a thing
Damaré M Aug 2013
Isn't it wonderful how you thought that I was the best as it gets and all of a sudden another man came to override that thought?
Like I always told you 
"There's someone out there who's better for you than I am, you just watch"
That truth probably wasn't meant to be understood at the time that I made it vocal
All because if you would have believed me; it wouldn't be so impactful now 
There was a reason I always told you not to settle
I mean I'm oooooookkkkkk fooorrrr yooouuuu.. Yeah I'm ok 
... But nowhere near as good as the man who I knew would appreciate you more 
H­e's honorable so don't allow your mind to wander and stumble upon me anymore 
He will bring you difficulties from time to time 
Perfect for you 
I didn't say he perfected life 
Who has? 
When the both of you are going through adverse times 
Stay as devoted as he will be 
Don't let them times be the times when your name suddenly appear in my call log 
I'm not worth it 
Our love turned into horror and left you open 
I always told you that he'll bring forth closure 
I was horoscoping 
Our heart to heart connections would always arrest like cardiac 
That's why I kept you in harmony with your zodiac 
I knew that you would later share a calendar with someone who's much more reliable than I am
I also knew that you would stare at the stars with someone who bring a better atmosphere into your company 
I saw all the signs and symbols 
Good things are only cyclic 
Bad things are provisional 
I saw him for you
I was necessary for you to experience 
If you wouldn't have dealt with me then you'll still be settling and making deals with apportioning men 
So don't regret me 
Love me for being able to love him 
And you should aware him of his zodiac 
Maybe you'll be his astrologer in order for him to be with the woman who he was born to be in position with
Damaré M Aug 2013
There's a handsome man behind this mean-mug somewhere I know it, but I just can't show it 
There's mellow eyes behind my ferocious stare somewhere I just can't let you see it 
There's a gentle touch behind my aggressive grip somewhere I just can't feel it 
How about my smile that lives inside of my frown,
Only if it was implanted where my heart is I'll know how to start it 
My sunken head that is placed on my sturdy neck,
Only if I knew how to flex 
I can keep my chin from being pinned in my chest 
Careless and fearless; when really I'm so considerate and startled by what holds of tomorrow 
It's just hard to know that side of me 
Hard to pry out what's inside of me 
All the knives in my back 
You would think people was trying to get to my core 
But it was done only to score 
The real me is detained 
I strain to show the sol that's inside of me because I'm drenched by rain 
My soul isn't overwhelmed by pain 
I don't let pollution penetrate 
...I filter 
And obviously I don't let my feelings 
Pour or strain 
The lemons of my life aren't peeled so my concentrate is unreal
I concentrate on adding water so I can purify my life 
Detained inside myself
Damaré M Jul 2013
Dear Arjana,
Isis told me that you left your paradise for love in disguise 
Camouflage love 
Erroneous love 
Inaccurate love 
Artificial love 
Mimic love 
Man-made love 
Substitute love
I can't trust the "fact" that you wanna desert me only to hydrate a man who's life is so sparse with affection 
Can't you tell by how devoid his life is of women? 
He can't storm into your life and bring forth lush 
He can't be your sunshine and make you feel tropic 
He can't have you sprung and spring you out of your glacial phase 
Bottom line Arjana babe 
Is that he cannot draw the line between your north and south poles where it's typically warm when I'm around and rock your equator wild as a 200 miles per hour cyclone Lol!!!
He just can't 
And I could 
So why do you even give G-Gwa-Gwala a chance? 
However you say his name! 
You need to come back home to your paradise 
Before you end up a dystopian 
Please reply =-|
Sincerely Masika "Zola" Oluchi
Name meanings:
Arjana- Paradise
Isis- goddess
Gwala- coward
Masika "Zola" Oluchi- one who was born during a monsoon "to love" work of god
Damaré M Jul 2013
"Don't take your love away"
Cuz "I wanna be close"
So if we "separated"
"My first love"
Will rot

"Since I seent you"
You've been my "diamond in the rough"
So my boys know
That I'll be a "broken man"
If "her heart"
"Float" away from me
"The point of it all"
Is "im a mess"
So "please stay"
So I can see "better days"
Quit tampering
A------ H-------

"When a woman loves"
She's "happy people"
"When a woman's fed up"
"I wish" that I can make her happy
I'm sorry, it's just "if I could turn back the hands of time" I would
You say that you love me
But "it seems like you ready"
To "step in the name of love"
In another mans "chocolate factory"
Hope I'm not being petty
R. -----

"A house is not a home"
But "if this world were mine"
"If only for one night"
I'll give you "endless love"
"Here and now"
"Always and forever"
You'll be my "superstar (don't you remember)"
When I told you that It's  "never too much" of your love that I can have?
Without you I'm lost
-----r V-------

Why are you "playing possum"?
Tell me a lil "sumthin' sumthin'"
Spread your "pretty wings"
And soar to "whenever wherever whatever" you want to go
My "bad habits"
Makes "this woman's work"
And when I see her cry
I can't help but to have a "fist full of tears"
In my "lifetime" I never been so
"Fortunate" until now
My "ascension" never been so high until now (don't ever wonder) us falling
Because it will "stop the world"
"Know these things: shouldn't you"
If so don't ever bail

It's not just your "chocolate legs"
That I crave
"I wanna be loved"
And "sometimes I cry" when I can't
"Spend my life with you"
Don't leave me for lonely "Harriett jones"
We have "real love"
Don't go stray
E--- --n--

"Me and those dreamin' eyes of mine" wishes that you were my "lady"
I wish that we were "cruising"
I Wish that I could take you "higher"
But since you're "untitled (how does it feel" to be my "brown sugar"?
Do you "feel like making love"? Huh?
Like Animals

"U got it bad"
"You make me wanna"
"Let it burn"
But I got a few "confessions" to make
When I "love you gently"
And go "nice and slow"
"You remind me" that I should toss them "papers" away
Tonight I want it "my way"
"Can you handle it"?
I love her and lust her

"I'm tired of being alone"
But "how can you mend a broken heart"?
How can I reach "love and happiness"
And stay harmonious when we're tied by "unchained melodies"?
Can we ever just be "simply beautiful"?
Not just a cute couple?
Do you believe?
-- --een

Your art
Your mind
Your eyes
Your heart
Is described by our artist
Your art is painted in their lyrics
Sing songs as long as you belong
I long for your love
So my ears are plugged with earphones
As I sing along
Fill in the blanks
Damaré M Jul 2013
It's like a jungle sometimes it make me wonder 
It's like a Forrest sometimes it help me flourish 
It's like a desert sometimes I find myself exerted 
I don't know how to word it, so I gather up a excerpt 
My momma always used to blurt it but since I always heard it , Things didn't make sense until it hurted 
Unjust situations did a service , I can't remember the last time when I was nervous
I tried my hardest not to become heartless 
In poverty stricken and drug infested apartments 
They raised us in the slums 
So we raisins in the sun 
Get to the league then our fathers come and try to bake us when we're done 
Already came from out the oven 
Already clubbing and already loving
Been making mistakes 
Got seasoned without his marinade
He never made us a plate 
Forced to be a renegade 
He never made us feel safe 
We're out running from everything 
Then don't know what to do when we make it on base 
Flour for the chicken
Flowers in the vase 
Gun powder in the smith &
Baking soda for the base 
I can't stand the rain coming through my window and we never had drapes 
Slim fast was our ******* so fiends never got in shape
Rent was only $50
So we never had space 
Halloween we had the mask but we Couldn't afford the cape 
So it was only fly if you sold super weight 
God's gate or cell 5 gate
Was our only escape
But we had to share a sub sandwich 
Waterfall a club soda
That's why we relate 
Dozens of "cousins" 
Saw each other everyday so that's why we debate 
It's like a ocean sometimes it makes me hopeless 
Marco Polo never get played, it's real
We dying by waves of violence 
It's like a battle field sometimes it keeps us crying 
Retaliation celebration 
10 years of frequent, but temporary triumph 
It's like a jungle that's why today I'm humbled 
Try to stay away from trouble 
Lost a lot of brothers, so the ones thats left I muffle 
It's like a jungle with tigers, apes, and snakes 
We pray everyday not to become prey 
It's like a jungle 
Only enlightened by thunder 
The trees help us breathe 
The trees bring a breeze 
But the trees is like a tease 
Disable us to follow our dreams 
We can't see the nearest sea 
So we just hunch by the tree stomp 
It's like a jungle 
At times it keep me thinking how do I keep from sinking 
It's like a jungle sometimes it makes us a believer that we gotta have fever just to meet our diva 
It's like a jungle sometimes it make me crumble because the crumbs feed the hunger 
It's like a agglomerate sometimes I forget when the last time I ate 
It's like a collage eventually I can't picture if I have a future 
It's like a jungle where
Lumberjacks never stumble 
Allow our dense vegetation 
To cloud our inspirations 
We come from jungles 
Get older and just want a happy huddle 
And a warm cuddle 
And finances to bundle 
When we make it through our rubble 
From a jungle 
We wonder 
That's all we can do is wander 
That's all we can do is juggle
That's all we can do; is hustle?
Damaré M Jun 2013
I got the blues like James cotton and the crew

The blues in my hands
Like the crew and James c.o.t.t.o.n

Not like k.r.a.f.t
More like zatarains r.i.c.e
...A lonely mans meal
The blues
For crying out loud my ol lady left me
Every 5 minutes for 9 minutes
I cry without tears coming down my eyes
So no need for a bucket
My cheeks are dry
I cry through my trumpet
My cheeks are cramping
I cry so often and so long
The way in which my feet tap you can't tell that it's a sad song

I thought I would've Lost harmony when Monica left
But my harmonica explains the exchange of breaths going through my chest

Yet, blues explains my mood
On stage with my dudes
Audience in-tune with my news

The blues
I got the blues
Can you relate?
Did she escape?

No wonder why you're rapping and sagging
Bluffing and bragging
And your not huffing; puffing , and nagging
To get a case of the blues the love between the two once upon a time had to be true

I got the blues
And it's hard and complicated
I am strung like the guitar
There's no contemplation
Nor hesitation
I abandon my mentals
And create instrumentals
I got the blues
And to prove I have the bruise
Heartache and headaches
Allow me to groove
The blues, skies, teals, turquoises
No lies, tears nor voices

Real blues like fats, Percy , Ruth, king, archibald "stack-a-lee", hank Williams "nobody's lonesome for me"

The blues
My aching trombones
Drug free, but my bass is laced
I let my fingers rake
The blues
She don't know what she had
Hope that I can put down my flask
when I move on to jazz
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