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Mar 2022 · 146
Not Even My Poems
Syll Mar 2022
Not even my poems can express my pain,
And the things that run through y head each day.
Not even my poems can relay my thoughts,
So in my head they all will rot.
Not even my poems can show my frustration,
And the real me behind the "I'm fine" hesitation.
Not even my poems can bring it out,
All this anger, darkness, and doubt.
Not even my poems can save me from myself.
Apr 2021 · 186
This Still Needs A Title
Syll Apr 2021
I have scars,
Oh yes, I have many scars,
From things I shouldn't have done.
Things that seemed right at the moment,
But in the end,
All it did was cause me more grief.
My thoughts turned to actions,
Which gave me these scars,
That I am ashamed of.
I did it to escape for a moment,
Escape the tormenting thoughts that filled my head,
But now it reminds me of the thoughts I wanted gone.
I was so dependent on my physical suffering,
That when I stopped the physical harm,
The mental half of it went insane.
Occasionally I would slip,
And created more unwanted scars.
I used to think each one was for a sin,
But I never needed to do it,
Because God sent His Son to take it away,
To take away all my sin so I wouldn't have to be hurting.
But I chose to do it,
I was destroying God's creation,
His creation that He put together so carefully.
I was created in His image,
And I used to and sometimes still do hate myself.
But hating the way I look,
Is hating my creator in a way.
It makes God sad when we choose to hurt ourselves.
We have been Fearfully and Wonderfully created.
Jesus received the Ultimate scars,
So we wouldn't have to have scars.
If that makes sense.
We don't need to give ourselves scars for our sins,
Jesus took the punishment for us.
I know that it's hard to stop once you've started,
Because that voice in your head says "Just once more.",
But it's never enough to satisfy that voice.
That voice is the voice of the Enemy.
The devil wants us to hate ourselves,
It's because we were made in the Image of God.
And the Enemy knows that God has already won.
To all of you who struggle with self harm,
You aren't alone.
Seek help from family, friends, and God.
God can help you overcome your battle,
He is helping me overcome mine.
We are Warriors.
We need to stand firm and tell those bad voices "No!".
We need to try our hardest to stop the harm.
Because we aren't just hurting ourselves.
We are hurting our friends and family too.
God tells us to be "Strong and Courageous",
And that means telling the devil "NO!,
I will not destroy myself, for I am a Child of God,
and I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made,
You have no power over me, Go back to the Underworld where you belong!
I am More than my scars!"
Aug 2020 · 144
Battle Time
Syll Aug 2020
It's morning again...
And on goes the armor...
The shining helmet...
The scratched up breastplate...
The worn out belt...
The broken in shoes...
She picks up her sword which has never failed her...
She picks up her shield which has seen a lot...
She is ready to face her demons once again...
She prays a prayer to her Heavenly Father...
To strengthen her and help her have courage...
She goes and opens the door...
The battle has begun...
She gives a battle cry and charges at the demons...
There are many of them...
But one by one they fall to her sword...
She's seen so much...
But she keeps going...
It's Battle Time.
Aug 2020 · 135
Syll Aug 2020
I put on a mask,
I wear it all day,
People don't even ask,
If I'm actually okay.
It hides the pain,
But some can see through it,
They see the demons I must slay,
And they still love me anyway,
They take off my mask... and they don't turn away.
The mask I wear is a smile, I smile to mask my pain, but some can see through my smile, and know I’m not okay, and with me they stay.
Aug 2020 · 177
Yes, She's A Cutter
Syll Aug 2020
Yes, she's a cutter...
But she is so much more...
She is a warrior...
She fights her demons every day...
Yes, she's a cutter...
But God still loves her anyway...
He helps her fight and slay her demons...
She is His child...
Don't mess with her.
I recently relapsed 2 weeks ago, and it had been a year and three months since I had cut when I did it. But I won't let that slip up control me.
May 2020 · 132
I Will Walk With You
Syll May 2020
I will walk through Hades with you.
Even through the scorching coals.
Even through the boiling heat.
I will walk right beside you.
Even when you're fallin apart.
Even when you can't walk any farther.
I will carry you through the fire.
Even if I get burned.
Because I've been through Hades before.

I will fight off the demons with you.
Even if there are too many to count.
I will guide you to the exit.
For I have been there before.
I know the way out.
It will be a difficult trip.
But I am ready.
I'm ready to fight alongside you.
Let's take this on together.

(If you are ever going through Hades, I will be right beside you no matter what.)
Apr 2020 · 122
Just Let Me Forget You
Syll Apr 2020
Just let me forget you,
Like you forgot me,
You never even knew,
How much of an impact you'd be.

I can't bear to think of the times we shared,
I wish they would fade away,
And you never even cared,
It lead to my dismay.

I'm sorry that I'm a let down,
I really tried my best,
I ended up the clown,
I wish it would hurt less.

You left me in the thick fog and mist,
You left me wandering in the abyss.
Mar 2020 · 95
Syll Mar 2020
She flies with me in the night sky,
My best companion,
Not going to lie,
She would never abandon.

She's been with me through the hard times,
She is like my sister,
She puts up with my awful rhymes,
If she were to leave, I'd miss her. (A lot)

I don't know what I'd do without you Tyto,
You are a reason I stay on Earth,
To the ends of the Earth I'd go,
To show you your worth.

I love you my friend,
My loyalty to you won't ever end.
Mar 2020 · 95
Syll Mar 2020
I say my goodbye,
This is farewell,
It is my time,
Tolls the bell.

I wish to be here no longer,
I'm sorry if it's selfish.
I have over and over pondered,
I probably have a death wish.

It's my time to go,
I can't stay longer,
I love you, I hope you know,
My fear of death I conquered.

I am so sorry to do this,
My mind lost in the abyss.
I just wrote this to get the thoughts out of my head. I am NOT encouraging suicide. NOT in anyway. If you feel suicidal, please talk to someone you trust or seek professional help. Getting help really helps to get through the thoughts.
Mar 2020 · 97
Syll Mar 2020
I didn't know what it was like,
Until this morning,
My heart stabbed by a spike,
But his soul is soaring.

When it finally sinks in,
I can't talk to him anymore,
His spirit now in Heaven,
Now and forevermore.

I didn't get to know him that well,
But seeing my father sad,
My tears that fell,
But his soul is free, and I'm glad.

Grandpa, when I said goodbye, I forgot to tell you I love you.
But my mom said that you already knew.
My grandpa Richard passed away this morning. When I said goodbye to him on Monday, seeing him in a state of what seemed like suffering, I cried. I hate "Goodbye". I hate it. I didn't get to know my grandpa to well. But it still impacted  me.
Mar 2020 · 108
Syll Mar 2020
Sounds so deep,
Sounding so mellow,
The sounds I'll keep,
While playing my cello.

My cello's shoulder I rest my chin on,
While swaying back and forth,
My mind is far gone,
Far away from Earth.

Its song is haunting,
I don't want it to end,
It leaves me wanting,
To hear the song ascend.

I love my cello,
It has a nice slow tempo. (Sometimes)
Mar 2020 · 104
I Don't Understand
Syll Mar 2020
I don't understand what people see in me,
I don't get why they'd want to be my friend.
I am a ball of depression, see,
The sadness for me won't end.

I can't fathom why people love me,
I don't get why people care.
I once was a cutter, see,
I hurt the people who were there.

There must be a mistake,
I'm not someone that's amazing.
I am someone to forsake,
I am nothing nothing but lazy.

I don't deserve love,
I will never be enough.
Mar 2020 · 88
Syll Mar 2020
I am three inches tall,
I am metal scraps put together for fun.
I am a skeleton of what I could be.
It's sad really.
Then again my name is Gloom.
My head might hang low,
But I live life to the fullest.
I love being in photos,
I have an Instagram for my adventures,
But my memory bank lost the password.
This is just a random poem about my little robot I made, it will be updated sooner or later.
Mar 2020 · 87
Syll Mar 2020
"Stop looking so lesbian."
She told her,
I hated that phrase.
We did nothing wrong.
All we did was head bump.
That's it.
Why can't friends show love for each other...
Without it being classified as something we aren't.
I don't get it.
It's frustrating.
I want to show love towards my friends without it being awkward.
It irritates me.
Why does it happen?
It shouldn't.
Mar 2020 · 104
To My Troll Princess
Syll Mar 2020
My beloved Troll Princess,
You are so weird,
But I love you anyways.
You can be annoying at times,
But that's your job.
You make me laugh,
You send me dumb memes,
And questionable Tik Toks.
You are truly the one and only.
Mar 2020 · 115
Syll Mar 2020
Tearing up my skin,
Shattering my mind,
This battle I can’t win,
War is never kind.

Breaking my bones,
Shredding my soul,
I want to go home,
The skirmish taking its toll.

Snapping my patience,
Bending reality,
The battle is intense,
The truth hard to see.

I want God to win my soul,
The devil is a stinken troll.
Mar 2020 · 91
Syll Mar 2020
I don’t know how to love myself,
When I hate myself so much.
I’d lock myself up in a cell,
Lose the key and such.
Feb 2020 · 134
Don't Mourn For Me
Syll Feb 2020
Don't you dare mourn for me,
I know you never cared,
You left me hanging on a tree,
Say "I love you" You never dared.

Don't you dare mourn for me,
You never loved me anyway,
I loved you and that's the "tea",
These words I needed to say.

Don't you dare mourn for me,
All I was, was loyal,
I wish you could've finally seen,
Now I'm six feet under soil.

Please don't mourn,
I sometimes wish I were never born.
Feb 2020 · 104
Come Home
Syll Feb 2020
I want you to come home,
I don't like that you're away.
I don't want to be alone,
For you, I'll wait for that day...

When you WILL come home.
I'll say "Hello, dear brother!",
Because I won't be dressed in black,
And have to comfort our grieving mother.

When you come home,
I'll give you a big hug, and a kiss,
I won't anymore be alone,
And you won't have to be longer missed.

I love you my twin brother,
Please come back to me and mother.
I wrote this for an English project about WW1.
Feb 2020 · 140
Don't Do It
Syll Feb 2020
Put down the knife,
Untie the noose,
Don't end your life,
This battle you can't lose.

Put down the gun,
Don't take the pills,
Dying isn't fun,
This isn't God's will.

Don't take the fall,
Don't listen to the lies,
Don't lose it all,
Don't say goodbye.

People would miss you,
It's God you should turn to.
I hope this helps someone. I hope the person who needs this sees this. I just hope I can help someone.
Feb 2020 · 104
Syll Feb 2020
If I have wings,
They're broken.
If I have a halo,
It's cracked.
If I have a white robe,
It is blood splattered.
If I am loved,
I don't feel it.
I'm no angel.
Feb 2020 · 105
My Heart Hurts
Syll Feb 2020
My heart hurts,
From all the pain,
Caused by life.

My heart hurts,
From all the chaos,
Caused by people.

My heart hurts,
From all the words spread,
Caused by gossip.
The gossip isn't about me. It is about a friend. And I hate listening to it. But I'm too afraid to do anything about it.
Feb 2020 · 110
Syll Feb 2020
I Am
In The
Jan 2020 · 99
Syll Jan 2020
Feathers of ebony
Wings of afternoon
Eyes of shadows
One means sorrow
Or death
Cloaked in mystery
And sadness
Cawing a mournful tune
A lonely crow
This is a random, weird poem I decided to write.
Jan 2020 · 108
The Devil
Syll Jan 2020
The devil likes to tempt,
No one is exempt,
From his silver tongue.
Jan 2020 · 86
Just a Question
Syll Jan 2020
Should/ Do people who commit suicide go to h*ll or Heaven?
What do you think?
I ask this question because I am curious.
Syll Jan 2020
I've had bad thoughts before.
There doesn't have to be a reason to have them.
They just come.
Jan 2020 · 102
I Understand
Syll Jan 2020
Living is hard.
I understand that.
Living can be annoying.
I get that.
Living can be rough.
I know that.
Living can be a pain.
I understand that.
But life is so much more than that, please keep living.
Jan 2020 · 92
Syll Jan 2020
"Stab yourself"
My mind yells
"Slit your wrists"
My mind screams
"Shoot yourself"
My mind screeches
"You need to live"
My mind whispers
Listen to the whisper
Jan 2020 · 97
Syll Jan 2020
I can't find the words,
To explain what's going on,
Inside my head.
I can't find the words,
To express how sorry I am,
For being a let down.
I can't find the words,
To expound on how I feel,
About the thoughts I have.
Jan 2020 · 121
I'm Sorry
Syll Jan 2020
I don't want to be a burden.
I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
I don't want to scare anyone.
I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
I don't want to lie about it.
I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
I don't want to be a problem.
I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes.
I'm Sorry.
I'm sorry that I cause people to worry, be scared, or be burdened by my problems.
Jan 2020 · 92
I Can't
Syll Jan 2020
I want to cry
My eyes are dry
I want to die
It's not my time
I want to speak my mind
It would terrify
I am too shy
I have to lie
And say I'm fine
Jan 2020 · 107
Questions with Answers
Syll Jan 2020
Why am I so scared to be abandoned?
Why must I care so much?
Why do I feel so alone?
I don't want to be lonely.
I care because that's the way I am.
It's my brain that tells me I am alone.
I'm so annoyed,
I can't keep up.
Why do I feel so bad?
This can't last forever right? It is temporary? I hate feeling like this. I don't want to be like this anymore. I don't want to be sad anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm alone. This is so Frustrating.
Jan 2020 · 96
Syll Jan 2020
In an instant,
Your life could change forever.
In an instant,
A loved one could've been taken from you.
In an instant,
The worst could happen.
In an instant,
It all came crashing down.
In an instant.
I almost lost my mom in a car accident on 1-9-17. My sibling broke an ankle. I came out basically wound free, except for the mental wound.  I had to watch my mom and sibling in pain, and there was nothing I could do. My mom broke her neck, she could've been paralyzed or could've died. She is still here because God saved her.
Jan 2020 · 100
Syll Jan 2020
I want the demons in my head to go away.
But they won't leave me alone.
They scream at me,
They tell me to do bad things,
They tell me lies.
I can't escape them.
I think there is more than one demon in my head.
I feel powerless.
Please help me.
I have been fighting for too long.
Jan 2020 · 83
Syll Jan 2020
Rings can be a promise,
A promise to be there,
A promise to love someone,
A promise to trust.
A ring is a circle,
A circle never ends.
A promise should go until the end.
A promise should be kept.
I'll keep my promise.
Dec 2019 · 113
Syll Dec 2019
One day, I will be free.
Free from depression,
Free from anxiety.
Free from bad thoughts.
Free from myself.
Free from the hurt.
One day, I will have wings.
One day, I will be able to go home.
One day, I will be free.
What do you want to be free from?
Dec 2019 · 353
Not Today
Syll Dec 2019
Not today,
I will not give in to the temptation.
Not today,
I will not dwell on bad thoughts.
Not today,
I will not harm myself.
Not today,
I will not...
Not today.
I just wanted to write a random poem. You can fill in the second to last line.
Dec 2019 · 184
My Heart
Syll Dec 2019
My heart can be made of diamond,
A very hard solid.
My heart can be made of stone,
A very tough thing.
My heart can be made of gold,
A very malleable metal.
My heart can be made of glass,
A very easily breakable thing.
Be careful with my heart please.
My heart can go from hard, to tough, to soft, to very breakable, please be careful with my heart, I only have one.
Dec 2019 · 184
Syll Dec 2019
I would take a bullet for you,
or several.
If it meant saving your life,
I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Even if it meant my heart would stop.
I'd do almost anything to save you.
And I wouldn't lie about this.
I hope this shows how much I love you.
You matter to me.
This is for Tyto, Mjolnir, Eclipse, Daisy, Peanut Butter, Guthlyn, Sapphire, and FreeBird.
Dec 2019 · 276
Please Stay
Syll Dec 2019
Please stay with me,
I know I sound selfish,
But I need you here with me.
Please stay with me,
I know I can't do this without you,
But it makes me sound needy.
Please stay with me,
I know I need help,
But you don't have to stay if you don't want to.
Dec 2019 · 449
Syll Dec 2019
I found one,
But it has been six months since I have  given in.
I had to get rid of it.
It was too tempting to keep around.
I got rid of it,
And it made me sad, yet happy.
I am not going back.
I will not go back,
I refuse.
I had found a little sharp thing. But I successfully got rid of it. I am proud of myself. I resisted the urge to keep it.
Nov 2019 · 249
No Longer Trusted
Syll Nov 2019
I am no longer trusted.
I ruined it for myself.
I just had to hurt myself.
I ruined it for myself.
I lied and faked being okay.
I ruined it for myself.
Now when I say I can be trusted,
No-one believes me.
And I ruined it for myself.
I really can't deal with myself anymore. I hate it.
Nov 2019 · 197
Syll Nov 2019
There are so many places.
I should know,
There are several places for me.
My arm, collar bones, ribs, and thigh.
I shouldn't do it.
I don't do it anymore.
There is still a great temptation.
But I can overcome.
I know I can overcome.
I'm so sorry for you who know what I am talking about. It is tough, I know that. But we can get through it.
Nov 2019 · 114
Syll Nov 2019
When will your suffering end?
It will in time.
When will you break your bad habit?
It will take time, but you will be able to overcome.
When will you be okay again?
You will be soon, just keep fighting.
When will the bad thoughts go away?
Over time, they will dissipate.
It will be okay soon, you just have to hold on a little longer.
I was able to overcome my cutting habit, it took about 1 and a half to 2 years to realize what I was doing was wrong. Or a little longer. Now I have been six months without cutting. But I still struggle with horrible thoughts, I have them almost every day, and it is scary. I understand the feeling of hopelessness. But it will get better, we just need to hold on and keep fighting.
Nov 2019 · 198
True Friends
Syll Nov 2019
True friends can see the hurt behind your eyes.
They can tell when you're not okay even when you say you are.
True friends will know when you need them.
They will give you a hug when you need it.
True friends will stick with you through tough times.
They will not give up on you.
True friends will protect you.
They will protect you even from yourself if they can.
True Friends can be hard to come by.
I have true friends, I love them so much. They have stuck with my when I was at my worst. I am so blessed to have them as friends. This is for Mjolnir, Sapphire, Peanut Butter, Tyto, FreeBird, Mismagius, Eclipse,  Daisy, and Mrs. G.
Nov 2019 · 136
Syll Nov 2019
It is hard to say what I am feeling,
But I can't describe it.
I want to tell you,
But I don't know how.
I want your help,
But I don't want to sound needy.
I want to be held,
But I don't want to be awkward.
So I don't say anything.
Nov 2019 · 236
Syll Nov 2019
Who could love a person who cuts?
Who could love a person who is suicidal?
Who could love a person that hates them self?
God could.
Who would cherish someone who is scarred?
Who would protect someone who is scared?
Who would accept someone who is hurting?
God would.
Who could heal their broken soul?
Who could save their weary heart?
Who could restore their wounded mind?
God could.
Who would care for their shattered spirit?
Who would fix their dark thoughts?
Who would bear their burdens?
God would.
God saved us from our sins,
He can heal us.
We are His children.
God loves us so much that he sent His Son to die for us. He can save us from the darkest thoughts, He can heal our scars.
Oct 2019 · 307
Don't Lie About It
Syll Oct 2019
Don't lie about being not okay.
If someone you trust asks you "How are you?",
Tell them the truth.
They could help you,
Or find someone to help you.
Don't hide behind a smile if you aren't okay.
The smile can be a perfect mask for your emotions.
I know that,
I have hidden behind a smile many times.
You don't want to worry your friends,
I get that.
You don't want to worry your family,
I understand.
But tell them anyway,
They love and care about you.
They want to help you.
Don't lie,
Lying once makes it easier the next time around.
Even if you are bad at lying.
I have lied about being okay countless times. I hide behind a mask of a smile. It doesn't help to lie about it. If you think you might burden your friends, you probably won't if they are good friends. If you're scared to tell your parents, don't be, they will understand you, they might have gone through the same thing. Just try not to lie, please.
Oct 2019 · 394
Please Tell Someone
Syll Oct 2019
You are a fighter.
You have been fighting for a while.
It has been hard,
But you can get through it.
There will be tears shed.
But it helps to get the emotion out.
If you don’t feel safe,
Please tell someone.
They can try to help you.
They might have to tell your family,
But they do it to protect you,
They want you to stick around.
They don’t want to think you can’t trust them.
Because you can trust them.
It may not feel like it sometimes,
But they tell someone for your benefit.
They love you.
I say it again, if you don’t feel okay or safe,
Please Tell Someone.
This is for a good friend of mine.
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