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 Jan 2014 LF
Amanda In Scarlet
She is utterly, sluttily delicious,
Spectacular, actually.
Her mind is ****.
What trips from her tongue
Is a reverse feast for all who care to listen.

Tragically, too few do.
 Jan 2014 LF
Roisin Sullivan
Roll over my waves and
                                  Sail ashore.
Let the wind take you home
                                  And rest, love.
Sway in my harbor and
                                  Drop anchor.
Warm yourself on the sand,
                                  Sleep awhile.
Go on, forget your cares;
                                  You're safe, love.
Take off your boots, darling.
                                  Come to me.
Can you hear me singing?
                                  Now kiss me.
Ignore the fluid cold,
                                 That's nothing.
Aren't you tired of life?
                                  I'll free you.
Listen to my song, love.
                                  Stop breathing.
 Jan 2014 LF
Mike Hauser
Dear Heart,
 Jan 2014 LF
Mike Hauser
Dear Heart,*
          In the past you've suffered pain
          I know that you are there again
          Wish there was something I could do
          To make it all okay

Dear Heart,
           I know that you rely on love
           And that you never have enough
           But like most everything in life
           It's easier said than done

Dear Heart,
           Want you slow down and take a breath
           If there is any of it left
           There's someone out there for everyone
           You just haven't met them yet

Dear Heart,
           I know how easily you are moved
           Over what people say and do
           Please take these simple words from me
           And hold them up as true

P.S. Dear Heart...
        *I still believe in you
 Jan 2014 LF
Jonny Angel
O sweet darling,
put me in your crosshairs,
pull your trigger,
give me your best shots.

I'll step out in the clear,
put my body in position,
make myself ready.
I'm waiting.
For if I get to play with you,
I don't mind being the prey.

And if you only knew
what I'd love to do to you,
you'd have your selector switch
on fully automatic.
Like I said,
I'm waiting.

Fire away.
 Jan 2014 LF
The Poet
 Jan 2014 LF
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah blah,
blah blah.
 Jan 2014 LF
 Jan 2014 LF
Like golden sunlight
passing through the delicate green leaves of a tree,
your radiance nourishes me.
Your soft, purposeful touch warms my cool heart.
I feel my spirit blossom, and I stretch out my earthly arms,
welcoming the heavenly blessing that is you.
 Jan 2014 LF
T Stevens
here's why
 Jan 2014 LF
T Stevens
Good morning gorgeous!

You asked me why I broke up with her.
I've been thinking about what to say without sounding
like a disrespectful ****.
Like you I've discovered it's easier to figure it out
if you write it down.
You're seeking and respect honesty so here goes.
I could not get you out of my head yesterday
and went to bed thinking about you last night.
I watched Tyson peck at the wood branch in his cage.
He bit me like the one he's named after bit Holyfield.
He loses interest in toys I buy him in minutes.  
Reminds me of my ex she was the same way.
She never listened when I spoke and it was like I never did.
I lost patience with her due to her always being late.
Last time I took her out she was an hour late
with no good reason but couldn't decide what to wear.
She was adult but felt like I was involved with a immature kid.
Plus she's impulsive in a bad way.
She used the cards I let her use for emergencies
to gamble online, bought online and hid what she didn't need
and took her friends who were immature like her
out on the town at my expense.
Drove me nuts because she had difficulty paying attention.
Sometimes love isn't enough to over come her kind
of deafness or her thinking it fun to put aluminum
foil in microwaves.
She was the queen of drama and procrastination.
Her place was always disorderly and she swore to me
when we met she was a neat freak.
I don't mind a little daily life messes it happens.
Her chronic lateness made it a last straw.
On the night I was to introduce to my folks
she was late and they left my home without meeting her.
It's been over two years since I ended the misery
of her in my life but she's still bitter.
Unlike you she's stuck in hate mode and will
be there until someone else buys her
lies and manipulations.
Could say more but I believe you will
see the full picture.

I wrote this for you Betty Ponder.
I know you know it's about you. : )
 Jan 2014 LF
In Poetry, nothing is a mistake
For a poetess, the paper is the strongest stake
Which allows her to sculpt her mind's hunger,
Ever-lasting, bittersweet and opaque.

In Poetry, no plot is a sin
You are free to voice your imprisoned thoughts
where, to your own little land of dreams and nostalgia,
You are the invincible king.

In Poetry, you discover all those astonishing things
which stranger eyes cannot see, they're blind
So you use them to build your halo and wings
with not a single competitor around you who clings.

In Poetry, you are a free human
where no one would ask you to work.
In your land, you work with imaginary crewmen
and their company will never cease you to smirk.
- ♪Amy.
Inspiration is everywhere.
 Jan 2014 LF
Daniel Kenneth
 Jan 2014 LF
Daniel Kenneth
Pleasant surprises never come to me and
Pessimism is how I learned to survive
So forgive me if I show doubt my darling
I haven't felt this happy for a very long time
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