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What do I mean to her
can somebody please let me know
what do I mean to you
does anyone even know
you say you're impossible to love
you say who could love a mass of flaws like you
you say that you don't know if you love me
well I can say that I know just how I feel about you
and I know that
no matter how much I write for you
I can't change you're mind
I'm just not right for you
but when have I ever given up
on what I love
never tell yourself that someday you'll be perfect
don't lie to yourself
never tell yourself that someday you'll just grow out of it
I want you to see the truth
you're perfectly imperfect
so please don't say
that you won't make it to the next day
I'll always be here for you
so don't think that I'm just so perfect
I'm no better than anyone else
and don't think
I'll abandon you
when you need me the most
so please don't cry
or I might show
that I'm really a sensitive guy
so please don't dream of being better
than you always will be
because you're already the best
and please tell me if I'm being annoying
I'll try my best not to be
but I don't like to break promises
so stop focusing on your flaws
and focus on the things you love about yourself
and if you can't think of anything
ask someone to list them with you
and don't try to deny it
you can't spell Imperfect
without I'm Perfect...
 Feb 2014 LF
The distance never seemed so great
Cataclysm perfectionists
Yet, I am not your humpy dumpy,
Or your fine china ware
Bare knuckles drip sweat with anxiety
I know she wants a reaction
A pulse burst neuron pattern
She wants jealousy
A hulk-like idiocy irrationally irrationalness
Anger does not suit is messy
When wisdom is much more vicious
Sound becomes tines of liquid silver endings
Forcing once passionate melodic tones
Into baritone thunder claps of aggression
But strangely...the animals do not run
As patients is a commandeering trait
But the distance g  r  o  w  s greater..
 Feb 2014 LF
Harry J Baxter
The kids are in the backroom
trying their hands at whiskey and ****
and lung cancer
with one too many ideas of glorification
but look at them -
watch them all try to be mean, hurt souls -
they all sound the same
the same post-rockstar lamentations
of the “Oh-so-cruel-world”
they’re fine with playing the victim
Now watch them cut horizons across forearms and thighs
This cry for help isn’t quite loud enough
to drown out the laughtrack soundtrack coming from my TV
I’m slow dancing with the Devil
in a candle lit room
romantic as all hell
I think I should lunge in for the fiery kiss
the Devil is one pretty *** chick
her belly full with all the reckless children
but I am wary -
I’ve always had issues with intimacy
and the great temptress is no different
we played a game of cards and became fast friends
as her tarots told me everything I wanted to hear
I asked her if she wouldn’t mind keeping my angst for safe keeping
so I can dip my pen in on occasion
but she jet set for the back door with my ego
and left me, Screaming through the night sky
back across the river of souls
Standing me up for the big dance number
the Devil is one mean *****
 Feb 2014 LF
Amanda In Scarlet
Yes, freaky man on bus
Those are my *******, I'm sure
You must have seen a pair before?
I can tolerate a quick glance,
But is there any chance
You could take your stare elsewhere
For at least some of this journey?
I saw you pay in cash
At least you're getting your money's worth, at my expense.
I'd crotch-watch, pointedly,
Except there isn't much to see.
(On buses in London you have to pay twice the fare if you use cash, as opposed to an oyster or debit card)
 Feb 2014 LF
The mind is
 Feb 2014 LF
****** are the mouths that hide feelings behind teeth
Wishing for words not to become like sidewalks, concrete
Fidgeting ever so slightly nibbling calcium ends into the night
Down to the quick for worries never far from sight
Nothing to stop the freight train of pondering
No road blocks to keep a torn mind from wandering
Into process of thought that become so problematic
One can only sit back and look at just how tragic
The mind is…
 Feb 2014 LF
 Feb 2014 LF
synapses firing
sleep, so smooth, is lost

carpet stained, walls talk
voices cleave, claw, claim

a love has been found

infer: ephemeral, impermanent
believe: indelible, predestined

bruised knuckles knock, knock, knock
and one rock, rock, rocks
back and forth

"the moon," he calls her
the moon; he claims her

a world lies between

The sea is deep but he can swim.
 Feb 2014 LF
Nat Lipstadt
Check your courage, your humanity, your common decency, your *****, in the cloakroom of pathetic

2. Spend not a nanosecond thinking about how it would feel if it were done to you, reminding yourself how sad, justified, and relieved you feel

3. Debate tween text and email, choose text cause it is shorter, less time consuming, and packs more punch

4. Be proud of your courageous forthrightness in dealing with human problems so directly

5. Immediately (or prior) text all your friends what you have done

6. Make plans for a party so you can begin trolling the field.  Of course not! (invite the ex, that would be cruel)

7. Proceed to smear your ex in person, in secret, to justify how good and kind and used you are and were.  Laser focus on new target person who really turns you on

8. Show around all the ex's break up poems for laughs.

9.  Shampoo and rinse your soul with lye, and repeat, 2 - 3 times a week. If you notice any self improvement, call your doctor immediately!
Happened to a friend (email but sans the cruelty). Then I remembered my ex did the same to me - told "everybody" she was divorcing me, and then had our clergyman call me the Friday before we were supposed to go away with my son and his then new wife, to give me the news.  No, I will never forgive her. And yes, she still went on vaca with us but didn't tell the kids till they were leaving.
 Feb 2014 LF
maybella snow
and I
it's like
to feel
to the
71 out of 100, mental health warning is high and somehow it feels like a lie
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