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 Feb 2014 LF
Danielle Rose
Lines like luscious lips
That twist and tangle around my mind
Kissing my senses and igniting my inspirations
I play with your words
Day and night and fight my loneliness
My greatest strife
Fantasies tantalize the lids of my eyes
The stories
The raw emotions
Oh how I love the  poets
 Feb 2014 LF
Harry J Baxter
A year ago I was sitting in my room
dropping out of college
I found a pen and an old notebook
which I got for my creative writing class
in high school
So I picked it up, unsure of what was going to happen
but I wrote a poem called in my dreams
without meaning to
Dude, poetry is gay
but It seemed I had a taste for it
a week later I was writing to drown out the sound
of my roommate fighting with his girlfriend
and the couple was born

I was a secret drop out
I even made up a class schedule
so I would go at varying hours on varying days
to any cafe which had cheap coffee and free wifi
and I would write these ****** little poems
saved in a google docs folder called
I used to ***** around on the web too much
stuff like stumbleupon
and I found all of you beautiful sons of *******
a strange old website called
facebook for those young or foolish enough
to call themselves poets
I was skeptical
I’ve never been a fan of other writers in my atmosphere
but I’ll be ****** If I didn’t fall in love
with the ***** old dog
I wrote and I wrote and I wrote
I may not have been the best
but you can’t spell prolific without pro
and when I finally hit
it was like losing my virginity all over again
only not as awkward and drunk

I’ve been pottering around on here for a year now
and every person who read my work
every angel which clicked follow
Got to see me bang my head against the keyboard
in dark rooms on even darker days
and they’ve seen some of my best work
definitely some of my worst
and I’ve met some genuinely great people along the way
I only hope that you all know who you are
So let’s raise a glass to the year passed
and celebrate
a bunch of wild poet… things
and here’s to another year
of weird little poems
To all of you awesome ******* - thanks for helping me get to where I am today. Thanks for the chance at being a part of a community. Thanks for posting stuff which kicked my stuff's ***. Thanks for the motivation and support. Thank you.
       - Harry J. Baxter
 Feb 2014 LF
A Mess of Words
Her laughter has

worked its way

in between my heartbeats
 Feb 2014 LF
Matt Roberts
"Just breathing is exhausting" she muttered it under her breath, but I heard it. I can't say I was surprised, I would've heard those words regardless, she had them written on her face and all throughout her body. The way her bones cracked when she stood up, the way the whites of her eyes had been swapped out and tinged by a glazed over yellow. She moved like each finger lifted, each muscle contraction was oh so intricately planned but oh so poorly executed. All the color of her face was drained to an empty hollow grey. Nothing in her life had gone right. I couldn't blame her for pulling the trigger, I still can't, but I'll never stop blaming myself for teaching her how to hold the gun.
 Feb 2014 LF
Grant Newton
You see me every day.
Walking through these musty halls.
My blank, forward stare passes through you,
like a cold breeze.
My music is always blaring.
How am I not deaf?

I'm that kid that loves music more than life.
I'm that kid whose day is ruined without it.
I'm that kid who takes one more trip around the school,
just to listen to my favorite part with the volume up.
Yeah, I'm that kid.

The one who stands up for his friends.
The kid who knows his self-worth,
and doesn't need anyone to help him justify it.
The hard worker who constantly dreams,
and reaches out his hand as if he could grab them.
The one who stays up all night,
just to make them happen.

I'm that kid.
But you don't know anything about me,
 Feb 2014 LF
Grant Newton
Sunlight reflects off the water,
creating a golden shimmer.
Ocean waves roll toward me,
then crash into my feet.
Clouds stroll by endlessly,
my imagination runs wild.
I take a deep breath,
and the warm air fills my lungs,
I take another look around.
I'm so terribly far from home.
 Feb 2014 LF
b for short
Nevermind the obvious quirks in my physique—
the thick thighs,
short legs,
t-rex arms,
and that ample, curvaceous figure of mine
which I own and work every day.

I'm certain I could get into the glitter—
no doubt I would have a killer stage name—
I figure I’d get pretty used to the instant gratification—
and there's no doubt in my mind
that whatever I lack in grace and *** appeal,
I could make up for in
charm, wit,
and a cuteness that I'm still growing into.]

But see, I have a slight fear of wearing heels.
It's safer for everyone if I stick close to the ground.
And although swinging around a pole
seems like a good time,
my motion sickness would probably kick in
and I'd ralph hard
on at least one of my investors.

Aside from the faulty mechanics I'd bring to the profession,
I've got my own rationale.

I like knowing
that when my clothes come off,
it's for reasons larger than money.
I like knowing
that I've left a little to the imagination
and can unleash it at my leisure.
I like knowing
that my secret weapons of mass seduction
are, in fact, secrets.
I like knowing
that I still have something to blush about
when I think about how I spent my Saturday night.

I could never be a stripper,
but hot ****,
do I enjoy perfecting the art
of smiling while naked.
© Bitsy Sanders, February 2014
You're just so pretty to me
I'll tell you everyday
until you believe me
when I say
you're just so beautiful
to me
and I know that
someday you'll begin to see
you're just so stunning
it's true
but what's sad it that
I'll never be with you
because I'm no one to you
because you're almost a queen
but for now you're still a princess
and there is no magic bean
to help me climb to the treasure
you mean more than any
golden eggs
so don't spare me a penny
because I don't
want a dime
the only thing I want right now
is to see you one last time.
Because you're just so brilliant
remarkable, inspiring and just so pretty
and it's a shame that you don't see it too
it'll always be a pity
until you notice that
that beautiful girl staring back through the mirror
is you.
You're just so brilliant
it's true
and now I think I've fallen in love
with you.
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