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 May 2016 Jose Rodriguez
how did
the universe
come up
with someone
like you?

i question
i've never
seen anyone
or anything
as riveting
as the way
you say
like a
or a prayer

and i,
i've never
hearing it
as much
i do
when you wallow in the past, the past is your future
dark days behind become dark days ahead
when those ghosts become your rulers
join them, because you're already dead
People's world is too busy for a man like me.
I’m more accustomed to the rhythm
of the old oak tree.
I never write poems about my anger,
maybe because I can’t find anything beautiful in it;
there’s something about sadness
that makes the poet dream in similes
probably since it’s such a crystal-clear reflection
of what you care about.
There’s no hesitance to write about love, of course.
It’s a victory, because the sheer numbers
set the game against you; what were the odds
in millions and billions of people,
you’d find happiness in that second soul
and how could you keep that out of your poetry?
But there is nothing romantic about anger
and I cannot find a reason to detail
a soul in havoc; his or mine.
Turn your eyes away from all the ******* and the drama
- Start to relocate into your own perfect Nirvana
- Don't be filled with doubt or fear cuz that **** is irrilavent
- Running from your past will make you tired in the present bit
- Don't sit around and wish all day like a helpless peasant
- Stand up boy and face your fear, if its rising up don't let it
- Knock down those thoughts before they come or else you will regret it
- Run fast towards joy and love and you'll perfect your incarnation
-You'll realize sharing inner light brings endless inspiration
I strive to have the mentality of a warrior combined with the heart of a poet.
This was written during a time that I realized how pathetic it is to sit around on your depressed *** and feel sorry for yourself.
You are your own jailer. Your perception holds the key.

— The End —