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Feb 17 · 25
Jonas Feb 17
By now
All I want is to be held

Her soft skin, warmth and the smell of her hair
"She" could be anyone
But is hard to find
Feb 5 · 35
Jonas Feb 5
Du lachst
Die Erde brennt
Quatsch tut sie gar nicht!
Das ist eine Verschwörung der Milchbauerverbände
Check deine Fakten!
"Ich höhr prinzipiell jedem zu"
Demokratisch gewählt heißt legitimiert
Kann gar nicht falsch sein
Geh mal weg mit 1933, oder doch 1984?

Du lachst
Die Wälder rauchen, husten nur noch
Alle Spezies sind tot bis auf zwei
Passt so auch besser in ein Kinderbuch
Nicht zu viel Diversity
Das sexualisiert unsere Kinder

Du machst
Nichts mehr
Was willst du schon tun kleiner Mann?
Molotovs bauen lernen?
Schade um den Alkohol
Mach dir lieber noch ein Bier auf

Kann man nichts machen
Ist eh zu heiß draußen um sich aufzuraffen
Noch ein wenig Geschichten erzählen, gemeinsam
Von jetzt ist die Zeit und es ist noch nicht zu spät
Jeder Zyniker weiß längst
Aufwärts geht's nur im Telefon
Weißer Screen im schwarzen Raum
Was sind schon verschenkte Stunden in einer kaputten Welt?

Du weinst
Nicht mehr
Schon lange nicht mehr
Wann war das letzte Mal?
Der Blick ins Leere, endlich taub
Und nichts tut mehr weh

Nehmt mir alles was ich habe
Noch mehr Müll für mein Gehirn bitte
Im 10 Sekunden Format

Zu Letzt geht die Hoffnung
Ertrinken im Mittelmeer
Feb 5 · 33
Balcony thoughts
Jonas Feb 5
Dear cold

Please take me in
Cool me down and brush my skin
Sending shivers down, down
All the way
In this moment I feel I am

Remind me where
And who I've been
Old pains
Turned friendly over time
Now only the wind bites down
Cutting deep

Sometimes numbness can be merciful
Jonas Feb 5
I wanted a little colour in all the grey
And red
Like in blood and fire
Not in autumn leafs and wine

I thought that could have been you
Now we're back to monochrome
Aug 2024 · 112
Limbo and not as in dancing
Jonas Aug 2024
Wrong day, wrong start
Wrong clothes, wrong hair, wrong voice
I'm scared
Wrong moves, wrong words, wrong thoughts
To loud, to bright, to much
Can't stay
I need to get away
Don't talk to me

Kind thoughts, self talk
Avoid all mirrors, avoid all triggers
So any input at all
Hide in your room
Closed curtains, cold showers
Something bland to eat
A comfort show on in the background, on repeat

Wait till the day is over
Go to sleep
It's okay

But what if tomorrow looks the same?
Aug 2024 · 119
The children's faire
Jonas Aug 2024
One day, at the children's faire
You find yourself stuck at the mirrors cabinett

Out of sight of your parents
You follow your friends
Walk beside them like you always did
But all of the sudden there is no room for you left besidse them
"Just have to walk behind them then"
You think

Spaced out for a moment
They just went straight ahead
In confindence and innocence, unbothered
But stepping where they stepped
You hit glass
"What's this now? I don't want this"
The road is blocked for you
While others just continue to walk on by

Your face, a slightly damp reflection
Shows suprise, anger and irritation
It looks scared
"Why can't I just go on, like they are?"

Okay then, you think
"I'll just have to find my own way now"
After taking a break
Crying and whining for weeks
"He missed school, whatever happend to him?
Let's write a get well soon card"
Getting further and further away from them
Being left behind really hurts
"Don't you love, me what did I do wrong?"

Sure you can call out, you can scream and shout
And struggle all you want
Adults have a word for that, he's "acting out"
Maybe some even will wait for you, for a while
Try to help and understand
The fewest do, and only for so long
They can offer you a hand
Before they have to turn away, go back to their own lifes
You're holding them back
Can't you see?

There is much excitement a little up the way
Once you're out of the labyrinth
Promises of popcorn and sugary delights
Of first nervous dates and bumpy faire rides
Blinking lights and short harmless frights
Nobody wants to stumble at the starting line
When it's about finishing the race in time

Life is decided in moments
A bag of decisions and "things that just happend to me"
To carry along, as long it's not to heavy
As long as it's not pulling you down
Deep underwater in darkness you will drown
Just struggeling to breathe normally
While watching others run marathons
From your enclosed space

Always watching your refelcetion in the mrror
Looking back at you, judging you
Which side is real?
Who hates whom more?
Try to ignore the panic building up inside
Transforming in time to fear, to anger, sadness,  self pity
To loneliness, hate and then just emptiness
Full cicle

Did you fail the game or did the game fail you?
For how long can you hold out, stuck in the same place
With nothing but promises and a hole in your tummy
Eating yourself up from the inside out?
Aug 2024 · 73
A bus ride home
Jonas Aug 2024
I wrote this back then
Thinking of you
It's not my best work
But I thought I'd try
I don't know

Maybe you'd like it
Aug 2024 · 207
Hitting walls heads first
Jonas Aug 2024
Am I a boy or am I the man?

I've been so fixiated on getting it right
When life is really about getting it wrong sometimes
Over and over
Don't overthink it, let's just try that again
Hitting walls head first for an epiphany
Until you figure it out

It's not about avoiding the mess
Ir's abot going through
Come up for air once in a while
When you need to
Take a break

We can make sense of things in hindsight
When we're old and have the time
To be a little more than none the wiser
Aug 2024 · 75
Fun times
Jonas Aug 2024
Double standarts left and right
I like a man who knows what he wants
Who knows how to **** but not **** around
Emotional available, mature
A little silly maybe, but not insecure

Take the lead and take what he wants
You take the leap for me, bear the risk
I'll watch and judge
Respectfully degrading
Know all the subtleties, get the que right and act fast
Never get it wrong, always right
Don't mansplain to me
Get away you creep
Wait, I like your jawline

I like nice
But only sometimes
In theory
When I have to force it out
You know, like the minimal amount?
He's so full of red flags
Oh my gosh girrrrrrrl you gotta get out
Gotta have something to talk about, later
My X is typing

Oh come on don't be boring
Oh are you crying?
xD, lol, screenshot saved
How lame, who's next?

Yes you can have a soft side, need to even
For her to exploit
But only the right kinda soft
The right kind of weak

Don't dress for the male gaze
Fat shaming is wrong
I grow hair where I want
It shouldn't define my atractivness
Societies norms are wrong
So how tall are you?

Guess we all **** each other

Just joking of course
You're so tense, lighten up, be chill
You don't have to take everything so personally you know
We're just playing
Aug 2024 · 81
Thinking straight
Jonas Aug 2024
Get your knives out
Get your grandads pitchforks
Today we march and march
No more benefit of the doubt
They had it coming, they did
With all their lies spread around
Can't trust the media
Get your facts straight, check your sources

Time to carve, time to shout
We'll be heard, we'll be loud
For love, for peace, for the motherland
To right past wrongs
Against the pale opression
We do it for the kids

Get up, get out
We hit the streets tonight
Dig in lemming before you starve
It's time to follow the one true voice
In blindness we walk
Eyes shut, don't look up
Only kick down, push back left and right

Listen only to the voice
Everyone else is lying to you, using you, manipulating bunch
Fella can't even say what he thinks anymore
Around these parts
We'll make it right

So only trust me, all you have to do is
Follow, don't think
Do as I say, jump Simon says
Off with ya, off the cliff
Have a nice flight
Make out a way for me
To walk upon
Piled up lifes, a mountain of bodies

So I'll get out
Richer still
Pawn to E4
"Necessary sacrifice"

Don't forget to pick up my dry cleaning
Aug 2024 · 63
My kinda kindness
Jonas Aug 2024
I'll give it to you
If you earn it

Collecting tear drops in a swimming pool
The drip, drop on demand
Round and round it goes
But never away

No runing allowed around here
No jumping from the sides
Salty water wept in time
Turns to dust
Maybe as in star but more likely as in dirt

Sweat it out, squeeze hard
Nourish me
The pool remains empty
You take the plunge still
For me, you give
Head first to the concrete
Thick red to fill what's empty
You went heavy on the lipstick

Sweet screams I wanna hear
Loud and clear
Prove yourself
I am a god, to you
I require a sacrifice

Embrace me
But cut off your ugly parts first
Take off your head, your arms, your legs
Give your liver too and your heart
I am hungry for more
Lay em all out for me to discard
Premium cut, main course

It's time now
Take the jump

I'm watching
Jul 2024 · 46
Sticky midsummer
Jonas Jul 2024
Skin on glass
Day dreaming, I'm not sleeping
Sweaty ***, another train ride
I get up in the morning
To late, to bad
Bad times
Continue to frown

I feel like I've grown
Up,  a little after all
In time, still always to late for the call
Missed so many meetings, opportunities
Are you still up, still there
For me?

What is it all for
What's the point
Where did I go wrong?
Exit the lane at the turnaround

The pain and the struggle
The everyday hustle
Wearing clean, white silk on a ***** body
***** mind
Filled with garbage to the rim
Hit me baby, one more time

That ***** needs some pounding
Feel me, fill me out
I'm empty and worn, all bottomed out
Choke till I blush red for you
Like I used to, back then
When things still ment something
To me, to us
Give me a good reason why breathing feels so hard now

One more day
And then I'll wake up
My life is the dream that I am living
I've never been in control of my dreams
Jul 2024 · 53
Hits to the head
Jonas Jul 2024
Punish yourself
To make you feel
Better / something
You're worthless, it all adds up

Are you still there?

Bite my nails
Rip out my hair
Burn my skin
My head splits open
The best die youg

Cut, cut, cut
Bleed out, a few thick drops
To the puddle
Drip, drop, drop
One arm in the bathtub

Why are you crying little dove?
It is late, look away
Go back to bed

Don't you remeber?
You asked me to open up
Jul 2024 · 83
Hi, wie gehts?
Jonas Jul 2024
Ich bin ich
Der, der hinterm Mikro steht
Wer bin ich? Einer wie du eigentlich
Nur ganz anders

Anderes Geschlecht, andere Herkunft, Sexualität
Ein anderes Gesicht
Andere Persönlichkeit und Denkweise
Aber doch sind wir irgendwie gleich
Siehst dus nicht?

Grundlegend gleich
Gleiche Bedürfnisse und Emotionen
Gleiche Wünsche und Ängste
Irgendwie ironisch

Also warum verstehen wir uns nicht
Treffen, sprechen, einigen wir uns nicht?
Komm lass dich doch einfach mal ein auf mich

Vielleicht finden wir ja einen Weg
Am Ende einfach gemeinsam gleich, anders glücklich zu sein

Das sollte doch nicht so schwer sein
Komm, trau dich
Jul 2024 · 54
Another beer Mr Chinaski?
Jonas Jul 2024
I have stuffed in front off my pants
A big fat buldge
Skin on stretched out fabric
It is my ****
Rocking it rock hard

At the rear end sits
"The collective history of feminism since 1789"
Its a small book
You could read it in a day
If you chose to

**** me
How poetic is that

Kneel down before my genius baby
Jul 2024 · 77
That's kinda cool
Jonas Jul 2024
Did you know?
Octopuses change colour when they sleep
Are you dreaming little guy?
And they punch other fish from time to time
Dolphins and elephants give each other names and orcas have regional accents
Crows never forget a face
Cats see us as  other ver big, very clumsy cats
Otters have a favourite rock and hold hands
And baby giraffes rely on the impact of the ground to draw their first breath?
And fcking platypuses dude?
That time and space has to be totaly different for an animal with a strong sense of smell such as dogs because when you're out of sight you're still very near to them?

Did yo know?
Vegetables don't exist in botany
That the maps they taught us in school are a lie
Distorted in scale from the truth, making the US and Europe look bigger?
That almost all 21 century communication technology has origins in the scientific attempt to communiticate with the lost dead in a grief struck world after the first world war?
That history is just a story full of cover ups and holes?
That Australians veterans lost their war with an emu overpopulation in 1932?

We now have 7139 languages alive in the world
The one with the most words is Korean,
The one with the fewest is Toki Pora which communicates in concepts
That we different from 23 emotions in humans and asthetic appretiation is one of them?
Just because they're there doesn't mean we feel them
No wonder communication is so hard

A world where grown man long for tears like children jump in Puddles of rain fallen long ago (in their minds)
We're so ignorant to it all
And forget to quickly
Sometime whilst growing up we stop to wait and wonder
Make way, coming through, full speed ahead!
Think abot your future!
It's so horrible and beautiful at the same time
You're just another waling curiosity
What is consciousness and what has it done for you?
I another second you'll be gone
So worry less and move along
Jul 2024 · 71
Jonas Jul 2024
Money doesn't mean much
I think
Against a lifetime lived
Between grief and happiness
Love and despair

I wished

Money doesn't mean much
Where heads rest at shoulders
In a world of morning dew and sundowns over the ocean
Where clouds lay down over the mountain ridge
Like white water turned golden

I hoped
Surely it couldn't

And when it all comes tumbling down
All gears stop turning for a day or two
I'll hold on to a thought
I once had
That money doesn't mean much
In the end
Jul 2024 · 80
You have a new match
Jonas Jul 2024
Geh weiter
Such dir einen Anderen
Wen besseren
Einen der dich lieben kann
Mit Zukunft und so

Ich bin nichts für dich
Kann nicht da sein
Nicht wirklich
Viel zu taub
Schon zu lange leer

Hoffnungslos ists mit mir, hier
Der Stecker ist gezogen, der Stöpsel raus
Laufe nur noch weiter bis  mir das Licht ausgeht
Nur noch wandelnde Hülle
Warmes Fleisch, ja
Aber kein Nährboden
Zumindest solange ich noch atme

Romantisch geht hier gar nichts mehr
Alles tote Hose
Jul 2024 · 65
Good morning
Jonas Jul 2024
I've lost my footing
My feet ran away from me
Trying to get away as fast as possible
Abandonm ship
These waters are unfamiliar

I'm losing my head
Slowly coming undone
The everyday now is a fever dream
The good old times are gone
Yet each days remains the same
The same, same same all over again
I'm going insane
Can only pretend everything is fine for so long

Everything is changed and nothing changes
It's in the details
You could see it, feel it if you'd look
A change of mood
But people don't change
Fast enough
Who cares about history, the past
In present times?

It's happening again
Again and again and again
Right here too, but espacially over there
This isn't real, I'm not ...
What is? This
May just be the best way to live

Ignore, look away, zone out
Sedate yourself
Drown in all the noise
White screens in the dark, double tap
Swipe right, don't fight
back Shut yourself
away, become real quiet
And small
and Give up your voice

So you can stand the injustice
Double standarts all over
It's not fair
HA, what else is new?
You knew, you've known it since you were a child
All grown up now, a cynic, didn't you?
What damage a little bit of hope can do
To you

Living in a world of predesign
The system is working against you
Just a bunch of made up rules
Making us miserable
We stand divided together
Children will always fight at the school yard

Modern day cancer
Limitless growth in a finite system
Value money over peoples needs
What could possibly go wrong?
When you only matter as much as your numbers add up
Working for them, the few
Whoever they are
The big bad behind the picture
Behind curtains or office windows
Step out on stage, into the spotlight
Let me draw you
A pretty picture

The world is ******
And so are you
****** before you got here, not even a thought yet
****** while you're here
And ****** long after you're gone
Maybe, hopefully, finally
At peace
Jonas Jun 2024
The fire in leaf and grass
Blazing green, it seems
Each summer might just be the last

The wind blows cold
makes leafes shiver
Each day goes by, a little quicker
Came to pass

A red salamander lies still
Frozen in the sun
Do you too dream?
Of a better life, a warmer place to rest and recharge?

Right now, at my mercy
I open my palm, let him go
Leave him free to find his fate

I can smell the fall in the breeze
May the next minute be my last
Jun 2024 · 176
Escape bag
Jonas Jun 2024
Freedom is a loaded gun under your bed
Plan B,C,D... Z
A way out

Maybe the scariest thing you can do is to become a parent
Jun 2024 · 79
Jonas Jun 2024
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
― Kahlil Gibran
May 2024 · 81
Dying embers
Jonas May 2024
Give some hope to the hopless
Shine a little light
It's so dark and cold
Here,in some random back alley
I'm all alone
Sunk into the wall, I'm on the ground

On my last couple breaths
I don't feel strong, I'm afraid, but
Bleeding out from all the wounds and scars
That I've collected over the years
I can't help but smile faintly
It's an inside joke, you wouldn't get it

I'm dying
Going out, together with the rest of the world

Will you hold my hand?
Gift me some warmth
Pad my head one last time
Like my mom used to do

Last words
Tell me, was I any good?
May 2024 · 84
One more time
Jonas May 2024
There are 7164 known languages spoken in the world
The largest dictionary contains 1.100.373 words
You guessed it, it's korean
Does it make it easier to say how you feel?
About me, about your life?
What phrase do you think is the most used of them all?
Is it "thank you"," hi", or" I'm sorry"?

The most people are born in September
Namely the 9th
New Years, a night to remember
There are ten numbers that make up many times infinity
Describing a lifetime

The average life expectancy of men are 68.9 years
For women it's 73.9
How many of them die in peace?

How many people go by an intersection in a miunte
To meet breefly without noticing?
How many looks do you exchange with strangers
Each day on average?
How many of them touch your soul?
What's the ratio?

Did Schrödingers cat meow in the box?
Asking for pets in the dark
The most fundamental question in the world
Is it time for lunch yet?
May 2024 · 79
Postswap poem
Jonas May 2024
Dear David USA, NY

200 pairs of socks owned, the crazier the better he says
I'll have them all
Been a president already for 15 years and stil going strong
They're still counting
On you

It takes about 6 cups a day for him to warm a heart
Learn from the Italians David!
Glasses of wine aren't ment to be counted
4 cats, 2 hedgehogs, 1 goldfish
Make for a big family
Sounds like a good one

Just LOVES the ocean and the snow he says
To cool his mind with something beautiful
Find peace in the vast
And watch the reflection shine a little light back into your life
Let it brighten your day
Maybe we need more men who love in capital letters

So many numbers make up a life
The stroy basically writes itself
It's right there
All you have to do is take a moment to look
Imagine a screen, watch it unfold
Try to hold on too
Numbers add up fast
If you're not careful
And blink twice
Present becomes the past

Stay safe and smile bright
May 2024 · 134
Black, no sugar
Jonas May 2024
I'm a lonely cup of coffe
A quick takeout
Left in the metro
Just standing there
No one'a paying particular mind
No one is noticing me

Long gone cold
Still remembering the soft lips I once have hold
Take a sip to test the heat
Than chug me down
Till I'm all empty
I've served my purpose
And got left behind

Waiting to be picked up
And thrown to the trash
Where I belong

Gotta keep the streets clean
May 2024 · 237
Dream a little
Jonas May 2024
I want a dog and a cat
A wall with shelf after shelf
Filled with all the books that I’ve read
I want a house in the forest, near a lake
And a place to grow old and slowly forget
A peacful way to live

I’d like you to join me there
If you can
To stay by my side
Watching the time go by
Everyday that I wake up
With a smile

Eternally grateful for the day that we met
And the nights that came after
May 2024 · 64
Postcards stamped
Jonas May 2024
Currently there are 7164 known languages
Spoken in the world
Most use words
Some sounds, some signs
Some are almost dead, some sparkle full of life
Sometimes they’re used to freely too
Words hold power, mind you
So think before you speak!
Or at least apologize after you’ve done the deed

Sorry I misspoke
Sorry, I don’t understand
I don’t speak your world
Bodishi, ar mesmis
No entiendo
Try to get by with hands and feet
Flash a smile
Can you teach me maybe?

So many different ways to say hi and goodbye
I miss you, I love you and it’s over
It’s not your fault, let me help!
Or what about lunch?
What’s the most spoken phrase?
Is it hello?
I’m sorry or maybe thank you after all?

I can’t wait to hear sounds I’ve never heard before
Speak of familiar things

What would I be like in your language
Who else could I be?
Show me my name
Send me a sign
A glimpse of your life
A moment of your time

I’d like to try it on
And try to make it mine

Talk to me
May 2024 · 75
FGM, (I)ntact e.V.
Jonas May 2024
You raised me
In love and bliss
Held me for years
Made me feel safe
Taught me
Values of family and community

Just so
One day you could just barge in
No greetings, no warnings
I've been snatched
And decide now is the time I get to know pain
Pin me down to the ground
You'll scar me forever

Called in a "specialist"
Old woman torturer
It's a full time job
Who with ***** nails and wrinkled hands
With whatever sharp tool they could find
Laying around, what's on demand
Starts to cut, to etch
To scratch and scrape out parts of me
Touch sacred ground
Taking away what's mine forever
What I didn't yet know much about
But one thing I do know
They made sure it hurt

I don't understand, Ma
What have I done to deserve this?
White and red flashes
Dots of light
Someone is screaming
Till my voice cracks and finally gives out
After how long I couldn't tell
I passed out
But not for long

Conscious again just in time
Blurry eyes
To feel the faceless monster
Use thorns to mend
Trying to held together
What she has destroyed almost completly
Taken from me

And you're the orchesstrator of the crime
Almost unspeakable
Even if I'd regain my voice
You let this happen to me
Even helped!
Why? Why? Why?
What have I done to you?
Where did we go wrong?

"She's lost her innocence
She's all grown now"

No not lost but taken
In the most violent, cruel way
The highest sin, the biggest betrayal
For it came from within,
From the most trusted, my own, my family
Literally raised me as a lamb
To the slaughter

Threw me in the dirt
Kept me on the ground
And watched me get cut with open eyes
Who listened to my voice break and give out
Begging, sobbing, shaking
Mommy make it stop

And you still call me dear daughter
What nerve
How did you feel
When you saw me rest
Barely alive
While infections running wild
In my body?
Lying there helplessly
Still somewhat there, alive but not really
Caged in some ditch
Hidden away for weeks or eternity
Who can say

If I'm "lucky" I won't die here
In a poddle of my own ***, pus and blood
Unable to move, eat or sleep
A stick stuck between my legs
What once was a *****
To clog the drain
I have no tears left in me to weep

It was done as it has been for generations
It is our culture, normal in our tribe
You outsider can't possibly understand
It is proper
To torture your own daughter
Do like she did to me before
My own mother

So some man can check later
That you're ready for marrige
To make sure
Your body never know pleasure
Where's the **** lover boy?
So you forever know your place
Before you really know anything
Marked for life

We'll tell your friends, your children later
About the honour
Don't worry
We'll cut you open and sew you up again
When you get into labour
We'll do it again and again
We got you sister, you and your sisters sister

Only then do you belong
When yu're cut down to form
To fit the norm

Maybe in another life
Another lifetime
You can begin to understand
And heal
In another world maybe
You could get your revenge
On your perpetrators and their friends
May 2024 · 69
Regional guard
Jonas May 2024
Soldier boy
Be a good boy
Chained up
To your little hut
Closed off space
Only a yard or two to pace
Back and forth, back and forth

They raised you well
Only one purpose
All bark and bite
At everything that's new
That smells, seems strange

It's all you've been taught
All they see you fit for
How could you be anything else
Anything more?
Do you have any friends?
Does anyone come closer
See past the shell
Unafraid of the pain you promise
Gently offering you a hand
Trying to make peace?

What a lonely life you must lead
Dear leader of the pack
I hope soon things will change
And turn out for the better
May you find kindess, a little freedom even
Locked away from the world
In your cage
May 2024 · 66
Dead mans grin
Jonas May 2024
In the heart of the storm
Only there it is
That your rage goes quiet
Settles down
Drowned out, under the sound
Of weeping winds roaring loud
An fade and fade
Gone at once
Just swept away

Lost importance
Together with the rest of the world
Doesn't matter
All things change
Raising the question
Like a whisper amongst the noise
What now?

What now? What now? What now?
May 2024 · 56
Jonas May 2024
You meet people
Like her

Welcoming you in
Without being asked to
Gentlly and slowly
In your own time
There's no rush

She just stands there
In the living room
The evening light hitting the mirror on the wall
At just the right angle
Her hair's ******* to a bun
But a strand falls in her face

Another case of accidental Barouque
May 2024 · 69
Fast fashion
Jonas May 2024
Sometimes you do get lucky
You meet people who don't use you
Don't wear you
Like the rest of them

Who don't just try you on for size
Force you down
Rip something
Wear and tear
And then throw it back on the shelf
For someone else to sort out

What's that about?
May 2024 · 115
Jonas May 2024
Bitter erinnere mich, daran
Wieder mehr wie ich selbst zu sein
So wie ich früher war
Als kleiner Junge zwischen Wiesen und Wäldern
Noch zu viel Angst vorm Fahrrad fahren

Erinnere mich
An jeder Pusteblume zu pusten
Knallerbsen zu werfen
Kastanienmänner zu bauen
Und Blütenschnäbel auf der Nase zu tragen

Erinner mich
An Flieder zu riechen und Sauerampfer zu essen
Gummistiefel zu tragen und in Pfützen zu hüpfen
Den Regen auf der Haut zu spüren
Schneemänner zu grüßen, Schlitten zu fahren
Und im Gras zu liegen, jetzt im Sommer
Den Blick zum Himmel gerichtet
Dort wo die Vögel fliegen
Zu jeder Wolke gehört ein Name
Zu jedem Stern

Erinnere mich bitte daran
Denn ich vergesse so schnell
Was wirklich zählt im Leben
Zwischen all ihren Regeln
Erinnere mich, damit ich wieder frei atmen
Und das Leben genießen kann
May 2024 · 130
Real progress
Jonas May 2024
When will we be finally able
To bottle

The silence of mountain tops
After a long walk up and the wind just drops
That smell
After the first summer rain
Just stopped
Of fresh cut grass and fig leaves in the sun
The bite of a cold winter night
And the taste of your lips on mine?
May 2024 · 69
Caged animal
Jonas May 2024
Locked away
Forced to be domesticated
It turns cannibalistic
Eats you up from the inside
If you don't feed it a little
If you keep it starving
Away from daylight and fresh air

It will grow larger, growl louder
Taking up more and more room
Tunrning you hollow
Till you have to pay mind
Or it gets strong enough to take over
The reigns
And run wild
Time for payback

You can't deny your own nature
If it feels trapped it will try to get out
Finding violent ways
Fighting for control
With the animal inside
Howling to be heard

So don#t forget to let it walk around
From time to time
Stretch out it's legs
And get some pets

Who knows
You might gain a friend
May 2024 · 59
Jonas May 2024
Had enough?
Looking to stop
A quick way out, taking the exit?
There's two at the front, two at the back and four in the middle
Pull the cover and push to the side
All you have to do is jump
Feeling anxious again?
Yeah that *****

But look
Imagine how far you could go
Where you could be one, two, three, ten years from now
You'll be taking off, flying
To hot to handle

Gran says be careful around the stove
Wear mittens
May 2024 · 59
Jonas May 2024
I'm so sick of it

Sick of all the insecurity
Sick of being silent and invisible
Of being used and exploited
Just another number in some system
That I grew into
Sick of being forced to do things
That are "mandatory"
But without reason or logic behind them
Sick of being taken for granted
All the disrespect
I'm sick of nodding along, being understanding
I want to be done with it

But can't get out of my skin
Not for long
Not running on a dead line or anything
But I'm feeling like I'm running out of time
I'm missing out on so much
Again no better yet still
I can feel it slipping through

So I go away
Looking for a better place
For me, to stay
Look for people who care, who appreciate me
And know how to show it
One day I can call a place my home
One day
It's gonna be okay
Jonas May 2024
Walk a mile in my shoes
No, better even
Try running

Borrow my eyes for one evening
To see the world
From my point of view
To see as I do
To see how I see you

Maybe then you'll believe me
How great you really are
I do
I really love you

Maybe then you could see it too
May 2024 · 91
Jonas May 2024
Wenn Kinder auf Panzern spielen
Noch nicht lange still gelegt
Ist es ein gutes oder ein schlechtes Zeichen?

Touristenattraktion Nummer drei
Liegt auf dem Weg
Wir kommen vorbei
Mach mal ein Foto

Eine friedvolle Szene?
Oder nur die Feuerpause
Zwischen Blitz und Gewitter?
Wo schlägt er diesmal ein?
Wie weit ist entfernt?
Sind wir hier sicher?

Helden der letzten Generation
Zu Bette dort unten in der Erde
Hört nicht hin
Lasst eure Augen geschlossen
Ruhet in Frieden
Ihr habt genug gelitten

Ich will noch nicht nach Hause
Papa nimmst du mich auf den Arm?
Mama kann ich ein Eis haben?
Die Sonne *******noch
Noch ist es warm
May 2024 · 73
Jonas May 2024
I'm doing fine aren't I?
I think you said so once
Wouldn't hurt you to tell me more often
I still can't see it
I'm getting better at it tho

I've done more and seen more
Than others do in their life time
And I'm far from done
I keep creating
Keep evolving
Getting better at it
Sooner or later you'll learn
One way or the other

I'm a good person, a good friend
To some
Good looking, funny too
At times
Financially secure
For now

So why don't I feel it
Why can't I see it
Belive it
When I look in the mirror
Why can't I live it?

I keep changing, growing
But will I ever grow out of this?
The ghost of my childhood still hangs around
It's settled in
May 2024 · 69
Explain it to me
Jonas May 2024
But how do you know
Anything in this world?
How do you tell
Right from wrong
And good from bad?
In this complex mess
That's changing constantly
All the time

And no one rellay explains it to you
For only a few really have a clue
And they get drowned out too
Buried under the mass of missinformation
So called opinions
Which to often are stated as facts

What can you rely on
In a dance of deception and manipulation
When you don't know the steps
Blindfolded, only slightly see through
All you can do is stumble
And look for something or someone
To hold onto

You have to believe something
Commit to something
To a casue, an idea, a person
In due time
With whatever limited understanding you have
And hope for the best

That's all you can really do
In the end
Hope for the best
May 2024 · 105
Jonas May 2024
Werde ich Tag für Tag
Etwas asozialer

Entferne mich mehr und mehr
Von euch und eurem Wahnsinn
Das was ihr Leben schimpft
Oder noch schlimmer, "Norm"

Leider damit auch von dir
Dieses Ich, das ich immer sein wollte
Noch werden sollte
Aufstrebend, auf zu neuen Grenzen
Selbstsicher, kompetent
Der Horizont ist weit
Die Welt steht dir offen
The future is bright

Werd ich wohl alleine sein
Zurück bleiben
Wies aussieht
Bald bin ich frei
Von euch, von allem

Diese dreiste Ignoranz, Rücksichtlosigkeit
Ihr raubt mir sämtliche Energie
Du bist miserabel und saugst mir das Leben aus
Wenn ich könnte
Glaub mir, ich ginge nie wieder raus
Verlass bloß nicht dein Haus

Leider hab ich Bedürfnisse
Blöd gelaufen
May 2024 · 121
Jonas May 2024
Einmal kurz durchatmen
Die einzige Leerstelle im Gehirn
Die ich mag
Schön, dass du da bist
Schön dich zu sehen
Hier bei mir

Viele Kleinigkeiten machen ein Leben aus
Wir sammeln sie
Geben weiter und nehmen mit
Tragen uns gegenseitig durch die Welt
Bis zum letzten "Aus"

Und doch zerbrechen wir uns den Kopf bei den großen Dingen
Zumindest wenn sie groß klingen
Lasst uns trauern
Zwischen gemeinsam und alleine
Lasst uns feiern, lasst uns essen
Am Ende muss man lernen
Immer weiter zu machen
Weiter zu leben

Schon wieder etwas verloren
Auf dem Weg gelassen
Schon fasst vergessen
Schon wieder etwas mehr allein
Aber nur scheinbar

Vieles geht im Alltag unter
Großer wie Kleines
Manche Dinge kommen wieder
Manche schleichend und leise
Manche plötzlich, schreiend, laut

Lasst uns einen Moment verweilen
Hier und jetzt
Zusammen schweigen
Tritt ein *******zurück
Und lausch
Betrachte das Ganze
Schau was du sehen kannst von hier

Genieß den Ausblick
Solange du magst
Und dann komm langsam zurück
Zurück zu mir
May 2024 · 66
Jonas May 2024
Excuse the staring
I wanted to be seen
By you

When I help people I don't feel
Just for a moment
A beggar swinign an empty cup
That hasn't seen coffee in a long time
Any spare change?

Don't look up now
We might lock eyes
You'd be forced to accept
And recognize
That I am still human too
Like you
Draw out the empathy
Cause despite it all you still care
You tried so hard not to
I know, it's not fair

You see now
It's always in the eyes
Where the soul resides

So careful now
Don't look up
May 2024 · 72
Jonas May 2024
In der Hose, im Pulli
In meinen Taschen
Eine handvoll Pennies
Im Mund und im Kopf
Lächeln mit Zahnlücke und ADHD
Das hab ich selbst diagnostiziert
Schubladen sind nur zum Verschließen gut

Und im Herz, ja im Herz
Da herrscht Leere
Du fehlst halt

Aber immerhin weg
Nicht mehr hier
Mit dir

In Wien
Budapest, Berlgrad, Istanbul
Und wieder zurück
Immer wieder
In Berlin
May 2024 · 59
Jonas May 2024
I am
I am left
Wanting nothing
But not in a good way

There is just nothing left
To want

As the story still continues
- the end -
May 2024 · 47
high school reunion
Jonas May 2024
I feel like we get taught
Growing up
To always hold back

Don't risk being to much
Showing to much
To protect yourself
Careful now, don't wanna step on any toes
It's sad
The cost is that we forget
What you at your all could look like

Or maybe you never got to find out
May 2024 · 69
My needs, your needs
Jonas May 2024
Canned laughter
And bottled up anger
Let's call it a lunch
Quality tupperware
A gift from my parents
It's hard for me to open up

Try to crack me open
Use brute force
Till someone gets hurt
But we have to eat
It always comes down to needs

The sun always shines the brightest
In it's last moments
Before the night
A flash of rare green
Mirrored in your eyes
I'm staring again

Will the sun rise tomorrow?
On us?
Will we still be together?
Tomorrow, next week
Next year
Will it be the same?
Who can say?

Who can say?
May 2024 · 68
The eyes of god
Jonas May 2024
08.40,leaving from sector 2
You pay with the driver
You can stick your head out of the window
Watch meadows and cows pass by
Chewing in indifference

The market is every wednesday
I wish they'd lay better pavement
1kg and one apple please
We want to have a bbq later
In the rain
You fill my heart
But my tummy can't keep up

Sure, the Dixi is available
But there is always the option of being a friend of nature
And **** in the woods
The cave is one of the biggest in Europe
Which means
It's tall enough to fit a horse
He told me, holding hands with his wive
Of over 30 years
They wouldn't let me pay for the ticket

A day in the park
People are peopling
Yes that's a word, now
I'm people too
Yet it irritates me when they remind me
Here, I picked these daisies
Three of them, they're for you
Ne razbiram, sorry
Caho, chao!

Did you know?
The black sea is milky
And cold
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