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Jonas May 2024
08.40,leaving from sector 2
You pay with the driver
You can stick your head out of the window
Watch meadows and cows pass by
Chewing in indifference

The market is every wednesday
I wish they'd lay better pavement
1kg and one apple please
We want to have a bbq later
In the rain
You fill my heart
But my tummy can't keep up

Sure, the Dixi is available
But there is always the option of being a friend of nature
And **** in the woods
The cave is one of the biggest in Europe
Which means
It's tall enough to fit a horse
He told me, holding hands with his wive
Of over 30 years
They wouldn't let me pay for the ticket

A day in the park
People are peopling
Yes that's a word, now
I'm people too
Yet it irritates me when they remind me
Here, I picked these daisies
Three of them, they're for you
Ne razbiram, sorry
Caho, chao!

Did you know?
The black sea is milky
And cold
Jonas May 2024
I see, you
You're out of this world
It's all so obvious to me
Take me with you
I want out
My therapist says I need to kiss you
I think
I wasn't really listening

What's my lifes worth?
What's a life
Without a little joy
A little company?

Show me
Your teeth
Haunt me with those pretty eyes
Of yours
Wolfen stare
You run with the pack
Run wild
Make me miss you

Be the paint to my canvas
You draw me, in
With a stroke of luck
We'll have a deep connection
I need a good ****

You bite
You're on my mind
I guess it's bad luck
You're name scratches on the inside of my throat
Stuck on my tounge
Claws and fangs
Make for hard facts to swallow

Sweet pains always turn to poerty
In time
So tell me now
Is this real?
Are you, real?
Are you for real?
With me
About me
About us, this, whatever this is?

Your laugh
Is the only hope
In my stroy
Jonas May 2024
It takes some salt
Some water and some wheat
To bake up a story
Could be my story
Could be a good stroy
Of a life filled with worry

I took some beatings in my time
You see
I tried and failed
Took some beatings
Crushed again and again
I choose poorly

To be fair
I might have been
An ***
Savory and juciy
Call it a pastry

Still there is some beauty
Left in me
Blooming like a delicate flour
Sorry, I'm a little drunk
It's meant to be "flour"

Then one night it happens
You're out
A she enters the scene
Gets her hands on you
Hot and steaming
"You're so sweet"
Put some sugar on top
Smear it on my mouth
Mouth to mouth
Don't forget to swallow
You're toasted, breathing shallow

3,2,1 time's up
She got bored of you
Bored of your taste
Lost interest and turns away
Another oppurtunity gone
Got your hopes up
Over time you can't help it
You turn sour

I'm tired
Lay me down to rest
I only ever wanted
To live freely
You can only do what you can
With what you have
And try your best

The next day
Another night, another girl
It's late
We are at mine
You have me
For one night
Leave your marks on me
Add scars to my back
Might be to much for me
You crush me a little, make it crack

After you're done with me
You just stand there
Wait and watch
You have time, no rush

Watch me turn and turn
In my sleep, in my dreams
You watch me suffer
Watch me, rise and fall under the heat
I'm under preassure
How I beat myself up
You add to it too
Inflated ego
On the rise
Getting bigger and bigger

Let's wait some more
The moment I cool off
Back at room temp
And let myself fall
Right into your arms
You'll strike
Dig in your nails again
Tear me apart
Pull out my insides for the world to see
See, I told you I was soft there
And warm too
Hot even, just for you

A fair trade
I eat you out, you eat me up
Devour me whole
That's the deal
And yet you're hungry still
For more

The world is your oyster
Tell me now

What's for desert?
Jonas May 2024
Das Problem ist bekannt
Du bist was du isst
Und du bist hungrig
Auf mehr
Also friss
Mir aus der Hand
Jonas Mar 2024
A family of five one day decided to quit
Packed their bags
Only take what you can carry son
To leave this mess

Hoping to find a better life
Crossing oceans
Off to strange lands
I believe
We can make it
The future is bright

They're just trying to make it
Putting up a fight
Make the best with what they have
If not for them
At least for their children
Can you blame them?

Who needs to know how to swim anyway
Just don't get wet
Close your eyes princess try to sleep and pray
I’ll keep the monsters at bay

An easy mark
Two were shot dead
Both slaughtered
Like cattle in the dark

Another drowned the next day
He panicked, jumped ship
It was a mistake, an accident
They can't charge him twice now
You see?

The youngest got fished out
Caught in their net
They brought her back
First she got ***** and beaten
Then left to starve
Close to her farther’s land
Chained and bound to familiar ground

The last just got lost
Forget about him
Last he was seen?
When we pushed him back
There's enough space for them
On the ocean
Out of sight in the middle of the night
Missing in action
The actions we don't talk about

No one came back
That means they made it right?
They must have made it out

Momma, momma
Tell me
Where are our neighbours at?
Jonas Mar 2024
Yesterday and tomorrow
Always look the same
Months become years
In a flash

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Another January the first
Pay day, Mayday
There's rent to pay
I always wanted to be able to afford groceries

One day
I'll make it out
I'll break the cicle
Step out

One day
But no today
Today I break down
And go to bed early

Gotta get a headstart on that upcoming exhaustion
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