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Jonas Mar 14
Let me feel the pain
I'll take it on fully
Let me cry rivers on end
And I'm talking ugly crying

Wheezing, shaking, rocking, howling
Whiping snort away
I'm way past overdue
For so long I've held it together
Kept it up
I've unlearned how to let it all go

Allow me right now
To let it out
You'll have to excuse me for the display
And for the sobbing you see
I've never had a place
Where I felt safe
I've never found my people
And I've been losing my ground
Jonas Mar 14
A collection of scents
Jars stacked high with strange contents
Cursive, faded labels
Weird shapes within
Shattered shards of glass
Flickering in the low light

A library of memories
Books that are falling apart
Coverd in dust
Unreadeable words
In a forgotten language

A catalouge of emotions
Almost forgotten
Remnants that are trapped here
Echoing in empty halls unwandered are
The steps you leave behind
Are the only signs of life
In here
There's nothing left for you to find
Jonas Mar 14
Rereading all of my texts now
Redoing them
I feel the urge
Put a wet sponge to the board
Erase all the words
Leave no witnesses
No chalk lines left at the crime scene

But if I'd delete everything
That wasn't instant perfection
Cheap ramen in a chipped bowl
Pour hot water on top
Five minutes and it's done
My quick kinda fix
To statisfy the hunger
Not feeling the itch for a little longer

If I'd give in
There'd be nothing of me left
In this world
To go off on
So don't hold back
Go off little one
Jonas Mar 14
Our time together is limited
Cut short by my design
Let's make the most of it
Trying to buy time

Running out
I always end up alone
Going down
Before the finish line
Jonas Mar 14
I don't have my people
Never met someone
Who I felt secure enough with
To fully trust
To connect with
Let's go off script!

Who might understand
Who'd be willing to listen?
I couldn't explain myself anyways
It's been so long I've forgotten

Makes sense tho
I'm not a real person
Just a hollow wind up doll
All lines and make pretend
A walking matryoshka
Layers on layers of crumbling paint
Yet nothings inside to find
Jonas Mar 14
Dear friends

Of course
I want you to be happy
Suceed in life
Find your place, your people
Be happy whatever it takes

But why
Do I always get left behind in the process
Am I worthless after all?
When is it my turn?
Jonas Feb 5
Hi, you up?

I'm a curious person
I gotta ask, I gotta know

What's it like
To hug you from behind?
What are you like
When there is no one else around
beside me and you?

I hold you now closely
In my mind
To my chest
My face in your hair

What’ it like?
To hold hands , your skin on my skin
What’s the taste of your lips
When we kiss?
The taste of your neck
As I am doubling down?

Experiments of chemistry
Are conducted in the dark.
Your pretty face blushing
Your perfum in my nose
Your neck plus my palm
The rising tension in between
Laws of attraction
What does it all add up to?

To hear you breathe,
Your whispered words
To hear your mind shut off,
Your voice slip out
As it grows louder and louder
And finally give in

Give up
Surrender your controll
To me
Give me permission,
I beg you
Let me take over
Let me take care of you

Green light, red light
Lights out
Now switch

Oh to just trace your curves
To do it
Over and over
Up and down
Again and again
Togehter and apart
You have me mesmerized

What’s it like for to time lose it’s meaning?
To get lost intertwined
Our feet to be indistinguishable
From each other
From the end of the bed?
How soft are your thighs?
Careful I bite
Will you leave your marks on me?

You have me on my knees
Before you
You have me
All of me
I worship you women

I’m actually nervous
I hope I don’t bore you
I hope I’m enough
For I’m already lost

The shape of your breast already imbedded
The memory of us forever burned in my mind
As a precious little thing we did back then
Do you remember?
Will you remember me?

It takes the breeze to cool us off
Drenched in sweat
Sunk in each other
The magical hour
When walls fall down and secrets come out
When bonds are formed
In the cover of the night

Time to rest
To fall asleep,
Wake up next to each othe in the morning to come

Tell me
What’s it like?
To share a cigarette,
Coffe in the morning.
How do you take it?
Black, no milk no sugar?

Let’s go for a walk.
Let’s eat, I’ll cook
Let’s do it today, tomorrow and the day after
Till days turn to weeks
and weeks to How-was-your-day‘s
Tell me.

What's it like
In the night?
Laying next to you?
What’s it like to wake up
next to you?
For now and ever?

What are you like

What I'm saying is
I'd like to take you out
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