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Jonas Feb 17
By now
All I want is to be held

Her soft skin, warmth and the smell of her hair
"She" could be anyone
But is hard to find
Jonas Feb 5
Du lachst
Die Erde brennt
Quatsch tut sie gar nicht!
Das ist eine Verschwörung der Milchbauerverbände
Check deine Fakten!
"Ich höhr prinzipiell jedem zu"
Demokratisch gewählt heißt legitimiert
Kann gar nicht falsch sein
Geh mal weg mit 1933, oder doch 1984?

Du lachst
Die Wälder rauchen, husten nur noch
Alle Spezies sind tot bis auf zwei
Passt so auch besser in ein Kinderbuch
Nicht zu viel Diversity
Das sexualisiert unsere Kinder

Du machst
Nichts mehr
Was willst du schon tun kleiner Mann?
Molotovs bauen lernen?
Schade um den Alkohol
Mach dir lieber noch ein Bier auf

Kann man nichts machen
Ist eh zu heiß draußen um sich aufzuraffen
Noch ein wenig Geschichten erzählen, gemeinsam
Von jetzt ist die Zeit und es ist noch nicht zu spät
Jeder Zyniker weiß längst
Aufwärts geht's nur im Telefon
Weißer Screen im schwarzen Raum
Was sind schon verschenkte Stunden in einer kaputten Welt?

Du weinst
Nicht mehr
Schon lange nicht mehr
Wann war das letzte Mal?
Der Blick ins Leere, endlich taub
Und nichts tut mehr weh

Nehmt mir alles was ich habe
Noch mehr Müll für mein Gehirn bitte
Im 10 Sekunden Format

Zu Letzt geht die Hoffnung
Ertrinken im Mittelmeer
Jonas Feb 5
Dear cold

Please take me in
Cool me down and brush my skin
Sending shivers down, down
All the way
In this moment I feel I am

Remind me where
And who I've been
Old pains
Turned friendly over time
Now only the wind bites down
Cutting deep

Sometimes numbness can be merciful
Jonas Feb 5
I wanted a little colour in all the grey
And red
Like in blood and fire
Not in autumn leafs and wine

I thought that could have been you
Now we're back to monochrome
Jonas Aug 2024
Wrong day, wrong start
Wrong clothes, wrong hair, wrong voice
I'm scared
Wrong moves, wrong words, wrong thoughts
To loud, to bright, to much
Can't stay
I need to get away
Don't talk to me

Kind thoughts, self talk
Avoid all mirrors, avoid all triggers
So any input at all
Hide in your room
Closed curtains, cold showers
Something bland to eat
A comfort show on in the background, on repeat

Wait till the day is over
Go to sleep
It's okay

But what if tomorrow looks the same?
Jonas Aug 2024
One day, at the children's faire
You find yourself stuck at the mirrors cabinett

Out of sight of your parents
You follow your friends
Walk beside them like you always did
But all of the sudden there is no room for you left besidse them
"Just have to walk behind them then"
You think

Spaced out for a moment
They just went straight ahead
In confindence and innocence, unbothered
But stepping where they stepped
You hit glass
"What's this now? I don't want this"
The road is blocked for you
While others just continue to walk on by

Your face, a slightly damp reflection
Shows suprise, anger and irritation
It looks scared
"Why can't I just go on, like they are?"

Okay then, you think
"I'll just have to find my own way now"
After taking a break
Crying and whining for weeks
"He missed school, whatever happend to him?
Let's write a get well soon card"
Getting further and further away from them
Being left behind really hurts
"Don't you love, me what did I do wrong?"

Sure you can call out, you can scream and shout
And struggle all you want
Adults have a word for that, he's "acting out"
Maybe some even will wait for you, for a while
Try to help and understand
The fewest do, and only for so long
They can offer you a hand
Before they have to turn away, go back to their own lifes
You're holding them back
Can't you see?

There is much excitement a little up the way
Once you're out of the labyrinth
Promises of popcorn and sugary delights
Of first nervous dates and bumpy faire rides
Blinking lights and short harmless frights
Nobody wants to stumble at the starting line
When it's about finishing the race in time

Life is decided in moments
A bag of decisions and "things that just happend to me"
To carry along, as long it's not to heavy
As long as it's not pulling you down
Deep underwater in darkness you will drown
Just struggeling to breathe normally
While watching others run marathons
From your enclosed space

Always watching your refelcetion in the mrror
Looking back at you, judging you
Which side is real?
Who hates whom more?
Try to ignore the panic building up inside
Transforming in time to fear, to anger, sadness,  self pity
To loneliness, hate and then just emptiness
Full cicle

Did you fail the game or did the game fail you?
For how long can you hold out, stuck in the same place
With nothing but promises and a hole in your tummy
Eating yourself up from the inside out?
Jonas Aug 2024
I wrote this back then
Thinking of you
It's not my best work
But I thought I'd try
I don't know

Maybe you'd like it
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