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Jun 2015 · 385
Kailee something Jun 2015
May 2015 · 1.8k
free as flowers
Kailee something May 2015
Flowers are alone, yet beautiful.
They are free, yet fragile.
Every season they explore,
Adventuring with the sun some more.
Bee’s and the self determination to keep them alive.
Flowers are bright in the middle of July,
They know they are special, they know they are important.
Flowers shine most with love in their eyes.
The soil is loyal, the water is the father.
With so much sovereignty, they are leading their sons and daughters.
I thank these flowers because they bloom and are free, just as I like to be.
Flowers are alone and beautiful,
They are free yet fragile.
Mar 2015 · 767
Kailee something Mar 2015
my mind is insane
my heart is in pain
my eyes are along the rain

you cant come see me
you cant come to my house
just to say you love me
you don't even mean it

you throw my heart away
you throw my mind this way
my eyes, are red but they cry blue

i'm ******* done
with you

you lost me.
Jan 2015 · 969
Cabin Talk
Kailee something Jan 2015
Cold cold fingers
Frosty frosty toes
"Let me warm that soul"
Crackling crackling fire wood
Red yellow orange
"I can't feel my face"
Pale pale moon
Dry dry lips
"Here. Put in this tune"
Swaying swaying hips
Warm warm hearts
"Sometimes i think about the way you look at the moon, sometimes you smile at the stars,sometimes you grow with the sun, sometimes you dance with the rain and sometimes I'm all of those at once."
Dec 2014 · 246
Kailee something Dec 2014
I'm happy the way things are turning out. I'm not mad. I'm not sad. I'm looking at all the negativity as mistakes and learning experiences. Staying positive through it all really makes it much easier and you just keep moving on.
Oct 2014 · 327
dramatic teen @ school
Kailee something Oct 2014
All I want to do is not talk to anyone
All I want to do is eat but not gain
All I want to do is cry until I can't
All I want to do is listen and not hear
All I want to do is love and not feel
All i want is you you you
ALl i want is to be alone
all i want is your Body On mine
ALll ii want is for you to *******
all i want is for you to read my mind
all i want is lust
All I need is life
Oct 2014 · 261
oct. 12
Kailee something Oct 2014
ALl the terrible **** youve been through
you know i'll love you like no other
i see the good in you
i see what you want me to see of you
it's sad you'll never understand how
i really feel about you
i can't imagine a life without you
i just want you to kno w that i'll
always be here for you
i don't want you to feel alone
i don't want you to convince yourself
you'll never find a "her"
i close my eyes and see you
i close my eyes and see us
it all sounds so dramatic because
maybe it is and maybe i got put on this earth to love
to love the lonely
i can never see why i'm never loved back
but i dont care and i still love anyways
it's just a simple thing for me
it's just that i love you
you'll never know
oh its just the daily flow

i **** at writing about you
Sep 2014 · 608
Kailee something Sep 2014
Your soul has been ******
it's been through hell and back
Now your something new
now you can drink the brews
You can eat the boys hearts out
You can tell the girls how ugly they taste
You do it for the fun of it
The rotting of your teeth
the shaking of your body
the bleeding of your heart
Are you ready to fall apart?
you can't talk anymore
you can't move anymore
your hopeless now
He takes you to the stars
He sees your eyes are cleared out
He laughs
you cry
He can't even try
You yell until your lungs are shriveled
He throws you out
Your body and mind are spinning into space until your last breath
You die alone
Jan 2014 · 363
Kailee something Jan 2014
when I was 14 my life was nice
when I was 15 I cried all the time
while I'm 16 I'm giving it my all
when I turn 17 I'll shine the sun back
when I'm 18 I'll be

everything I want to be. Everything I haven't experienced. Everything the world hasn't given to me; good or bad.
18 and above it's on. I'm ready. (careless how young the age.)
Jan 2014 · 310
Kailee something Jan 2014
You love so much you love when love hurts
You cry so much you cry when i'm hurt
You smile so much I know when your faking
You laugh so much your voice is shaking
whats love got to do with it when
you don't love
Kailee something Dec 2013
I felt as although, I was a pair of glasses and my parents were the destroyers.

They threw it straight down into the wooden floor. They broke into some little pieces. And then they stepped on them and crushed it into impossible shreds. Now those little tiny specs of glass hurt when you touch them. So everyone leaves it alone and walks over it. They're useless and annoying so you throw them away. Then they sit in the garbage. They sit in the darkness, waiting...
One year later someone finds one piece. The someone is interested in it. They adore the crooked and messed up-ness of it. Its not too long that that someone doesn't like it anymore. They figure out its just a piece of trash too. That theirs other neater prettier pieces, so the someone abandoned its.
So now. I will never be able to see. I won't see the real-ness of everything.
I'm done for. Just a piece of mess that sits in the garbage.
Kailee something Dec 2013
I'm so tired sad and confused
Lost hurt and forgotten in this place
Want to know what I do to feel something
I usually lay on either side of my body
I go into deep thought about everything: how I have no one, how I am a no one, ect. , and it doesn't even take me long to think it through cause I know its the truth.
Then I get so depressed I tear up.
And this ladies and gentlemen, is it.
One satisfying lovely heartbroken tear comes out my eyeball and is slowly making it way to my pillow or even into my deep collarbone. If it goes to my pillow then its just one in a million sitting in it. But I usually like it in my collarbone, well because this the part I told you about. I feel something there. Something or someone is near me. Resting on my cold, cold, bones.
This is the truth.

— The End —