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Brother Jimmy Feb 2018
Human Chimneys

Through which pour

All the art and all the gore

Make up the roof of this place

The mystic bog of music and mace

Spice magma made of eurekas & filaments

Lightbulbs like butterflies the primary elements

The pressures from moments build up a good head

And up flies the lava through the living and dead…

By pure chance some catch it, latch-on to a wee bit

Of phoenix-hatchlings, which then briefly will sit

Upon chimney-headed free paupers of soul

So when one’s lips touched to that coal

Seraphim tongs, red-orange glow

From out of this mouth

New paintings

Did flow
Brother Jimmy Feb 2018
I fell for a time,    ...and damaged my mind

Forgetting, for a spell
                               What makes us feel well

Having forgotten,
                           It makes me feel rotten

When body runs down,
                            Then I don a frown.

Remembered  today
                     What makes it go ‘way:

You’ve just got to move;
                       To get in the groove.

For body and mind
                  Aren’t separate, I find.

If one or the other’s neglected, my brothers,

Then suffers each one
                          For since they begun

Inextricably chained,
                   These two remained

If psyche is blue,
          Then body is too,

And if you repair,
           The body, mon frere,

It turns out that you
     Can fix the mind too!
Brother Jimmy Jan 2018
And so, after years of tax and toil
I return my body to the earth
My shell to nourish the darkened soil
I’ve loved and lived upon since birth
I believe I am both matter and spirit
Not just dust returning to dust
There’s a deep music that, when you hear it
Awakens you to th’ eternal ******
Like husk of seed, is decomposed
To let the plant unfurl, renewed
Like seed to plant is juxtaposed
My ghost, from flesh becomes unglued
Brother Jimmy Jan 2018
There was a man spent decades off to sea

Adrift in whorls and waves of augur flights

Something in his existence bid him flee

To avoid long and lonely fear-fraught nights

But now he is sharp’ning his iron will

And keeping his feet aground, firmly planted

He’s leaning on his gods with a secret thrill

For he’s learned to love all things enchanted

Awakenings cut through thickest fog

Like light beams pierce through darkest night

  Illumining all of Gog and Magog,

  Winning them back at the end of the fight

He chose to believe and claimed the change

That sprouted within his weary chest

  Went forth not knowing domain or range

  And put-off longer his final rest

A fond acquaintance said, “One suspects

No one really believes in God at their core...

  Else if they believed in the fiery effects,

  They’d be monsters not to proselytize more!”

So deep did it cut him, to hear this said,

That he cried as he held his acquaintance’s face,

And spoke, “Yes, and it’s I that should be dead,

If not for the glory and brilliance of grace”
Brother Jimmy Jan 2018
Avoiding magic,
Elf, and bowl...
Nothing’s tragic
If made whole

Avoidance carries
Heavy loads
The miracle tarries,
Mind implodes

But winged creatures
Want dire things
Say earnest preachers
Who pull off wings

Perhaps the church
Should be avoided
And left in a lurch
As Christ destroyed it

When he read
From the scroll
Turns of head
All eyes did roll

The spirit is upon me
I’ve been anointed
To set captives free
I’ve been appointed

And as he put the scroll away
He uttered aloud, almost in song:
“These words are fulfilled in me today”,
Infuriating the offended throng

Leaving chins
Upon the floor
Churchy grins
Appear no more

They move as one
To chase him off;
To Him, what fun,
The shout and scoff

He looked not proud
On the brow of the hill
Passed through crowd
All felt a chill

For this, perhaps
Is how He loved
The cards collapsed
And all were moved
Brother Jimmy Jan 2018
I dreamed I saw your grandmother’s ghost

She was smiling at me, and looked vital

When the dream took a turn,

I woke up with a start,

And longed to see



But you did not appear,

I only tossed and turned,

Struggling to quiet myself,

And get into the right state;

                      The correct position

    And the proper breathing

                   For seeing ghosts


I miss you.


I pray you are romping
In Elysian Fields

Further up and further in
I will see you anon
Brother Jimmy Jan 2018
I was in the middle
Fiddling with my head
Dreading every step
Trepidation fear and dread

All at once it hit me
We’re all inside this flow
Knowing you, I should’ve seen
Gleaned the twist, but no

I was blind again
When I looked within
Sin and death were lurking there
Where then should I begin?

All at once you revealed
Sealed secrets of the past
Lasting truths I’d forgotten
Penning me in at last
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