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Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Oh what a day and night I've had
With twists and turns galore
My blisters burn,
And sure, I'm sore,
From walking where the shore...
Had been before.

The water level's rising
And all the advertising says
It's controlled and this was planned
...For the shore to take the land?
No more walks on the sand

"No Swimming" signs now pollute the scene
And the swell, it looks a brownish green

The old blue's a hundred yards out!
...Why, if I had any clout...
I'd tell the string-pullers to straighten up
And keep the waters from filling this cup
Eroding away the lakefront lawns
From folks that dine on perch and prawns
And dandelion greens and wine
And now they'll have no funds to dine

Way on high the adjusters sit
Deciding where to close the gap
Don't give me that conservation ****
And this tax season you'll get the crap
Kicked out of you
It's sad but true
Someone was chided
And it was decided
And now there's nothing that you can do
But bite your nails and be part of the stew
Southern shore of Lake Ontario
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Where to begin?
With a spin! With a sin!
But you've spilt all your wine
Down your chinny-chin-chin...

The neighbors are talking
Though I hate to relay
The concern that they show
For it drains fun away

You're just having fun
So you say, so you say
The spinning helps get you
Up, up and away

Your advances are tainted
By slur and by sway
You stumble and fumble
What an awkward display

Ah, now I sound judgy
My teeth grin and gnash
And I know I've grown pudgy
From all of the hash

But my tells are subtle
Not in people's face
You're stuck in a puddle
You'll fall on your face

I want to repair it;
We want to be free;
We'll **** and impair it,
...Him, you, and me.
Brother Jimmy Jul 2017
Oh the screamers are screaming
And clawing and mooning
They soon will be dreaming
They're crammed in and spooning
If it weren't for my many interventions tonight
Surely, they would have, committed a crime
One, or more, would be out of the fight
Down to the mat for the very last time
But now, I'm chaperone;
As mediator; as bodyguard,
They unite against me here alone
In this bedroom prison yard
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
It is the eve of your leaving
I cast about for tasks
To occupy my mind
I emote very little
Not wanting to seem anxious
Or blue

I trust you will take care of yourself...

And your companions

Know your limits.

Be ever so careful
Watch out for danger

Look lively and remember us
The Edge is no stranger
But tread lightly

That sadness won't be quelled
With reckless abandon

Here I am again going on
And on.

I will be thinking of you
Awaiting your return
In one piece
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
Epitaph i

He loved
He tried
He lived
He cried
He fought
His head
He rests
He's dead

Epitaph ii

Here lies Haschi-moto
His eyes are clouded over
His blood is thick as pudding
So let him feed the clover

Epitaph iii

When life is at its end
You'll end up here, my friend

Beneath the earthen quilt
A dearth of fear and guilt

Epitaph iv

Life was very hard
But now I have some rest
Asleep here in this lovely yard
With no drum beating in my chest

So peaceful is this time
In bed, beneath the ground
I'll rest-up with no cares
'Til Christ returns with trumpet sound

Epitaph v

Here lies the tired vessel
Drained entirely of its hustle
Here's hoping he won't wrestle
With fire, sulphur,
shredded muscle

He praised his silent God above
For all that He did give
For teaching him to cope and love
And the blessed life he got to live
Brother Jimmy Jun 2017
One who is...

When I grow young
Sitting at your feet


I will
Forever after
Feel like I'm complete


You will
With joy and laughter
Gather all the souls


We will
Completely understand
For whom the bell tolls
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