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Brother Jimmy Nov 2016
Ah yes, I remember this well,
The fumbling about in the darkness of  the cottage, as the narrator feels his way around the room,
The hair raising sound described,
A pronunciation of his friend's name,
By some being that seemed crystalline rather than organic
And the adrenaline that electrified his whole body upon hearing it.

The odd extra-tellurian reference frame that the creature seemed bound to so that it was not quite perpendicular to the floor...
...but that doesn't quite describe it.
It was, more accurately, that the creature was tied to some external reference frame which doesn't quite match our own.

While reading the story aloud to my children, Modulating my voice as adroitly as I am able, Pausing occasionally to define terms or explain references to the preceding book in the trilogy, I'm struck again by the author's talent; the depth and breadth of it, the power of description to elicit mood in the reader,
The completeness...and I wonder how many rewrites it took.

I notice the breathing of two of my three children has become regular.  
They've drifted to that other plane of existence.  
I pause...and Lottie's voice, a little too loud, cuts the near silence, "You aren't stopping, are you?", causing her sister to stir briefly.  "Nope!", say I, and I continue, doing my best to keep the theatrics in my voice.  
But the words are starting to dance on the page as I grow cross-eyed in my languor.

Finally I reach the chapter's end, place the bookmark and say, "And that, my dear, is where we'll pick up the story next time".  
I reach to turn off the bedside lamp, and sleep for an hour or so until Lady Di gets home from the hospital.

These beings, surrounding me now, causing me to lie on my side at the very edge of the bed, taught me what love really is.  I love them more than I can ever express.
Brother Jimmy Oct 2016
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Fait­h is believing without seeing

So how does one have “more faith”?

How exactly does one believe?

Belief is...the elusive wraith...

Do I say in my mind, “I believe, I believe!”,

And eventually find that it’s true?

Or does it require clear-cut demonstrations?

And if so, what evidence will do?

Some faith is required when the teacher explains

Four divided by two equals two

But then in the classroom of any good teacher

This assertion is proved to be true

But what of the esoteric abstract assertions

The proclamations about the unseen

(The help that is given by clergy or guru)

Are they true, or designed to just grease the machine?

How does one do it? How do they have

A “personal relationship” with a dead man?

Or a living GOD who lives on the throne,

But chooses stone silence as part of his plan?

Or is GOD there, screaming His head off at me?

While I am just too dense to hear?

Oh why is there so much trouble receiving

The message from One who created the ear?

I want to, I want to, I want to believe,

And someday I’ll find it’s all true

Meantime, I’m sitting here, heart on my sleeve,

Blurting my hurt… *and so blue
Brother Jimmy Oct 2016
I've got
an itch
to get out
of this city,

I'm done.  
I'm sick of
this flow...

Let's go down
to the ocean
and swim
with the rays.

Let's watch
the sandpipers
as they run
to and fro...

I picture
a place
on a cliff

low tide

Where *****
are our lunch,
and we pay
with sand dollars

Which we find
while we walk
down the shore
side by side
Brother Jimmy Sep 2016
Autum, teach me how to be
Colorful like every tree

Let my brightness paint a scene
Metamorphosize from solid green

Autumn, chill my fevered soul
Teach me how to be made whole

Breezes cool and comfort me
Streaks of light pierce canopy

Autumn, teach me how to die
Crisp flight, alighting with a sigh

I'll pause a moment on the ground
Then wind will lift me heaven-bound
Brother Jimmy Sep 2016

Let it out
Let love in
Let it go
Let love win

Love every soul you see
Make love for lovers' sakes
Make happiness make glee
Mend all folks real or fake

My end will come from my beginning
No happenstance no random chance
Nor penance, plucking from your winning
No loss from staunch opponent's lance

Oh would that we could wane
Our dim dichotomies' details donned;
Outside this window pane
Oh wildest winds, we want to wander!

Penance plunders grace
Perchance, do you hear laughter?
Pick up your fallen face
Quick think: what are you after?

Remember what was ransomed
Remarkable requests are made
Requisite responses that result
Sacred sacrifice - ransom paid

So stop the secret scratching
Soothe your screaming skin
The way your thoughts keep hatching...
& That tell-tale heart ticking within,

Take a look around
This is a lucky life we live
Though time takes senses: sight, and sound
Taste, scent, and touch - like sand through sieve

Brother Jimmy Sep 2016
Everybody run
Run into the sun
It's time to put your pencils down
For the weekend
Has come!

Or, in the vernacular of the local peasantry,

"******' AYY, MAN!  I'M OUTTA HERE!"

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