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1.7k · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
My throat is as dry the desert,
                                     my stomach growls like a beast,
                                      I haven't had food or water for days.

                                      I don'k know how I got here,
                                      my body lays broken on the ground,
                                       dropped a thousand feet down.

                                       The sky is a sea of red,
                                        the ocean is red as blood,
                                        the sand is hot as fire.

                                    Only god knows what I've done.
Logan Jul 2018
Since you guys like my poems you might like this story.'my-grandparents-house-is-haunted'-part-1/
820 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
On the road,
                                            she's screaming again,
                                            my face is black and blue.

                                         Fear creeping in.    

                                                 A fist connects to my jaw,
                                                car swerves off the road,
                                         wrapped around a telephone pole.

                                                 air bags deployed,
                                             blood drips down my face,
                                              blaring horn.

                                              Burning, crackling, sizzling.

                                              Smoldering flesh,
                                               turns my gut,
                                               she's trapped.

                                               I see my way out,
                                               save myself,
                                               the car com-busts into flames.
Sometimes we need to let people burn in order to save ourselves.
Logan Jul 2018'my-grandparents-house-is-haunted'-part-2/
Here’s part 2 If anyone is interested.
554 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
I walk into the gas station,
                             a hood covering my head,
                              I brandish my weapon.

                                     Time slows.
                       Sweat dripping down the cashier's neck,
                        tears and snot stream down his face,
                        the smell of ***** fills the room.

                                   My finger slips.


          ­                              He drops,
                          Blood, bits of brain, and skull,
                         splattered on assorted cigarettes.

                          The air tastes like copper,
                           sirens scream in the distance,
               red and blue lights dance in the summer night.
514 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
Trepidation festers in the pit of my gut,
                              but fear is just a handicap of the mind.

                                        All I need is cash,
                                         not a life.

                                       Crickets sing,

                            The neon open sign buzzes,
                             my heart is in my throat,
                              the parking lot is barren.

                               I want to turn and run,
                               but my feet are heading,
                                for the door.
485 · Jul 2018
"Loving you"
Logan Jul 2018
Loving you is like,
a kidney stone.

I'd rather,
catch dysentery,
than make love to you.

You're the reason,
It burns,
when I ***.
This one goes out to a special someone out there.
370 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
Where will you be when the money's gone?
                when the rent is due,
                 eviction slip pinned to your door.

                  Mom and dad won't help anymore.

                    Forced to shiver in the cold,
                    on the street paper cup in hand,
                    watering eyes and a trembling lip.

                       strangers sneer and laugh.

                        Crawling on your belly at night,
                         through the alleyways,
                         looking for new flesh to eat.

                          There's no one left to drain.

                         When you're all alone,
                      will it be a slice down the wrist,
                       or a rope around your neck?
325 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
Staring out of my cell window,
                                      bright blue sky,
                                       with a archipelagos of clouds.

                                        A noose hangs above me.


                                               The air is crisp,
                                                tasting better than,
                                                any meal I've ever had.


                                                        I slip my head in,
                                                        the grip is tight,
                                                         like a cobra's grip.

                                                        Sl­owly losing consciousness.
I hope everyone enjoyed this short series.
299 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
Acrid scents permeate the air,
One to five is my time,
only one hour for fresh air,
insipid food on a plastic tray.

The sound of suffering reverberates,
  through the prison.

   So much time to think.

   I've ended a life over money,
   I miss my family,
   but I took him from his.
268 · Jul 2018
Logan Jul 2018
Drinking my blood,
                                 feasting upon my flesh,
                                draining me of who I am.

                                Stripped of all I'm worth,
                                 thrown away like trash,
                                 dried up like a old raisin.

                             I'm still looking for a drop of wine.

                             Still looking for a sense of self.
214 · Apr 2019
Logan Apr 2019
It was the year 2085,
love was dead,
hate was in the air.

All the resources used up,
millions of people killed by atom bombs,
mutants and other inhumans roam the the ruins of earth.

Survivors reside in a hidden city,
hardly enough food and water to go around,
some of them had to go.

The unlucky few forced on their knees,
everyone ignored their sobs and pleas,
tears and snot ran down their faces like rain down a window pane.

Please for mercy,
cries for God,
left their lips.

God was dead,
mercy was a luxury in this new world.

A cold barrel of a gun against their heads,
as cold as January ice,
as cold as the icy stare of the executioners.

One bullet for the back of each head.

They collapsed one by one,
like a building after a bomb goes off,
death is freedom from this wasteland.
It's been a long time since I last posted so, I hope everyone enjoys this.
184 · May 2020
Reddit Link!
Logan May 2020
I write short horror stories as well as poems. If you like horror and like my other content please consider following my page. There I post original horror stories.

161 · Jul 2019
Logan Jul 2019
You’re too weird to be alive,
I’m coming to your house with a shovel and bag of lye,
I know where you hide the spare key.

I sneak in your room while you gently sleep,
bash your face a thousand times,
drag your body deep into the woods.

The woods are quiet,
I dig a hole six feet deep,
and two feet wide.

Innocent blood spills onto soil,
God is dead,
the woods are alive.

Something once thought slumbering,
is now awake,
there is nowhere to hide.

The darkness is filled with glowing eyes,
they move in on me ever so slowly,
a boisterous growl fills my ears.

The beast without a shape opens its mouth,
I stare into the abyss that is its maw,
then I realize I’m done for good.
158 · Dec 2020
The Lagoon
Logan Dec 2020
Check out my subreddit where I post my original horror stories:
155 · May 2020
Twitter Link!
Logan May 2020
If you enjoy my content on here please consider checking out the following link:

Here, I make discussion posts mostly related to horror and share my collection of odd, but unique things. Please consider checking this out.
151 · May 2020
Discord Link!
Logan May 2020
If you like my content and want to interact with me please consider joining my discord server.


— The End —