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Jul 2018 · 3.0k
Born Jul 2018
If only I could write you  a poem
From a music perspective
I'd scream all day that
I hate that I love you.
I'd smoke ****
get really  high
Numb my days with morphine
and totally blackout

If only I could write you a poem
From a death perspective
I'd remind you of dreams
Strive for what you believe in
give a ****
and for as long as you are alive
never say I wish i knew

If I write you a poem
From a poet perspective
I won't tell you that my heart is broken
I'd say Its been wrenched
It's an empty weight
It has been ruthlessly devoured

If only I could write you a poem
From a love perspective
I'd argue that it's only a feeling
that needs more analysis
It's the only acceptable
form of insanity globally
What perspective would you write
Jul 2018 · 463
Blue II
Born Jul 2018
I think we are at our most vulnerable
when you assume our reality
instead of embracing it
change it
Or be daring about it

In the name of ambition
You've seen stars twinkle
in your amusement
your heart leaped

Leaped towards uncertainty
the vigorous unknown waters
that test our conviction
our supposed dreams
stuck on a loop of hope

You try
but the bumps and the commas
reminds you
that this  world is made of
Extreme unbearable ache
Jul 2018 · 325
Stray bullets
Born Jul 2018
What about us
Searching for broken answers

What about earth
that it can't let go of disasters

What about love
that it inspires lot of crazy stories

What's up with nostalgic tears
and friends
who left without saying goodbye

What about life
that Is so paradoxical

What's up the truth
it's filled with so much lies

What about reality
that is filled with absurdity

What about humans
and there fixation on power
Jun 2018 · 360
. ° .
Born Jun 2018
I just don't get it
I love it soo much that I hate

I feel torn
Cruising towards reality

I feel written
A poem remembered

I feel loved
Enjoyed and celebrated

I  feel your warmth
On the blankets you left behind

I feel like the moon
always chasing the sun

I feel like a smile
a universal perfect mask
Jun 2018 · 338
Pieces of me
Born Jun 2018
Should this poem ever trend
Then id buy a bottle of jack Daniels
Seal it
and send it to you

Sip it, as you read this poem
and know that
Cause of love
broken stories trend
Jun 2018 · 666
Ever thought
Born Jun 2018
Ever thought your inside a simulation
that your reality is constantly changing
Your narrative written for  a certain purpose
Your heartbreaks
the pains youve  endured in the name of life
Was nothing but a programmed reality

Ever thought of the people you've crushed while climbing up
Because of that pain you caused her
She went and cried in that office corner
But he came and offered, sympathy, empathy
Whatever she needed
And her love story begun because of your crush

Ever thought the misery you keep experiencing is your own doing
that your on the verge of damnation cause you want to
Because the puzzling emotions are only here
Cause you want them to be here
Holding onto illusive memory
that once was, but isn't anymore

Ever thought of visiting Berlin, I think we all love Berlin
Or maybe the pyramids of Egypt
What about Paris, the food and the warm friendly folks
Can't forget Abraham Lincoln, we all have a little bit of linc in us
Brazil and samba dance, that, I wouldn't miss

Ever thought of writing a poem about writing a poem
Spilling your gut but in an eccentric way
Puzzling thoughts about everything
like this poem ever thought it'll ever exist
if it's even  a poem
Born Jun 2018
I don't want to be content with what I know
I don't want to wake up to that regular normal life
The predicatable pattern
The usual circle

I want to to challenge my reality
My ever constant changing perception
Expound on my imagination

I don't want to settle for that regular normal life
I don't want to live and not taste the waters
I don't want to be limited by "this is how it's always been"

I want to deeply and empathetically  analyze
Transform the meaning of reason
Offer a vacuum of doubt instead of acceptance
Be critical in our dawning reality

I want to listen, truly listen and observe
I want to know why you believe what you belive
I want to think
Jun 2018 · 300
Born Jun 2018
Where do we belong
Tell me what you've seen
a kindred spirit lingers in my mind
at a sound of a touch

How do you do this
Behave like  a hell forgotten song
while trying to concur the sky
a virtual reality horror show
that started
at the sound of a touch

Packing and running for safety
that's what happens
if you trade
strength for weakness
at the sound of a touch

Pictures came with a touch
but we were never attached
you were just a voyeger in my dream
who left footsteps  it seems
at the sound of a touch
May 2018 · 641
Born May 2018
Would you rather I fill you with fallacies of love
Or speak the truth
For years we dwell on what is sweet or easy to bear
for years we dwell on what is sweet or easy to bear
let that sink in
Whatever the truth is , it most certainly has never been easy

Hypnotized to accept what is
But in reality, it isn't
And what isn't  leave us salivating
for that beautiful dalliance with life

We are hooked
Subconsciously slaving
Inventing picnics in the name of innovation
high on rugged ideas puffed into a void
May 2018 · 272
Born May 2018
Poetic analogy
The barbarity of this universe is frightening
Constantly on verge of damnation
We close our eyes, alluding the reality around us
Running from what ruined us

We plough earth with our truths
Jesus is lord
Allah is God
Lord Shiva is......
Don't dare disagree  I'll shave it down your throat
or chaos rains
until one is deemed superior

So we forgot what love is
And  hated each other
And focused on our sins
And inhaled decriminalization
Of our race
Of our faith
Of humanity
All the while ******* our deeds
On God

Now you are busy cruising through life
Crating facade for justification
Isn't hell too nice a place for you!

A mere mortal betting on division
For loyalty
Or sometimes hope
Is the most heinous deed
Committed on behalf of love
May 2018 · 287
When your too broken
Born May 2018
Upon thee existence, pain and suffering rested
Patiently waited
For what is life without you being tasted

Weren't you baited into smiling
Apocalyptic laughter
the one we all crave for
an impending void

Its okey to cry
He said;cry my dear ,let it all out
But ,at the back of her mind
She couldn't help that itching thought
Why all this suffering?
Why me?
Where is God
Why am I shaken
Why am I broken

When all hell brakes loose
Is there love
To match the pain
Or do we trade on hope
a desperate move
to meek at the future
May 2018 · 258
Born May 2018
Your smile is filled with mare
A mask that you still dare
To wear like nobody cares

I get that life is filled with issues
But living a lie will not dry the tears
or take away your fears

You'll forever wonder why happiness
Is bluntly staring at you deviously
and why your love egregiously
turns the oceans into dust, perilously
Apr 2018 · 316
Born Apr 2018
Am just looking for some morphine
All you ever do is play with me
This love ain't going nowhere
I can't take this pain no more

Am just looking for some morphine
Can't take this feeling no more
Falling for you was my mistake
I can't, can't do this again

Am just looking for some morphine
to numb the brokenness
that you left in me
Apr 2018 · 360
I just don't get it
Born Apr 2018
the logic of pain and love
You poured your soul
And Whatever's left of your heart
and they told you its a beautiful poem
An amazing stunning write

But  Is it truly beautiful
when your heart was left fumbling  on the floor
When dreams grew stale
When you were shaken, tasted beyond scope
When you had to speak, shout, write against tyrants
When you were at your lowest and you just had to mumble some words

I just don't see the beauty in being shredded
I just can't fathom the weight of an ailing heart
I just
get it
Born Apr 2018
Man is a sinner, but judge him not
Even though his character is that of a sinister, weep for him not
For the fake tear, will crust on your heart
A price so dear, to pay as a Saint

As I walked  down the streets, a voice screamed
Placing gamble on help, forgetting humanity is deaf
The drunkard speaks
She wore a provocative cloth, like she's begging me to....!
What about her rights, or fear has consumed them
Like the gays in the shadows
Playing Russian roulette with life

The government is nothing but a facade
Created to keep you under control
Haven't you ever thought the irony of
Being your right

For the meek
Men in suits are nothing
but our hopes and dreams
Of success
Or irate wearing a mask called mentor

But do you have what it takes
To unleash your Pandoras box
On the weak?
For your custom made suit
so that your rights of existence
Are not assumed
Apr 2018 · 285
Born Apr 2018
Are you
an ash wondering
from cigarettes of long time ago
Apr 2018 · 252
This poem V
Born Apr 2018
There is truth in poetry
If you sit down and slowly decipher the meaning  of that metaphor
But be careful
The truth in poetry is like cyanide
Slowly it will devour you
Your down in the floor
Gasping for air
Your lungs collapsing
Blood coming out of your ears and eyes
Your suddenly screaming, but

But before you go through it all
I want to remind you that poetry has repetition
For your own sake the truth is being screamed at you
In repetition
So that you don't go and knock your head off your neck
Forcing us, to write an emotive eulogy of how
you almost tasted the truth.
Inspiring your progenies to passionately embark on that journey
to sniff the truth in poetry
While all along
Its been smeared right on their faces
Born Apr 2018
Walking on the badlands
secluded darkest part if this planet
My heart melts, as I relay this dreaded tale

She crawls with a dwindling hope
Her worn out feet couldn't carry her any longer
HELP ME, she says
With a fainting voice, low parched and raspy  
that's dying from existence.
but the society dares not to blink
From the mare that stares with great fright

She drags her feeble legs
Holding on to chair next to her
While attempting to stand up
Trading her life for mercy
RESPECT ME, she yells
Am I not a human being
for without my womb
Would any if you exist.
A man paused
and paradoxically stared at her
with unquenched thought  of great irate
"what is this thing doing here?"
A glimpse of what women of today go through.
Mar 2018 · 2.3k
Your words IV
Born Mar 2018
Sometimes writing poetry
is all we've got
Exclaiming our feelings with words
Is all we've got
Fighting for change with words
Is all we've got

Sometimes arming ourselves with haikus
Is all we've got
Exploding bitter pills with prose
is all we've got
Soothing our scorching wounds with sonnets
Is all we've got
Asking for mercy, love, unity and peace in repetition
Is all we've got

Sometimes writing poetry for you
Is all he's got
With every stanza he wrote, he bought a Ferrari
with every rhyme she wrote, she bought you a mansion
that's all he's got

So dream




With words
that's all we've got
Mar 2018 · 644
Born Mar 2018
Never trust
Few are loyal
Fewer are honest
Mar 2018 · 244
Dear earth
Born Mar 2018
Desires got me losing myself
what I once deemed as principles
are thrown out the window
Slowing gambling my soul
As a means to an end

But still
This question pounds on me ruthlessly
What does it profit a man  
to gain the entire world and lose himself?
Mar 2018 · 177
Born Mar 2018
Stale  like generation pounding on me
like a dog with a bone
a  suffocating mediocrity
chained to my marrow

I didn't ask for this
for the constant vicious ignorance
for the cracks that can't be mend
for the river that no longer roars
No we didn't

We are
a species stuck on pacs rhythms
while longing for Elvis magic
which begs the question
Do we really have to be blind to see
Mar 2018 · 329
Born Mar 2018
Its 3:24 am
My mind is still lost in the woods
Or is it the intoxicating reality
shoved down my throat
that blurs my thoughts
from accessing different avenues
of what could have been

324 times he tried calling
But you missed the calls
Missed the love
he longed to pour
Missed the story
that could have been

She tried to forgive you 3 times
but she couldn't almost always
sit around and fret
2 times, she caught you
4 times, you swore never again
your tale is that of oil and water
you couldn't have been
Feb 2018 · 735
Born Feb 2018
A sultry melodious voice echoed
the sky is here for the stars to shine
Feb 2018 · 343
The opening
Born Feb 2018
In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.
The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.
Guide us on the straight path,
the path of those who have received your grace;
not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray
Jan 2018 · 450
Born Jan 2018
When I write a poem about earth
I want you to shut the **** up and read
despite your constant bragging
that you are a feminist
a painful journey bestowed upon yourself
Which you truly can't comprehend

When I say money isn't happiness
I mean go and get it tattooed
In your head that it ain't happiness

When I talk about love
I want you to know it can easily be broken
It is fragile like glass
and light like a feather

When I say loneliness will always creep in
know that pain and suffering is at the door
life on all levels can hauntingly disappoint us
but the marvelous grand thoughts of hope
Keep us moving
Jan 2018 · 4.9k
It's been
Born Jan 2018
               e      r
           y             s

since I joined hello
a larva with a torn soul
Clinging to Whatever's left of life

since I started scratching for light
Peeking at the  deeming tunnel
but still hoping

since I started dinning with poets
eating haiku in the morning
drinking sonnet in the afternoon
feeling the aching agony of the broken in the evening
falling in love with the dreamers at night

Since my heart was pounded
wrecked and left with unspeakable pain

Since Born was birthed
a crawling character that was literally dying
but still screaming for hope, love and dream

Since Ismael Ibrahim aka Born
stopped existing
and started living
I appreciate every single one of you for making this journey possible. In good, bad and worst I poured out my heart to you guys and you showed me nothing but love. Thank you
Jan 2018 · 350
Born Jan 2018
Retrospective of days filled with dust
a shelved magic collecting rust
running from your demons
embraced love, hope and guns
thoughts shackled and cuffed
where is the love!

and honor your commitments
a rusty voice echoed
never settle for anything less than greatness
but a conniving planet will alienate your endeavors
deem you terroristic for daring
Where is the love!

Your creativity confined
Coated with uncertainty and brute mediocrity
theories smeared all over
a fatal dream, love and confusion
Paired on an electric chair
hanging on a thread of life
where is the love!

In a planet where love and peace are strangers
Your certainly a voyager
birthed into confusion and irate
Your freedom and originality impoverished
into specks of visions and fallacies
where is the love
Nov 2017 · 321
A moment
Born Nov 2017
Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
When she was beautiful, happy
but some days were tragic
no no nostalgic
Of those days filled with magic

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
for  the days he was high
he ****** up her life
Clinging to a lie
escaping his life

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
When i found love
darling you were the one
kiss me slow
I want this moment forever

Just a moment of silence
for a moment of sirens
For the toddler feels the wrath
of famine and cold nights
of despots Clinging to illusion
of a world with no humanity
Nov 2017 · 312
Born Nov 2017
Your feeling like that word
torn shredded and dumped into oblivion

He's been wheeling that lie
shackled and duct taped
frightened by casual bullets

You've been living that life
"self loathing"
memories devoured you of existence

They emit that stench
humbled by deceptive characters

She's been lonely
" love"
is what hypocrisy promised
Oct 2017 · 940
This poem IV
Born Oct 2017
This poem is wounded
Written with bleeding trembling fingers,
creating Choking suffocating imagery
death has never been this painful

This poem is crying
tearing for what's lost never to return  

This poem is tragic
stitching Whatever's left of your heart

This poem is a movement
giving voice to the oppressed
fighting for equality and justice
in a very cold world

This poem is your future
Modeling you for success
reminding you
even if it's a world filled with malice
there's still beauty in it
Oct 2017 · 632
Poor you
Born Oct 2017
It either 'coronation'
or some truths shoved down your throat
with no regrets
that launches the world into a dizzy subtle hate
that pecks the reality of peasants
wearing his masters shoes

And your fate is choked and weighed down
and the world keeps pounding, hating, drowning your existence
cause there's no love or Justice
when you're a filth with no worth  

Your master believes
submission is your natural state
cause your ancestors taught you
why would an ant  quarrel with a boot?

Here you are
afraid to have dreams and hope
crying for your progenies impending peril
and there's no knight or a hero in sight
Oct 2017 · 453
Born Oct 2017
Hate is a strong word when your surrounded by lunacy
that crippling mentality that's  been woven to entertain us
or you, who's entire existence relies on fantasy
created to suffocate your intelligence
with a programmed 'urge' that'll always be there

Goals and dreams have been replaced by dalliance
do you know the meaning of dalliance
probably not cause your brain is too confined
to notice that it has lost control of its own self
but still, reluctantly have to ask you to
Care enough to think

Learning and creativity has been distracted by entertainment
a society that is willingly slaving their way to
a chained ignorance
so yeah, before I sleep I better check my fantasies
seeking instant gratification of some kind

Do you ever wonder what keeps you in mediocrity
is it the job that you hate, which your stuck on
Is it your failed relationships
is it because you cannot desert distraction
is it your inability to be creative
or is it because you don't know what to do
Oct 2017 · 735
Born Oct 2017
a man came to me and said
Revolution was the most painful thing that ever happened to him

I didn't see it
We hardly noticed the tides changing

With our unwavering conviction we believed
with passionately believed
nobody warned us
We blindly went all in

But that's just it
We believed the half baked truth we were given
we believed the compassionate lies we were told
we utterly feel in love with the "truth"

We could see change and hope
we could finally see the dreams of our
sons and daughters
mothers and fathers
coming to light
we could taste victory and the sweet fragrance of freedom coming our way.

But we couldn't see the destruction and annihilation that it came with
the pain and suffering awaiting us
The void and ache that would envelope us
That the price was going to be catastrophic and dreadful
Oct 2017 · 421
59 am not just a number
Born Oct 2017
He can feel your pulse
beating with life
Your warm smile
your enviable dimples

She  can feel your love
Your sense of adventure
Your unwritten tales

He can feel your heart
Your love
transcending through all galaxies

She can feel your ache
coursing through her body
your innocence taken
your dreams shuttered

He could feel your pulse fading
her heart cluttered
his tears frozen
Dedicated to the 59
Mothers n

59 Las Vegas victims who were gunned down mercilessly
Oct 2017 · 362
Truth behind bars
Born Oct 2017
It is the truth that matters,
my truth or your truth settles it
but a well constructed lie is better than the truth,
it's been woven and embedded in our heads like a tumor seeking prosperity,
or let's just say propaganda motivates people.
Yet here we are all screaming for it.
I am certainly worn out,
clearly struggling to live in such a dichotomous world.
But, let's take a moment to resurrect something valuable.
Care enough to think.
Oct 2017 · 952
what do you see
Born Oct 2017
Close your eyes  
and take a look at your heart

What do you see

do you see it Stapled on the wall
unable to move

do you see it numbed to the pain that surrounds you
unable to care

do you see it suffocating and choking with ignorance
that it's been Coated with

do you see it fumbling on the floor
screaming for morphine

do you see it running, crawling
hoping for redemption

do you see the weight of the world crushing it
while you lose yourself

do you see it shackled, loveless
asking for help
Sep 2017 · 975
A robust rant >greed<
Born Sep 2017
Be prepared for anything

For loss of lives with no reason
an imposed treason
on your very existence

You'll feel like you are
the blackest or the whitest man on earth
racism shoved down your throat
and the hate keeps coming

Peoples morals will be axed
principles thrown out the window
we'll do anything
to get everything

Tyranny will have allies
Your complains will be put
"under advisement"
for you matter not

then you'll truly know
order, brotherhood and love
was nothing but a speech
and speeches are for campaigning

So I say
you quickly and quietly
Open that can of coke
and drown your emotions on a failing heart
like you've been taught

Or open your eyes
to the deep slumber of disillusionment
you've been subjected to.

And then you'll know
for the sake of peace
you gave up your freedom
Sep 2017 · 334
Keeping the tides
Born Sep 2017
Am here
Maybe I was here
Writing you a sturdy poem
Screaming about something
Am confused about religion
Religious thoughts, religion beings
That she hates
And I hate that she hates
But why does she hate
Ugh too much hate in gratification
and that pungent smell
Of love
Mostly "loved"
Coated in hypocrisy
Of belief and  change
but for a penny
Or a few dollars
and the perfect orator
For your hearts
For your minds.
For the sake of politics
I'll shred your soul
but only if you don't mind
him being gay
Or lame
Or late for my crucifixion
Of inauguration
That was acquired through
Illegalities of power
She said
I can't love a broke man
that feeds me more lines
on a monsters ink
that you've woven
and left in my bed
for me to fall in love
With your raw
Open heart
that keeps fighting
and equal rights
for women
against elite tyrants
Sep 2017 · 514
Am not just a number
Born Sep 2017
She woke up to the reality of cruelty
Pain, the stench of his breath on her skin
life, she's been devoured of existence
She hated and regretted being a girl
oh pain, she couldn't bottle you anymore
she ran to the nearest, tallest bridge
and finally numbed the pain
.              .
.              .
               .              .
               .              .

She didn't have to
but we ignored her
judged her
avoided her
but never helped her
her  cluttered heart was broken
nobody noticed or cared enough to notice
.            .

      .                 .
               .                    .

                          .                   .
This piece is for the **** victims.  They've suffered the most from this heinous atrocities committed by savage creatures.
I personally want to say am sorry for all you've endured and the strength you've shown by living through it all alone.

Sep 2017 · 349
Confined love
Born Sep 2017
He sat there
Puffed his cigarette, unable to move
He just sat there
Like a compelled dog he stared
He wouldn't or couldn't blink
He gazed like a lost soul seeking salvation

It was her eyes that stopped his heart
blue they were
a blue that he would willingly get lost into
in that moment, he utterly fell in love
without those eyes
he would languish in the wilderness

she had
a soft smile like an angel
her beauty, oh my her beauty
left him wandering like a lonely soul
Sep 2017 · 706
The world needs a poet
Born Sep 2017
When nobody thought that your words
Were worth a dime  
still remember that
The world needs poets

When she lost her child
But still Clinging on her remains
and the once beauty eyes are now pale
and words stuck on her throat
You'll remember that
The world needs poets

When you got down on one knee
and the look on her face
rendered you speechless
You'll know that
The world needs poets

When the world is burning
democracy on trial
and your rights assumed
You'll wish that
The world knew a poet

When your heart bleeds
and memories suffocate you
cause every season is like winter without him
and a voice inside you asks
"did you think being a lover was easy"?
then you'll know that
Only a poet can answer that question
Sep 2017 · 527
Muse °loved
Born Sep 2017
I hate you
You only think about yourself
Whatever you do, you do it for yourself
You are a selfish egomaniac *****
I'd rather........

Selfish you say (she interrupts)
Hate you say (furious)
For the love I've shown you isn't enough, what would be
you have no heart
Your soul reeks of despair
What would a  cremated heart know of love?

What a hypocrite you are
throwing blames whilst knowing
you've forsake our love
I loath the years I've wasted on your compulsion
being enslaved to your beauty
how I longed to taste your lips
Dear God, if I could just meek at my future
and see the monster that had enchanted me**

Because of you
We built our relationship on a fragile glass
I warned you ( talking to her heart)
Never to fall in love
now your in pieces ( tears)
I never wanted any of this
When did love become this bitter!
Sep 2017 · 400
When am gone
Born Sep 2017
I am Born
For whatever reasons Born seemed to be the most appropriate name
Camouflage or not, I don't know
Don't  bother asking  where am from
cause earth is round and we are all on it
With different stories
heavenly or earthly, it is what it is

When am gone
I want you to remember me as a friend
a friend who opened up to you
Good  evil, bad or worse
I am a friend who found peace in poetry

when am gone
I want you to say that
He liked to call his poems pieces
Pieces symbolized that it could mean anything
It could be
a piece of art
a Piece of love
a Piece of ache
Or a Piece of life  

When am gone
My words and my heart will be Stapled here
Aug 2017 · 378
Born Aug 2017
An epic deception
Aug 2017 · 588
Your words III
Born Aug 2017
I was here
When you wrote a fully encrypted poem
Words wrapped in heavy firewalls
Decryption code hidden in time
Looping through ages of wisdom

Greek written in plain English
that's what ordinary us see
Codes that can't be deciphered
alluded as metaphors.
and nooo
don't get me started on syllables
Or they call them enigma these days

Those woven words
Those written graphical contents leave us in awe
Only the 5th generation circuits gets it
the softwares involved are not for the average minds
Only a high speed drive would comprehend the contents

No petty malware would Penetrate through those walls
Only a malware with enviable skills
Ones that would suffocate and annihilate
Re program the chess board to its advantage
Inciting the readers that they understand the depth  of that poem
Aug 2017 · 1.6k
Death stalker
Born Aug 2017
You don't have to kick me when  am down
I've learned my lessons the hardest way
And it still pains  me to ask
Does my suffering make you feel better?

My sluggish shadow
Stapled to my body
Reeking of despair
And the wanting, still keeps wanting

he asked!
Showing a masked face
Or faking a smile
Is all you've got
Does it help you in survival?

Fleeting memories, still
Clinging to my existence
I wasn't always like this
But it happened to me
Until it happens to you, sayonara
Aug 2017 · 362
Born Aug 2017
Is one thing that will survive time and the humans who crave for it
Aug 2017 · 563
My book and I
Born Aug 2017
We go places
Chasing the world at a slower pace
With daring dreams that are bigger than palaces
Spreading romance  
In Paris and Venice

In my book I seek Solace
From drudgery and the malice
From beings with less mentality of peace
From creatures who's been reduced to a pomace

In my  book am a believer
Forever I will love God and his grace
His mercy, blessings despite my constant mess
In my uncertain destiny I found a chance

In my book I poured my pieces
When I reminisced on my scathing heart that left a big scar
When I was a prisoner of love,  torn and filled with stitches
when I dragged my soul through thorns
When I was reduced to a speck of hope
Born Aug 2017
Poem. Call me poetry
Debbie Jean Embrey  ***! how those words spoke to me! Very well done! I love the part about calling you 'Messenger.' Keep inking! :)

Poem. She's said II
Terry Jordan  Amazing piece, esp. "It is for us to wash away our painful confusion with tears...." I'm sending a sympathy card today to the mother of a former student of mine, so this really speaks to that most terrible loss that we have no word for it. TFS, Born

Poem. I won't forget that you liked my poetry
Mary-Elizabeth Cotton  Beautiful write! I especially love the lines "When I could barely form words,/that would impress my shadow."

Poem. I'm Born
Pradip Chattopadhyay  your words are fabulous

Poem. Hi(gh)
Kim Johanna  Baker  Great write Born...I must say, you are a great writer and enjoy very much your pieces...this is raw and gets the message across.. tyfs... kimx

Poem. If I told you my story
Law lith iminika Reading this was like observing a preview to a movie, but I didn't pay for it, instead showed up willingly. And I'm hungry for knowledge and inspiration because I was refused popcorn

Poem. Thank you Pamela Rae
Pamela Rae  Please know that you have such talent and your words not only touch me, but so many here--keep writing, expressing and touching our souls, dear Born. You are a gift to this world and deserve to find your way, to embrace peace and tranquility and it will come. Will be sending along good vibes, thoughts for peace and happiness and Room to breathe with ease... (((hugs)))

Poem. Hello poetry
Wolf spirit Wow this a poem . Because Id rather read this than delve on eloquent flattery of wistful words . Honesty expressed with such brevity is still the best policy .

Poem. When my heart pounds a little bit more
Modern Serenity  very well executed! truly deserves to be the poem for atleast a week. freaking fantastic poem. well done. honestly totally jealous of your poem its truly amazing and well said.

Poem. Shantel
---  Superbly penned, echoes of the great Pablo Neruda

Poem. Here we are
K Balachandran  so peaceful and meditative
yet passion filled love and life
chiseled and beautiful...without hiding truth
you have eyes full of love and light

Poem. Virgo 
Star BG  And..... open gateway to healing the are such a master with words. Thank you

Poem. Dusty coin
Pax  there will always be hope, even just a spark, or one candle, it can do many things in the dark..

Poem. My deepest sympathies
South by Southwest  There are answers to every question you pose . Only by a lifetime of searching will you find them .

Poem. Muse dear daughter
Sylvia Frances Chan  A most divine poem, loving and caring words. I have enjoyed this poem very much. God's Blessings be upon thee. Thank you for sharing this divine piece.

Poem. Leonard Cohen
Lazhar Bouazzi  Ah! Wonderful poem about one of my favorite poets/composers/singers of all time! Thank you for sharing

Poem. This poem III
Wyatt  Such a harsh, blunt piece. It hit me right in the gut! Congrats on the daily!

Poem. I won't forget that you liked my poem
patty m  Comments are a wonderful gift. I love your poem and the emotions that surface you are truly gifted.

Sally A Bayan  So much truth in your wondeful, touching words, Born..
I keep coming back to this poem...just had to repost.
Thank you for sharing

Poem. Juliet
Jamie King  I like the flow here the transition from one imagery to the imagery while maintaining the same flow requires a certain degree of finesse. Excellently executed piece

Poem. Un(real) istic
Botan  A high tech emotional intelegence will take over while humans express thier feelings by emoji. good writing
Poem. Poetic flavor
SøułSurvivør An awesome tribute! You're one of the poets I would elect for showing the most growth of any on this site. My heart twinkle with happiness, TOO! Thanks for your heart, Born! ☆♡☆

Lori Jones McCaffery  You make exquisite use of the words you have captured, Born. Keep thirsting. Love

SøułSurvivør Awe! I'm so glad to encourage you... you have such a powerful way with words. An innate talent. I count you as one of my best friends here. Be blessed!

Poem. 5 million am not just a number
Corvus  Wonderfully compassionate. It's so easy to be kind and sympathetic to those on your doorstep. Those further away but in even greater need are often ignored. Brilliant write.
The most important part of posting a poem is the response you get, I'd love to appreciate every single one of  you for the words you offered. For those who didn't make the list, I still appreciate you.

This poem is coming from an emotional place, for the longest time I never believed in myself. But now I do, thanks a lot
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