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Aug 2017 · 404
Born Aug 2017
Staggering pain

Placing your hopes like a new prey

talking to me like your new bait

Thinking about you makes me suffocate



Whatever's left of my cremate(d) heart
Aug 2017 · 393
those days V
Born Aug 2017
The smile that suffers
The void that felt heavier
The green eyes filled with craters

The life we wanted wasn't meant for us
The stars we held crushed before us
The love we chased couldn't have us
The dreams we had crippled us
The days we moaned with passion are behind us

The perfect story has been loathed
The yelling and fights has been silenced
The tears has been iced
The bright sky has been covered
The beautiful memories has been devoured

The glaciers covered the heart
The mistakes filled with dirt
The tragic stories that hurt
Aug 2017 · 1.5k
Born Aug 2017
Some  poems are not intended to heal old wounds
but to scorch them

for the pain is the only high we have left
that cares enough to hurt  us
Aug 2017 · 479
Hello poets
Born Aug 2017
Reading your poems makes me feel something

Some   love

Some    hate

Some    pain

Some   lust

Some    hope

Some regrets

Some fairy tales
Reading your poems makes me see some

Some crushing stories stuck on repeat
Some words screaming for help
Some hate for take nology
Some mystic life stories
Some some some for Donald Trump

                       Some tears for peace
                         Some trust in God
Aug 2017 · 651
Born Aug 2017
Jenny is in love with Rick
Took awhile before rick confessed his virtual feelings

She replied I love you and sent a couple emojis
to show some happiness
now Rick is bursting with excitement that she loves him too
the heart emoji said it all

so he goes ahead and screenshot his onscreen feelings
and shares it with pals in his group
Tom: that's what's uuuup
Money bags: you got it bro
el: you ma *****
George: that ***** is yours papi

Now Jenny's feelings are itching
I must tell my girls am soon gonna get engaged
She tweets
Post on everyone's wall


it's 8pm the girls are getting together
to celebrate the great news and
to watch a reality show
then followed by that series

It's now 1am,everyone is kissing goodbyes
we all forgot to talk about Jennys boyfriend
but once we reach home, we'll text our emotions
The emoji, will say it all
We're losing the very reason why we are humans. Shelving and locking our humanity for virtually reality
Jul 2017 · 895
Does it
Born Jul 2017
Does it hurt?

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Did it hurt
Jul 2017 · 2.4k
Born Jul 2017
Are you a gangster or
a thief seeking attention

Are you an artist or
a  voyager painting words

Are you a poet or
a plagiarist seeking love

Are you a Saint or
a sinner searching for salvation

Are you my heart or
a tattooed scar stuck on my chest

Are you a fisherman or
a sailor giving life a second chance

Are you the moon or
a lonely sun ravaging through your days

Are you moving forward or
dragging through tormenting memories
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
Your words II
Born Jul 2017
Not again
You have that pensive look
the slurred algebraic expression
that algorithmic stench
Molten into confusing matrix
Geometrically weirdly shaped

Please shut up
I can't take it anymore
Your meagerly written poems
the frustrating metaphors
baked with suffocating syllables
dude, what the heck is a pensive look

There's a huge probability it won't
delve out any logical statistics.
the equations alone will alienate you
the calculus involved is far ahead of your time
just stick with trigonometric thoughts
C'mon you already know the plane of your thighs are sophisticated*

is that a compliment
Painting splendid imagery
that nobody else understands
a poet lurking in words
always writing  
Unfiltered intricately worded poems
Jul 2017 · 584
Falling in love
Born Jul 2017
With Houston
For the right reasons
before you commit treasonous
acts of
Ripping the high notes

With the saxophone
Smooth violin
classic beats
guitar strings
Marvin Gaye

with time
am I alive
do I actually exist
Jay, Did we do it
did we
Reap the classic bars
from her chords

with chipping
Birds singing
Alicia klinging
Hearts breaking
In love with piano

with emotions
regretting your mistakes
Written pearls
Dido flip
contained love
loved ones
moon walking

With soul
on jazz
Each stanza is independent. But still honoring the Legends

Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Alicia keys, Dido, Marvin Gaye, Jay-Z,Dolly Parton, Diana Ross
Jul 2017 · 639
this poem will trend
Born Jul 2017
When love is enough

When greed is vanquished

When the tears of the homeless are wept

When we can  feel the winter in there bones

when we stand by our fellow beings in there darkest hours

When we leap with lepers

When we eat with the poor

When you're frustrated, all you hear is the opposition that, the government here, and the people t h e r e

When you know that your yesterday was worse and nothing is being done to assuage your pain today

When we refuse to be ruled by heartless tyrants

When we explore more on creativity that is being drained

When  we shake the system back to its rhythm
Jul 2017 · 618
Born Jul 2017
Am James
I don't know, but I think am James
Sometimes they call me
Play bbb
boy I know am a mess
Living life on stress
Which leads to depress
maybe meds
hell I don't know

Sssawing what's left of my shells
It's strange I've not seen death
after devouring all this ****
a crack head
on C o i n,C o a l, *******
I got it, it's *******
or whatever
just shut the **** up

You see
Youuuu'evvvv disoriented me
iiiiiiiii hate you
where was i
ME. Writing a poem
Him. No
Me. Writing a book, your will, maybe your eulogy
Him noo (frustrated)
ME. You were sniffing something
Him. Yessss, give it back, where is it
MeIn your hand
Him . sniffs (groans) this is great
Me... Errrrm, Okey... Maybe we can get back to the novel you were writing  sniffing or puffing

hell I don't know
book me a bedsitter
I could use some hot sleep
it's cold out here
This generation needs saving from drugs
Jul 2017 · 671
Those days IV
Born Jul 2017
I wondered
What if the blame fell on me
stretched on my hammock
Feeling the despair of the fading dawn
and the striking of the sun rays on thy sagging skin
a sky encaged by darkness

Wheeling the blame as I mourn
the loss of my heart was a blow
reminiscing on the nights you moaned
the feeling of love and ecstasy reborn
peeking at the tales to most unknown

A potent heart
Confined to her social being
Glittering it's tales
Which laid her oddity
Blue iced eyes

As Days screamed into years
a once exuberant face dimmed into darkness
Nostalgia of those withering days
ailing into a feeble poet
Collaborated with the voyager
Jul 2017 · 1.7k
Tears in the rain
Born Jul 2017
Caressing, laughing  
Cause you felt the stars
in her galaxy

Loving, smiling
Cause you felt your heart
twinkle with happiness

Lonely melodies
Cause you felt empty
without his touch

Sharing, posting
Cause you felt inclined
to open up

Crying, hating
Cause you felt your heart
broken into pieces

Doping, puffing
Cause you felt the urge
to numb your pain

Crawling, running
Cause you felt the need
to move  forward

Hoping, praying
Cause you felt God
Pulling you closer
This one is dedicated to the three most awesome women that inspire me with love, hope and kindness despite the craters life has to offer.

Patty M
Pamela Rae
Soul survivor
Jul 2017 · 793
poetic flavor
Born Jul 2017
I'll be writing poems all day thinking
that am creating rhymes

I'll be writing nostalgic screams in every stanza
that faded  into dust

I'll be writing poignant poems
that devour me of existence

I'll be writing smoked poems
that left me gasping for more air

I'll be writing lustful poems
that aroused my stitched shells

I'll be writing illusive poems
that I wept as my reality

I'll be writing shelved poems
that collected dust of your frightful memories

I'll be writing a potent poem
that echoes the dreads of this planet

I'll be writing you a poem
that bleeds Born's unquenched thirst for words
Jul 2017 · 862
Born Jul 2017
A list of my problems
Sung like an anthem
Your the least to my miseries
Like the fine black berries or red cherries
Succulent and mouth watering

The tales to my secret survivor
Your kind and good behavior
Outnumbered your hypocrisy
By all my strengths still would stretch
All you wanted was to fetch, and leave me for clutches
Those crocodile tears are the least, least to my problems
It’s too late for the reconciliation
Just like you left a ‘fool ‘for humiliation
I was the least to your excuses and my downfalls,
Overshadowing the good deeds, take heed
You're the least to my rise and anxieties, the least to my problems
the voyager
Born Jul 2017

She carries her burdened smile
everywhere she goes
begging for kindness
everyday of her   .     days
Shelter her today                              .
                                                                ­      .
For your tomorrow might be heavier                   .
                                                                ­        .
Forget the hate                                        .
And be her angel                       .
Offering better days   .

Jul 2017 · 413
This poem III
Born Jul 2017
She doesn't care,
about her opulent background

She doesn't keep tabs with murmured tales,
the ones that divinely described her character
and her enviable beauty

She's just a girl
who wanted to feel love

She's the girl who loved him
despite his craters

She's the girl
who believed in happy endings

She's the girl
who's heart was teased into love

She's just a girl
with a grief stricken heart

She's the girl who believed ,
love is a beautiful dalliance

She's the girl who loathes
this poem
Jul 2017 · 946
A broken heart
Born Jul 2017
Walking slow
Cause am drunk

Singing songs
to forget your love

Buying duct
to tape my heart

Weeping for
my ailing heart.

You said
I'll never be alone

I know am far
from perfect

But you promised me
the stars

ever since
I've been singing
songs of a broken heart
Jun 2017 · 13.0k
Born Jun 2017
We must always struggle to rescue ourselves
Jun 2017 · 353
Born Jun 2017
Without rain nothing grows
Jun 2017 · 617
She said IV
Born Jun 2017
There's end to every storm,
If you believe and keep hope alive
Jun 2017 · 328
Born Jun 2017
pain demands to be felt
Jun 2017 · 584
Questa poesia II
Born Jun 2017
Maybe I'll exhibit an ounce of satisfaction
When I see your heart fumbling on the floor,
On account of all the pain and sorrow it caused

Your burden doesn't turn you into a Saint
And no
You will not cloak yourself on hope
You'll not shade the bitterness that comes with hate
you will long for and sail on dejection,
Always looking on dreadfulness of your past tales

Dry your eyes
am talking to you
As days bleed into years
you'll soak up a great deal of agony
your life will be on a constant loop of despair

And then
Only then
You will remember this poem
Jun 2017 · 78
Luminous post
Born Jun 2017
Blessings are for the one who controls his tongue from vicious and useless talks
Jun 2017 · 482
wrecked me
Born Jun 2017
My poems are so dark that sometimes they frighten me
do I hate or enjoy darkness?
does it define me?
Is this the person that  I am deep down?
Would you read THIS POEM and still think that Born is sane?

Which person shuns hope
In such a sweet way, that he almost entices you into despair?
Who the heck writes such an emotive piece
that screams help me
But doesn't rely ask for it

Does my path lead to purgatory
a haunting forsaken place?
Why call myself Born
If am dead inside.

Why do I lie to myself
that my poems are filled with light that will brighten my days
is hopelessness a gift to be shared or devoured and isolated?
is a ray of light that frightening?
sincerely leave a comment . am sure you've noticed the question marks
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
this poem
Born Jun 2017
Will not make you feel better about your hate
Your certified misspelled life that echoes solitude
Your craving for purpose
but still clinging to your virtual reasoning

This poem will not clot your wounds
neither be your salvation in your agony
or your hope in your fading conviction

This poem is not for the faint hearted
Or obtuse sluggish thoughts
the ones with trifling victories of life
that are swept away inevitably

This poem is nothing but a speck of your lives
it'll not suffice your haplessness
Or your pitiful endeavors

This poem will not reborn your hope
Whether it was written by Born
Or not
Jun 2017 · 637
torn Pages
Born Jun 2017
Finding hope at the dimming tunnels


My heart paused when I opened the casket
     .                 .
          .        .     .
              .            .
and saw that you were still dead

A promise of happy ever after was

B           o            e
      R            k              n

            ­                                             Caught

May 2017 · 587
Muse °Dear daughter (II)
Born May 2017
Nostalgic** of those days when I had a dream. When I walked down the streets and hoped someday I'll be free

Fate I wish I had a peek at you, I'd accept you and put hold to my illusions. The ones I dared to call dreams

but now, am feeble
I just want to be alive

this world is savage
it'll dice your hopes and hold you hostage
my heart weeps for you

the stabbed wounds and the vocals that I offered against malice has left me broken and lonely

I'm perplexed by how we hide our strengths in the shadows

We've been offered cheap thrills at the expense of our sanity

I'm pondering on the pounds that were accepted,
in order for us to be pounded

bruises and suffering is all we get
is our existence that invalid?
Born May 2017
When poets thought I was dead
When my ashes were  scattered
When I was  running
and my heart was stuck on a barbed wire

When I am  too old to create rhymes
couldn't pull heartstrings with my ink
or color a beautiful city with crayons

When my words were plagiarized
and I fell victim to the inevitable  

When the tsunami tides were approaching
and you sent me a rhythmic piece
to keep me company

When I could barely form words,
that would impress my shadow
When you lighten up my bolt
by commenting a sacred criticism and love for my pieces
Dedicated to all the poets in HP
May 2017 · 8.9k
Those days (III)
Born May 2017
she's a corrosive story
Hidden within a mirror
Never to be heard again

As I gulp down my favorite cheap *****
I wondered  with amazement at my ignorance
And the vicious adage that crippled me
love is blind

You were a ruthless callous soul
and still
remnants of your cold heart still linger in my thoughts
loving you was devastating
May 2017 · 510
Born May 2017
Pride is the sin of all sins
Apr 2017 · 912
Born Apr 2017
Your locked on denial
still loading on acceptance

Suffocating on  belief
of her remains
of her tethered soul

With clenched heart you bargained
bargained with dreaded hope
Placing your bet on a desperate scope
believing that she wasn't "something" you loathed
Apr 2017 · 534
A tempting sin
Born Apr 2017
The idea of letting go is never easy
and you couldn't
Let go

especially since
the package came with happily ever after attached to it
boxed in romance
sealed with love

She was a charming blue eyed monster
with irresistible smile
enticing voice

Apr 2017 · 1.6k
Born Apr 2017
I want to inspire people
I want someone to look at me and say
"because of you i didn't give up"
Apr 2017 · 927
Those days (II)
Born Apr 2017
We were diamonds
Riding on a carriage of dreams
that kept us going

Courageous despite smoky years
eyes on the price
believing its what we wanted

But it ain't what most people think it is
You follow it and it becomes an obsession
and you stray further from reality

You keep wanting and not living
Life becomes a dream
all you had to be was happy

Don't chase a false reality
contentment is what matters

In a world filled with greed
and cynic beings
longing for What never was
Apr 2017 · 614
L I f e
Born Apr 2017
High on words
Escaping a life that was never mine
Once upon a time
I was in love
Apr 2017 · 439
Those days
Born Apr 2017
Memories, memories grinding your brain
Scorching wound opening up
A prisoner in your own body
A prisoner in my own body

Sigh! exhausting pain
Reminiscing on those days
When icicles is all that mattered
When we were busy
Paper chasing
Life chasing
Dream mending
Afraid of being popped
Holding on a hopeless rope
Screaming at the top of my lungs

I know you got me
Am a sinner but I know you got me
Mar 2017 · 431
love of my life
Born Mar 2017
I reckon the ages when the fogies
did ,that which wasn't bogey
and reasons why seasons did sizzle
a past never altered to past tense
for this is my utterance

Lost had nothing to post
just a gaze ,giring me a phrase
this is now the boat of amazement
bloated ;though it towed it lagged my bragging heart to fuse

I beckon with ease but not bliss
though to find peace but just please
jammed on.....
crumbled thoughts ,crumpled mind forth with a wrinkled ****** looks.
It was nothing special!

it took no nook,cranny not all the kin
all in all I found myself on the book

Something felt to be great ,
with the magnitude of the concocted ideas
the amazing grace 'song' just leveled to the latitude
those were the days ,no longer the same
Blame the game

Curtain drawn ,not yet certain
the pain is gone but still torn
born a new but just with some cling on

I obliged to lean on a clean page
For the idea is no longer oblivious
Various scenes but not the obvious
Feb 2017 · 367
Born Feb 2017
I love the illusion earth has to offer
the vanity
the supposed happiness
that I cling to
Forgetting that
Every good thing
Must come to an end
Feb 2017 · 359
Born Feb 2017
When the questions remain questions
Jan 2017 · 6.1k
Born Jan 2017
Inside every person you know,
There is a person you don’t know
Jan 2017 · 6.6k
Born Jan 2017
Only those  you trust can betray you
Dec 2016 · 351
Under the sun
Born Dec 2016
When I wrote "Muse 'atrocities of the heart"
a friend of mine thought
that was the darkest poem he has ever read

I thought
well, yeah, probably
but that was me opening my heart

Letting go
Moving on

This is how we all heal
hoping for a better tomorrow
Dec 2016 · 586
Tell me I tried
Born Dec 2016
In my mind it was good
It was a captivating piece

The story grew with flashbacks
violin and piano
to enhance intensity
and enticement

I wanted you to feel my emotions
Live those moments with me
become entwined with the story

I hope words won't fail me
I gave it my all
I tried
Dec 2016 · 338
Born Dec 2016
A heartless monster knocks
a Roaring voice strikes
Solitude is all I wanted
I  fear for the impending peril
My heart skips
Dear God
I long for heaven
have I earned it
Dec 2016 · 848
Born Dec 2016
She lives in a forgotten tone
thoughts of a fairy rhyme
Still taunting her fingertips

the world felt heavier
Her pale blue eyes
Always shining despite the craters

She traipsed all over the city
Searching for her lost kick
Stuck in time
with words stuck in her throat
Dec 2016 · 498
Born Dec 2016
I remember when I was innocent
Life was beautiful
Everything was just perfect
I didn't think too much about things
And according to me
Nothing was there to be thought about

Then reality sunk in
It suddenly dawned on me
that I was living and illusion

Something called World War
had happened
Millions lost there lives
Humanity needed saving
From greed and sadists

One day I switched on the TV
only to see
People protesting  
Complaining about trees and papers
last week others were complaining about elephants and horns
Well today's menu is global warming

*I thought life was beautiful
Nov 2016 · 710
Leonard Cohen
Born Nov 2016
Well, your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
Nov 2016 · 5.9k
The source
Born Nov 2016
As time trickle down the stream,we bow down to fate, saluting the years
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