It was dark and cold, on the road to nowhere. I thought about you cuddled up by the fire, little things to push on through. I gave up after mile marker 50, but I still had things to do. My coat was soaked from the mornings rainfall, but I thought the rainbows were so beautiful. little things to push me through.
When the sun went down, I was illuminated by passing cars. The chill came on as the moon centered in the sky, along with the satellites and stars. I pushed on thinking about one thing that you said, without you I’d be nothing but closer to death.
So I jumped over the median and headed off to
nowhere’s road. Knowing that I’d find myself or that I’d never make it home. It took probably a month but then it happened rather fast, a woman pulled up next to me and told me to throw in my bags. We talked about the world, and how traveling made us grow, we laughed and laughed until we both were gray and old. I guess I should say thank you for steering me towards that road, because if I never walked that path I never would’ve known.