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464 · May 2017
An anchor ⚓️
Bor ehgit May 2017
She laid across the bottom of her bed smiling and biting her lip. She knew she had me like no one before. The Christmas bulbs that lined her ceiling, looked like icicles in the sway of the candle lights. Her room was glowing like the cosmos, as she sat perfect in the center. Her beauty touched my heart like a thousand piano keys. I settled somewhere inside the sound.
454 · Jan 2016
Bor ehgit Jan 2016
20 degrees outside
Headphones and ***
Beneath a streetlight
On a park bench.

Imagining your face
Taking shape in the frozen lake
Watching as I
Try freezing you inside of me.
Bor ehgit Jul 2017
I've been watching from the ledge, as the world is in transit below. Every time you look at me, I know it's only a matter of time before I fall. I hope that when I do, I'll fall like a rain drop and settle along your lips.
448 · Nov 2016
Bor ehgit Nov 2016
I know for now, we will never be close.
Or at least close enough for me to feel the heat creeping from your skin again. Covering mine, like the sunlight on a freezing flower.  I loved that about you,  I also loved the storm that followed you. I loved being swept away in it, being pulled apart and then put back together again all at once. Nothing ever felt the same after that. How the hair on my neck would stand when you would kiss me,  Or the hours spent with our eyes closed guessing who would blink. Not knowing that one day we would regret not staring into each other's eyes. Because of how badly we would want that back, the seconds we could have had. In love, together.

Knowing that we would spent the rest of our life's, looking out windows into the past. Remembering the dialogue lightly but the feeling constantly.
447 · Jul 2018
Couldn't forget a thing.
Bor ehgit Jul 2018
Call me selfish, because I couldn't learn to go. Only steps from the foot of your bed, but you don't feel much like sleep. Ripples are coming over us, and the fragments are coming together. Reminding us that there was no such thing as too broken. Even if the time comes and machines keep me breathing. Know you'll be half of every breath. The subtle twitching of my eyes will be a reel of memories. One last rollercoaster ride, you'll holding me tight. Preparing me for the things I could never face alone. Like being alone.
445 · Dec 2015
Your eyes
Bor ehgit Dec 2015
Darling, if that moment had lasted any longer I'm sure I wouldn't have made it back.
442 · Nov 2015
The mechanism of time
Bor ehgit Nov 2015
If time really is a vacuum then there is no reason to miss anyone at all. We might not know it but we have been standing in place since time itself allowed us to live. Every person, place, or thing that has ever been has never left. They have simply changed their form. They are in the brightness of the greenery and swiftness of the wind. In the end, we are all what we have always been, the smaller part of a bigger machine.
426 · Oct 2016
Alabama got her blues
Bor ehgit Oct 2016
It was in the way you looked at me, eyes like a blood moon. Your hair was dancing like waves along your shoulders. The scenery was blurred, you were in focus. I wondered if it was really you talking, and not just the temporary dusting of comfort. We're all suckers for that moment, that one that never lasts.
423 · Jul 2016
Galaxy section A31-5.1
Bor ehgit Jul 2016
I'm banking on the fact
that we aren't really lost.
I'm waiting for the signs
to pull us from the dark.
We can return to our shack
that's buried by the trees.
Drink all night
until we're rolling through the leafs.


for a second alone with you

my world exists inside your hands.

I feel every star collide.

as both our eyes expand.

The heat is on our skin
the chills are in our bones.
You my dear are a wanderer
but you my dear are home.
422 · Mar 2016
Still on a Canvas
Bor ehgit Mar 2016
Subtly our hands grazed one another's skin, like a travelers touch to a map.
416 · Jan 2019
Only for screens and pages
Bor ehgit Jan 2019
From the lips of a frost bitten heart, the sound of self isolation is heard. Never searching to find hands that fit theirs.
Only seeking strangers hearts to fill thier own. Swallowed innocent and still beating with curiosity. Passing along the emptiness, forever leaving the best kinds of love in books and movies.
414 · Dec 2018
Jonas and his time machine
Bor ehgit Dec 2018
Theres an old cabin at the edge of the ocean, where salt and the summer sun are trapped in it's aging wood. Small peices of the past still linger within it's walls. Like ripples leading us through worm holes, and back into thier arms. The scent of purfume softly misted within the passing breeze, will feel like its stopped the world around you.

As you close your eyes in the moment, you could still feel the sensation of their warm lips grazing yours. The unforgettable feeling of thier body heat dancing around you. The oils from the fingertips, pressed firmly against your jaw line.

Thier essence slowly fading, but never quite gone.
Bor ehgit Aug 2016
My eye lids are made of lead
As I sort through our memories in bed.
No more dancing down at the lake
Firewood cracking or hissing snakes.
The smell of rain still fresh on the tress
mosquitoes waltzing with the bees.
I remember the locks of your hair
Sliding over your shoulders so bare.
I was in love with the way that it felt
To watch you so in love with yourself.
412 · Feb 2017
Glaxey quest
Bor ehgit Feb 2017
It was only when your skin grazed mine for the first time that I knew, something's burn hotter then stars.
408 · Dec 2017
Bor ehgit Dec 2017
The madness is what drives the creativity. It started the day I began to fall in love with a stranger, while still learning to let go of you.
Bor ehgit Feb 2017
She said I could never fall for anyone,
especially you.
Falling means eventually you will find the bottom,
and me dear,
I'd rather be flying.
405 · Nov 2015
Bor ehgit Nov 2015
Darling you are so rough around the edges and yet your skin is as soft as dandelion pedals.
403 · Jun 2016
The steps we take
Bor ehgit Jun 2016
I watched you as you slept, surrounded by the comfort of familiar walls. I kissed your cheek as an early goodbye, one that only I knew was nearing. I thought about that happiness you'd find, and the harsh reality that was waiting patiently for me. Your eyes lit up when you first made his acquaintance and you smiled like you used to for me. That feeling that you were sure I stole, slowly flowed back through your heart and years of black and white were suddenly now in color. You saw me for who I was, no one special at all. Someone that could easily be forgotten, if remembered at all. However, you dear are not simple to erase.
400 · Oct 2015
Between the leafs
Bor ehgit Oct 2015
It took Octobers chill to send you back through my bones. What a strangely pleasing gesture, it seems all of time is just simply stuck in different places.
396 · Jan 2017
The Circle Game
Bor ehgit Jan 2017
I wonder if your safe in your skin, or at night you still allow me to crawl back in.
395 · Dec 2015
Bor ehgit Dec 2015
I wish to be that one constellation of freckles on your body that only you know about.
395 · May 2016
From the ashes
Bor ehgit May 2016
There are waves within this lake that hold memories, in its depths the feeling of your hands still remain. I've spent plenty of days on the verge of drowning for a graze of your fingertips. I'm almost sure your still here darling. Somethings happen once and others occur a million times, I'm still trying to convince myself you may exist in someone else. Something is never truly gone until you decide to stop looking for it.
394 · Oct 2016
Time stamp
Bor ehgit Oct 2016
Weak, bitter, and broken bones.
Turn to butterflies, once they shed their skin.
Time can exist inside you, but that to shall become a lush of greenery. Life is ever expanding, and death is but a pinprick on your time stamp.
394 · May 2016
Bor ehgit May 2016
If the sky did ever fall my dear, it wouldn't spare but a moment for goodbyes. This is why you never heard me leave.
393 · Mar 2017
Bor ehgit Mar 2017
They never told us that letting someone go meant losing those pieces of yourself forever.
392 · Apr 2017
Bor ehgit Apr 2017
She dances as the sun creeps from behind the sea, a ghostly sequence follows each movement. I know I'll never forget her smiling face.
383 · Oct 2015
A simple and perfect love.
Bor ehgit Oct 2015
I'm tired of thinking what if, ever think maybe we DID make the right choice. Maybe I am as happy as I will ever be and maybe I just haven't allowed myself to accept that. I'm constantly battling the perfect images from the big screen and trying to recite lines from the most romantic of poetry. The truth is it's simple and I see that now. I love her and she loves me. No need to try and be people we aren't, we are regular people and that's perfectly fine. Our kind of love tends to slip through the cracks or be brushed aside. Personally I think that's the best kind of love, the kind that is only meant for two people. A love that lives through you and dies with you. Something that truly is one of a kind and something that will never be mimicked. Your friends and family may never understand or accept the things you do but who really cares. It's your life and it's my life so why not live it for us and do the things that make us happy. Babe if your reading this you truly are the best part of everything for me. I couldn't imagine dreaming of you any longer, I'm glad I found you.
382 · Jun 2018
A wandering of self.
Bor ehgit Jun 2018
I still pause,
before I speak your name.
As I steal another's breath.
In my dreams I'm still in love with you.
So at times you catch me when I'm awake.
I imagine galxies colliding,
if again I could look into your eyes.
Know my skin is still white,
From where your hands were gripping.
You sense that I'm still lost,
Somewhere between our sheets.
Twirling forever,
To the melodies of your breathing,
and to the twitching of your knees.
I would lay down for this battle,
you've already won my dear.
Hours and hours spent watching your ghost, dance over aging hard wood floors.
Rain taps steadily against the windowsill,
keeping one ear with the moment,
Knowing I can't lose myself in you.
382 · Jun 2018
Growing a garden.
Bor ehgit Jun 2018
So I hear,
You've finally settled in.
You've let your hair down,
And I hear your pregnant now.
The road has opened up,
Giving you breathing space.
I'm sure he melts like me,
Oh that pretty face.
Outside the bird's chirping in,
The early morning sun.
Another beautiful day has come,
Another night is done.

But now you don't know what to do.
Until he looks at you.
Your minds a racing mess,
But the creative type.
You place his hand on your stomach,
You both laugh as the kicks begin.
Your loves a garden dear,
That you've only begun watering.
379 · Jun 2017
Bor ehgit Jun 2017
Although my days are spent accompanied by jet engines. Blue skies and unfamiliar tongues. The distance I put between the two of us never really calms the static. All the mountain ranges, crashing waves, and drunken sunsets still have my head dizzy for you.
378 · Sep 2016
"It Could Be"
Bor ehgit Sep 2016
He chose marriage, as an excuse to keep around the one person he knew he had already lost. You agreed, because you knew the wrecks we'd become if you didn't.
374 · Feb 2016
She'll remain Anonymous
Bor ehgit Feb 2016
In my time of need you always seem to push back and save me. Something beautiful like the clouds contrast against a blue sky. You make me feel infinite, your love is the ocean waves and I'm the grains of sand being pulled from shore to shore. Visible against every ray of sunshine. No amount of distance can ever keep me from you.
370 · Jun 2016
Not too much to speak about
Bor ehgit Jun 2016
I would ask if your ok dear but you don't seem to notice me anymore. Like a fallen leaf in the fall wind you turned on me. Your bright blue eyes and Rosie cheeks just disappeared inside the greenery. I'd be here if you needed to be saved cause there's thousands of songs that still need to be played. You can dance around the hard wood floor, there's nothing dear that I want more. Then my hands on the small of your back and your head resting softly on my neck. I want to know that there's still purpose in this, not just frozen faces in photographs. Remembering scratches down my back or how Badly dear we got off track. I still can't navigate that course, because the compass in my head just spins and every deep breath I still pull you in. I'm accepting things though now, I just need to learn to not speak out loud.
369 · Nov 2015
In my lungs
Bor ehgit Nov 2015
Even if I spent the rest of my life running you'd always be just a breath away.
367 · Jun 2017
The sounds of settling
Bor ehgit Jun 2017
There's things I said to you, I can't get back. All the love you gave me and all the love I lacked. I know his hands are pressing, were mine did too. Are you falling love or just letting him fall for you. I know the seasons changing, snow is falling outside your door. I don't know why I'm always cold when I just ache for warmth. You know my head is stubborn. With all my racing thoughts. I just thought they'd slow dear and now it's all my fault. I know he's thinking of marriage but you still think of me. Coughing from the cigarettes or maybe drowning somewhere at sea.
363 · Jun 2017
My Spector
Bor ehgit Jun 2017
Somewhere along a mountain side covered in a vastness of greenery. I left you, beneath powered blue skies. I sat for hours watching clouds take the shape of your face. I outlined your lips like a map to your front door. You stepped out along your stairs and we talked for hours. We said all the things we never had the chance to. I promised you I wouldn't forget the way you filled my stomach with butterflies and my nights with wrinkled sheets. I promised you that if I'm able to think before I ever left this world, my last thoughts would be of you. Laughing just before you told me you loved me for the first time. Lastly, I explained why I had to leave that day and how it was simply so you could find love. A love like I had for you.
362 · Jul 2016
Empty isle
Bor ehgit Jul 2016
I guess the times are mine now
Since you've forgotten that we've loved
All the long nights
Every conversation
The feelings
Now seem Abandoned
Like all the wilted roses
I left for you
Still laying at our bedside
359 · Oct 2015
The wave
Bor ehgit Oct 2015
I can see you now staring out the window of your high rise, gripping tightly to your morning coffee. Almost frozen in time as your mind plays back memories like an old projector. I'm sure somewhere in that mess of years there's something that still sticks. Like outlining constellations and making the same wish on every star. I always wished that if you fell I'd have a net big enough to capture you. I was only able to admire your essence for a brief amount of time but you are fused into all of me. I hope that I was at least able to leave a small lasting mark on your heart. I'm hopeful that, that the one wish, I repeatedly make will someday come true.
359 · Dec 2016
Bor ehgit Dec 2016
Your body may remain wrapped in his arms, but your thoughts will forever chase my hands.
359 · Mar 2019
Bor ehgit Mar 2019
It's lips of lead, that will be our greatest mistake.
357 · Oct 2015
Bor ehgit Oct 2015
I felt invincible at your side but now I break at every street light.
353 · Aug 2017
It's the mornings
Bor ehgit Aug 2017
I awake in the morning with her eye lashes along my pillow. The heat still lingering where she laid only hours before. I stretch my arms wishing they could land beneath her neck. She warned me that she couldn't stay but I'm not convinced. I see the way she looks at me. The way the shape of my body fills her pupils and all the empty space inside her heart. The way her feet shake right before she falls asleep, almost  eager to fall. I'm so close, I know I am. If only she would stay long enough for warm coffee in bed or to be awaken by gentle lips along her wrist. Some people ache when the sun goes down, for me it's always the mornings.
346 · Jul 2017
Bor ehgit Jul 2017
The flower I placed behind your ear,
is withering dear.
In a way I never hope we do,
I'm only half of myself until I hold you.
You were always the better side,
Steering me clear in the darker nights.

I was skin and bones when I arrived,
But you loved me anyway.
345 · Feb 2018
About 2:34
Bor ehgit Feb 2018
There’s something about the cold air, as it breaks layers down to skin. Warm lips against cold limbs. Tumbling in the blankets, all the dreams scattered about. You’ve got my head above the mountains, Love I’m ever coming down.
345 · Mar 2019
The hidden life raft
Bor ehgit Mar 2019
The words she said then,
Settled somewhere deep at the time.
I find myself now,
Tracing any path to feel them again.
343 · Jul 2016
Once upon a summer
Bor ehgit Jul 2016
I remember your shoulders pinned to the mattress as a summer breeze slid over our bodies. There was no shortage of body heat, we were like two stars in a waltz dancing ever so closely. I remember you whispering in my ear telling me that it felt like nothing else existed. In that moment we were more alive then we'd ever be again, nothing to dilute the love of two young oblivious kids.
338 · Sep 2016
What dreams may come.
Bor ehgit Sep 2016
You have shaken my very core, in your presence I feel my bones realigning. Each to the simple sound of your breathing. I think I fell in love with you years before we met, somewhere in the vastness of dreaming. We were laying beneath a symphony of falling stars, keeping warm by the fire.
337 · Oct 2019
Sandy cheeks
Bor ehgit Oct 2019
A blanket beneath the stars, she laid her head down on my lap.

We spoke about the future, and all things that make us scared. All the creaking of the floor boards and all the love that’s disappeared. I felt something for you that I’d never thought I’d feel, after all the years of *******, I hope that this one is for real.
334 · Feb 2017
Bor ehgit Feb 2017
You are the winter camp fire,
These frozen hands are aching for.
330 · Feb 2017
Untitled A.m.
Bor ehgit Feb 2017
As you sleep beside me, I catch myself trying to match the pattern of your breathing.
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