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131 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
I can hear the thunder,
And I swear it's true,
That out of the whole entire nation,
I'll always choose you.
130 · Aug 2016
I wonder.
Rhiannon Aug 2016
These shackles you have me bound in,
Are rubbing against my skin.
The irritation they are causing,
Reality is setting in.

Never had I thought,
You'd leave me here to die.
Over lust and bad intentions,
Like you never heard my cries.
129 · Oct 2016
Rhiannon Oct 2016
We shared a room at the hotel,
And people heard us giggling,
Mainly because the walls were thin.

We were deliriously tired,
So everything was funny,
Like the way we both smiled,
Just before turning the lights off.

Only to turn them back on again,
Laughing along with insanity.
129 · Oct 2016
Rhiannon Oct 2016
You told me that you liked me,
Then went on to snarl behind my back,
And I never thought you would Strike me,
Until the knife was deep in my back.
126 · Jul 2016
Rhiannon Jul 2016
No one gets it.
No one understands,
That even though I yelled at you,
I just wanted to hold your hand.
126 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
And then you bought me flowers,
So everything was fine,
I thought about you for hours,
Couldn't get you off my mind.

Imagine we were lovers,
Just me and you,
Would we snuggle under covers,
Like most sweethearts do?
123 · Nov 2015
Rhiannon Nov 2015
Now Darling, I never said it would be easy,
Living is a hard and cruel thing,
So if you ever cry believing you're the one who needs to scream,
Fuel that rage and make a song or a poem,
Something else to help you breathe.
Because you can't expect to go through life,
Angry, Angry, Angry.
123 · Nov 2021
Bad intentions.
Rhiannon Nov 2021
Shall I state the obvious?
What you did really hurt,
Left me sat here worrying,
Kicked into the dirt.

My open soul an easy target,
For you to throw your knife,
Your laugh and smile ravaging,
My heart did cry and writhe.

Never thought it would be you,
The one source of my pain,
A wound already scabbed over,
Cut through once again.

****** hands and pearly smiles,
You can't fool everyone you meet,
Karmic cycle in denile,
This is not defeat.

Though you have said wounding words,
Left me bruised and gone astray,
I will not dwell in this disaster,
Collect my things and walk away.

Now I focus on new beginnings,
Gentle touch and warm amends,
You have taught me a valuable lesson,
Some people are not your friends.
123 · Jan 2022
Rhiannon Jan 2022
Adventure is on the horizon,  
It’s daunting but it’s there.  
Step by step we make our journey,
Being honest, open, and fair.  

Leaving our past behind us,  
Lessons learnt but finally done,
Onward towards new beginnings,  
Embracing the warmth of the sun.

A fools dance we do willingly,  
No shame in mistake or stumble,
Feet on the ground, we dust ourselves off,
Remaining courageous and humble.

Wisdom intertwined with new experiences,
We live life day by day
Carry on with foresight and realistic optimism,  
Like a child we continue to play.

Adventure is on the horizon,
It’s daunting but it’s there,
Step by step we make our journey,
With integrity, laughter, and care.
117 · Mar 2021
A tuneless song.
Rhiannon Mar 2021
This song we sing is dissonant,
It's harsh but it's the truth,
Our blundering amazes me,
As obvious as a missing tooth.

I thought our friendship fruitful,
Even on this barren land,
But you then said you were sick of me,
The opposite of what I'd planned.

What used to be harmonious,
A tune that we could both play,
Soon became too jarring,
I didn't know what to say.

I cry because it was beautiful,
A lovely sweet-sounding hum,
Now ruined by the clash of cymbals,
We can't undo what we've done.
109 · Jun 2016
Rhiannon Jun 2016
I know loads of smiling faces,
In many distant places,
But when people ask me to think of them,
I can only think of you.
109 · Apr 2020
Rhiannon Apr 2020
She tried her best to save me,
Had redemption slathered on her tongue,
But I was a goner before she found me,
There was nothing she could have done.
Rhiannon May 2020
You shouted words disastrously,
Sparks flying off your tongue.
But I had no words to serve you,
This burning wasn't fun.

Your viciousness got louder,
As I walked myself away.
I'm not here to feed your anger,
I have nothing left to say.

Your voice it seemed corrosive,
But with no reaction to meet,
I left you wincing awkwardly,
Your bile stinging your feet.
Don't let unreasonable people get to you.
104 · Apr 2020
Steep path ahead.
Rhiannon Apr 2020
There has been many a wanderer on this trek,
endure and survive the only advice we're told.
Most fallen short just before discovery,
Led into the world so bare and cold.

Trudging along heavy footed,
We limp in circles scared and sore,
Our minds, our hearts, our souls embedded,
With a heavy thirst for something more.
#Difficult journey
98 · Oct 2021
Rebuilding boundaries.
Rhiannon Oct 2021
I would like to apologise. Not for being upset, but for reacting rather than pausing and taking a deep breath. I was furious and devastated. A cut throat way to end. Never thought i'd be hurt by someone I called friend. Thank you for everything. For love and the laughs and the pain. You'll always be a part of me. A memory forged into my brain. Maybe one day we'll get back to talking. Admit our faults and carry on. But for now I'm still healing, so I'm distant , cold and gone.
Due to policy changes i'll be taking my heart back.
97 · Apr 2020
Brutal beginnings
Rhiannon Apr 2020
We alternate between the ashes,
Of a father in past tense,
With blood, bone and family clashes,
A wolf pack of a differen't scent.

A hiearchy deformed in nature,
My eye colour confined,
To those who left us a broken hater,
Slaving away to time.

Our fortunes forbidden to show and tell,
You'll find it in a luxury drink,
Thoughts and feelings your mind expels,
So you let the words sink.

A carrier of the family gene,
One we do not accept,
As we mop the floor of the dirt and gore,
Then carry on with all we have left.
#Brutal beginnings #Never give up #Keeping going
95 · Jun 2020
Terminated sentience.
Rhiannon Jun 2020
Something is forming deep within you,
Your genes and blood involved,
Creation immanent upon contact,
A warning bared and foretold.

Sculpted in your image given,
A foreign voice and brand new start,
Painting not yet pondered on,
Worming it's way into your heart.

Sudden action caught in premise,
A mark forever sore,
Tiptoe round this crater softly,
Emergence abruptly tore.

Scattered thought leaves you in longing,
A handful of grief stains your skin,
Need to repent left unresolved,
Precaution stretched thin.

Ambivalence wrecks your perception,
Constant here and there,
To focus on 'What if' and 'Could've been',
Dwelling hardly seems fair.

Something was taken from deep within you,
Your genes and blood involved,
Creation destroyed upon contact,
A fortune left untold.
95 · Apr 2020
Rhiannon Apr 2020
We formed forces impatiently,
the sharp hiss and sting of pain,
you asked, "Are you ok?" quietly,
I nodded my head in vain.

The lights were on and we were bare,
Our nakedness something new,
Your skin suprisingly soft and fair,
A whisper of history between me and you.

We lost ourselves unsuccessfully,
Thougths too loud in your head,
Afterwards we lay together quietly,
mumbeld words passed along the bed.

The next morning we had breakfast,
Talking over what we'd done,
Smiling at eachother nervously,
Agreed it was just some fun.

But your thoughts they kept on nagging you,
messages of twenty or more,
your denied conquest like a blade threw,
as your feelings sank into the floor.

I'm here to amend the memory,
the weight of your body against mine,
But I can't make myself touch you anymore,
and this feeling is no longer fine.

I'm sorry you think I used you,
You mean so much more you see,
You're the person in my life who,
Sank into sensation with me.
93 · Apr 2020
Rhiannon Apr 2020
This whole thing makes me feel lethargic,
There's nothing more to do.
I've washed up, Fed the cats,
I've even polished my shoes.

I've watched all the series on Netflix,
There's nothing more to see,
Three more weeks of this?
Oh, You've got to be kidding me.
Quarantine is boring
92 · May 2020
Let the storm pass.
Rhiannon May 2020
For vengeance is pointless,
Only strain, blood and tears.
It will not soothe your shaking,
It will not erase your fears.

This anger it is useless,
It will not open doors.
It will not warm you in the cold,
Or eradicate your flaws.

For justice is a differen't thing,
Compared to revenge at any cost.
One will heal you slowly,
The other will drown you in loss.
#Revenge isn't worh it #You were born for more than anger
89 · Oct 2021
Body of water
Rhiannon Oct 2021
My lovely friend she is upset,
And I wish she wouldn't be,
In one slight chance of her happiness,
I'd turn my body into the sea.

If she wanted an adventure,
I'd chart a way for her to follow,
And if she were still unsatisfied,
My happiness I'd let her borrow.

I'd build her a mighty vessel,
Made out of the strongest wood,
Keep her safe from storm and shipwreck,
Her journey fun and good.

If syrans came calling,
Try to lure her upon the shore,
I, myself would take the falling,
A hundred, a thousand times more.

Her I consider a kinship,
The same origin as me,
Now I wonder how many sisters,
Turn themselves into the sea.
79 · Oct 2021
Rhiannon Oct 2021
For anyone that feels unwanted,
or snubbed by their own blood,
I want you to know that you are needed,
Completely and totally loved.

They can say they have their reasons,
Your stomach may twist and churn,
but it's best to leave the past behind you,
and let the ******* burn.
#Let go #You have your own life to live
78 · Apr 2020
Upon a sandy shore.
Rhiannon Apr 2020
There upon a rocky shore,
Stood strong sailors ten or more.
Some had smeared their hair with tar,
All sorts of people from near and far.

A sirens call there could be heard,
But not one person uttered a word.
"Don't dwell on it" they'd all think,
Like trying to ignore a boat about to sink.

Oh, but no man can resist the call,
And those who say they can are no more than fools.
Entrancing music carries you beyond this realm,
No matter how tight you hold onto the helm.

As the last sailor leaves blissfully unaware,
Only the shipwreck and trees can tell us what was there.
Upon a sandy shore seeming so fine,
The sirens call as rich as wine.
#Sailor #Mythology #Sea
67 · Oct 2021
Manifesting warmth
Rhiannon Oct 2021
The universe sculpted you part by part,
Like making gold out of lead,
You've got to start somewhere.

It crafted your brain,
Born your mighty character,
And filled you with fierce intelligence.

Gave you the strength of a goddess,
Powered by the moon,
Showered you in gorgeousness.

Gave you the warmth of a healer,
Bold and brilliant,
One that would make the devil quake in his boots.

Upon first meet I thought you weren't real,
No one so heavenly could exist, surely?
But you are and it amazes me so much I forget how to speak.

I regret that you are the victim of my awkwardness,
Like a bumbling jester trying to entertain a queen,
But I've got to start somewhere.
Rhiannon Jun 2020
I approach you with extreme caution,
Never knowing which way you'll turn.
Sometimes soothing and sweet like honey,
Others harsh and corroding, Acidic burn.

Mocking words you said in scorn,
I catch myself embarrassed again.
Both sides of you split and torn,
Are you my foe or my friend?

At arms length I'll keep my distance,
You can't manipulate me from far away,
Quick, You'll notice within an instance,
Ask me, 'What game I'd like to play'.

I approach you with extreme caution,
A memory here you yelled at me,
Standing back I assess the situation,
Then off I sprint like an animal free.
64 · Oct 2021
Rhiannon Oct 2021
Would you like me to be honest with you?
I think you're out of my league,
Like winning a lottery ticket or guessing at random,
You're something I can't achieve.

But it's not detrimental to my self worth,
I still think i'm fine,
But you're a rocket ship and I'm an aeroplane,
So maybe another time.

— The End —