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Jun 2016 · 265
Rhiannon Jun 2016
My councillor told me I was pretty,
And that would be ok.
If those weren't the words,
She was paid to say.
Jun 2016 · 142
Rhiannon Jun 2016
You snarled with sharp teeth,
And your wounds were bleeding through.
So you drowned yourself in alcohol,
Because that's all you knew.

But now the times are different,
And you want to start again,
So you try to make up for it,
With the ink from your pen.
My Father sends me Birthday cards every year, but I just rip them up.
Jun 2016 · 266
Help me.
Rhiannon Jun 2016
There seems to be a problem,
A problem with humanity,
As it seems we have no sanity left,
Because surviving committed that theft long ago.

People have forgotten how to feel,
We have lost sight of what is real,
And no one is allowed an opinion anymore without repercussions.

It's as though we're in a drought of genuine people,
Humans who feel and talk about what is real.
**** your ideals,
I don't care "What appeals?"
All I care about is surviving,
Surviving on this rotting hell of a planet.
May 2016 · 154
Rhiannon May 2016
I awoke one morning,
And saw the sun was yawning,
So I decided to go back to bed.
May 2016 · 156
You are.
Rhiannon May 2016
And I tell you now you're perfect,
No matter what you do.
You can scream, punch and ignore me,
But I'll always love you.
May 2016 · 353
We can.
Rhiannon May 2016
You were unexpected,
And I like that.

We can sit in comfortable silence,
Not having a word to say.
But it would seem like we had a whole conversation,
Residing around our day.

Our hearts beat in sync,
You're magic to me.
I just hope we don't shrink,
Because you're my perfect cup of tea.
May 2016 · 277
Rhiannon May 2016
She was the one with curly hair,
If you played with fire,
You'd get the demon eyed glare.
May 2016 · 202
Rhiannon May 2016
She and He flirt all the time,
Over the group chat wasting pick up lines.
But what She does not know is He had me first.
I was the main course and she is dessert.
May 2016 · 289
Rhiannon May 2016
I have not got writers block,
It has not lasted for days.
I have not been miserable,
Digging my own grave.

I have idea where I'm going,
So a street I will pave.
My ****** features seem distorted,
Do you think I'm brave?

Facing my own Demons,
When attention is all I crave.
May 2016 · 207
Rhiannon May 2016
These butterflies in my stomach,
They're starting to kick.
These emotions are hard to swim through,
The waters far to foggy and stiflingly deep.
Apr 2016 · 257
Rhiannon Apr 2016
You're hopeless.
Completely utterly lost.
This bizarre abyss of feelings is haunting,
Even your councillor has no idea what you're on about.
Despite this you charge head on,
Armour strong longsword drawn.
Then you shatter into pieces,
As anxiety strokes your face.
Apr 2016 · 197
Rhiannon Apr 2016
You tell me that you love him,
But you don’t even know his name.
You obsess over his nature,
Whilst damaging his delicate frame.

Catastrophes your forte,
And it seems a real shame,
When you love someone so much,
That you bound them in chains.

Haunting every moment,
The plague of you is there.
It’s in the way they speak the way they walk,
Almost like you’re in their hair.

Directing every breath,
You catch their souls bare.
You think that you are loving,
But you’re causing them despair.
Apr 2016 · 258
Rhiannon Apr 2016
Dancing around my empty house,
With knickers on my head,
Thanking God that today,
I actually got out of bed.
Apr 2016 · 224
Rhiannon Apr 2016
Her smiles are bitter sweet,
Because she's not just anyone you'd meet.
Her knowledge of this is so refined,
That you wouldn't dare waste her time.

She's got places to go and people to see,
So why would she stay with you aimlessly?
Whilst she's living the dream you're stuck at home,
Listening to the ramble of a hypocrite down the phone.

Remember two peoples life's are different things,
So don't cling to them like hook and loop fastening,
Live your life explore the world!
Because it's much better than waiting for her to return.
Apr 2016 · 312
Rhiannon Apr 2016
And then you told your Mother,
That you wanted to quite,
But she wouldn't accept it, no.
Perfect you must fit.

You're crying and your sister,
Tells you you're ok.
So you smile like she told you to,
As your inside decays.
Apr 2016 · 296
Rhiannon Apr 2016
Should I be happy she's in love?
When he left me on a full moon and took all his stuff.

My friend boasts and gloats that she's happy,
Does she not have the slightest sympathy?
It's like she's saying "He left you for me look how happy we can be".

So I just stand back and stare,
The salt she rubs into my wound lingering everywhere.
Apr 2016 · 213
Rhiannon Apr 2016
This house will always be messy,
There's no denying that.
Be careful the socks might bite you,
And no I didn't mean the cat.
Apr 2016 · 240
Rhiannon Apr 2016
You're now a part of the grey.
Here's your certificate to state;
That you'll slowly decay.

Everything will seem fine,
But as soon as you get home,
You'll lock yourself away,
And destroy your phone.

Your hands will go numb,
Your voice will become weak.
You will not speak to anyone,
In almost three weeks.

Solitude will eat you,
Gnaw at your bones.
People will assume you're fine,
But it's not their life to suppose.
Apr 2016 · 202
Fed up.
Rhiannon Apr 2016
When everything is numb,
And you can't comprehend,
The difference between your worst enemies and your best friend.
Apr 2016 · 183
Rhiannon Apr 2016
You have served me well,
You have made me a better human,
You have made me a better me.

You corrected my wrongs,
Picked me up when I fell down,
You shunned people for laughing at me when I hit the ground.

You've comforted me with hugs,
Given me sweet kisses.
You've loved me and granted my wishes.

Although I've used you all my life,
For some good and some bad,
But it's always been honest it's never been a lie.

Then the one time I lied to you,
You wiped my tears away as I cried.

You've never caused me heartache because you've always been you,
I just hope you love me as much as I've always loved you.
Apr 2016 · 175
Rhiannon Apr 2016
She's always been beautiful,
Beautiful to the eyes.
But these poor boys have no idea,
What horrors lie inside.
Apr 2016 · 409
Rhiannon Apr 2016
This unimportant information,
That you seem spread.
You're just like a duck,
Constantly quacking for bread.

You seem to think you're lovely,
But that doesn't seem true.
When I hear the lies you spread,
And all the evil you do.

Other people life's are not your business,
So I think it's best you say nout.
Because your serpent like tongue is causing problems,
So sort yourself out.
Mar 2016 · 341
Rhiannon Mar 2016
She doesn't read my poetry,
And throws away my stuff.
She cannot stand my music,
I think I breathe too much.

The bile I stutter from my tongue,
Is nothing compared to hers.
She's a wasp and I am stung,
But she's only using her words.

The selfishness she commandeers,
It does nothing but hurt me so.
As she cuts her skin destroying herself,
She only let's me know.
Mar 2016 · 238
Rhiannon Mar 2016
You smiled so sweetly,
With your fingers crossed behind your back.
The vows you spat lies of a serpent,
Nothing more, Nothing less.

You were so tangled up in yourself,
You forgot to care for others.
I detest your family name,
So thank God I have no brothers.

As you gulped down your poisonous wine.
I'd never thought you'd been so mean,
But you wandered off as if we were fine.
Blocking out our screams.

I find it remarkable you know my name,
As I am the last one.
So tell me Father would it have been the same,
If I were born a son?
Mar 2016 · 201
Rhiannon Mar 2016
What is "Romance?"
Because to be honest I'm not quite sure.
Is it the shape of the clouds?
Or something a little bit more?

I've done some research,
But all I have found,
Is that love starts to kick you,
Once you fall down.

"A triumph of wit and virtue".
That's just a lie,
Because I've broken my wings,
So how can I fly?
Mar 2016 · 251
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I burnt the letter I was meant to send,
Because I realised you're not even my friend.
I conducted these emotions,
Out of heartbreak and bones.
Conflicting in my head,
"I suppose", "I suppose".

Your blunt replies for messages,
Where nothing but a cry.
Over a girl who used you,
Then made you wonder "why?"

So I wrote her name in an envelope too,
Then put it on the fire alongside you.
I smirked for a while,
In that heart breaking style.
As you burned, As you burned, As you burned.
Mar 2016 · 288
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I will not confine myself anymore.
There are far too many people here,
And this box is getting crowded.

There are shadows of people I knew,
Reserved spaces for people I will meet,
But I have barely got any room left.

Don't you dare try to control me.
I survive for me and me alone,
I happily live in my box.

But there is no more room!
How can I breathe in a crowded box?
Self doubt is crippling me.

And before I know it,
I am trapped inside myself.
Mar 2016 · 297
Rhiannon Mar 2016
That's irrelevant.
You caused this war,
You, Your money,
And fat ******* *****.
Mar 2016 · 254
Think about it.
Rhiannon Mar 2016
Six brutal stabbings,
All to the chest.
One, two and three caused a lot of suffering,
But I can't feel the rest.

My fingertips are tingling,
My throat parched and sore.
Corresponding with the stab wounds,
A pile of blood lies on the floor.

My skin is bruised and tortured,
My mind it aches with questions.
I would've put on an armour chest,
If I had known your intentions.

The way your fingers so easily intertwined with mine,
I thought that you loved me?
I thought we were fine!?
But then on your lies you choked.
Mar 2016 · 166
Rhiannon Mar 2016
The clocks ticking away seconds of my life,
So what do I do with this knife in my hand?
I don’t know whether this was planned,
Is my life contained in a can?

My liver is screaming for me to stop,
My skin is rough and of no good.
Everything here is misunderstood.

You have to learn!
That’s just the way it is!
Well, I'm sorry if I offend you,
But I couldn't give a **** anymore.
Mar 2016 · 278
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I swam across an ocean,
To save your drowning body.
I revived you on the beach,
Your clothes wet and soggy.
Never had I imaged,
As soon as you opened your eyes,
That you'd thank somebody else.
Oh, What a surprise.
Mar 2016 · 169
Rhiannon Mar 2016
Forever the lone wolf in love.
You cannot change an independent woman's way of living,
But sometimes these walls I've built close in.
Crushing me under the weight,
The weight of my self-induced loneliness.
Mar 2016 · 182
Rhiannon Mar 2016
Stop freaking out,
People have to come to terms with these things.
One breath can calm you down,
Just breathe.
No one's restricting your windpipe.
Mar 2016 · 166
Rhiannon Mar 2016
Friends is a term I tend to abuse,
Better bring out your dead,
This isn't old news.
With their slippery palms,
Finding a new heart,
To sink their nails into.
Mar 2016 · 453
I don't.
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I don't wear make up,
Because I've never wanted to.
I cannot walk in high heels,
Preferring my flat shoes.

You can keep your skinny jeans,
I'll have my lumberjacks on.
And I'd rather go play rugby,
Then to a stupid prom.

Whilst you're out there chasing boys,
I'm sat back reading books.
And you're crying over their rejection,
Well, I'm lost in the hook.

Call me "Frigid" if you must,
It's I just really couldn't care.
Whilst these boys do not control me,
They're driving you to despair.
Mar 2016 · 193
Rhiannon Mar 2016
All these insignificant rambles,
They seem to come out in loops.
I've got thousands of ideas on scruffy paper,
Just incase you want some proof.

This book I'm writing has no reason,
It's not even the depressive season,
But these rambles always swarm back.
Mar 2016 · 909
Rhiannon Mar 2016
I would like to buy a house,
A house built up on Mars.
So you and I could laze about,
Just looking up at the stars.

And we'd talk about stupid things,
We'd just ramble and ramble on.
Until our voices get hoarse,
And we can see it's almost dawn.

We'd make friends with the Martians,
And play football in the sky.
We'd live our life's obliviously happy,
With no humans to ask "why?"

My love we've found a place of home.
A home where we can be,
Ourselves and ourselves alone,
Smiling Infinitely.
Mar 2016 · 433
Rhiannon Mar 2016
You're cutting off all my oxygen,
With your hand around my neck,
My eyes are going bloodshot,
The tighter your grip gets.

I would listen to your story,
Agree now and again,
But you don't seem to realise,
I killed my dearest friend.

Changed her into everything,
I wanted her to be,
Then put a bullet through her head,
Upon the count of three.

You think of me as average,
The way I've always been,
That's only because I pray to God,
To keep my soul clean.

And I know I am being morbid,
Trying far too hard,
But I still own a piece of her heart,
Kept in a glass jar.

One day the heart will grow moudly,
Then loose it's rhythm and beat,
But hopefully That will be the day,
I no longer have to breathe.
Feb 2016 · 186
Rhiannon Feb 2016
A true survivor,
These rivers are deep.
"Beware of the sinking mud."
A sign covered and decayed with dust.
I'm up to the knees in troubles,
As the mud sinks into my pores.
Feb 2016 · 225
Rhiannon Feb 2016
They travel in packs,
The ring leader the main culprit.
These "lovely girls" with their scowling eyes,
Their latest victim unaware.
Their claws are sharp,
Voices vile,
Seems that being a ***** is truly in style.
Feb 2016 · 146
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Just underneath the screaming,
Whispers gently caress your ears.
They tell you all the secrets,
The ones that are important,
Rather then the screaming ones,
Who tell you what your eager ears want to hear.

You want to hear the gossip,
Everything that appears.
Why are you so content on listening to the screaming?
When the whispers are the beautiful ones.
Shut your lips and focus on hearing,
Listen to the silence that sings exquisitely.
Feb 2016 · 228
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Give me some time,
I need to understand.
Is it my heart that you want?
Or just for people to see you holding my hand?
I told you not to rush,
These things take time.
But you simply grinned,
Saying you were mine.
Feb 2016 · 183
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Of course you're right.
Why wouldn't you be?
You've always been the smart one,
Out of us three.

It's a shame about the arrogance,
You'd be better without it.
It's not your fault,
The bad traits come from Dads side.

But lately you're making me panic.
It's always been about your pride,
And any time I question it,
You scream, Shout then start to cry,
And I just cant handle it.

You're damaged beyond belief.
I know that's not nice to say,
But I feel as if you use me,
To bully and lead astray.

I'll put up with it for now,
But one day I'll finally snap,
And then I will find my way out,
Of your demented and cruel trap.
Feb 2016 · 161
Tell me.
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Tell it was a lie,
The way your lips shut,
On the fourth of July.

The way your skin went cold,
And your laughter ceased,
Then my heartbeat and anxiety seemed to increase.

The way the weekend before,
We went to that shop,
And how I desperately wanted to see you before your heart stopped.

Tell me it's a lie,
Where I am now,
Because I've walked on cliff edges,
Hoping to jump,
Then hoped to drown when the waves get rough.
Feb 2016 · 154
Rhiannon Feb 2016
You regret the past,
But it will never last,
When you bruise her skin.

And I can foresee a war,
Like none before,
So Darlin' please don't let him in.
Feb 2016 · 271
Rhiannon Feb 2016
It’s unresponsive,
You will not hug me back,
You’re sarcastic when I question what you say.
How can I be loved?
When will you understand?
I am related to you by blood,
You love your family,
But it doesn't mean you have to like them.
Feb 2016 · 203
I'll have to.
Rhiannon Feb 2016
Let me be the outcast,
Change me into something new,
Because I swear there’s not enough of me,
To make up all of you you.
Control my mind and eyes,
Even My sense of style,
For a while change my impression,
Make me seem all the more,
Important and mature,
But as I am only sixteen I will stay,
I’ll have to wait for that day.
Jan 2016 · 182
Rhiannon Jan 2016
With my bones I made a shield,
With my tongue I made a knife,
With my finger I made a prosecutor,
With my hand I made a friend.

But my heart I have yet to mend.
Jan 2016 · 177
Rhiannon Jan 2016
I don't understand,
How can I be eating a full meal,
And someone in another country be starving?
How can half this planet be obese?
And the other half strive to survive on a few grains of rice?
Where's the humanity?
Where's the sanity?
I want to go and help,
But  I am just too  young,
So when I am older and I'm bolder,
I am going to help.
I am going to strive with them,
Survive with them,
And maybe... Just maybe,
The world would be a fairer place.
Jan 2016 · 161
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Don't try to play tricks on love,
Love knows all the tricks of the trade,
The trading of people's hearts.
Love begins with the emotions,
Then the physical reactions start.
Love takes the lungs,
The smile upon your lips,
The tremor in your hand.

Love reaches the eyes,
It can cause people to despise.
People do fatal things,
In the name of love.
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