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Jan 2016 · 206
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Famous people with their famous faces,
Famous laughs and famous disgraces.
Famous people with famous lungs,
Famous eyes and famous tongues.
Famous people and their famous opinions.
Famous people inspiring millions.
Famous hearts and famous hands,
Famous people I'll never understand.
Jan 2016 · 184
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Patiently waiting for you,
Time ticking by.
I can feel the sunlight,
Rays straight up my spine.
Caressing my neck,
Enlightening my eyes.
Jan 2016 · 195
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Dancing in the moonlight,
Singing a happy hymn.
I can't wait to show the world,
All the joy you bring.
Your smile brightens my darkest days,
Rays of sunlight erase the doubt,
Surely this is what life's all about?

When your hand accidentally brushes past mine,
That leaves my entire world in a twine,
As my eyes go wide and light up in surprise,
While a blush creeps up my cheeks.

I know I have nothing to fear as long as you're near,
because you'd wipe away all the tears,
That could stain my skin.
Making me want to sing,
In the moonlight,
A happy hymn.
Jan 2016 · 254
Rhiannon Jan 2016
There, There we go, yes there.
The girl with the pretty dress and flowers in her hair.
There, There we go, Yes there,
The student bored sitting in a chair.
There, There we go, Yes there,
The love that came out of nowhere.
There, There we go, Yes there,
The boy with the heart beyond repair.
There, There we go, Yes there,
The girl without a crippling care.
Jan 2016 · 208
Rhiannon Jan 2016
When your head is heavy,
Your heartbeat gradually calming down.
As your eyelids slowly drop shut,
Your breath steady with the rise and fall of your chest.

Your bed is comfort,
Relaxing asleep,
Nothing can harm you,
As you count sheep.

One, Two, Three, Four,
You can't get to five before your mind is absorbed.
Up in the clouds,
Away with the fairies.

But then things start to turn scary.
With the flutter of your eyelids,
Tremor of your hands,
You're awake now,
The one thing you can't stand.

Then all you hear are the monsters whisper in your ear,
"You're awake, You're awake, You're awake."
Jan 2016 · 665
Rhiannon Jan 2016
I waited for you,
Your picture in a silver lockett,
That I wear heavy against my chest.

I bought you flowers on Christmas eve,
And the rain that poored ceased,
Then the sun came out to play.

I wrote you a poem,
One that you could not read,
But I swear I felt your gaze.

Then as I cracked a joke,
Smilling at your headstone,
I saw your famous grin,
As you asked,
"Why are you waiting? I've been with you the whole time."
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
The games we play
Rhiannon Jan 2016
Want to play a game?
You know that one where,
The first person to break a heart wins.

The one where our anxiety is so bad,
We think that if we stay in bed all day,
That'll wash our problems away.

The one where the crippling pressure that still lingers from school,
Is killing you in college,
And you don't know how to tell anyone.

Want to play a game?
You know that one where,
We place a gun to our heads,
Count to three... then press the trigger.
Dec 2015 · 176
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Alone, Alone.
She said it would be temporary,
As her heart swelled and bled.
Like a cold it will be horrible,
You'll loose sleep,
But it will only be temporary.
It can only be temporary,
Dec 2015 · 224
He said
Rhiannon Dec 2015
He told me that he loved me,
And I believed his lie.
Then every time he kissed me,
I felt a part of my heart die.
Trapped to a land corrupt,
He had me bound in chains.
Why did I believe you,
When you said you changed?
Dec 2015 · 259
Certain doom
Rhiannon Dec 2015
It’s not that I don’t love you,
I love you far too much.
It’s just that I fear,
Darling we may lose touch.
Your heart is beautiful.
My gosh you make me swoon,
But most love stories are tragic,
And lead to certain doom.
Dec 2015 · 352
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Then I saw your skeleton,
And everything was clear.
You'd never loved me,
Like you said you did for a year.
So on with my journey,
I may never find the one.
But at least I can try to get there,
Having my share of fun.
Dec 2015 · 465
Rhiannon Dec 2015
I want to hide.
Hide from it all.
No more computers, No more people.
I want to be all alone,
Just thinking.
This world can be a beautiful place,
But we decide to focus on the bad.
So I want to hide, hide, hide.
Dec 2015 · 418
Rhiannon Dec 2015
The one thing I need that that avoids me.
My body is telling me I must rest now,
But my mind is saying "No."
There's so much to think about,
So much to remember,
So many hearts to mourn over.
Sleep that one word that hates me,
Because I'm friends with his enemy.
They call her "Insomnia."
Dec 2015 · 212
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Tell me the truth,
Just the reason you left.
Because I've never been sure,
I've heard you committed adultery,
But how can I know that's true,
I was still in my Mothers womb when you left.
When you ran,
Into the arms of the ***** that  caused this war.
Dec 2015 · 165
Rhiannon Dec 2015
And then from that very moment I knew.
These feelings weren't natural,
They were created and manipulated from your own self pity.
Debated about and figured out.
They have never been natural.
Dec 2015 · 195
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Should I even ask?
Is it that simple?
That everything you think.
Has been affected by people.
Sharp tongues slashing,
Wounds you can't see,
Because I'm absolutely terrified,
Of what people think of me.
Can you hear the screaming?
That's my heart,
All these suppressed emotions,
Are ripping me apart.
Dec 2015 · 222
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Broken, Broken, Broken.
Cursed at the edge.
The bottle smashed on the table,
Sharp half in your hand.
Pointing very stubbornly,
Straight at my heart,
Enforcing love gently,
This is where the killing starts.
Dec 2015 · 280
Rhiannon Dec 2015
I don't feel a thing,
When people say they love me,
Cause I can feel the weight,
Of all the hearts above me.

Slowly bleeding out,
Everyone must know,
I can't feel the cold,
Even when it snows.

My senses are broken,
Pins and needles all the time,
And at this very moment,
I'm finding it hard to rhyme.

I don't understand,
What's going on?
Why do I only write,
Really sad songs?

Now I don't mean to scare you,
But I wouldn't get too close,
Because the last that did,
Couldn't feel the rope around their throat.
Dec 2015 · 329
Rhiannon Dec 2015
You're a good for nothing thief.
A pathogenic liar having a good day,
Your filthy hands taking all I have away,
You smile at me with happiness,
Big grin thumbs up.
You were the only person I ever thought I could trust.
Dec 2015 · 278
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Find something to do.
Write yourself a poem,
Ignore your emotions,
They're not worth knowing.
Try to control your mind,
Try to control your voice,
Look as if in this world you actually have a choice.
Pity me for crying,
Get angry when I yell,
Just get me out ,
Of this earth like hell.
Dec 2015 · 218
Rhiannon Dec 2015
Out of control,
My minds got a voice.
I can't console my memories,
And I haven't got a choice.
This world is not my destiny.
I don't understand,
How can you have me so securely in the palm of your hand?

My pathways are in construction,
I'm lost and it's dark.
So how do you remember the directions leading straight to my heart?

My blood won't clot,
My scars won't heal,
Tell me now do you understand,
Exactly how I feel?
Nov 2015 · 280
Rhiannon Nov 2015
Can I please ask you a question?
My intentions are not bad I promise,
Just a little bolder then they where before.
These pieces of my heart are a jigsaw,
And it seems you've memorised every one.
I know that sometimes you get fed up,
You have enough of me,
No more will to complete my picture.
But Darling I promise,
If you keep persevering I will be complete,
Just find that missing piece.
Then we will eventually,
Fit perfectly.
Nov 2015 · 155
Rhiannon Nov 2015
There was far too little time,
For me to comprehend,
That your time in life,
Was nearly at an end.

Corrupted slowly,
I was always told,
That you would only die,
Once you were old.
Nov 2015 · 135
Rhiannon Nov 2015
Now Darling, I never said it would be easy,
Living is a hard and cruel thing,
So if you ever cry believing you're the one who needs to scream,
Fuel that rage and make a song or a poem,
Something else to help you breathe.
Because you can't expect to go through life,
Angry, Angry, Angry.
Nov 2015 · 471
Shots fired.
Rhiannon Nov 2015
Holding the gun to my head,
I swear I'll press the trigger,
One more minute and I'll be dead,
My body left to rot and wither.
Eyes wet with tears of sorrow,
I've always been a giver.
So will you take the gun from my head?
Or will you **** me quicker?
Nov 2015 · 213
Rhiannon Nov 2015
I can feel it in my bones,
Heavy burdens to carry.
I can taste it on my tongue,
Different cultures to marry.
I can hear it in my ears,
Foreign words being spoken.
I can see it in my eyes,
The land of the dead and broken.
I can smell it through my nose,
The incense stick lighting.
I can sense it in my stomach,
The start of the rioting.
My brain is getting misty,
It's numb and it's quick,
But when the knife cut my throat,
I didn't feel a thing.

— The End —