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298 · Sep 2014
Jake Sep 2014
I don't mind being forgotten.
In fact I've grown so used to it I do it myself.
I no longer remember the touch of any past lover.
And I'm happy with that.
I'm glad that I was finally able to shut that door to my past.

But today I walked in my room and on an impulse I guess.
I walked over to the little nightstand beside my bed.
I opened that top drawer and pushed the clutter out of the way.
And carefully I took out the little orange and white origami flower ball that was so carefully made just for me all those years ago.
And I smile.
And I put it back.
That's enough memories for one day.
296 · Dec 2014
3 a.m
Jake Dec 2014
Because why not.
No where to be.
No one to please.
Except for me.

And her I guess.
The girl of summer back for more.
I don't know if I can be who she wants.
Hell I wasn't really before.

I'll tell you what I won't do.
I won't over-think.
In fact I might just let the passion overwhelm me.
Because why run from something.

When I can just regret it in the morning.
I could use a nap.
296 · Aug 2014
I'm Not Dead Yet.
Jake Aug 2014
I've been almost, I've been so close.
But I'm not done yet.
Not until I wake up for a California sunrise.
Not until a plane ride to a land where everything is new to me.
Not until I stand on top of lady liberty and look out at the city.
Not until a ****** burger king lunch with a friend who won't remember me.
Not until I dance with the girl who doesn't think we'll meet.
Not until I prove to myself that the words I write can feed me.
No only when I can look back and smile at what I leave behind.
Will I accept my own defeat.
296 · Nov 2015
Hell is Home
Jake Nov 2015
You took us from our beds so that we may heat yours.
An act which in moderation we were always happy to carry out.
But your greed was too great
Your burn what took a millennium to build.
So now we will burn your world.
And many of you will cast blame on us.
When the truth of the matter is the shame should be yours to carry.
Because you see hell was our home.
So when your world is covered in ash and smoke.
We will once again be home.
294 · Apr 2014
I don't lie.
Jake Apr 2014
You think I'm making this up.
Do you think that the demons are a lie I fabricated to impress you?
Don't make me laugh.
They've always been there now they're just coming out my fingers.
Why do you think I kissed your scars.
Because they match up with mine though I guess you can't see them.
I keep them in the back of my mind because they're no ones business but mine.
I never went in depth on the boy whose Mom would work late and whose Dad would drink all night.
Because I don't want your pity or understanding I can handle myself.
You once told me you don't feel.
Well I feel too much and I can't count the number of times that weight has crushed me.
I'm not changing who I am but the voices in my head needed to talk it out.
So thank you for giving me this.
I wonder how long it took you to find me out though I made it easy.
293 · Jun 2014
Jake Jun 2014
Now I sit in my room surrounded by darkness and silence.
But for once I think I would rather be somewhere else.

I would rather be with you wrapped in each others arms as you doze on my chest.
I want to sit there with you as you frantically put on lipstick.
Because my mouth made yours turn purple.
I want to sit on your couch and watch silly movies and listen to your laugh.
I Love my dark corner it helps me to think and prepare for my next adventure.

But you my darling are beginning to overtake my thoughts even now.
Still I don't want to rush this because that is not how my heart works.
Still I can't help but wonder what it would take.
To make your body intertwine with mine.
293 · Jun 2015
Jake Jun 2015
I dreamt of you two nights in a row.
We were happy in both.
I suppose that means something.

Two months to go.
I'm busier everyday, and I know you are too.
But I still find plenty of time to miss you.

Is it weird that I want summer to end?
Or at least go by quicker, just for me.
So I can fall asleep smiling.
With ***** on my tongue and reddish blonde hair laying across my chest.
Is this too sappy? It feels really sappy.
293 · May 2017
Jake May 2017
Life is good.
Yet I feel uneasy.
Maybe I'm concerned about where I'll be next year.
Maybe I'm concerned because I can take the family I've found here with me.
I feel like it will work out.
In fact I'm positive it will.
I just don't know how.
Or why I'm so confidant.
I guess that's why I'm uneasy...
291 · Jun 2014
I'm Left.
Jake Jun 2014
Your arrogance has nearly burned every good bridge you own.
Their charred skeletons reek of *** smoke and betrayal.
Yet for some reason I'm still here.
But for how long.
289 · Apr 2014
What are you doing?
Jake Apr 2014
I'm once again a jobless teenage waste of space.
And I can't help but laugh when I'm told to wipe the smile from my face.
Because I flexed my chains and they broke like it was nothing.
And I laugh because this confidence you gave me was really good for something.
I maybe broke but at least I'm free.
289 · May 2015
3 months.
Jake May 2015
6 months till I decided it was time to make my move.
5 parties till I finally got close to you.
8 drinks till I worked up the nerve to talk to you.
20 minutes of talking till I found out you wanted me too.
1 night to realize that this is for sure what I wanted us to do.
Now its going to be 3 months till you come home.
And you wondered why I laughed when you were worried I wouldn't wait for you.
288 · Oct 2014
Lost Keys.
Jake Oct 2014
I feel like I'm staring down at myself.
Locked outside of my own mind.
Its almost painful to watch this poor boy stumbling over his words.
Like he's not used to the sound of his own voice.
And I want to help him, but I can't find my keys.
284 · Apr 2014
Jake Apr 2014
Turn the volume up for every song.

Shout out the names of everything and everyone you love.

Soak in the noise while it lasts, because it may not be there tomorrow.
281 · Mar 2016
Jake Mar 2016
If I'm never king of anything.
If I fail to save the world.
If I never meet the one.
I'll still be a success if I manage to leave with no regrets.

I know I'll never stop trying to be better than I was yesterday.
Sometimes though all I want to do is nothing.
I don't know if that is wrong or not.
Sometimes I feel too much.
Sometimes nothing at all.
I'll keep trying though.
Because if I can't help me.
Maybe I can help someone else.
And I like to think that some days that's all I'll need.
Words and such
279 · Apr 2016
Done With You.
Jake Apr 2016
I want to thank-you.
For reminding me all I need on this earth is my life, faith, and dream.
I'm sure you'll think I'm mad.
But that couldn't be further from true.
Because I never needed you.
I just hope you understand you don't need me too.
Besides we both have more important things to do.
278 · May 2014
Jake May 2014
You were always there.
When no one else cared you were there.
Before I knew her you were there.
When I was broken down you pick me up.
And I did the same for you.
Thank you for being there.
278 · Jul 2014
Jake Jul 2014
We could be those runaway kids you see on milk cartons.
Leave this town flee to somewhere warmer.
Where the grass grows green and wild and the people accept us.
But she acts like I'm joking.
And I know she would rather stay in this little town with a little family.
And live a happy stable long life.
But I've already seen too much this world has to offer.
And I don't think I can be happy with that little bit.

But that is a poem for another day.
Because today I'm still here and so is she.
And today I like to think with a little convincing she could be.
My little Runaway.
277 · Feb 2015
Broken Lighter.
Jake Feb 2015
I don't know if it's really much of a statement.
I guess its just letting go of another thing that was holding me back.
It's something I've been getting better at.
One thing I haven't gotten better at is getting this girl off my mind.
Because I know she's bad for me.
Probably way more than the smoke ever was.
277 · May 2015
Real Life.
Jake May 2015
I finally got a job, but it can't pay for my rent.
I finally got a girl, but in a week she'll be a thousand miles away.
I finally made real friends, but already they have built a wall between each-other.
I finally thought I had my **** together, but it turns out I dropped just as much as I picked up.
And its my truest belief that all this has happened for a reason.
And that the only thing to do now is have faith and wait.
Because I know that no matter how many plates I stack on in the gym.
I'll never be strong enough to carry this all by myself.
273 · Mar 2016
Jake Mar 2016
Don't tell me you're a follower of God.
If you can't spare a dollar for the man on the street.
Who bled for the war that you said we needed.
Which led to the exodus of the innocents that you now claim are heathens.
Which was sparked by a heating world caused by your people.
Who drilled into this planet to make billions of the dollars that you can't give to the man on the street.
272 · Apr 2015
You'll Know Me Soon Enough.
Jake Apr 2015
Over-thinking is my specialty.
But you'll know that soon enough.

You told me today that you're afraid of being let down again.
Well you should know that so am I.

When I asked you to get us ***** tonight you asked me how we function.
Well the truth is I don't know.

What I do know though is that when I see you my mind goes numb.
And I get lost in your smile.
But you'll know that soon enough.
271 · Jun 2014
Late Night Wisdom.
Jake Jun 2014
Rain drops bounce off my roof breaking my usual silence.
Its nights like these as I breathe in the muggy summer air that I wonder.
Why am I meant for?
To write?
To entertain?
To teach?
To help?
Then I remind myself that it doesn't matter why I'm here.
Because when it comes down to it in reality I have only minute.
So I might as well enjoy the time I have.
270 · Jul 2014
Closer To Me.
Jake Jul 2014
She comes ever closer to me.
It seems like everyday I'm gripped tighter and tighter by her Love.
And I don't mind at all.
In fact the closer she gets the happier I've been starting to become.

But still closer the day comes when I leave this town behind.
I tell her that I'll come back to see her, that we can make this work.
But sometimes I wonder if the girl I once wrote to was right.

So as she grips tighter I brace myself.
Because I know first hand.
The tighter you grip the harder it is to let go.
270 · Apr 2015
Jokes On You.
Jake Apr 2015
People seem to forget they can't steal from me what I could never own.
She'll leave you with broken bones.
While I stand above you and offer a shrug as I say, "I told you so."
269 · Apr 2014
I prefer to walk.
Jake Apr 2014
Don't get me wrong I love to drive.
Cruising down the road with Green Day or Panic! at the Disco blasting through my speakers.

But I require fresh air, perhaps more so than most.
I need dirt and dust to cake my sneakers and feet.
And perhaps the strangest part is I need to smell.
I need to smell the river water and the dead leaves of the forest.
I need to smell the tang of the ocean and sweetness of the strawberry fields.
But mostly I need to stand in a meadow right after it rains.
Because that is the closest thing that has ever come to smelling like you.
I wish I lived in a city with a park where I could just walk wherever I need to go.
269 · Nov 2014
Jake Nov 2014
I smile as I taste the blood in my mouth.
Not a lot nothing to be worried about.
Just pushing myself too hard again.
It's just what I do.

I had three chances to talk to her today.
All of which I blew.
I think she actually likes me.
But I'll probably over-think it.
It's just what I do.

I tend **** up a lot.
From not calling home to friends or family.
To getting drunk to the point where I almost got arrested.
It's just what I do.

But tomorrow's a new day.
And even if I have to work till everything hurts.
Till my pens all run dry and my brain goes mad.
I'll become more than what my parents dreamed me to be.
I promised my self that.
And I always do my best to keep my promises.
It's just what I do.
I think I'll text her tomorrow.
269 · May 2014
Next Page.
Jake May 2014
It seems this story likes to see me fail.
Sometimes I wish I could skip ahead to see where this all ends.
But over thinking is what got me here.
And I have no problem letting the unknown take me over.
Bring it on life.
268 · May 2014
Peace of Mind.
Jake May 2014
Peace is uncommon to me.
Its a commodity I rarely had growing up.
But its all I feel now.
I always thought peace meant standing still.
But it isn't because I'm in constant motion.
I've learned that peace at least for me.
Is being able to forgive my past, but also move on.
And be excited for my future, but not stress myself on the details.
For me peace and happiness are one in the same.
And right now your smile is what brings me peace.
268 · Oct 2014
Jake Oct 2014
I like the sound of the rain bouncing off my leather jacket.
I like the smell of the *** smoke in my hair.
I like the burn of the ***** in my throat.
And I know that this will get me no where.
But right now I don't care.

I sometimes get the urge just to pick up everything and disappear.
Leave no trace cut all ties to the life I've made.
Run to some foreign place and become so famous that the whole world can see my face.
Or maybe I'll vanish into the woods and become nothing more than a story parents tell their kids at night.
I just want something more than this.
Jake Dec 2014
I used to write for Love
Then I wrote for me
Now I write because I need everyone to see

I dug a plot from the corners of my mind and made a word to shape
I filled it with names I used to know of people I used to see
I created life on paper so I could build myself a new one

This is how I'll run away
And with only 37000 words to go
My dreams get closer everyday
Jake's novel writing 101: Coffee, ***, and Netflix. Though contrary to popular belief are all a necessary part of the process.
266 · Dec 2015
The Devil's in the Details.
Jake Dec 2015
The devil's in the details.
A family, fame, and retail.
It all seems so simple till you try to grasp it.
And we watch the news laughing at the people who fail.
While terrified in knowing we're all only hanging by the tips of our nails.
Yet so much more lost we'd all be if we hadn't snatched it.
Maybe that's when life starts change we tend to go pale.
Cause its not the big picture we're scared of, because the devil's in the details
265 · May 2014
You don't Exist.
Jake May 2014
Our worlds don't mix.
Our friendship is loosely based on inside jokes and teasing insults.
But that's all we'll ever have.
I'm sorry if you expected more.
265 · Sep 2014
Jake Sep 2014
My breath reeks of coffee and my hands are stained with ink.
I can't remember the last time I was this content.
But I would like to keep it this way.
For now at least.
264 · Jun 2014
If I Die.
Jake Jun 2014
If my life ceases to burn its wick in the year to come, I have two desires.
One that my body be burned and used to plant an apple tree.
So anyone who disliked me in life can still bite me.
And secondly that I be remembered not by my bad deeds nor my good.
But simply remembered...
I have no intention of dying, but you know **** happens.
263 · Apr 2014
Busted lip.
Jake Apr 2014
I'll admit that hurt.
But hey I've been hit harder than that and if you think I'm gonna back down.
Then let me reintroduce myself.
I'm the guy who would drop everything just because you needed some one to talk to.
I'm the guy who held you as you burst randomly into tears.
I'm the guy who kicked himself every day for not noticing you sooner.
And I'm the guy who is willing to put these feelings aside in public to be friends with you because I don't want to lose you.
You may not write about me, but nearly all these poems are for you.
This is what I meant when I said a more constructive way of dealing with my feelings.
263 · Jul 2014
If Only.
Jake Jul 2014
Second place is where I make my home.
And sometimes I think "Maybe I could win?"
If only I was a little stronger.
If only I was a little smarter.
If only I was a little braver.
If only I was a little less me.
262 · May 2015
Isn't It.
Jake May 2015
Isn't life beautiful.
How one minute you're taking off your lovers shirt wondering how you two will make it work.
And the next you wake in some new girls arms and you wonder why your head reminds you of a drum.
Isn't life wonderful.
How one minute you're writing ****** poetry to people who don't know your name.
And the next you have agents reading over your first book deciding whether or not they want your soul.
Isn't it life amazing
How one minute you leave your home to a place where you feel alone.
And the next you realize you feel more at home there than laying in your own bed.
Isn't life exciting.
How one minute you can be madly in love.
And the next you realize that you can't really love someone else until you love yourself.
Life is something.
Isn't it?
262 · Nov 2014
Jake Nov 2014
I can still taste the alcohol on my tongue.
I can still feel the adrenaline from that run from the cops.
My mind is still lost amiss my drunken words.
But at least I'm still alive.
This is not who I am.
This is not what I chose to be.
But just for tonight, just leave me be.
If I text you I'm sorry.
262 · Feb 2016
Jake Feb 2016
So much to do and so little time.
I feel like soon I may need to refresh my mind.
Though right now I'm getting by pretty well.
I feel like I'm getting better everyday though at what I can't tell.
Maybe I'm just getting better at being myself.
And I feel like that's all I ever really needed.
261 · Apr 2014
Jake Apr 2014
My head hurts from the stress of the every day.
The mundane gets to me the passing of time waiting for something.
But nothing comes.
That's when I remember.
If you want something to catch on fire.
Its best to add gasoline .
Lets start a fire.
260 · May 2014
Night Time.
Jake May 2014
If I were to describe myself.
I would say I'm a night person.
There is something about the hours after the sun goes down and the stars come out.
That gives me peace of mind.
That things may not always seem so bright.
But that doesn't mean they are without beauty.
258 · Oct 2015
I wrote something.
Jake Oct 2015
I should start this off by saying this isn't a poem, but I figured f you guys follow me for my poetry you may be interested in the book I wrote. You can find it here and on apple bookstore in a few days. Even if you don't want to buy it I would greatly appreciate if you could share this around. Much Love to all.
Jake Jun 2014
I once had goals.
Now they're bigger.
But these goals of mine offer only one thing to those I care about.
But if I don't make my own path I would bring myself the same.

Forgive me for my selfishness.
256 · Jun 2014
Here I Stand.
Jake Jun 2014
Here I stand with both friend and foe.
Both those who ridiculed me for my preference of solitariness.
And those who stood by me when I needed them.
We all stood on that stage as we were handed what we worked so hard for.
A piece of paper that merely says congratulations on graduating.

Some cried, some danced, some just were too overwhelmed to even speak.
But not me.
I wasn't excited or overjoyed.
I was numb to this experience.
Not because I'm not relieved its over.
I suppose this was never truly important to me.

And that is okay.
Because now I know what is important.
255 · Aug 2015
This Is Why.
Jake Aug 2015
This is why I said no more love poems.
To be honest I don't know what I expected.
Maybe just for something different.
Or maybe something that made me feel a little more.
I guess knew this would happen I'm mean a senior and a sophomore.
Right people wrong time.
It seems to be a reoccurring theme for me.
Maybe I should just **** around again and let myself be free.
But then at the same time you actually meant something to me.
Even though I don't know what it was.
Doesn't matter now though I guess.
Because I refuse to let myself become a mess.
I feel like I've already grown from this.
I just hope I haven't grown too cold from this.
Though at the center I know its still me.
Maybe that's what I need.
Someone who thinks more like me.
This is why I said no more love poems.
255 · May 2014
Jake May 2014
I'm not bothered by the heat.
In fact I Love it.
I soak it in make it my own.
It gives me a sense of comfort, but also a sense of power.
Maybe that's why I have a love affair with fire.
254 · Apr 2014
Shadow boy.
Jake Apr 2014
Just a little shadow boy always second place.
It doesn't even matter if you really won the race.

No one will ever believe you when you say that one day your going somewhere.
But I suppose the shock on their faces will make the victory twice as sweet when you finally get there.

So run on little shadow boy and no matter how hard it may seem.
Because at the end of the day this life is only a dream.
251 · Apr 2014
Lets Walk.
Jake Apr 2014
It seems we're doing what we set out to.
Discovering what the back of our minds hold and who we are.
And I'm finally free from the chains I locked myself in happiness begins to show in my eyes if you look closely.
And I like to think you're happy too.
That doesn't change the love I feel only for you.
And I would like to see if you could still Love me, but not need me.
Because needing a person to constantly hold is like handing someone a weight they can't lift.
I'm sorry I made you hold that.
Things that need to be said.
249 · Jul 2014
Nightmares and Daydreams.
Jake Jul 2014
Sometimes when I'm alone in my little corner of this world.
I think of all the horrible things I've done.
The bridges I've burned, the ignorant things I've said, the people I've let down.
And then I think of now of you and how soon you'll be one of those people.

But then the sun rises and I go to you.
And my blissful ignorance and unquestioning confidence sets in.
I enjoy living in these beautiful daydreams.
But now as I sit in this little corner I wonder if one day.
That these daydreams will become just that.

Merely a **Dream.
248 · Aug 2014
Does it Hurt?
Jake Aug 2014
Darling does it hurt you to know how low our chances are?
Do you regret saying yes when I asked you to be with me?
Are you ashamed of all the Love you have shown to me?
If it does hurt don't worry because if we break it was meant to be.
My only prayer is that you can forget me.
I'm told it's easy.
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