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423 · May 2014
Forgotten Peace.
Jake May 2014
I had almost forgotten that I knew how to be happy alone.
But then again even when no one else is around.
I still have meaningful talks with the voices in my head.
I don't think I'm crazy, but anything is possible.
421 · Mar 2016
Rivers and Tornados
Jake Mar 2016
I take it slow.
I prefer to ride the current.
Drifting along as it ebbs and flows.

Only with you though of course.

Because the rest of my life is more like a tornado.
And I just do my best to to make sense of a mess.
But it was in that storm that I really began to grow.
Jake Oct 2014
My lack of confidence in myself is a weight I feel I'll always carry.
Its not like I don't have courage, but its like watered down whiskey.
It still has the burn, but it takes a minute to hit me.
They say if you work hard enough you can do anything you want to.
But every time that I try something new.
It always has the same outcome, ashes and smoke.
Like my attempts at creating something to be remembered by, are nothing but a ******* joke.
So excuse me if I'm not as confident as I try to appear.
Sometimes I guess I just get lost in my own fear.
That I'll end up like my father with no job and no life.
To be left with nothing, but two kids and a ******* ex-wife.
I once thought love was the reason why I wanted to write.
Now I realize I do it just so I can sleep better at night.
Because pixels and pens gave me a confidence I've never had before.
I might not be ready to make that jump yet, but I'm getting closer that's for sure.
399 · Aug 2014
Hours Out of My League.
Jake Aug 2014
Who even are you?
And more importantly why do I want to know so bad?
I never looked at another girl when I was in a relationship.
But you always made me stare.
Even when I was love drunk, looking at you sobered me up.
And you're so far out of my league.
It's like your NFL and I'm on a couch playing Madden. (what is football?)
Maybe someday you'll give me a chance that I will probably blow.
But I'll give it one hell of a shot.
If you let me.
I like sleeping, it lets me dream.
398 · Apr 2014
Jake Apr 2014
I can't wait to let my life adorn my skin in blood and ink.
They tell me to think about it, to wait until I'm older.
They think that I'll regret it when I'm older and my muscles fail.
But at the rate I'm going I won't make it that far.
And that makes me smile.
393 · Jan 2015
Jake Jan 2015
Is there not something beautiful in the idea of being alone.
I don't mean being lonely because believe me I know.
That's a feeling worse, than broken bones.
No  but there is something about being alone.
Going 80 down a back-road in the middle of the night.
Window cracked, and music full blast.
And you don't really have to worry about tomorrow.
Yeah I would say there can be something beautiful about being alone.
375 · Nov 2015
The Art of Being There.
Jake Nov 2015
To say I'm stressed would be an understatement.
But then again who isn't.
Every person cradles their problems in their hands and their scars on their backs.
Often unaware that the person next to them caring a similar load.
That is not to say anyone's problems mean less than another's.
Just that everyone has them.
And sometimes people need help to carry them.
I have many goals in life, places to see, land to save, pieces to write, and people to Love.
But I will do my best to always be there to help someone carry a load.
Not because I think I'm a saint.
But because I've felt weight that I couldn't bare alone.
374 · Aug 2014
Jake Aug 2014
I've learned so many things in life are temporary.
Hell even life is only temporary.
But right now I don't know whats temporary and what is permanent.
Maybe I'll never know.
But I'm going to keep looking until I find permanent.
And I know I won't find it tomorrow.
But then again I just might.
366 · Dec 2015
4:30 And Feeling It.
Jake Dec 2015
Everything dies.
But in order to die you must be alive.
So as long as air still fills your lungs, be free.
Don't dwell on the rainy days.
Because it can't rain forever.
And if you feel like you're is trapped in a never-ending rainstorm.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Probably not from me though, because god knows I have no idea what I'm doing.
365 · May 2016
When People Ask What I do.
Jake May 2016
I stand at the edge between fire and life.
I'm forced to watch as the fire consumes what little is left.
I'm forced to sit and watch as others add to this fire.
While those same people expect me to put it out.
Thankfully I'm not alone.
But even with all our buckets we barely keep it at bay.
Maybe more people will help when their homes are blown away.
For now though I settle with these few and do our best to keep the fire away.
Jake Apr 2014
You don't.
I've watched you float up from the earth and return to it.
I've read your heart on lined paper and seen your blood in paint.
I've seen you on your best day and your darkest night.
And through it all I've never seen you regret anything.

I regret one thing.
I regret failing you.
You trusted me to never slow down to never become routine.
I ****** up and you still hung on.
You gave me every chance and I didn't notice.
You left and I died watching you go.
But that wasn't me.
And as its screams of death died down I woke up.
Whatever took the life of my passion and my imagination lost its grip.
I can't reverse what it did.
But if you let me I'll prove to you the boy you loved is alive.
I'm really glad I started writing again.
361 · Jan 2015
A Year Ago Today.
Jake Jan 2015
A year ago today it was me and her.
That girl who inadvertently started all of this.
I remember walking down her street talking about Oreo's I think.
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember a few weeks later when she tore my heart from my chest.

I remember a few months later when I finally got over her.
I remember it in a fit of yelling and rage.
I remember being able to see clearly.
I remember I was I happy I think.
I remember rekindling an old flame a few weeks later.

I remember sitting in a field by a pond.
I remember dancing in a kitchen.
I remember saying "I love you"
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember a month or two later when I had to leave her behind.

I remember starting fresh.
I remember hot coffee and long nights.
But I also remember teaching myself to sleep.
I remember the first chapter of my first book.
I remember I was happy I think.
I remember the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I guess today is the day for remembering the year, and looking forward to the next.
I look back and I see pain, and tears, and some minor alcohol abuse.
But I also see joy, and new friends, and the fresh air I so desperately needed.
I ****** up a lot in 2014 and if I had the option to go back and change it.
I would decline.
Because right now I'm happy... At least I think.
Happy new year or some **** like that.
359 · Apr 2014
Stronger than I.
Jake Apr 2014
For hours we talked.
Exchanging jokes and smiles.
And just an overall feeling of joy.
And through it all you knew your mother was still in a hospital bed.
Yet you still can laugh with this lost boy.
You my dear are much stronger than I.
359 · Apr 2014
Down the rabbit hole.
Jake Apr 2014
The journey inside my mind is not one to take without caution.
So if you have a weak stomach I suggest you go back the way you came.
Because it only gets more ****** up from here.
352 · Feb 2015
Four Hours.
Jake Feb 2015
That's all I've ran on today.
But I feel refreshed, and alive.
Last night I was blessed, I was surrounded by people who burned with passion.
I wrote until my mind ached and my eyes refused to look at the screen.
And I fell asleep with a sore back and blood on my hands.
And yet despite my mind and body drained I feel so awake.
Maybe it was just seeing the smile I managed to put on her face.
351 · Jan 2015
Growing Into My Own Shoes.
Jake Jan 2015
I never used to feel comfortable in my own skin.
If I wasn't hating the way I looked in the mirror, then I was feeling ashamed of the way I could never manage to speak my mind.

But now when I see my reflection I've learned to smile at what I see.
And when someones trying to shove their hate down my throat, I've learned to spit my own right back in their face.

Blame it on the girl, or blame it on the *****.
It doesn't really matter to me.
I'm just happy that I can finally fill my own shoes.
351 · Apr 2014
Jake Apr 2014
This has always been a subject I have never been good at.
And I've had a lot of time to think lately (which is never good).
About you and me and what we could be.
Of what we will be if you give a chance.

And I've thought about my life where I wanna go and what I wanna do.
I still believe the only person it'll work with is you.
I've considered the others who circle me like vultures waiting for my love to die.

But none are as perfectly imperfect as you.
And I know I will never Love another as much as I Love you.
I like to think you still think of me too and that maybe just maybe you still hold on to a tiny piece of our love.
347 · Oct 2014
Tied In Knots.
Jake Oct 2014
I can bring worlds to life with a pen or keyboard.
I can tell stories that can make people laugh or bring tears to their eyes.
I can stare into the eyes of death and smile.
I know this because I've done all these things.

But why is it that whenever I try to make you notice me.
And I look into those icy blue eyes.
My tongue gets tied in knots.
346 · May 2014
Jake May 2014
I'm known for being the nice guy.
That's who you believe me to be.
But if you want to be with me you have to realize.
That even nicest guys are corrupt in their own ways.
I don't regret my past, but I hope when you discover this you'll still want to be apart of my future.
345 · Sep 2014
Jake Sep 2014
I sat in silence as I watched a man practically get booed of stage.
He only wanted to tell jokes, to make us laugh and be happy.
What did he get for his hard work?

Faces of stone and the occasional awkward chuckle.
Another artist who couldn't appease the peoples desires.

I felt pity, but I guess it was more sympathy.
Because I know what it feels like to stumble over words like they were marbles strewn along the ground.
I bet I would have the same experience as him.
So why do I still want to **stand-up?
342 · Jun 2016
Jake Jun 2016
When the people of this earth are all gone.
The floating rock will still spin on.
Trees will grow where we once laid our streets.
And all the problems I once had.
All the things we thought were good or bad.
Will be just a faint mark on the floating rock.
A single spark lost like all the others in the dark.
And while I believe my soul will be more.
This much I know for sure.
And that's that if I want to be remembered on this floating rock.
Then I should spend my life making it a better rock.
Because while we each only have a little spark.
It just takes one kind spark to light up the dark.
340 · Feb 2015
Till Tomorrow.
Jake Feb 2015
I'll put life off till tomorrow.
When so I can have a better shot at whatever I tried to do today.
Maybe I won't trip over my own feet.
Maybe I'll manage to speak to the next person I meet.

But not everything can be pushed to tomorrow.
But those are the things that'll I start working at late.
And by the time I'm finished it might be tomorrow.

But for right now tomorrow can wait.
339 · Aug 2014
Step Up.
Jake Aug 2014
This is what you wanted.
So stop holding back.
Why do you care what these people think of you?
We both know that you want the real California.
And you'll get there.
But this is where you wanted to start.
*Make it count.
I have arguments with myself  sometimes these are the results.
335 · Jun 2014
Jake Jun 2014
I am the best at making mountains out of mole hills.
I rip my ideas up and start fresh, but in the end nothing works.
Maybe I should follow my friends path and sell pills.
Or maybe rob some poor grocery store clerk.
I bet I could outrun the cops.
Maybe I'll go live on one of those mountains I made.
Jake Apr 2014
It's so close I can almost taste it.
Loud music and sweaty teenage bodies dancing like mad men all around me.
Ocean breezes and late nights sleeping in my car listening to the waves.
Bottle rockets and roman candles the glow of the fire the glint of freedom in my eyes.
Skateboards, ****** cars, generic ***, and bad ****.
And laughing at our parents who think we'll be like them.
I wish you would join me not as a farewell but as a new hello.
Because this is just the beginning and as long as I breathe it will never end.
Because I promised myself I'll never be boring again.
Every day can be worked with as long as we don't waste every night sleeping.
334 · Jun 2015
2 a.m
Jake Jun 2015
Sometimes it takes running shirtless through the rain.
To remind you what living in the moment means.
332 · Apr 2014
Bloody Knuckles.
Jake Apr 2014
I stand in my doorway tears stinging my eyes as I bite them back.
I look around the room it's full of my demons bloodied and bruised.
They stare at me shocked at what I had done and yet they still smile.
Because they know I haven't won that I'll never win.
332 · Apr 2014
Stare down.
Jake Apr 2014
I see my cowardice staring back at me.
"You're gonna back out. You always do.) he says.
Not this time and with that he begins to fade.
I can't help but wonder if he's really gone.
Or if I just can't hear him any more.
I guess we'll see.
331 · Aug 2015
Random Midnight Thoughts.
Jake Aug 2015
From time to time I walk to the rivers edge to think.
Of everywhere I've been.
And all the places I'm going.
Or at least all the places I want to go.
And I stand there and think of how I got there.
How much I've had to grow.
This Summer, this Year, and all the other Years I've been alive.
And I don't really mean growing older.
Even though I guess I have, to a point at least.
I just mean how much I've actually grown.
How I've grown apart from people I once loved only to grow towards people I've just met.
How I've grown into knowing who I am.
How I've grown into my passions.
And as I stand there watching the current go by.
I can't help but wonder how much more I'll grow before I finally say goodbye.
I also think to myself how weird I must look standing on the river bank staring at the water for like twenty minutes.
330 · Dec 2014
Fast Forward.
Jake Dec 2014
This whole year felt like a dream.
It was as if I watched myself grow older from behind a silver screen.
A bad movie with an uncertain ending.
I suppose I can't complain too much though.
I did help write the script.
330 · Apr 2016
Jake Apr 2016
Beautiful interstate.
Hallways to a home I'll soon inherit.
They keep telling me that the only downside to the life I've chosen.
Is constant motion.
Maybe an older wiser me will complain.
But for now I'll keep getting ready.
Because if these roads are my hallways.
Then I can't wait to see the rest of this home.
328 · Jul 2014
Jake Jul 2014
My mind feels enclosed.
It's surrounded by walls that block my pen from its paper.
Perhaps its because I drew them there.
But whenever I draw a wall I always leave a door.
You seem to know how to enter my thoughts.
So next time we embrace would you mind leaving the door open.
So I can let all my thoughts run free.
327 · Dec 2014
Pot Smoke and Pretty Girls.
Jake Dec 2014
I woke up high two days in a row.
My leather still has the faint smell of *** smoke.
Stuck back in this town surrounded by hills dotted with snow.
And I know for sure I'll never miss this place.
I said it everyday this week
As I try to slap myself awake.

I wanted to text her, but I couldn't think of the words to say.
And I could always blame it on the beer or the smoke.
But in reality I know it wouldn't have mattered either way.

But she'll still give me that sarcastic smile when our eyes lock.
And I'll say something to make her laugh.
With my tongue refusing to release the words I feel she wants me to say.
Because my mind is too busy getting lost in those Icy blue eyes.
326 · Apr 2014
Jake Apr 2014
I have made many promises to you.
And though we may never go eat tacos.
I maintain that a piece of me will always Love you.
And honestly I can't wait for us to meet again when we're 21.
But this is about me keeping my last promise to you.
To let you know when I'm moving on.
This probably won't be the last poem meant for you.
Just don't be surprised when they're about someone new.
I hope you actually read this.
314 · Apr 2014
Why am I so tired?
Jake Apr 2014
I guess technically I did stuff today.
Nothing that contributes anything to society.
But I could honestly careless.
Because why give a **** when to most people your just a set of numbers.
If I ever do anything important with my life it will be with the thoughts of those whom I love on my mind.
Even the one who left.
314 · Feb 2016
Hippie Woman.
Jake Feb 2016
You're the kind of person that makes me want to lay around listening to Hendrix and Clapton while we talk about who we want to be.

You make it hard for me to write you poetry.

I  feel like the only way I could tell you what I mean is through the strings of a guitar or on the ivory keys.

Because words aren't enough to make sense of what I see.
It's like two in the morning, I have **** to do, and I don't give a single bother.
313 · Nov 2014
Wander With Me.
Jake Nov 2014
You're eyes make me take a breath every-time they lock with mine.
You make me want to run back to school forget the home I'd leave behind.
So we can help build each others dreams.
On laugh filled dinner dates and old cheap wine.
But until we meet again I'll always remember those eyes icy blue and how they made me feel warm once more
I'm really high right now so I don't even know if this can be thought of as poetry.
313 · Jan 2016
Jake Jan 2016
I act bold to hide how afraid I am.
I act smart to hide how little I know.
I don't want to act anymore.
I don't think I fooled the people who mattered anyway.
311 · Jan 2016
Family Meeting.
Jake Jan 2016
I've discovered what this town was missing for me.
Family who loves me.
Not simply because we were born of same blood.
But because they choose me to love.
And I think I may have finally found that.
Which will make it all the harder when my tail-lights brighten the dust on this town for the last time.
Because I know without a doubt in my mind.
When I'm really gone... Then I'm gone for good.
But maybe; just maybe I've found my reason to make a visit home.
311 · Apr 2014
Don't Pity Me.
Jake Apr 2014
Don't be sad for me because I'm broken because I'm not.
I put myself back together by myself as my friends handed me the pieces.
And when I could stand again they all said it was time to leave.
I thanked them all, but told them no.
Because I wanted to stay not because I have too.
The ones that understood are still with me the rest left in disgust.
But they don't matter the ones who stayed do because they saw the Love.
They still don't know why I wait...I wonder if you do.
Its funny how the people who share my blood were the first to come to save me and the first to leave in disgust because they expected the boy who was asleep not the one who woke up.
309 · Nov 2015
You Could Have Said No.
Jake Nov 2015
This could have been so easy on me.
No need for second guessing or checking myself.
No need to impress what does want to be impressed.
But you gave me maybe.
And I guess that gave me hope.
Because you could have gave me no.
I can deal with maybe.
309 · May 2014
I See You're Broken.
Jake May 2014
I was once like you.
In some ways I still am.
I'm not saying I can fix you.
Only you can do that.
But I'll hand you the pieces if you know where to put the glue.
But only if you trust me to.
Because I remember when I shattered you.
I promise you that I never intended you to have the pain you felt.
But if a second chance means anything.
I think we both have earned one.
309 · Aug 2014
Late Shift.
Jake Aug 2014
I pull the late shift at the business known as unemployment.
It doesn't pay well, but I sure do enjoy it.
Because while I may be broke it gives me time to let my words flow.
And it gives me the chance to go on my late night adventures.
And right now that's all I need from life.
Well that and Arnold Palmer.
307 · Jan 2016
Jake Jan 2016
I quit smoking because I thought it was pushing the people I thought mattered away.
I quit sleeping around because I thought I found people who wouldn't judge me on how often I get laid.

So why do I still feel like I am getting pushed away.
I'm pretty sure it's all in my head.
But in away that scares me more.
305 · May 2017
Jake May 2017
It's been awhile since I've written for me.
It's to the point I don't know how well I recognise the guy who wrote constantly.
A lot has changed...
I fell into love.
Which nearly fell into abuse.
I got a "dream job".
But if I take it I'll be homeless.
I made some great friends.
Who all hate each other.
Through it all I don't know if it's any better than where I was.
It is definitely newer though.
I feel like I've been blessed with opportunity.
And I've never been more terrified.
But nothing great was ever accomplished by someone who was always comfortable.
304 · Mar 2016
Half-way Sober.
Jake Mar 2016
Drugs and alcohol never gave me the buzz I wanted them to.
But I'll keep taking them anyways.
Only because I want to.
I just don't want to feel like in order to play the keys or write out my mind.
Even if it means retraining myself to focus on something else.
Sometimes I wonder if I'd be a drunk like my father if I were anymore blind.
And I guess the answer is yes.
And I think now is the time to wake up from my rest.
Before I start to forget.
304 · Aug 2014
Jake Aug 2014
I think I rediscovered sleep.
It's an odd sensation.
I think I like it though.
I guess getting out of those hills was all I needed.
And although I didn't run very far.
I never want to go back.
In fact I want to see just how far I can run.
303 · Apr 2014
Onward and Upward.
Jake Apr 2014
I'm done burying myself.
I've been done for awhile now.
Now i'm just sitting on the ground on my busted up coffin.
And I wonder how much higher I can go.
Oh would you look at that I'm alive.
300 · Oct 2014
If Looks Could Kill.
Jake Oct 2014
If looks could **** then I would be a murderer.
My eyes used to be filled with hate.
Staring down those who have wronged me.
So many dead in my wake.

But if looks can **** then maybe they could also heal.
Because the way she looked at me reminded me of memory.
That once had to be told to me because I couldn't remember.
If you understand this you may be thinking to hard.
298 · Sep 2014
Jake Sep 2014
I don't mind being forgotten.
In fact I've grown so used to it I do it myself.
I no longer remember the touch of any past lover.
And I'm happy with that.
I'm glad that I was finally able to shut that door to my past.

But today I walked in my room and on an impulse I guess.
I walked over to the little nightstand beside my bed.
I opened that top drawer and pushed the clutter out of the way.
And carefully I took out the little orange and white origami flower ball that was so carefully made just for me all those years ago.
And I smile.
And I put it back.
That's enough memories for one day.
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