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Jake Sep 2015
Life is beautiful even when it breaks your mind.
Unnecessary stress and tired eyes derived from nothing really.
At least nothing that would have lasted.
Then again we tend to care the most for the things that don't last.
Or maybe its just me.
It doesn't matter anymore really.
Nothing but water under the bridge.
Eyes already looking to something new while trying not to distance you.
Because I wouldn't mind if you changed yours.
Or at least if your going to continue to be in my apartment don't act like its weird that I'm here.
What I should be saying though is don't be surprised when someone new arrives.
Because I've had enough waiting this time.
Sort of rambley.
Jake Sep 2015
I wish I could tell you how messed up I feel.
But last time I did that they left permanently.
So I'll just pretend like I don't feel.
And let life go on as if it meant nothing to me.
Maybe I'll get lucky and get a one night stand or two with you.
But if you ever read this just know, I care more than I let you think I do.
Jake Aug 2015
This is why I said no more love poems.
To be honest I don't know what I expected.
Maybe just for something different.
Or maybe something that made me feel a little more.
I guess knew this would happen I'm mean a senior and a sophomore.
Right people wrong time.
It seems to be a reoccurring theme for me.
Maybe I should just **** around again and let myself be free.
But then at the same time you actually meant something to me.
Even though I don't know what it was.
Doesn't matter now though I guess.
Because I refuse to let myself become a mess.
I feel like I've already grown from this.
I just hope I haven't grown too cold from this.
Though at the center I know its still me.
Maybe that's what I need.
Someone who thinks more like me.
This is why I said no more love poems.
Jake Aug 2015
From time to time I walk to the rivers edge to think.
Of everywhere I've been.
And all the places I'm going.
Or at least all the places I want to go.
And I stand there and think of how I got there.
How much I've had to grow.
This Summer, this Year, and all the other Years I've been alive.
And I don't really mean growing older.
Even though I guess I have, to a point at least.
I just mean how much I've actually grown.
How I've grown apart from people I once loved only to grow towards people I've just met.
How I've grown into knowing who I am.
How I've grown into my passions.
And as I stand there watching the current go by.
I can't help but wonder how much more I'll grow before I finally say goodbye.
I also think to myself how weird I must look standing on the river bank staring at the water for like twenty minutes.
Jake Aug 2015
Bones eventually will break.
Skin eventually will tear.
If young love can't learn to stay young then eventually it will die.
But what you believe.
Your passions and dreams.
Only you can decide when they break.
This is what I've learned to believe.
So the next time I breakdown.
Everything I'm building now won't fall with me.
Jake Jul 2015
I'm all out of love poems.
At least for right now.
Though I could talk of an English girl whose heart I had to refuse.
Or the girl with fire hair.
Who in spite of summer heat I managed to stay true.
For right now I'm all out of love poems at least until I see you.
Jake Jul 2015
I've spent the last month of my life teaching children to respect the earth.
I don't know how much truly got through.
What I do know though is that some times it's the smallest seeds that give rise to the greatest trees.
And that gives me hope.
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