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Jake Jun 2015
Lets dance over the phone to different songs.
Lets be drunk criminals and vandalize some condemned house.
Lets forget the fact that you graduate two years before me.
Lets be stupid together.
Because every-time I try to be smart, to think things like this through.
I always end up watching them break.
And I'm not saying we won't.
I'm just saying lets ignore it till we have to.
And then wake up the morning after with no regrets.
Just like the first night we were together.
Jake Jun 2015
Sometimes it takes running shirtless through the rain.
To remind you what living in the moment means.
Jake Jun 2015
I dreamt of you two nights in a row.
We were happy in both.
I suppose that means something.

Two months to go.
I'm busier everyday, and I know you are too.
But I still find plenty of time to miss you.

Is it weird that I want summer to end?
Or at least go by quicker, just for me.
So I can fall asleep smiling.
With ***** on my tongue and reddish blonde hair laying across my chest.
Is this too sappy? It feels really sappy.
Jake May 2015
6 months till I decided it was time to make my move.
5 parties till I finally got close to you.
8 drinks till I worked up the nerve to talk to you.
20 minutes of talking till I found out you wanted me too.
1 night to realize that this is for sure what I wanted us to do.
Now its going to be 3 months till you come home.
And you wondered why I laughed when you were worried I wouldn't wait for you.
Jake May 2015
Isn't life beautiful.
How one minute you're taking off your lovers shirt wondering how you two will make it work.
And the next you wake in some new girls arms and you wonder why your head reminds you of a drum.
Isn't life wonderful.
How one minute you're writing ****** poetry to people who don't know your name.
And the next you have agents reading over your first book deciding whether or not they want your soul.
Isn't it life amazing
How one minute you leave your home to a place where you feel alone.
And the next you realize you feel more at home there than laying in your own bed.
Isn't life exciting.
How one minute you can be madly in love.
And the next you realize that you can't really love someone else until you love yourself.
Life is something.
Isn't it?
Jake May 2015
I finally got a job, but it can't pay for my rent.
I finally got a girl, but in a week she'll be a thousand miles away.
I finally made real friends, but already they have built a wall between each-other.
I finally thought I had my **** together, but it turns out I dropped just as much as I picked up.
And its my truest belief that all this has happened for a reason.
And that the only thing to do now is have faith and wait.
Because I know that no matter how many plates I stack on in the gym.
I'll never be strong enough to carry this all by myself.
Jake May 2015
I almost got shot today.
But now she thinks I'm a rebel.
That still wouldn't have been worth it though.
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