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Jan 2022 · 138
Guadalupe Meza Jan 2022
Another year has flown by and sometimes
Life brings us the worst storms but
Don’t ever feel that your time was wasted for
I can assure you that you have touched many,

Because life is like a sentence,
Each new beginning has a purpose.
Apr 2019 · 190
Does love go away
Guadalupe Meza Apr 2019
Do the feelings of love ever go away?
Some wish for it to disappear
And some wanted it to stay,
But they couldn’t keep each other near.

Those who wish for the pain to leave
Understand what it means to love,
And finding it hard to breathe,
Having feelings escape to the sky above.

Wanting the bond to be strong
But only able to watch it all fall apart,
Feeling like these emotions don’t belong,
And losing a part of your heart.
Haven’t written in a while
Apr 2018 · 244
A little bit about me
Guadalupe Meza Apr 2018
I have always been shy around others.

Life has put many struggles on me,
Its like life wants me to fail but
Kindly making me who I am
Even if it hurts me.

Yes I do have insecurities and
Often they pull me farther down but
Usually I can pull myself back up.
There's a hidden message.
Feb 2018 · 267
Guadalupe Meza Feb 2018
We see a rose and believe it is beautiful just because we were told it was so,
But we fail to see that what actually makes it beautiful is what lies inside.
So make sure that when you judge beauty look at the picture as a whole,
And take care of that beauty because its in danger of all the pain that it can hide.
Feb 2018 · 240
So would I
Guadalupe Meza Feb 2018
Why is it when we do good we get hurt?
We lose hope?
We get a broken heart?
We lose sight of the light and fall in a deep darkness?
We gain scars that will never leave us?

Why is it when people do bad they get everything they desire?
Get fame?
Get love?
Get the key to life?
Get happiness?

I'm good person but sometimes
Its hard to walk the dark valley
Without a good friend with me.

We all need a friend that will never leave us even if the world kicks them around and they lose hope,
The world will never be able to take their kindness away.

These friends are diamonds in the rough.
And they need to be valued and appreciated.
For they will give their life for you.

And so would I.
Feb 2018 · 231
Guadalupe Meza Feb 2018
Words can cut the skin,
It can hurt the body within.
It can cause the body pain.
It can leave the body lame.
It can leave scars on the surface.
Why have pain, what is its purpose?

Silence can cut the mind,
When we can't leave the past behind.
It can cause pain the soul.
It can cause us to hang on a pole.
It has the power to destroy.
It has the power to make a man into a boy.
Silence is the only thing that turns good into bad.

Silence may not sound like a bad thing,
But you never know if that is the last thing you will ever give someone.
Feb 2018 · 255
The heart and soul
Guadalupe Meza Feb 2018
Words hurt the heart
While silence hurts the soul.

The heart can be fixed
While the soul has to be reborn.

The heart looks for happiness
While the soul looks for love.

The heart follow what you can see
While the soul follows what is under the surface.

The heart knows what you want
But the soul knows what you need.
Feb 2018 · 183
Guadalupe Meza Feb 2018
There are two types of pain
You have the external,
And then you have the internal.

Everyone can see the scars
That the external pain leaves
And when we see them we relive
The pain that caused the scar.

But only the carriers of the scar know
The internal damage that it caused.

No-one but ourselves know where to
Find our internal scar
And only we will know how much pain they caused us.
Others will never know the scars
That they leave on others.

The difference between these two
Are that one can be seen on the surface
But the other one can only be found when you dig deep into yourself.
Jan 2018 · 196
The only thing I want
Guadalupe Meza Jan 2018
I search you with the best intentions
But in the end recieve the worst reactions.
All the actions I take are meant to raise you higher
Even if the consequences are dire.

The only thing I want is for you to want me.
I will do anything for you even if it makes me bleed.

In this world we don't always get what we want,
No matter how bad we want it.

So ill just have to keep my pain inside and try to hide my sorrow
From everyone I know.
Jan 2018 · 187
Once in my life
Guadalupe Meza Jan 2018
I know how it feels to have it all
I know how it feels to feel so tall
I know how it feels to be indestructible,
And I know how it feels to be loved.

I know how it feels to lose it all
I know how it feels to be lost
I know how it feels to be lonely
And I know now how the blackest void feels like.

I just want to be able to say that I'm fine,
Without having to hid my feelings behind blinds.
I just want to be able to hold someone,
Without having the fear of them leaving me.

I just want, for once in my life, to have happiness with me,
Without having to sacrifice a piece of me.
Dec 2017 · 192
Guadalupe Meza Dec 2017
The difference between us all
Its a great giant void,
One in which we can fall
And at all costs try to avoid.

And yet through our differences
We find the deepest meaning of each other,
And we come to a complete consensus
That in this void we find love for one another.

It only takes one word,
It only takes one second,
For love to be heard,
And for love to be beckoned.

Give your words meaning
And make every second count.
Jul 2017 · 203
Guadalupe Meza Jul 2017
I feel free but it's all an illusion
Because I'm stuck in this prison
And the walls are too far apart
For me to see them in the dark.

I am free to roam
In this place that is unknown,
But even here I feel so alone.

I have everything I need,
All the air I can breath,
All the food I can eat,
All the water I can drink,
But I still feel empty inside.

I need to find my way out,
But I'm so full of doubt.

And as I walk about this place
I find a piece of paper in a case.
And it says "There is only one way
out, and it's if you find someone that will one day set, not only you free,
but will let you heart soar high.
Till then you will be stuck in this
Prison of what you call depression."

Now I walk endlessly looking for
The one who will open that door.
Jul 2017 · 607
I have to let you go
Guadalupe Meza Jul 2017
I have to let you go
Because even if I hold on
I know my grip is not strong.

I have to let you go
Because the pain I hold
Is more than what you have been told.

I have to let you go
Because we cannot walk on the same road
That can only hold room for one.

I have to let you go
Because you never even wanted
To take hold of me.
I wrote this because it's hard to get over someone but if you express it and tell about it then it becomes a lighter load to bare.
Jun 2017 · 471
Meant for you
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
I know we may not be the same
And it might be hard for someone to see us in the same frame
But you are one of the few people I can call a friend
Because when I told you my problems you taught me how to mend my broken pieces back together
And showed me that I deserved better
And you showed me how to move on
So I was no longer a pawn in her game.
Now it's my turn to do the same
And show you that you deserve it all
And help you tear down the wall
That people have built to block your view
Of everything that is meant for you.
A poem that I will soon be performing.
Jun 2017 · 244
Your house
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
As I work on my house
I come to realize how
Many wires, lights, switches, and bolts
It has on the inside and out.
And so I begin to think,
We are the same.

We can look beautiful on the outside
And be terrible on the inside.
And we can look terrible outside
And be beautiful on the inside.

The size of the house does not matter
If it is not filled with the desire to shelter.

The shape of the house does not matter
If it is built on the perfect foundation of principles.

The color of the house does not matter
If it has the ability to spread light onto the world.

This is your house,
What you fill the house with is what you will have to live with,
Till the day you clean the house
Which will clean your soul.
I was working on my house and just started think and I ended up reflecting on how much I full my mind and soul with useless and painful thoughts and then just kept thinking and wrote this because of it.
Jun 2017 · 299
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
Why do we try to define others?
We try to categorize people
By their looks,
By their intelligence,
By their style,
And by their personality.

We automatically place a person in
A certain category just by one glance,
By just one word,
And by just one action.

Then I ask, why can't we categorize
Ourselves then?
It's because we think that we're special,
That we ourselves can't be defined,
But we are being defined by those,
Around us,
By those we love,
And by those we have yet to meet.

Define but don't categorize.
Speak but listen.
Hear but understand.
See but don't judge.
Fly but don't fall.
Follow but don't ever lose who you are.
Jun 2017 · 222
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
Who am I?
This I know not,
Nor do my family,
Nor my friends.

At every instance I wear a mask.
I wear one with my friends,
With my family,
And I truly believe that I have created one for myself.

Sometimes a mask will break
Which gives me a second to let go,
But also gives me a reason
To just make another.

I don't know if I am real
Or am "I" just another one of my masks.
This I don't know.
I just hope that one day
I have the courage and strength to
Take off my mask.
Jun 2017 · 201
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
People say that the people we are
Around define who we are,
But they don't,
They just add on
A word to our definition.
And we add one to theirs.

Our definition is long because
We see millions of different people
Every day.
They don't have to say a word to us
To affect us they just have to exist.

We can't choose who affects is,
But we can choose how they do.
No definition starts off negative or positive,
But as words are added the meaning changes,
And how we are used does as well.
Till either we are forgotten or over used.

In the end our definition made an
Impact on everyone that
Truly understood who we were.
Jun 2017 · 254
Guadalupe Meza Jun 2017
When you have everything,
Do you really have everything?
To gain something you first
Have to lose something you had.

When you have nothing,
Do you really have nothing?
To lose a piece of the world
You gain a piece of yourself.

What really defines possession?
Is it to have all the control?
Is it to own it all?
Or is it to simply help grow?

We all have something
We have the power to build,
But we also have the power to destroy.
We choose which one we use
Every day.
May 2017 · 225
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
I've been thinking and
Searching for the right time
And for the right words
To tell you how I feel.

But yet I am still confused on how I
Can feel this way so soon.
Is this just me trying to rebound
So I don't have to be hell bound

Can I trust my self to make the correct
Choice that won't hurt you or me?
Am I qualified enough to make that decision?

Sometimes I can feel my emotions burst into flames that turn me into ashes,
And at the same time feel them freeze
The deepest part of my heart and soul.

I need to understand who I really am
So I can have the ability to understand
Who you really are,
And what you really mean to me.
May 2017 · 222
The thing's I think about
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Is there such a thing as unfeelable pain?
Is it possible to hurt in a way that can't be understood?

I feel the pain and search for the scars,
But never find the entry wound
And always feel the agony of the exit wound.

Is it possible to believe only what's being said?
Can I believe in what I cannot see?

I hear and understand everything you say to me,
But find it inconceivablely difficult to trust what is only said and not done,
And even more absurd to dream of a fantasy where you and me are one.

What do you hope for?
Just remember to be careful for what you wish for.

I just want someone like you,
But I don't think you want someone just like me.
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
What's your favorite color?
What do you want to be in life?
What do you like?
Where do you want to go in the future?
What do you like to do?

It feels like if I ask you theses questions
I'm not asking who you are but just the
Illusion you want to portray.

I have yet to find proper questions
To ask you that would help me
See who you are on the inside.

I have yet to find the proper way
To see through the wall you have
Laboured to build for so long.

I have yet to find the path that
Will lead me to you and that
Will allow me and you to become an us.

I have yet to find a way to get
Over the way I have become,
The way that makes it impossible
For me to tell you how you make
Me feel.
May 2017 · 203
The one I love
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
I wait patiently for the one
I can one day call mine.
And be able to give her all my time,
And be able to share my dreams with her,
And be able to laugh with her,
And be able to cry with her,
And be able to be called hers'.

I want her to be proud to call me hers'.
I want her to be proud to say my name.
I want her to be proud for who I am.
I want her to be proud for having the ability to stay with me forever.

How great would it be to never leave each other's side.
How great would it to be to feel each other's love no matter how far apart we are.
How great would it be to dream the same dream.
How great would it be for you and me to be together.

I want to live with the one I love for the rest of my life.
May 2017 · 217
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Why is it so complicated?
You show me your best,
But then you turn around and show me your worst.
I don't mind sudden changes,
Just tell me why.

Why is it so complicated?
When I offer you everything,
You want nothing.
When I have nothing left to give,
You take what I don't have.

Why is it so complicated?
You say one thing,
But then you do the opposite.
When I take a step back,
You want me closer,
But when I follow you,
You want me to disappear.

Why is it so complicated?
Isn't it easier to just make
It all simple?
May 2017 · 219
True definition
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
What does it truly mean to sacrifice?
Is it to give yourself up?
Is it to be someone your not?
Is it to forget yourself and car about others?

Sometimes to give up the thing's we care for,
We have to give up a piece of ourself.
We continue to lose pieces of ourself,
Till we aren't ourselves anymore.

Why do we have to lose ourselves
To please others?
Why can't people just
Accept who we are?

To stay as yourself is the true
Definition of strength.
To stay as yourself is the true
Definition of truth.
To stay as yourself is the true
Definition of you.
May 2017 · 256
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
The thing's I hear
They help grow my fear.
That I will never be there
For the one I hold dear.
How can I live with the fear of never
Being able to have you near, when it's this sever.

I just hope and pray
That we can be together one day.
But that's just a distant dream
I want a little gleam
Of what could have been,
But never will be.

Living in a fantasy
Praying to you for complete amnesty.
Wanting to be free,
But wanting you to be with me.

I can only hope that find
Someone who is just as kind.
May 2017 · 212
Tell me
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
How can you feel something one day,
And then the next day feel nothing?
Can you please help me understand
What is going through your head.

How can you go from "I like you"
To saying nothing at all?
Can you please help me understand
What your feeling.

How can you expect your problems
To fix themselves?
Can you please help me understand
Who you are.

Can you just tell me the truth.
May 2017 · 216
How is it possible
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
How is it possible that
I let you treat me like a mat?
You walk all over me and you have
No regrets in splitting me in halve.

How is it possible that
I can't let you go?
I try to leave you alone
But it seems that I can't be on my own.

How is it possible that
I believe in you more than I do on myself?
I want to see you shine
Even when I'm not doing fine.

How is it possible that
I'm not good enough for you?
Everything I do is for you
And I'm still left out in the blue.

I just want to lie on the green grass
And not hold all the trash
That blocks my view
Of the sky that's so blue.

I just want to start anew.
May 2017 · 264
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Once a burning fire is put out
There is nothing left to block
The view of those there.

Our mind is the same
We have to think up a storm
Just so when we are done
Our mind can become quite.

There is no other way for this
To happen
We have to go insane to
Realize what being sane really means.

But this is a very difficult
Thing to achieve.
It's difficult to achieve
Complete silence.
May 2017 · 734
What have you done to me?
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Can you explain to me
How this came to be?
The questions you tend to ask
Are hard for me to grasp.
You took me by surprise,
And yet I can't realize
Why I was at a loss for words.

I tried to ask you what it meant,
But you said that you were spent
For words and had no idea why.

Now I try to stop thinking about it.
For me to stop thinking is like losing a bit
Of who I was made to be,
And I just can't pay that fee.

What have you done to me?
My mind is being flooded
With thousands of thoughts that
Are trying to consume me but
I try to be strong for you.
May 2017 · 372
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Try to be the light that shines,
But not the light that only shines on the streets,
That only shines when needed,
That only shines when happy.

But try to be the light that shines on the world,
That shines continuously,
That shines in every situation,
That shines with warmth.

Don't be the light that brightens the way,
But be the light that guides the way.
I wrote this when I felt really low and this helped me get back up and continue walking on the right path.
May 2017 · 302
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Sometimes it's good to dream
It's good to dream when
You have no hope,
No safe house,
No peaceful place,
No where to be free.

We dream about many things.
We dream about being alive,
Being the best,
Being noticed,
Being there for the ones we love.

But if we dream to much.
We never stop dreaming,
We forget what's real or what
We make up.
Sometimes it's best to let dreams
Be dreams,
And let reality be it's cruel self,
And just accept our fate
But sometimes our fate awaits us
In our dreams.

Our dreams sometimes makes our
Fate and dreams also have the ability
Ot change our fate,
And give us new meaning,
A meaning only few will understand.
We were all made to dream.
So dream all that your heart
For one day your heart will stop
To desire.
May 2017 · 294
Love and forgiveness
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
We all can love,
And we all can forgive.
These two go hand in hand.
One cannot be without the other.

We love but cannot forgive.
We love someone but once they do us wrong we cannot forgive them.
So, did we truly love them?

We forgive but do not love.
We can forgive the harm that someone had done,
But we no longer love them the same.
So, did we truly forgive them?

To truly love is to truly forgive.
Love opens the door to the heart,
And forgiveness shines the light on the darkness inside.
May 2017 · 317
On the inside
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Why do we feel things we didn't ask for?
Why do we get things we don't want?
Why do we find things we try to avoid?
Why do we hold on to things we should let go?
Why do we love the things that hurt us most?

Why is it so hard to walk away?
Why is is so hard to see reality?
Why is it so hard to let go?
Why is it so hard to find the right path?

I didn't ask for this,
I didn't ask to feel this way.
You said "it would've been fine,"
"It wouldn't change anything."

You left me thinking,
Wondering if I have more feelings,
It's eating me up inside.
I don't want to tell you,
For I fear for whats on the inside.
This poem goes with my other poem "Answers".
Made with help by Shalia
May 2017 · 803
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
Love is something that
No one will be able to understand.
Because sometimes love hurts
So bad you feel like your
Dieing inside.

But love can also feel so good,
As if you can control all
Aspects of life.

But love is so hard to find
Because we don't know what
It truly feels like.

We try to make substitutions
For that feeling.
But in the end it leaves us
farther away from that feeling.

Love can only come once
In a life time.
But sometimes it's so well
Hidden that we can look at it in the face
And let it leave us forever.
Love is a mystery to everyone.
May 2017 · 262
Where would we be
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
If I could be you for a day.
If I could feel what you feel.
If I could think what you think.
If I could only believe what you believe.
Where would I be?

If you could feel what I feel.
If you could think what I think.
If you could believe what I believe.
If you could only be me for a day.
Where would you be?

If you were me and I were you,
Where would we both be?
I wrote this when the girl I love put me through so much confusion.
May 2017 · 354
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
We feel things we don't ask for so we can learn how to stand.
We get what we don't want so we can conform with it.
We find the thing's we avoid because it's what we need.
We hold on to things from fear of losing a part of ourselves.
We love what hurts us because they give something back.

It's hard to walk away because we haven't learned how to crawl.
It's hard to see reality because fantasy is so much better.
It's hard to let go because we are afraid to fall.
It's hard to find the right path because it's always hidden.

To truly find the answer you
Have to look inside yourself first,
Because you can't ask a question
That you can't answer yourself.
This poem goes with my other poem "On the inside"
I wrote this when I was going through a confusing time of life and I just needed to write why is was so hard to do things that should have been easy.
May 2017 · 4.6k
The Real Me
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
There are times where I feel lost,
And even through lenses life's still a blur.
In this life even feelings come at a cost,
Even though there are people who would beg to differ.

Life always pushes us down to the ground
So we can feel the pain,
But it's our job to rebound
And reap our gain.

I say to hell with what they think,
They cannot define me.
I won't be pushed to the brink
Waiting to fall into the deep.

I just want to believe in who I can be
Without leaving the real me.
It's really hard to be the person you should be so I hope this will shine a little light on the dark path.
May 2017 · 321
Guadalupe Meza May 2017
A dream is only a dream
If you don't believe in it.
If you don't believe, it won't be a beam
Of hope, but it will just be a bit
Of dust in a land vastly changing.

If you believe in your dream then it becomes a plan,
And if you take action on your plan it becomes reality.
And in reality you are your only fan,
The only person who will go through insanity
For you and will not complain.

To achieve this you must believe in yourself
And you must be a little selfish and put others on a shelf.
So that no one can stand in your way,
For they will leave you one day.
Seek what your heart desires.

Always believe in yourself
And never let go of what is your.
Once you believe in what you can do, you can achieve anything.

— The End —