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i'm wasting my young years
on a phony from Nordeast
and a lipstick stained cigarette

the night air feels contrived again
as i lay my wrists out in the open for him

do as you please
***** dog, you
take what you will
lashes on the throat

i don't care much for sympathy
empathy and the like
i don't care much for sensitivity

not when the moon's full and i'm ready to pounce

there's beauty in the ****
profound treachery in the wait
Perfume mixed with B.O. fill the air
Bore's me to death, beyond compare
Students separated in groups, depending on their own personalities
The popular crowd, the geeks, and the ones who don't fit into reality

Drama and backstabbers are everywhere you go
Some students stand up to them, some just go with the flow
Waiting patiently for that day of freedom to come
Rule breakers and bad boys pick on the nerds just for fun

Teachers pushing students to far
Trying to lift their heavy weight, over that bar
I don't understand why we have to go to school for thirteen years straight
I just can't wait til I graduate  

You can never trust anyone, even your friends
You never know, if their til the end
Stuck ups and kiss ups, try to follow the rules
Oh, how much I hate high school
He decided to put it off.
To not tell her how he really felt.
He thought it would change things,
And boy did it, but not how he expected....

He thought she would climb mountains and cross rivers to earn his love.
He thought he was too good for her.

When in reality, she was the one to escape when she didn't get what she wanted.

Her instincts told her he was bad news. But like any other adolescent wreck, she desired a bad boy. Her best friend accused her of insanity as she fell for the motorcycle-riding, cigarette-rolling, tattooed rebel. But she simply ignored it.

You had to give him props: he wasn't all bad:
He made her feel special, made her feel wanted. Held her hand in public, took her for romantic rides, listened to her as she spilled her feelings out to him on top of his garage, gazing longingly at the stars.

But as soon as it came down to the three magic words, he let his opportunity slide right by him.

From then on, he played hard to get, not opening up to her as easily, and the signs were clear as crystal to her.

She left him in a heartbeat.

Now he lies alone, yearning for the days when he has someone to hold.
He was afraid to admit he missed her, but missing her was all that he knew to do.

Now riding her very own Harley Davidson, she rides off into the night, forgetting the boy who refused to admit he loved her..
I will never be
The girl I was before.
My demons changed me
Now I'm insecure
I suffer by writing
what I want on my arm.
It starts with a "p";
That word is P E R F E C T
Society's slang word for self harm.

its impossible to write about missing you
when i try search for the right words
all i find is a vast ache that swells
right underneath my solar plexus
as if someone had taken sorrow
and poured it into my soul

wells form between my eyelashes
you looked terribly ill when i saw you last
along with the leaves you withered to the floor
the colour drained from your radiant eyes
your skin pale and lifeless

my nana gave me hopeful words
"stay strong and she will too"
but you didn't stay strong, did you?
and did she? of course not
she tore every inch of herself apart
oceans spilled from her eyes
creating a puddle on the floor
which she drowned herself in

im not angry; im just upset
my great nana died in 2007, she would of been 94 today and it still hurts; i have an english exam tomorrow so i guess writing this was part of my revision anyway
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
you left.
and apparently that left me with more problems than I'd like to admit.
you left.
and my walls are so high that sometimes I don't even know what is happening in my own mind.
you left.
and now I'm terrified. I'm scared. but mostly, I'm sccared.
you left.
and I can't let anyone in. I can't believe anyone would even waste their time having a conversation with me.
you left.
and now everything anyone tells me is a lie.
you left.
and I don't think I will ever be able to fully trust another male again.
you left.
and I wish you didn't take my trust with you. because there are some people that deserve my trust so much more than you do.
you left.
and now I believe everyone else will, too.
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
The ballerina's legs
are broken, still
the music keeps on
Even if you don't love me I'll still walk away with that love instead of not being loved at all,
i will pick myself up when I fall. Put a piece of myself on the very top of the shelf , take myself down when i need different tools like a man goes through his tool box.
I saw butterfly in hell today, it showed me that beauty exists in suffering.
Tomorrow is not promised,
today will not last forever,
so live life like the hour glass will never run out of sand.
The end of time is miles away, an I'm passing cars at 90 miles, I don't plan on slowing down, the road spans for eternity I'm not worried.
I don't want you to save me, I want you to stand next to me while I save myself.
I need your help to pick the liquor counter up, shooting for the moon, reach and grab the stars that are always shining
Comfort the angels that are always crying... no wonder the rain falls over me.
So god bless thee and the land of eve.
If there's food for thought I'm guilty of greed, mama told me to take what I want. I took me!
Even though you don't love me I'll still walk away with that love instead of not being loved at all,  pick up myself up when I fall and save my own life so I can go out and save another.
Nine years passed since the storm hit.

Most days the fishermen stay home,

dreaming of salty catch and broken line.

The children don’t go to school anymore,

for fear of the coming hours.

No one is the same.

Not even the priest, who has visions,

of God’s will and imminent doom.

The postman doesn’t deliver any mail,

he just keeps it for himself in a stack in the corner.

No one seems to mind,

except for the old lady who limps to her mailbox.

She knows nothing’s there, but checks anyway.

The storm passed nine years ago,

but everyone’s still acting strange.

Everyone is looking for an excuse for their lives to change.
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